Avengers Au - Tumblr Posts
Bad Kids as the (MCU) Avengers AU:
Riz as Captain America (Grizzly Old Knight devoted to what is right)
Fabian as Ironman (Daddy issues, rich and arrogant + the Hangman is the suit + Jarvis)
Kristen as Thor (a little out of touch with normal human life, grew up with a very weird mythical destiny)
Gorgug as the Hulk/Beuce Banner (aka the greatest wizard of all time)
Adaine would also make a great Bruce Banner, but we'll give her Black Widow for posessing the single brainzell of this group & for having broken free from her former conditioning and being from a different country (this is far looser, I know).
That leaves Fig as Hawkeye, which only fits in that he wisecracks, was once (at least in fanon) a teenage asshole and hides a lot of his pain under a "I'm fine." demeanor. Also you could draw parallels between Barton being mind controlled by the sceptre and Fig being mind controlled in season 2.
Arthur Aguefort as Nick Fury (but still seriously unhinged)
Sklonda Gukgak as Mariah Hill
Jawbone as Coulson
I know roles wise you could switch Fabian & Riz, or put Riz as Black Widow and Adaine as Banner...
Any other/different takes?
Does anyone ever think about how absolutely horrid it’d be if Tony lost use of his hands? Like even for a while? Cause I do and this is how I imagine it’d happen.
It starts just when New York is starting to look like itself again, just around four months after Loki attacked. He’s still in New York, monitoring everything, listening to Pepper on the phone try to talk down several angry government officials. Why are they even angry? He helped save the world, they should be grateful. The world as a whole has calmed down and America’s nearly back to normal but they’re doing news stories of the battle still. He gets it, the coverage of New York’s recovery sends ratings through the roof for every station still bothering to talk about it. Pepper mentions how he’s responsible for nearly all of the restoration going on to whoever she’s talking to just as they show video from the fight to compare everything to. She reminds whoever it is that he’s a hero as he watches the streets be blasted apart once again. He feels his fingers move but he writes it off as adrenaline, memories causing a physical response.
But they keep shaking.
He makes himself ignore it. Lots of things can just go away if you don’t pay too much attention to it, why not this? It’s not really an issue anyways. The shaking is light, not enough to make him drop anything, and his hands are always moving anyways or tucked in his pockets so it’s not noticeable. But he starts to get antsy in New York. If he flies around he gets uneasy and he avoids the bar and deck of the tower as much as he can, till he’s absolutely dying for a drink. It makes the shaking worse. So he packs up, moves back to Malibu, and it helps. It’s back to being ignorable and he goes on pretending like everything is fine.
Of course everything isn’t fine, its never fine and he really doesn’t know why he pretends it is. The shaking progresses as he ignores it, as the months after the battle drag on. As the nightmares start and he stops going outside for anything other than things he’s labeled as absolutely essential. As he works on more and more suits, thinking up every possible horrible scenario that could ever possibly occur so he can make sure he has a suit or everything. It’s way past his fingers now, so bad in his hands that it makes his arms move too. He’s working on suit after suit and it takes him longer and longer each time because he just. Can’t. Stop. And it feels like betrayal. What good is he if he can’t even put his intelligence to use?
Chapter one: Forest
UD- 24th June 2021

Summary: AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.
Warning! some themes that are triggering to some: VIOLENCE, NON-CON THEMES, DRUGS AND ALCHOL USE, BLOOD.
Translations at the bottom
inner thoughts for the reader are in bold italic
telepathic communication between people are in italic
Word Count 6.4K
Chapter II- crimson : Chapter III-Hiraeth
The silence is too loud.
The music was booming for everyone else, but as she zoned out and watched as he danced with her. The silence became familiar- again. She could feel the bass of the music, the rhythm and how the floor vibrated with every living soul in the room jumping and twisting to the music.
But she stood still, watching- painfully as he dances with her. It was worse enough that he did not know how she felt about him but watching him dance with someone else was what made the tears fall, the heart claw its way out of her chest and break at her feet.
“Hey, (Y/N). I’m going to head out back for a quick smoke.” She nodded numbly as her eyes stained the image in her head of her arms around his shoulders. She jumped slightly when a heavy hand was placed on the side of her arm. “Yes, James. I know, you’re going for a smoke,” she spoke loudly as she turned to face unfamiliar green eyes that sharply stared back. She mustered a tight smile when he mouthed ‘hello’.
“Can I buy you a drink?” She stared at him, confusion running through her mind as she tried to piece together what he said. After a few moments of silence, she gestured to her ears indicating that she could not hear him. That is when he leaned in closer; so close that she felt his nose nudge the top of her ear lobe.
“Can I buy you a drink?” His warm breath sent a flutter in her stomach as his deep voice whispered to her.
Not being able to muster up the courage to speak. She weakly nodded back, stunned that a man like him would offer to buy a woman like her a drink. She blinked once, twice, three times and yet she could not come to terms with the fact that he was holding her hand and leading her towards the bar.
Sliding into the last stool against the bar she tilted her head back a bit to look at the man standing before her. She watched as he leant over to order the two drinks and licked her lips slightly. ‘When were they so dry?’ she asked herself. Reaching into her bag she quickly applied a thin layer of Chapstick to her patchy lips. But a feeling of being watched made her slowed down her motion; looking up she met the curious eyes of wonder-boy in front of her. His green eyes gleamed with humour.
“What?” She quietly mumble, yet he seemed to know what she said. He shook his head slightly before nudging her legs open to stand closer to her.
“You work fast,” his chuckle vibrated throughout her body. Laughing along with him she shook her head in return.
“No, no my lips were just dry. I swear. But you’d know when I’m working.” She blushed slightly at the sudden courage.
The feeling felt foreign but nice.
She tilted her head to the side as she watched the man’s eyes scan over her face. Just her face, not her cleavage that was suffocating in the tight romper that Natasha made her wear. And not her legs, which even she could not deny looked good in the romper, however it was just a little bit too high for her liking. She glanced to the side for a split second, a smirk tugging onto the corner of her lips as she saw the drink Kelly, the bartender, was sliding over.
“Blowjob?” Green eyes grew wide within a second, shock evident in the sparkling orbs.
“My blowjob, can you just reach over and get it please?” She tilted her head, showing green eyes where her drink was sat there waiting. She had to stop herself form blushing as the man’s hands gripped onto her thighs lightly to stabilise himself as he lent back to grab the drink. She drunk in the image of his shirt under stress from the simple motion. She blushed profusely as she gazed upon his nipples that were perking through the material.
A cough interrupted her moment, gazing through her long eyelashes she saw the chocolate and vanilla swirl substance in the shot glass in the man’s hands. Timidly she reached out and grabbed the glass; without a second thought she threw her head back and downed the shot. Vodka and Belgium chocolate mixed with vanilla essence filled her senses. She let out a small moan as the smooth texture slipped down her throat. Cooling her burning throat.
Making eye contact with the emerald eyes; she swiped her tongue around the circumference of the glass, as if mimicking the motion of her tongue when she would be giving the desired lustrous motion.
“Does it taste nice? I think I should get one.” The man’s throat moved as he swallowed deeply, flustered with the gesture he saw in front of him.
Shaking her head, she maintained eye contact with the beauty in front of her; dropping the shot glass onto the bar she reached forward and grabbed the back of the man’s thick neck, drawing closer she glanced at his lips before looking back into his eyes, that had grown a shade darker.
(E/C) eyes stared into a forest so green, she lost herself in its beauty. He followed her the rest of the way and he planted his lips onto her plump ones, his hand coming up to caress her cheek. First it was slow and timid until she gently swiped her tongue onto the bottom of his now swollen lip.
Lips battled together as tongues fought for dominance. The taste of the blowjob was shared between them, causing him to moan at the sweet and bitter taste of the drink.
Moments passed before the two broke apart for air, chests rising and falling heavily, they each sported a goofy smile. He licked his lips, staring at the blushing mess in front of him.
“It tastes nice doesn’t it?” Her voice was husky, a slight rasp to it that she suddenly gained out of nowhere. The man shook his head.
She rose a perfectly arched eyebrow in confusion, slightly disappointed that she did not achieve her goal.
“I only got to taste it a little bit, I think I need to try it again.” A flash of mischief darted across his eyes, soon seen in hers too. She threw her head back laughing, catching the attention of her friends.
Nodding happily, she watched as the man stood from his seat and walked closer between her legs, she was just a few inches shorter than him on the high bar stool, her forehead coming to his eyebrows.
“The names Damien by the way.” She chuckled lowly and quickly pecked his lips.
“(Y/N),” she hummed as they came together, losing themselves in teeth and tongues. They lost themselves in the moment, lost themselves in the feeling that overcame all their senses.
Lost themselves in each other.
(Y/N)’s hand slid down and pressed on Damien’s chest, lightly pushing him away before they both suffocated in their not-so silent adventure of lust.
“I think…” Her words got lost as she gulped; eyes fixated on a bead of sweat that lusciously travelled down his thick neck. “I think we are in a too public place for this?” She tilted her head as her eyes cast over the crowd; although most of them were either too intoxicated or horny to care. She still felt self-conscious. To exposed to be doing something intimate yet whorish in public. Damien nodded his head, causing the mop of jet-black curls on top of his head to wobble childishly.
His grip on her thighs tightened a bit before he realised what she meant; nodding he grabbed her hands and helped her stand, not before flagging down a bartender ordering another drink. He turned to her, eyes ablaze before his husky voice floated out his mouth and down her hopeless body:
“Meet me on the west-balcony? I’ll get us a beer.” He nodded before turning back around to pay for the drinks.
With a skip in her step, (Y/N) pushed past the sweaty mass of bodies and made her way to the small black and violet metal staircase that spiralled upward to the next level. Just as her hand reached the railing to support herself a rough hand gently came down on hers, halting her in her venture upstairs.
“Where are you going?” His voice was not loud, it was soft and calming to her, but it held the same authoritative tone that was always present whenever they’d gone on missions. And she hated that he was not letting go like he should be. Especially with her, with them getting all handsy and- fuck did she hate seeing the two of them together.
Quickly glancing into his captivating eyes, she blinks profusely to get the image out of her head before looking over his broad shoulder; to the woman that caused the fire in her stomach to burn her intestines and heart.
“Upstairs, is that a problem?” She looked him in the eyes again, praying not to crumble under the intensity of them.
“No, it’s just, I um. I don’t know if you should be alone with that man by yourself.” His left hand came up and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Normally she would have found it cute, sexy even. But tonight, right then and there it angered her more.
Ripping her hand from under his right one, as if it scorched her skin, she pointed it up, so it hovered in front of his nose; her eyes squinted slightly as her shoulders squared, telling the man in front of her that she’s mad.
“You, Mr Steve Roger, fucking Captain America: told the team to come out here to let lose, enjoy ourselves, and for one goddam minute I get a chance to do that, you have to come along and break the moment of freedom I have.” She scoffed as she looked over her shoulder and watched Damien walk over, his right hand holding a ‘Strawberry & Lime’ Kopparberg and his left a Corona. He tilted his head to the side, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
“Go back to your show girl Steve, please I’m trying to act like everything is okay for me, and you doing that is making it so much easier.” Damien came over and handed her the Kopparberg before slipping his arm around her waist.
“(Y/N), what are you talking about,” his eyes burned with immense fire as he watched her turn around to walk up the stairs with the strange man. She turned to look over at him one more time, wishing she could just jump into his arms and hold him, tell him she loves him.
“I’ll see you later Rogers,” nodding to herself she brought the bottle to her lips and chugged half of it down in fear she would end up crying. She cannot cry, it’s not the time.
Never is.
She grabbed onto Damien’s shoulder as they clambered up the spiral staircase and broke their way onto the empty balcony.
Fresh air slapped (Y/N) on the face harshly as she emerged from the inferno of a building, she welcomed the new oxygen with open arms giddily skipping her way to the railing that looked over the New York scene, jaw hanging as she took in the plethora of lights and bodies.
She’s lived here for so many years now and will never get used to the scene of New York at night, the lights on buildings, cars, and the people. The people are truly the greatest sight to behold.
Sitting high enough so you can gaze down upon them but not be immediately spotted was the best way to watch the bustle of flesh and bones; the outfits, the conversations and the body language gave her hours of entertainment as she watched from building rooftops. Occasionally sitting with her legs dangling off the side as she ate lunch and watched the people move below with no idea of being watched by the mastermind behind every Avengers OP.
“You look like you’ve never seen New York before,” she just hummed as she gulped down the rest of her fruity cider. She set it down by her feet before straightening up and looking back at the sight before her.
(Y/N) looked down and smiled as she saw Bucky leaning against the wall of the club that juts out, smoothly talking to a girl with red hair; ‘Doesn’t have a type my ass.’ She scoffed as she thought to herself. She heard the sound of someone clearing their throat which caused her to whip her head around, maybe a little bit too fast as her vision begins to become a bit blurry.
Stumbling slightly; she grabs onto the railing behind her tightly as her foot bends awkwardly in her white heels – “What?”- her Black and green romper suddenly starts to become a little bit too tight as her senses overload, noises get louder and quieter at the same time, her breathing sounds foreign to her own ears, her body is suddenly covered in a light sheet of sweat.
She moaned as her head throbs along with the loud vibration of the music below her feet. She slowly lifts her head to meet Damien, a strangled moan escapes her lips as she lets go of the railings and tries to walk towards him. But she couldn’t even but one foot in front of the other. She felt herself stumble to the ground before a pair of strong arms gripped her waist tightly pulling her securely to their chest. ‘Steve?’ the thought echoed tauntingly in her head as her fear stained (E/C) eyes met forest green. A forest haunted with monsters and nightmares.
A forest she once wanted to get lost in, but now is trapped and running for help. “Look at you. We are going to have fun, aren’t we.” A smile spread across his face as he slowly put his arms underneath her legs to hike her up, he held her to his chest before walking back towards the door, he mumbled as one of her white heels slipped of her feet but simply kicked it to the side as he continued his adventure back inside.
The world spun around her as she laid still, helplessly in her capture’s arms. She couldn’t move, it was like she was trapped in her own body aware of the things going on, yet uncapable of doing anything about it. Her head limply fell to the right and her eyes widened when she saw the familiar navy-blue dress shirt among the mass of black and white; she saw him, her hope.
But her hope couldn’t see her.
She mumbled pathetically and mustered all her strength to move out of Damien’s hold. But it was nothing because he didn’t even visibly flinch or tighten his grip.
She was suddenly pulled further into his chest so he could adjust his grip. She was pulled closer to the devil, her death.
Her end.
Damien’s smile grew bigger as he moved his leg slightly to open the office door in front of him, joy ran through his body, glad he wasn’t caught or stopped. Even if he were, nothing would stop him having her. He’d been watching her since he saw her waiting outside in the line for the club. His other plans would have to wait, he needs her, one way or another.
Consent or not he didn’t care. It was more fun without anyway.
He walked further into the office and looked to his left seeing the small living area and office that looked over the club. A massive one- way mirror let him look over the scene of cash flow without anyone seeing him. To the right the kitchen acted as a divider between living space and bedroom, a small archway close to the front door led back to the bed and bathroom. Turning right he walked through the archway and smirked when he saw his king-size bed calling out to him. He peered down at (Y/N) in his arms and laughed when he saw her eyes furiously moving around trying to make out her surroundings.
Walking to the end of the bed he chucked her down and watched her bounce as she roughly hit the mattress. He shivered in joy as a moan of pain slipped through her plump lips. He stood in the archway and watched as she struggled to lift her upper body off the mattress. A whine escaped her lips that slowly turned into a pathetic sob once she realised, she was paralysed to the fate that was inevitable.
He stalked towards her, like an animal in a hunt, growling in pride when he came to stand in front of her; grabbing her ankles, he dragged her till her hips lay on the bed with the rest of her upper body.
“Shush now pretty girl, let Daddy enjoy his moment.” Gargled sobbing filled the silence as he took in the image of her lying before her, helpless.
“No,” her voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hardly hear it, it caused a growl to arise from his stomach as he launched forward and grabbed the neckline of her romper and tore it. Fabric flew everywhere, buttons bounced off of the walls and the sound caused a moan to escaped Damien’s mouth.
He watched as goose bumps covered her exposed abdomen and chest, his eyes hungrily drank in the sight before they moved to the lace covered chest. He watched the movement as she took in every rigid inhale and exhale.
“You’re spoiling me (Y/N).” He reached out and cupped her breast, pride swelled within him as he pinched the middle and unclasped it easily, letting the mounds of flesh breathe. His attention on her chest was undivided until he felt her leg kick him weakly. He looked into her glassy (E/C) eyes and tutted tauntingly at her before looking down at her legs as she kicked him again.
But his breath caught once they caught sight of her lace covered crotch, heat flooded to his stomach and crotch as he noticed her lace panties matched her bra, forest green. They contrasted perfectly with her dark skin tone, like a forbidden fruit he knew he couldn’t touch. But fuck rules.
“You were made for me baby girl,” his smile became toothy as he goofily giggled to himself, reaching out to pull her panties down.
(Y/N)’s eyes grew stormy as they filled with tears that cascaded down her flushed face, the drugs were working, she knew that much as she couldn’t move and felt so disorientated.
Goosebumps littered her skin and organs as she felt sweaty hands caress her trembling thighs. Were they trembling? She couldn’t feel it; she can’t feel anything however she does feel one thing.
Emptiness, she felt it the moment her back painfully hit the mattress. She felt hollow, and empty shell that once held liveliness and love.
“Stop, no, no!” Her voice rose slightly when she felt his hands around her waist, she looked into his snake green eyes and cringed; the fire within them burnt her soul, she was fucked, she knew it.
She gasped as she was lifted slightly and whipped upwards suddenly, her head rolled backwards and to the side at the sudden movement. Her heart hammered in her chest; it overpowered the feeling of the bass beneath them.
The club, god how people are clueless. She’s in her worst nightmare whilst people are swallowed in lust, drugs, and alcohol to notice. Her team is enjoying their free time to notice.
Steve’s to busy wrapped in her grip to notice. And she told him to.
‘It’s all your fault (Y/N).’
‘I know, I know…’
‘You let him slip through your fingers again and this is the consequence.’
‘I’m sorry’
A whimper left her mouth as she realised what she did, how she condemned herself to this hell. This grip that would never let her go, scarring her for life and haunting her dreams.
She jerked forward as she felt herself being situated onto Damien’s lap as he pulled her towards him. Before she could realise his lips slobbered overs hers, vacuuming them in as he swallowed her lips. (Y/N) tried to pull back, but her efforts were useless.
His hands travelled down and groped her ass cheeks, painfully grabbing them as he forced her to rock against his growing erection. Her eyes stayed wide open, watching his closed ones as he continued his assault. The tears never stopped.
A breath of frustration left his mouth as he forced her off his lap and shoved her back onto the bed. He clambered over her limp body and sat, hard, on her pelvis, causing a scream to escape her mouth.
He just smiled and reach down to unbuckle his belt.
“Stop! Help me, please someone help. Please!” Her voice grew louder by the second, desperation causing it to boom throughout the room. She continued screaming, fear growing in her as she noticed that he hadn’t tried to stop her from screaming.
“Scream all you like baby girl, no one’s gonna hear you. To noisy downstairs.” His belt became slack as he watched the horror of the situation finally wash over her face. The smirk remained as the cascade of tears increased but was immediately wiped of when a hard force hit his cheek.
“Fuck. You.” Her voice cracked with anger, she stared daringly into the fiery gaze that was casted down upon her from the man that sat upon her pelvis. The anger filled the room and caused the temperature to increase.
Her vision swirled as she was violently flipped onto her stomach, she didn’t even notice Damien move off of her. But she did notice his hands coming to hold her hips to lift her, so her ass was in the air. A feeling suddenly came crashing through her system and she felt the strength to surge forward. Her body moved, and she managed to fall onto the floor, she cried out as she shuffled forward. But that cry died when the arms of death grabbed her again and hauled her up from the floor.
“NO! No get off of me! Get the fuck off me!” (Y/N)’s legs flayed about as she used all her mustered-up energy to fight him off.
“God dammit you slut, stop fighting me,” his growl ripped through her body and it caused her to fight harder. She flung her head backwards, so it slammed down to hit his nose; causing him to let her go, she stumbled forward from the sudden force but maintained her balance long enough to let her turn around and grab his hair. She slammed her knee into his ribcage causing a loud crack to fill the prison cell and sighed as she watched him fall to the ground holding his abdomen.
Her vision swam as she navigated her way through the haunting environment; she made her way to the open planned space, ran to the large window and rapidly banged her fists against the window, she screamed louder hoping someone would hear but gave up realising her efforts were futile.
Turning around clumsily she whipped her head back and forth looking for the door, she saw two. One to her left and one to her right.
“Fuck.” She heard Damien groan quietly and made a rash decision.
Right, fuck it.
She stepped quickly not trusting herself to run, she couldn’t even see straight. Her hands flayed about touching everything in her path to make sure she didn’t bump into anything; she didn’t look back at the sound of a lamp and vase smashing on the ground as she knocked them over on her way to her freedom. Her hand wrapped around the knob she twisted it left before opening it all the way, her heart clenched as she saw the lights and heard the music grow louder in the familiar hallway. Her left foot dragged against the floor as she walked forward. Her breathing drowned out the music.
“No!” the hand around her ankle forced her to trip over and fall on her left shoulder; she looked down at her feet and cried louder at the monster that clung to her ankle dragging her back into his cave.
She kicked out with her free foot and shuddered slightly as it came in contact with his eye, she moved onto her elbows and used them to drag herself forward. She army crawled forward for what felt like forever before the same sweaty hands came onto her shoulders and turned her around. The pressure on her stomach made her aware of the man sat on her ribcage, she felt her heart coming out of her chest.
“Get off!” Her hands waved out and tried hitting Damien, but he was one step ahead of her and grabbed a hold of her wrists before placing them in his right hand and bringing them down to her chest.
“You bitch, I’m gonna make this hurt,” her head came up and before she could think, spit flew from her mouth and landed on his ironically perfect face. She sobbed as he stared dead at her face, unmoving, nerve wracking. “Help!” her scream rattled her bones as it came back hollow, no one heard it she knew she was helplessly screaming.
“Get o- “(Y/N)’s scream was cut short as hands wrapped around her throat; then, clamped down and squeezed, her legs kicked out helplessly and her vision pulsed as the air was clamped shut. Her temples throbbed and pulsed as her hearing was drowned out by the rapid beating of her heart. It hammered against her ribcage begging to be released.
Her vision turned red as she gazed into the eyes of the man, who she thought was safe, welcoming. But it’s her fault; being surrounded by all types of criminals should’ve told her not to trust a random man, no matter how captivating his eyes are. But her mind being clouded with thoughts of a certain man led to her not thinking straight.
Or was she?
Was she thinking straight enough to know the consequences, no matter how big or small? If she were to wake up naked in his bed after a good night of consensual, sensual sex; or if she went on to regret the decision or a small token of the decision stayed within her for nine months and a following lifetime. (Y/N)’s head felt close to exploding as it filled with all different scenarios that could’ve had a happy ending, or at least a moderate one. But the tighter the hands wrapped around her neck, the more her vision turned red and the more her head filled with a mediocre distraction.
“Your eyes look even more beautiful.” His voice held a tone of adoration and lust, it made (Y/N) want to throw up. His green eyes sparkled with glee at the sight of the whites of her eyes turning red. Green eyes scanned the nakedness that lay before him, goosebumps and stretch marks adorned her beautiful dark skin at it was all for him. He licked his lips hungrily, once Kuznetsov was done with her he’d ask for her back. Yes, he’d keep her.
She clawed at his hands and wrists, trying to stop him. Pathetically. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his wrists, hoping to loosen the grip he had on her fragile neck. But her strength started to vanish, weaken. Her ragged breaths grew shorter and quieter as she felt the last of her oxygen leave her body. But with one last breath she mustered up the strength to scream one last time. “Bucky!” she gasped as the hands tightened more, she tilted her head backwards as she felt a different vibration rock her body. She knew doing this would cause the effects of Damien’s hands to work faster but she didn’t care.
Not now.
Her vision was clouded with black dots as she saw the familiar glint of the Vibranium arm, it sent a dull wave of relief through her body.
“Get the fuck off of her, you monster!” Bucky’s voice felt like it was miles away, as it bounced off her eardrums and back into the dark hallway.
The pressure of her neck was released suddenly causing her to gasp for air, her back arching upwards as if a string were pulling her chest towards the ceiling. Everything hit (Y/N) at once, the chilling air made her realise how exposed she was. The lights burned her eyes and the voices in her head made her realise how close she was to the edge.
Her head spun in rapid circles as the tidal wave of oxygen crashed violently against her system. The pain became unbearable as she started to cry, a hoarse sob of sorts as her throat contracted violently.
She felt the floor shake dangerously under her, the sound of metal on flesh filled her ears, the sound of running feet, the sound of an injured man begging for mercy.
She couldn’t breathe properly; her chest felt sore, broken. Just like her will to live.
Her body felt weightless as its floated teetering on the edge of life and death, even with no hands grappling her throat, she still couldn’t breathe. She just felt so tired, so tired.
(Y/N)’s eyes stayed open, wide open, as she tried to fight for one deep breath, just one. But it came and went before she could even register, she was breathing. It became unbearable after a while; she needed to rest, to sleep or die.
Whatever stopped the pain.
“Romanova!” the name barely entered her head as she watched the light above her head started to flicker.
It distracted her for a while, enough to not realise the growing sound of a stampede of feet running underneath her.
‘(Y/N), respira’ [(Y/N) breathe]
The witches voice in her head caused her to let out a painful gasp, she squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden pain.
‘I can’t do this anymore, it hurts.’
“(Y/N), sunt aici acum. Deschide-ti ochii.” [I’m here now open your eyes]
Wanda’s calming voice caused her muscles to relax. Her chest arched upwards as her eyes unscrewed themselves. She let out a sob, not caring about the searing pain that shot down her throat. The back of her eyes felt sore as her vision came back; she struggled to keep them open, but the sight of the red-headed witch gave her strength. Hope.
“Wa-” her voice cut off with a strangled cry. Her throat felt as if a hot iron rod was shoved down it and as it was pulled back it caught the flesh lining the walls of her windpipe and tore it apart. The pain was unbearable. She wondered for a split second how much pain Damien had actually caused her body, internally and externally.
Mentally and emotionally.
“Taci acum” [ Hush now]
She felts Wanda’s cold hands caress her burning forehead lovingly, it gave her a moment of relief, short and quick. The hand slipped to the back of (Y/N)’s head and lifted it up onto Wanda’s lap; the witch carefully stroked the (H/C) hair carefully.
Her hands were absorbed in a red hue as she soothed the sobbing woman in her grasp, begging herself not to come to tears for her friends.
“Hush now my love. Just try to stay awake. Okay?” Her voice broke slightly at the sight of the broken woman underneath her hands. She could feel the chaos raging around in her head, the symphony of emotions plagiarizing her heart. But all she saw was a tired woman, paling and cracking under the pressure of the situation.
“But I’m so tired. Please, just five minutes.” The voice inside Wanda’s head didn’t belong to the woman in her lap, it was too quiet, too fragile. The whisper echoed in her head, Wanda let out a whimper as her bottom lip trembled; trying to stop herself from crying, trying to be strong for her (Y/N). She shook her head as tears fell, stroking the (H/C) locs in a soothing way. She sucked in a breath, reminding herself to stay strong.
“Respiră, dragostea mea,totul se va termina curand. Iti promit.” [Breathe my Love, everything will be over soon. I promise.]
The strangled cry that left the Sokovian’s mouth as she watched (Y/N)’s eyes flutter close, brought the attention of the group that were surrounding Damien’s battered and beaten body, pleading for the abuse to stop. The pleads stopped as a heeled foot came down hard on the man’s head. Natasha’s turned and immediately stopped when she saw Wanda’s arms wrapped around (Y/N)’s head, back hunched over protectively as she rocked back and forth, the Romanian was distorted by the sobs leaving her mouth.
“Wanda? What. What’s, I. Wanda?” The words came out mumbled and quiet as Natasha kneeled down and held (Y/N)’s blood covered hand in hers. The bruises on her body were developing quickly. He decorated his canvas, stripped her bare of clothes and humanity. Her face faltered for a moment; an internal conflict was battering her emotions, her heart was hammering rapidly against her ribs adding to the horrible gut feeling, however, her brain was standing still as emotions and signals were firing continuously and the instincts, she’d gained from her line of work were telling her to stay void and kill the fucker who did this to her. But she couldn’t come to terms with reality fast enough. Because next thing Natasha knew, her feet grazed the ground momentarily as someone lifted her and moved her to the side hastily. She blinked once, twice and the image in front of her was still disordered like the cable wasn’t plugged in properly. Image fuzzy, sound all warble.
Stomach curdling.
“Wanda, let go. Please, I need to get her to the car.” Tony’s voice didn’t waver as he held onto the witch’s shoulders. Shaking them slightly, as if to stop the chanting coming from the broken woman.
“Te rog, Wanda.” [Please Wanda]
Bucky’s voice held authority as his right hand gently wrapped around the witch’s waist and dragged her off the battered woman on the floor. Looking up at Tony; the solider nodded his head briefly, brunette locks flopped down to cover his eyes as he swiftly moved his head to rest atop of the sobbing ball in his arm.
Bucky’s and Wanda’s relationship has always been strong, it was bound to be as they’d all been through the hardship of Hydra’s suffocating grasp. They shared the same fear, shielded themselves away from the losses that was caused by the octopus symbol that haunted their life.
Experiments, torture, pain, death.
It all repeated itself after a while, became normal. Even if they watched from the side-lines, it became their normal. Their life. And not once did they think twice, because all that caused was more misery.
His left arm came up to brush her hair soothingly as he mumbled softly to her. Only looking over his shoulder once to make sure (Y/N) was okay.
“Come kid. Hey Nat, call Cho tell her to set up shop in the lab immediately. And if she says she’s busy. Tell her I’ll get her that date with pointbreak.” Tony took Bucky’s leather jacket and carefully wrapped around (Y/N), then with delicate hands, his arms went under knees and the back of her shoulders as he lifted her up. He swayed slightly as the tequila from earlier said a quick hello.
One foot in front of the other, that’s all Tony thought about as he rushed down the darkened hallway, Natasha in front of him slightly on the phone to Doctor Helen Cho. Her voice was low and harsh as she briskly walked ahead, negotiating down the phone. His eyes narrowed slightly as a thought processed through his mind quickly.
“No.” But as soon as the small whimper left (Y/N) lips it faded away, his paced never slowed as he looked down at the woman in his arms. Her face was swelling, her lips cut and blood slowly creeping out of her mouth.
“Friday bring the cars round back please and tell the team. And get someone to pick up that piece of shit on the floor,” his request was met with a simple ‘Yes Sir’ as he continued down the never-ending hallway. He faltered when his brown eyes caught sight of Natasha reluctantly picking up the discarded white heel thrown carelessly to the side. They were (Y/N)’s; he was there as he watched her ogle them through the charity shop window. He’s the one who bought them for her. He’s the one who told her to wear them tonight.
If he stopped now, he’d break.
So, his journey continued down the spiral staircase, his eyes met Happy’s through the crowd as his guard came to meet him by the staircase. With a nod shared between both men, they set out towards the back of the club. Not a single look was casted their way and it sent a shiver through Happy’s spine. If a man carrying an unconscious woman, or person, through the club isn’t strange, then how often does this sort of thing happen?
The fresh air caused the hair on everyone’s body to stand on edge, it was a massive change from sweaty hot bodies grinding upon each other to a cold and empty atmosphere. It brought a calming sensation through Stark’s mind. But his mind wasn’t at ease for long as the plague came back and rattled his body, squeezed his skull till it felt like it was suffocating his brain.
“Cho’s setting up shop as we speak, we need to go now. Bucky and Wilson said they’d meet us there. They just need to deal with trash control. Wanda’s finding Rogers and Barton is calling Fury as we speak.” The red head placed a hand on the older man’s shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before letting it go as the sound of squealing tires breached their ears.
“Let’s go, she is getting cold.” His voice was hard, void of the usual sarcasm and teasing. The doors opened as the car came to a halt. Placing (Y/N) in the back seat, he laid her down gently placing her head on Natasha’s lap once she got in the other side. He closed the door, jaw clenched and the moment he turned he launched his foot forward and kicked over the trash can.
“Fuck!” His yell was loud and drowning in pain and guilt. His breathing came out in gasps as he tilted his head back and looked up at the clouded sky. Clogged with pollution, not a single star was seen.
He sharply turned and got into the car, muttering a simple ‘go’ too Happy in the driver seat. Head pushed back as they sped away from the club and to the compound. _______________
translation, with the help of my dear friend @primavera-allegoria
(‘(Y/N) respira’ = (Y/N), breathe)
(Ray, sunt aici acum. Deschide-ti ochii = I’m here now open your eyes)
( Doare = it hurts)
( Respiră, dragostea mea totul se va termina curand. Iti promit.= Breathe my Love, everything will be over soon. I promise.)
( Te rog, Wanda = Please Wanda)
Chapter two: crimson
UD- 24th June 2021

Big Thank yo to my translator, @primavera-allegoria this story wouldn’t be completed or written if it wasn’t for you. So thank you.
Summary: AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.
Warning!! this chapter contains scenes some may find upsetting and disturbing read at your own risk.
Word Count- 4K+
If you have any question please ask, reviews are welcome let me know what I can approve on and what you like.
Chapter I-Forest : Chapter III-Hiraeth
The rebuilding of stark Tower 2012
“You know Tony, I would love to find an apartment in New York, but I can’t leave a child by itself for more than an hour, legally” (E/C) eyes cast downwards at the plans of the new compound, (Y/N) refused to wipe the smirk off her face as she heard the dramatic intake of breath behind her.
“Are you calling me a child.” She could picture the look of disdain on his face, his mouth wide open in mock shock and hand on his Arc Reactor. (H/C) textured hair bounced around her shoulders as she shook her head in disbelief. She walked over to the large window that overlooked the rubble that once was New York.
Heaving a sigh, she wrapped her arms around her torso and clenched tightly, her eyes became glassy as she withheld the tears threatening to come down her face. Her mind was running too fast for her to keep up with, the thought of what she could have done circled her head in a taunting manner. ‘I could’ve saved people, children.’ The guilt was evident in her eyes but not on her face, no she hid that well.
“You knew it had to be done,” obviously not too well, “there would’ve been more damaged with you and Banner out there, chaos. And we can really only just about control Banner. I did it to keep you safe.” The remorse was clear on his tongue she just refused to listen.
“So, knocking me out with that heavy duty sedative was your best option? I felt like a piece of shit when you did that with no explanation Tony! And to mention the fact that you left me in my room without so much of a note, do you have any idea how scary it was to wake up to you falling out the fucking hole in the sky!” her face was contorted into a painful twist as she grew closer and closer to Tony, her index finger jutted out and repeatedly jab his arc reactor. The strength behind it surprised him and led to him placing his hand onto her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down.
The veins in her body started to hum a soft crimson, her eyes filled with tears as she gasped for air. She could feel her body starting to change, the heat building up begging to be released was a sign she needed to breathe.
“You and I both know that the consequence would’ve been too much for everyone to face given our current situation.” His voice was soft as if he were talking to a wounded animal; he caressed her elbow and brought her head to lay on his chest. The soft humming of his reactor brought comfort to her. (Y/N) thought back to the moment she locked eyes upon the figure of a falling Iron Man, she couldn’t put into words the emotions that coursed through her body as she watched him fall. The scream that left her mouth shook the whole room, yet it was unheard with all the chaos flying around the city.
“I know, I am just pissed off that’s all. You promised not to do that again,” her voice was petite, the vulnerability flowing off her in waves.
She pulled her head away from his chest and looked up at him, a smirk slowly making its way to her face; “And fuck you for not taking me to get some Shawarma.” She pulled herself away from him and punched him in the arm playfully. She laughed as she watches his mouth form an ‘O’ as he rubbed the pain away.
“That looked like it hurt Tony,” (Y/N) whipped her head around at the new voice and immediately relaxed once she saw it was Pepper, the strawberry blonde gave the other lady a hug on her way to Tony. They exchanged a few words before Pepper came back to (Y/N).
“I’m going back to Malibu for a few weeks, wanted to know if you wanted to come?” The woman held a look in her eyes that (Y/N) had seen before; pity, the fact that Pepper was the one to find (Y/N) in her room with the window smashed, the furniture broken and all over the place with her sat, stark naked in the middle of it all. Pepper saw the struggle clear on (Y/N)’s face when she stepped into the room. The pain. The horror. The ongoing battle within her as she tried to claw her way out of the disorientated state, she was in.
“I don’t know, I still have to do clean up here- “
“Don’t worry about it I’ve got it, go you deserve it Foss,” (Y/N) winced at the nickname and walked out the office. The two adults watched the head of (H/C) curls disappear into the mass of construction and working bodies.
“JARVIS pull up surveillance please, from her room.” Pepper’s voice was filled with an emotion that Tony couldn’t place. It didn’t matter the moment the wall in front of them filled up with an image of (Y/N)’s form sleeping in the bed.
His face showed the confusion on his face as he looked at the surveillance footage- “why am I watching (Y/N) sleep Pep?”- his eyebrows screwed together as he looked from her freckle covered face to the video.
“Just watch.” Her voice held authority that Stark did not question.
The tape speed forward for a moment, the images past quickly from her getting up and looking around the room in confusion, to her trying to open the door, to then turning around and seeing the Chitauri flying around outside her large window. She tries the door handle one last time before slowly walking to the window. Hands on it as she surveys the scene unravelling in front of her.
“Pepper?” Tony’s voice is full of question as he watches the tape pick up speed again to the moment (Y/N) catches him falling out of the sky. The veins in her body starts to pulse a deep crimson as she slams her fist against the window in anguish.
It happens to quickly that Tony orders Jarvis to rewind and slow down the tape. Pepper takes a seat on the raised platform surrounding them and places her head in her hands.
But he doesn’t notice; he’s got his eyes focused on the image of (Y/N) hunched over in pain as her body starts to become overwhelmed in light as she screams in fear, the room starts to shake. A crack forms on the window, then one crack turns into five and then five turn into hundreds of spider webs turning the triple-glazed-Tony-Stark proof window into shards that fly across the room and fall onto the people outside. The clothes burn off as her body becomes too hot, all the pent-up energy finally being released. Crimson ribbons start to flutter around her body creating a circle that envelopes her trembling body as she hunched over in pain, the furniture in the room starts to shake as it lifted off the ground and hovers in the air.
All of a sudden, the ribbons that were once dancing around her erupted outwards as her upper body was flung upwards and a silent scream left her body. Everything broke; the bed, the table, the desk, and the walls dented.
She falls to the floor quickly, her head bounces from the immediate impact. The tape fast forwards again, and throughout her body doesn’t stop glowing, humming softly as it heals itself of self-inflicted injuries. The tapes stops suddenly to (Y/N) waking up; she arches of the ground and whips her head back and forth trying to grasp onto the perplexing situation at hand. But the confusion plastered on her face is clear as glass. A shard of bright light appears in the corner of the video before slowly becoming wider, drowning the dark and bleak room in artificial light.
(Y/N)’s face turns slowly to the figure in the doorway, a series of emotions flash across her face as she tries to understand everything, anything at all.
“Tony?” The plead fell on death ears as the 176 second clip was rewound and replayed over and over again; the already clenched jaw became slack before tensing again. His forehead creased in anguish as the image of the vulnerable woman stained is mind.
“Tony?” He exhaled violently through his nostrils before hanging is head low, he screwed his eyes shut and counted to ten in his head.
‘You fucked up’
“I…I promised her, I’d protect her and let nothing happen to her again Pep. I promised.” His voice meagre as he inhaled deeply trying to ignore the quaking of his lungs. He looked up at the paused video, millions of thoughts swarming his already distressed head. Taking a step back he cleared his throat.
“Yes Sir?”
“Delete the footage, erase it.”
“Permanently sir?”
“And what of the Bedroom Sir?”
“What bedroom Jarvis?”
“Of course, sir.”
He looked to his left at the strawberry blonde, sat calmly watching his body, waiting for it to crumple. She was reading him like always but this time she couldn’t quite understand the writing on the pages, it kept shifting from one thing to another.
“We don’t speak of this Pepper, she doesn’t remember the surge, she just remembers waking up and seeing me fall, and that is as good as it gets,” his voice was low, a whisper of a whisper. His dark brown eyes met her blue in a silent agreement.
An agreement to protect what could destroy everything. And nothing at the same time.
“Jarvis?” He raised his eyebrows at nothing waiting patiently for the response.
“You were never here sir.”
With a nod he turned and left, never looking back as he marched to find something to preoccupy his mind from combustion.
Silence met Pepper’s ears for a few minutes before the silence was filled with a small sniffle, wiping her hand underneath her nose she looked up to the ceiling blinking a few times to calm herself. She needs to control herself for her sake. Before she screams.
Nodding to no one she gets up.
Smooths out her skirt.
And leaves.

March 14th, 2015
Medical bay, New Avengers Compound, Upstate New York.
“We had to heavily sedate her so there would be no chance of a surge of any kind like you suggested Tony, her body is damaged though. He put some kind of poison in her system that is unnatural.”
His heart stuttered as he listened to the Doctor speak, ‘unnatural, what does she mean?’.
“I tested it and I couldn’t find any kind of natural compound in the substance I extracted from her blood, I don’t think it was her body trying to decompose it if that is what you’re thinking because whatever they put in her, it’s. I’m so sorry Tony,”
His heart became erratic the sound became claustrophobic, ‘what does she mean she’s sorry?’.
“It’s aim was to halt her reaction, the deadly kind so they could do something, but it did more than that Tony, it’s made her weak. She’s broken and I don’t know how to fix her.”
His heart burst, the pain was so great it became numb, it was so great he saw black spots as his vision swam, it was so great he forgot that the team was down the hall.
It was so great that he screamed.
His heart and lungs felt heavy as he forced in air to stop him from falling, he looked up at Cho and grabbed her by the shoulders, he looked into her fear painted eyes and begged, pleaded with her to stop lying.
“Tony, there is nothing I can do, it’s all up to her biology now. My machines can’t fix her, they’d kill her or make it worse. I’m sorry.” She placed a consoling hand on his cheek, a mockery to him as the apology felt empty, scares of emotion.
His eye landed on the shell of a human, his (Y/N) laid there motionless, mindless, and uncomfortably beautiful. Her dark complexion paling and lifeless.
His stomach felt twisted as he dragged in a broken breath, it settled uncomfortably within him as he continued to stare at the woman he has known since 23, he could remember the way the dimly lit dinner made her eyes shine so brightly with pain. He felt at peace for a moment when he saw the conflict flitter across her face as he drunkenly plonked down opposite her in the sticky leather booth.
They related to each other on so many levels without a word spoken, the loss and torment they both endured was what helped them come together. But their undying love and friendship was what kept them together.
The beeping became unbearable, it mocked him with the intensity of it obnoxiously loud beep. He gritted his teeth and looked down at the monitor, it looked clean and untouched, beautifully innocent for a machine.
Unlike her, lying in that bed covered in swells, darkened colours and bumps, a majestic art-piece for the psychopaths of the world.
The rhythm of the beeping was fast, it sounded like the machine was running out of breath to keep up with her heart rate. He spent years trying to keep up with her, yet this was the closet he’d been to see her so…peaceful.
“Heal for me,” he gasped out as the tears finally dripped down his face. Placing a delicate kiss on her forehead he turned and walked out the room – if he started any longer at her he would do something; he didn’t know what yet, but it wouldn’t be good.
His footsteps echoed viscously in the hallway as he marched down towards the group of heroes sat in the living room; waiting, begging, pleading that she would be okay. They better pray some more.
Natasha was the first to see Tony enter the room, she kept quiet and just watched him, standing there- catatonic. Her eyes followed the figure as it went towards the island that separated the living room from the kitchen. Those eyes were swimming in tears as they watched Tony hunch over the island, his shoulders wide and stiff as he started hard at the marble countertop.
“Tony?” Eyes snapped to the red head that asked the question, then followed her line of sight to the billionaire that looked too quiet. No one moved as the man in question looked up to meet the questioning gaze of his teammate. No one moved as he turned his back towards everyone.
But everyone flinched when the figure lurched forward and grabbed the flowerpot off the stand and throw it across the room, next were the plates and decorations on the island, they flew across the room and landed in a million pieces.
Chairs, books, spoons, and pots danced in the air and crashed onto the floor.
It went on for minutes, the display of vulnerability became too much for Tony as he stopped and looked at the mess he made, back facing the team, he looked down the corridor he came from minutes ago. It was littered with piece of broken porcelain and china.
His face remained stoic as an image of (Y/N) appeared in front of him, broken and shattered in a million pieces, too many for him to put back together.
He couldn’t fix her. No one could.
He turned to the team, “I want background on the man that did this, everything. I want no place let untouched you hear me?” the silence answered his question. He looked at his team- “Where the fuck is Rogers?”
Bucky looked at Sam and then at Natasha. They exchanged a conversation that Tony was too tired to pick up on.
“He left with K-” Nat shot the solider a look before standing up and placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder.
“He left with her, before any of this went down. He doesn’t know.” Her perfectly arched eyebrows came together as she observed the conflict smothering Tony’s face.
With a nod the billionaire rubbed Natasha’s hand and walked away to his room not uttering another word.
But everyone felt the pressure he left behind, the severity of the situation weighed heavily on their shoulders as they all, one by one, slowly got up and put their plan into action.
But their eyes were all focused on the corridor Tony had come from, because at the end of it lay their friend and teammate fighting for her life.

March 15th 13:41pm, Downtown New York
Steve Rogers is a man of many things, loyalty and honesty is just some of them. But ever since he woke up in a different century his views have changed, not drastically but the influence of a few certain men and women can do a lot to a man.
But it wasn’t just those people that caused his views to change slightly, it was the way the world changed, the way the people changed and their views on the world. How women walked around covered in tattoos and piercing, some women walking around in barley anything.
How men no longer seemed to show women respect, grabbing them when they see fit, how the world had forgotten about all the lives lost during the war.
All his friends.
Within the first month of him awakening from the ice he had hopes that some of his past was able to hold out, anything and within minutes of that thought crossing his mind reality slapped him hard in his perfect face. Everything he knew was either changed or gone and that was that, no bullshit. And he was kind of glad about that, he knew he had to figure out what to do and he need that distraction, any distraction would be welcomed with opened arms.
After the attack of New York, he made it a priority to learn about what he missed and gain new skills, cooking being one of them. And he did, he prided himself on that, all the new skills he learnt being able to use the tablets and phone that are interactive and portable, learning that things taste so much better when there not boiled. And that he really, really feels out of place.
Although Stark offered to house him in his tower after the attack of New York, he declined. He found comfort in the separation between work and, and he didn’t really have a life outside of being Captain America. He didn’t have anything because everything in that apartment was already there when he moved in, including the food.
He worked his frustration out in the gym not far from where he lived. The same place Nick Fury asked for his helped, where he found his purpose again. But he still felt empty. So, he did what any sane person would do.
He talked to Natasha.
Now Steve Rogers is a man of simple things, he finds happiness in other people’s happiness, find love in the fact that the world is safe from the biggest threat from his time.
“You need to get laid Rogers. Simple.”
What does a man like Steve Rogers say to that, he wasn’t exactly what you would call experienced or a natural in that area of ‘expertise’, Hell he’s never seen a woman naked before let alone touch a woman with that intent. But the more Natasha explained it the more it made sense to him, the feeling of not knowing what he needs, feeling empty.
So, he tried it.
A lot.
Steve Rogers is a man of many things, honesty, sexual prowess, and loyalty are just a some of those things that have made him the man he is today, the very same man who is waking up in a bed coated in the scent of apples and cinnamon and a sprinkling of sweat covering his back.
“Turn it off,” the scent was intoxicating, so homely and warm. It reminded him of his mother’s apple pie. The way she sang as she made one once they got home from church, the love that went into a single slice made his heart grow with warmth. The scent was accompanied by the beeping that was increasingly getting louder and quicker not to mention slightly irritating.
“Turn it off,” a hand slapped him haphazardly on the shoulder as he cracked open an eye to look at the flashing red numbers that read 13:42. The numbers kept flashing in a sequence, they mean nothing to him just random flashing numbers. He wondered if he kept staring at them then maybe they’d start to say something to him.
Suddenly a hand came slithering past his head to push a button on top of the cubed alarm-clock. Bright red nail-polish was decorating the long nails perfectly, the manicured hands attached to the slender arm wrapped around his shoulders and a hot kiss was placed on his left shoulder.
He lost himself in the tingle that covered his back; the goosebumps that enveloped him in a warm embrace, he was happy this morning in his own little world. The nails gently ran down his abdomen and danced around his belly button. The chills sent a smile to his face.
Turning around his eyes swept across the face of the woman that lay beside him with her leg draped carelessly over his hip. The storm in her eyes became more apparent as the sun draped its warm caresses over their laying figures. The (E/C) was like liquid heaven, whispering to him to come take a swim.
“You want pancakes or something else?” Emerald green. Her eyes were emerald green not (E/C).
‘What are you doing?’
“Steve? Are you awake in there?” his eye flickered up to meet hers; a smile was plastered over her face, her lips looked dry from the amount of alcohol she consumed last night. She giggled and rolled over, so she was sat on the edge of the bed, stretching she reached forward to grab his shirt that was hanging off the edge of the bedside table. Slipping it on she pranced out of the door and disappeared.
Sitting up he looked over the bedroom that was covered in personal effects including the lace violent panties she wore last night. The room smelled of sex and a fruity perfume that hurt his head, last night it made his head flutter but right now it burnt his nostrils with how pungent it was. He grabbed his boxers lying next to his feet and pulled them on before walking out of the bedroom and into the open-planned living, kitchen area.
His eyes were drawn to the blue fabric swishing back and forth on the small figure at the island, her hair was up in a messy bun, strands sticking out everywhere as she bopped her head back and forth. Flour was smudge on her thigh and on the back of her neck; she looked over her shoulder at the sound of him sitting down at the island. He smiled back and just watched her. He felt calm this morning, he didn’t know what it was, but he felt oddly calm.
“You want a smoothie with it as well baby?” He just hummed, too busy watching his hands fiddle with the small Vibranium bracelet that always adorned his wrist. It was given to him on Christmas three years ago when the team did secret Santa, it took a small amount of explaining for him to understand what it was.
It was a small navy-blue plush box wearing a black ribbon tie, the letter just said ‘I noticed the ones you buy keep breaking, this unbreakable like my bond with you x’ he had a hunch about who it was from and the look of surprise on (Y/N)’s face told him, it had been on his left wrist ever since.
His thumb and forefinger rubbed the links subconsciously as he thought about (Y/N)’s words last night, how the emotion on her face looked raw and deep, he was perplexed by her to say the least. He knew about her, but he didn’t know her, and god did he want to. It seemed that she kept him at an arms distance compared to everyone else, at first, he thought it was Tony’s influence but then he saw that she had Stark wrapped around her finger. He then concluded that it was him, he was the reason she didn’t trust Steven Grant Rogers.
She trusted Captain America, when they were both on the field, she trusted him. But the moment he put the persona away and the shield down, she was back to keeping him at a distance.
“Your phones ringing.” He looked up at the sound of her voice and watched as she pointed to his phone charging on the coffee table on the side of the couch.
He numbly walked over and unplugged the phone but was a second too late to accept the call. She never called him, she never really said anything to him outside of work except a goodbye and a hello. His mind was racing as he selected redial and placed his phone to his ear as he turned around and walked back over to the island.
“It was Buck,” his husky voice drifted through the air, he nodded his head as the red smoothie was placed in front of him. Placing a kiss on the top her head he muttered a thank you as she walked past heading to sit down to eat her food.
“Thank fuck Rogers, I’ve been trying to call you all night.” He scoffed at the tone he was greeted with.
“Good morning to you to sunshine, I was a bit busy last night punk.” He smiled over his glass as he heard the clattering of a fork behind him.
“I need you in here right now Steve.” He chugged down the rest of his smoothie and sucked in a breath. He booked the weekend off, if it was an emergency, they knew the protocol.
“I’m off all weekend punk, you know this. If this is about the unfinished paperwork hand it to (Y/N), she knows the detail, she can finish them for me.” He heard silence on the other end of the phone, he called out Bucky’s name thinking the line went dead but him clearing his throat told him that he was silent for another reason.
“She can’t do that right now Steve, she’s down. Someone got to her.”
The thick glass in his hands shattered, breaking into tiny shards. Cutting his hands and his heart.
Rawhide Masterlist

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5 Months - Bucky Barnes Mob!AU
Mob!Bucky x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,995
Summary: Bucky and Y/n had fling, one night stand at least she thought it was a one night stand. Bucky on the other hand has been trying to track her down since. But when he does end up running into her again it might come with a shock.
Authors Note: This is my first ever AU Mob imagine. I love reading Mob Bucky imagines, and I want to write them so bad! This is my first ever one I hope you guys enjoy it. I was thinking maybe a series done like this or a Mob!Bucky x daughter reader series?
Avengers Masterlist

l“That was-” Bucky panted as he rolled off of y/n. He had never had such good sex or a connection during sex that was that powerful.
“Amazing.” Y/n finished his sentence, panting as well from their recent activities with a smile on her face. That was some of the best sex she’d had in her life. Maybe even the best.
“Uh huh.” Bucky agreed smiling widely. Bucky turned his head to look at her, admiring the woman next to him. “Damn.”
The two continued their night with some making out, a bit of snuggling, and then they fell asleep in each other's arms. When morning came Y/n woke first and looked at the clock, it was early 7 am early. Realizing that this was her chance to leave before Bucky woke up. An so there wouldn’t be any awkwardness of the one nightstand morning after.
Picking up her clothes and getting dressed after she made sure she had everything she turned to look back at the dark haired man still asleep. Man did she wish she could stay in bed with him. He seemed so sweet and his grip was hard to get out of when she got out of the bed minutes before. It felt safe.
But it was only a one nightstand, nothing more. So as safe as his grip felt and as sweet, kind and, caring even he seemed. This wasn’t a relationship and they weren’t already together. It is a simple fling.
Besides with who he is, who he’s known as, what he does for a living. It’s not who he is. He has new women all the time and they are never serious relationships, just quick fucks. Y/n wanted something serious, dependable, and real. Not to be a notch on someone's bedpost. So she left.
^ ^ ^ 5 Months Later ^ ^ ^
“Buck, you’ve been at this for months. I think it’s time you let it go.” Steve sighed, he hated that his best friend finally found a woman he wanted to try a serious relationship with and she could not be found.
“No. No way.” Bucky shook his head in a ‘no’ motion. He had been trying to find Y/n for 5 months. He woke up expecting to find her next to him but all he found was an empty and cold bed.
“Steve’s right man. It’s been five months. It was a one nightstand. You need to move on.” Sam added in. Even though Bucky annoyed him most of the time, he does care for him. This was not healthy.
“No guys I’m telling you, it was more than that. There was something there, something between us that night. We both felt it.” Bucky explained, he understood his friends were coming from and he appreciated it. But he was not going to give up.
“How do you expect to find her than Buck?” Steve asked moving to sit down in the chair across from Bucky’s desk. Leaning forward placing his elbows on his knee’s Steve continued. “You’ve been trying for months and you’ve used all your resources and your still no closer.”
“He’s right. You're a Mob Boss. The Mob Boss of Brooklyn and all the resources you have haven’t worked. That's saying something.” Sam stepped forward, hoping to get it into his head.
Bucky shook his head letting out a sigh. “You both are no help”
“We want to help Bucky it’s just, what's left to try?” Steve questioned but it was more a statement than anything.
“Trust use, Barnes. We’d help if we knew how. All you’ve talked about is this girl for 5 months straight. I’d love to shut you up.” Sam smirked.
Bucky stood up to exit his office. As he grabbed his jacket and put it on Steve asked. “Where are you going?”
“Out. Alone.” he answered gruffly.
“Come on man.” Sam leaned his head back against the door frame.
“Your both not helping and I need some air and space to clear my head. I’ll be back later.” he said as he headed out to his garage to get away.
Bucky didn’t have a exact idea on what he was gonna do when he left to get some air but decided once he was on the road why not go to get a drink from his favorite place. Which happened to be in a near by strip mall near his mansion/compound.
Just as Bucky parked he let out a sigh of frustration. As he turned his head looking out the window of his car when something caught his eye. Or should we say someone.
Bucky hurried to get out of his car, he could careless about getting a drink anymore. Bucky called out once he was across the slightly busy road, trying not to get hit by any cars. “Y/n?”
He thought it was her, it looked exactly like her and he is truly hoping it was her and not his mind playing tricks on him.
Y/n turned around upon hearing her name only to see the man that had been on her mind for the last five months. And for more than one reason. “Bucky?”
Bucky smiled relieved to have finally found her. Rushing over to her trying not to bump into people as he did. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Really?” She asked furrowing her brow. She was not expecting to hear that he had been looking for her.
“Course, Doll.” Bucky smiled even wider. But noticing how shocked she seemed and how she was clearly fidgeting with her hands inside her large hoodie pockets. “Doll, did you think- Y/n, I think we need to talk.”
“Ummmm, yeah. Ok.” Y/n nodded knowing they really did need to talk and not just about whatever he wanted to talk about.
Bucky nodded as well, offering her a ride to somewhere they could talk more privately. Y/n didn’t have a car anymore since her’s decided to die at a very in convent time. After accepting the two were headed off to well they didn’t really know where at first but Y/n suggested that they could go to her apartment. So they headed there.
Once they got there Y/n unlocked the door and let them in. Taking off their jackets Y/n offered him something to drink. Once they were both seated and had there drinks, Y/n let out a wary laugh. “So… What do we talk about ? I mean where do we start?”
Bucky reached out for her hand holding it softly but with a firm grip. “Y/n, did you leave that night because you thought it was a one night stand?”
Y/n glanced up to meet Bucky’s eyes before looking down at their intertwined hands. “Wasn’t it?”
“Doll, I would’ve loved to have woken up next to you and cooked you breakfast.” Bucky shook his head smiling and letting out a laugh. He squeezed her hand for reassurance. “I didn’t view nor did I want it to be a one time thing. What made you think I did?”
Y/n shrugged. “I just thought that was what it was. I enjoyed that night so much. All the dancing, talking and the sex. But I just- look Bucky. I knew who you were then just like I do now. What you do for a living, your reputation. I just figured I was another fling.”
“You were anything but a fling, Y/n.” Bucky stated, scooting closer to her on the couch. It did bring him some relief to know that she already knew about him being a Mob Boss. That took a load off of him slightly, not having to explain that part of his life.
“Why Bucky? What makes me so different?” Y/n questioned still not understanding why she would be any different.
Y/n shook her head. “You don’t know me.”
“I might not know a lot, but we talked for a long time that night. About a lot, plus I’d like to get to know you.” Buck spoke with a smile on his lips and admiration in his eyes.
“I’d like to get to know you to it’s just-” Y/n didn’t know if now was the right time to tell him or not. They just found each other again.
“What? Is it because of the whole Mob thing?” Bucky asked scooting so close that there things were completely touching. Bucky looked defeated that this could be over before it even started because of his job.
“No, no it’s not that.” Y/n squeezed his hand this time it was her giving the reassurance to him, that the mob thing didn’t bother her. “Buck, there’s a bit of an age difference between us. I think or at least I thought it might bother you or look bad with your reputation.”
“I could give a fuck about what people think. It doesn’t bother me. Not one bit.” Bucky stated leaning his forehead against hers. Bucky noticed that she relaxed but not by much. “Is something else bothering you?”
“Yeah.” she answered meekly.
“What is it?” Buck asked concerned, he wanted her to feel comfortable and not to worry.
“Y/n, you can tell me anything.” Bucky cut her off knowing she was gonna try and pass on telling him what was on her mind bothering her.
Y/n let out a sigh, slightly nervous to say her next words. After taking a deep breath she looked him in the eyes. “I’m pregnant.”
Bucky sat there shocked and unmoving for a minute before running his free hand down his face. “Woah.”
“Yeah.” Y/n bit her lip, watching his face closely to see his reaction. But with him being a Mobster and all it was not easy to tell what he was thinking. He had a good poker face.
“H-How far along?” He asked gaining his composure as much as he could.
“5 Months” Y/n answered
“Wow. I know that was a goodnight but damn. Didn’t know it was that good.” Bucky smirked turning his gaze back to her, letting out a airy laugh at Y/n’s surprised expression. “Doll, I’m not upset.”
Y/n nodded stil shocked. “I’m noticing.”
“Its not something I expected to happen this soon or ever. I never thought I’d have kids, but then again I never thought I’d find someone I really wanted to be with in a serious relationship either. Till you.” he smiled admiring the woman infront of him.
“This is all so fast-” Y/n added still reeling from his words and happy reaction.
Bucky could tell that she meant it in more than one way. An he understood. She just found out that she was never a fling to him, he wants a relationship and he’s more than okay with the baby thing. It’s alot. Hell Bucky just found the girl he’s been looking for, found out she thought he just wanted sex, that he is gonna be having a baby. It’s a lot for him to.
“I know, I know but how about this. We get to know each other better, got out on dates, appointments for the baby. All of it. Let’s just go with the flow of things ok? I want to be their for through all this and I want to be round and there for you and the baby.” Bucky didn’t want to push to hard knowing how stressed she must be and with how new all this was. But Bucky did not want to lose her again, and he diffidently didn’t want to lose his baby.
“I’d like that.” Y/n smiled agreeing with his proposal of what they should do.
Bucky smiled back relieved and also excited. Not being able to contain himself he reached up to cup her cheeks, pulling her into a searing kiss. Which Y/n immediately kissed back. Enjoying what she’s missed over the last five months.
Tag: @gruffle1

Platonic soulmates ready for a world-saving battle.
Steve as Hawkeye and Robin as Black Widow. Based on this post.
For the Avengers AU, who do you think the rest of the Avengers would be? (Doesn’t have to be limited to the Avengers, if other roles fit more.)
Oooooh lets see, hm.
First off Billy is Bruce Banner, no I will not accept any criticisms on that.
Mighty Thor Nancy? I could see that working.
Iron Man Eddie? Neither one of them give two shits about the rules, they both stepped up when shit hit the fan even if they freaked out about it to begin with. Also Eddie would ABSOLUTELY show up to a battle with Black Sabbath playing.
El and The Scarlett Witch are almost the same person in the first place, that one hits good to me.
Will as Cap but still pre-serum? He's got heart the same way Steve Rodgers does, despite being a toothpick.
Lucas honestly would have been my Hawkeye since he's a ranger and he just quietly handles shit as needed (plus he and Max with Max as Black Widow?? Love it) But since Hawkeye is taken I could see him as The Falcon as well. Which means he gets stuck with Mike later and honestly thats hilarious.
Max to me if not Black Widow has Wasp energy. Small, mighty, sassy and very efficient.
Dustin to me should be Doctor Strange. Arrogant and a little wreckless, though brilliant. His people skills are his biggest weakness. Sometimes does shit just because it sounds good without thinking it all the way through.
Jonathan gives me Matt Murdoc vibes, I could 100% see him rocking Daredevil.
Argyle would make a really fun Thor. I don't have a lot of basis for that other than that they both give puppy energy.
Hop is Nick Fury, that one is also not up for debate.
And I feel like Joyce should get to be Ghost Rider as a treat. There's absolutely no basis for this. In actuality she’d probably be Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy but like. Listen. That woman is fucking terrifying. She should be able to look into someone's eyes and burn their soul from the inside out with their own sins.
Robin lives! Or they die together.
Or as this post on twitter says: Robin dies on Vormir and then Steve is the one to do the gauntlet snap instead because he's lost Robin so he's already dead in his mind.

Platonic soulmates ready for a world-saving battle.
Steve as Hawkeye and Robin as Black Widow. Based on this post.

"Watch your head, dingus." "You get a concussion one time—" "Four times, I can keep count."
Steve as Hawkeye and Robin as Black Widow, again. Based on this post.
Empires smp avengers au seablings
Jimmy and Lizzie are a combination of Thor and aqua man they have a human dad and ocean queen mom
Having kids with a human was a very controversial move from the last queen
she met her human love many years ago he was a British man that loved to sail he was surprisingly respectful to the ocean at a time in history where that was rare
The way he treated her reminded her of the days of her youth when she could go to the surface and be treated like a praised goddess and not as a feared monster
when he died she was heartbroken and after many years of gathering energy she was finally ready to lay her eggs she put them as close to the beach they met as she could with out being close enough to be spotted by humans
the royal family has a magical trident that like Thor’s hammer can only be used by a select few in this case anyone with royal blood
the queen died laying her eggs and a supervillain with a vendetta against the kingdom took the opportunity and tried to kill them so that the line would end and the royal powers could never be used again
but two eggs survived one shiny and brimming with magic the other cracked barely holding on to life but miraculously still intact
There aunt was put in charge of watching over the remaining two eggs after there mothers death
she was unsure if the cracked one still had a living being in it but she held hope that it would pull through
but even though everyone wanted both eggs to hatch they hoped that the one with more potential hatched first so they could be the heir
And the shining one did hatch first and from it came out a very powerful baby girl with blue skin and pink hair she looked just like her mother but had her fathers brown eyes the kingdom celebrated and she was immediately brought to the palace to be queen
there aunt ruled until she was ready and because of that she was unable to watch the second egg but she still had hope and made sure there was always someone watching
But After much more waiting they gave up hope of the other one making it and left it there
the aunt was heart broken and though she wished to takeoff work to check it herself she knew they where right and the thought of going back to the place her sister died was to much
not to mention wasting resources and sending people to watch an egg so close to humans was dangerous
Lizzie knew she had a sibling and was excited to meet them so when they broke the news to her she was saddened
she would steak off to visit the egg ever now and then
But thousands of years later it hatched out came a boy but no one was there to celebrate the miracle
he found his way to the near by shore and because he took more after there human dad in appearance he was assumed to be a baby human
And the next time Lizzie went to the egg she found the remains she went straight home to spread the news but no one believed her she was told that it was probably the remains of one of their many potential siblings that they didn’t clear from the area
she promised to look for her sibling but tragedy struck her again when her aunt died she took the throne and she could no longer search for her sibling but she knew he was out there and hoped he would find his way back there her she swore as soon as they reunited she would be the best sister ever
the trident is powerful giving the wielder complete control of water that does not just include The ocean but all water like rainstorms and the ability to fly by controlling the water in the air
jimmy was brought into the foster care system but ended up being taken out by a secret organization that sought to create assassins he was singled out because of he Atlantean durability and strength they didn’t know he was Atlantean but his inhuman traits caused him to be seen as a perfect candidate for there brutal training program
while going through the harsh training he managed to hold on to his optimism by remembering the cowboy movies he’d obsess over while he was in the system he would think about how they would face obstacles and eventually get there happy ending and comforted himself by saying that he would be just like them and have a happy ending
he only knows basic knowledge since he was taken out of school and was forced to focus on training they wanted him to be stupid obedient and not ask questions
he was always ignored and tried to fill the silence with noise with added bonus of getting them to react on occasion
he is way stronger than n the average Atlantean lizzie is still stronger though
when he got out he became the vigilante sheriff like his mother he loved being respected
both he and his sister where recruited to join the team and they booth excepted
eventually they realized they where related when jimmy was able to lift the trident after that a lot of things started to make sense to jimmy the main ones being able to breath underwater and talking to fish
i just published another one-shot called one of those days in case you wanna check it out!
masterlist (not writing right now)
It's not a big deal but I like to give order to what I write, so here it goes! (this is all bucky barnes btw)
connected but unfinished story loosely inspired by songs by taylor swift:
cowboy like me
invisible string
the feelings trilogy:
bittersweet feelings
mixed feelings
confessed feelings
other more independent things:
temporal infinity
patient zero
life goes on
a piece of heaven
the 5 stages of (my) life
the outbreak, 1.5, pt. 2
calmly, remember, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6
lethal double play masterlist
one of those days
ongoing series:
- how to break a routine in one year (no next update date)
part 1: three months in
part 2: strike one
part 3: the part where it gets weird
part 4: strike two
ok guys. i think i'm in a peak of inspiration so i want to ask you what you want to read from the stuff i've been writing these days. i have two options for you to decide:
so, yeah. the avengers!soulmate won this time in the poll and I'm working on it rn. I think the construction around the whole soulmate thing is a little more complicated than it should be, but you guys knows I just write as it flows my mind, I'll fix the holes in the plot later. so just wanted to let you know that I'm currently writing this! thank u all who voted and I hope to see you next time 💜💜
ok guys. i think i'm in a peak of inspiration so i want to ask you what you want to read from the stuff i've been writing these days. i have two options for you to decide:
Tongue Twister

18+ Minors dni
college Bucky x college reader (Steve’s sister)
A/N: Sequel to Untouched! You find out what Bucky’s mouth can do. Please leave all the comments, reblog and like! <3
Warnings: SMUT, swearing, fluff
Word count: 3.1k
Also part of this AU: Date night, Tipsy
Bucky stirred awake, still dazed from earlier, smiling when he felt you cuddled up against him. He kissed your head, wrapping his arms around you, the back of his mind wondering how he’d explain this to his best friend.
You sighed happily, snuggling into his side more, shifting so you could face him. He tucked a stray hair behind your ear, kissing your forehead and nuzzling his nose against yours.
Keep reading
I have a crush on all 3 of them so I need you guys to make this decision for me😅 I want to create all of these options but I’ll do it in the order of what you guys want to see the most.

Go wild my lovelies🤭

A/N: Well hello there my lovelies! I'm pretty new to this whole writing stuff (I've always been more of a passive reader) and am really just trying to have fun with it so I hope I can make you guys happy with my creations🤭 I have no set schedule for when I'll write something but I'll do my best to create some fun stuff for you to read when I get some inspiration. I don't take writing requests because I'm really just using this platform to have fun with what I feel like writing. BUT I am always open to hearing your thoughts about my existing pieces!
Remember, you are responsible for your own media consumption so read the warnings and make smart decisions😌
Please DO NOT copy or repost my work! But of course, feel free to reblog and comment to your heart's content😘
Have fun yall😏
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
NSFW Alphabet (18+ MDNI!)
SFW Alphabet
Avengers Reassemble Ch 3
Sakaar wasn’t a very forgiving place, as Brunnhilde’s ship was being tailed by a fleet of the planet’s deadliest pilots. What was supposed to be a diplomatic mission to find allies in the cosmos for New Asgard turned into a chase for vengeance.
“SHIT! CAN ANYONE READ ME?!,” Valkyrie shouted out to the communications device on her ship, “THIS IS BRUNNHILDE OF NEW ASGARD CALLING FOR AID!”
A few shots from behind her almost took off her ship’s right wing. The Asgardian dipped down to get out of her enemies’ s scope. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working.
Valkyrie began to mutter to herself, “Become new ruler, he said. It would be an easy job, he said. You can trust me, I’m the mighty, all-knowing Thor, HE SAID!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ODIN, WHERE IS THAT WOMAN?!”
She could’ve just stayed here working for the Grandmaster or she could’ve been having fun somewhere on Alfheim, but nooo! She had to say yes to helping out Dumb and Dumber kill their evil sister! Now, she’s running a damn nation, everyone was either begging for her help or trying to kill her, and she had to stay sober for this mission for FOUR DAYS!
A beeping alarm came from the warrior’s dashboard, “Warning! Massive energy signature detected!”
“Oh, what in the Hel now?!,” Valkyrie groaned.
Out of nowhere, a blazing light caught her attention. It was like looking into the sun. The sound of explosions rattled the ruler’s ears as she tried to get a look at what was going on.
“Your highness,'' came a voice from the dashboard, “Need a hand?”
Valkyrie looked up to see a blonde woman in red and blue looking down at her, burning like a supernova. Captain Carol Danvers gave the Asgardian a smile, as she hovered before her ship.
“Well, if it isn’t the Kree Captain,” Brunnhilde noted, “Would it hurt for you to pick up the damn pager once in a while?”
“Aw, don’t tell me you came all the way to Sakaar for little ol’ me,” Carol jokingly mused.
“We’ve got some stuff to talk about,” Valkyrie told her knight in glowing armor, “You know a place where we can chat?”
“You are my type of guy,” Brunnhilde gleamed as she downed another bottle.
The bar the two were at was filled with criminals, but they were the type not to draw attention to themselves by starting some type of fight with the two heroes. As the valkyrie chugged down the drink, Carol watched her carefully, starting to grow impatient.
“I’m guessing you didn’t cross galaxies just to get wasted,” Carol commented.
“Trust me, they do not sell this brand back on Earth, I’ll tell you that,” Brunn smirked, “No, I need your help. The whole of Earth does.”
“What’s going on?,” Danvers asked.
“That team of yours wants you back,” Valkyrie answered, “Those Avengers of yours.”
Carol scoffed. She remembered working with that group during the aftermath of the Snap. They weren’t exactly the best company, but she had respect for them. Plus, it was a whole team named after her! At least she knew Fury had taste.
“I thought they disbanded after Thanos.”
“They’re coming back together,” Valkyrie explained, “New group and all. Apparently, our names are on the roster.”
“Hm. And what makes them think that I would join them?,” the captain asked quizzically.
“From what I can tell, the Skrulls are doing much better now,” Valkyrie pointed out, “And a good number of the planets you were sent to help are doing far better now. Even this hellhole.”
“Yeah, the people running this place sure have it out for you,” Carol responded.
“Yep,” Valkyrie took another swig, “So, you in or out?”
Carol thought it over. She missed Earth. She really did. She missed the Louisiana nights. She missed messing around with Fury. She missed her family. But she couldn’t go back now.
After the Blip, she finally got them back. Her Maria, her Monica. But they were different. Staying with the Skrulls all these years caused the captain to forget about the shackles of time and age. While she remained as young as when she first got her abilities, time moved on for them. Maria may have forgiven her for the years she missed, but Monica was a bit more...hesitant.
Plus, this was a team! Last team she was on ended up betraying her. No, there was too much baggage.
Carol shook her head, “Look, I’m flattered and everything, but I’m more of a solo act. Your welcome for the save, by the way.”
“Of course,” Valkyrie smirked, “As is the Kree way, right? Not to work with those lower than you?”
The captain’s fists clenched, “I’m not a Kree.”
“Yet you still wear the uniform of one of their soldiers,” Valkyrie scoffed, “Look, I’m not good with emotions or sympathy or any of those made up words Bruce told me about, but I’m going to take a stab at it. The metaphorical stab, not the literal one.”
“Oh boy,” Carol exhaled, ready for some awful advice.
“I’ve tried running away from my responsibilities before. Tried to get away from the place I called home. Wasted my time drinking and working for whoever paid. Believe me, I would guzzle liquor until I blacked out,” Brunnhilde reminisced, “Then I realized that running didn’t solve anything. I had to go back, I had to fix things back home. I think what I’m getting at here is that you can’t run forever.”
Carol listened closely, sympathizing with the woman sitting next to her, “What’s your game in all of this?”
Brunnhilde bitterly let out a laugh, “...I’ve seen too many people die on my watch.”
She took another swig of her bottle and hopped off of her seat, “Well, once you decide to get off your arse and help out, you know where to find me.”
Carol watched the warrior walk out and began to think it over. How was she going to live her life?