Esmp Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
I thought of a hilarious situation for Hermes what if Joel one day choose to mess with jimmy by leaving Hermes in tumble town forced jimmy to be a babysitter or something
well turns out that Hermes because of the dolls Joel makes ends up being very receptive to all the cowboy things Jimmy let’s him do to keep him happy while he’s there
And joel doesn’t know it but it at first but there are consequences for the huge mistake he inflicted upon himself
because in doing that because when Hermes goes home he now wants to be a cowboy
and nothing Joel does gets him to stop the experience changed him now he always wears his hat that Jimmy made him and throws tantrums when someone try’s to take it and refuses to go anywhere if he doesn’t have the hat on
he turns into one of those kids that’s obsessed with a movie so he watches it over and over again and who’s parents are also forced to watch it or a kid with a special interest in wild west and he never stops talking about the topic
Hermes loved the dessert and him and his father can make rain storms so he doesn’t like the rain any more so he starts claiming to be the god of cowboys
when he gets older and he develops a unique domain he officially becomes the god of deserts and oasis’s patron of explorers and pioneer a guide to those looking to start journeys and facings trials
This is empires season 1 king Joel’s weapon of choice

So, because of Lizzie's new video I came up with a theory/head cannon for her. I think That she was grew up in the wild hearing all these tales of how awful humans are to cats. But you know the saying "curiosity killed the cat" I'm thinking that Lizzie heard all these things but still wanted to explore. So she came up with a disguise. She walked into a human library and just started reading. This explains how she knew about the axolotls. She found everything fascinating but did not read to in depth because she was on a bit of a time crunch to get back home. Which is why she did not know that the axolotls would not attack the zombies. She kept coming back to the library and village and eventually became less wary of humans to the point where she did not run away when she saw them, but still had never talked to one. Cat Lizzie does not like people so that is why her empire is entirely made up of animals. Even her villagers.
Just a thought from me: Since Lizzie is nervous around people, or just very cautious I want to see her befriend False. Who is also wary of the other players. Their friendship dynamic would be those two friends who have such a strong bound because of their shared experiences, but like also can go weeks without seeing the other, then pick up right where they left off in a conversation. I just want False to have some friends dude!
False and Scott have bonded over their shared love of craftsmanship. They like to work on projects together. I love this idea!!!1