Esmp S2 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I went looking through my old art and found this

I Went Looking Through My Old Art And Found This

So yeah-

I might do a redraw of this in like a months time when it’s a year old

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2 years ago

Empires smp season 2 sheriff jimmy headcannon 

My headcannon is that as a child jimmy was a homeless orphan ignored by everyone

After his mother died he lost hope and just focus on staying alive until one day a group of kids visited the village it was big news and everyone came out to see the sight because the kids that visited where royalty from far off kingdoms future rulers 

Jimmy saw how everyone stopped what they where doing just so they could get a glimpse of the promising youngsters and he was struck with longing to be noticed like them

 From that day onward he made it his goal to become an emperor so people would love him like his mother used to 

he dreamed up tumble town a place where he wouldn’t be an outcast and where people would respect him 

He chose to settle in a dessert because in the town when it would rain due to not having a shelter he would get soaked and his belongings would risk being ruined 

Because he was homeless he never when to school he only recently learned to read 

In the town where he grew up there was a very wealthy family that had a young daughter named kirsty 

kirsty was always told by her snobby parents to stay faraway from the dirty scrawny kid she would see sometimes around town and she did as she was told until one day she got lost in the woods she was scared and alone but then she found a cave in the cave was jimmy’s “home” she didn’t question it she was taught not to question anything if it benefited her 

She took a look around and found many things food taken from the garbage, a poorly made cowboy hat and drawings of a sherif surrounded by townsfolk and adorned by them all

Then Jimmy returned at first he was embarrassed but then she started to ask about his plans and he started sharing the two of them talked until the Time came for him to show her back but that wasn’t the end of there friendship it was just the beginning 

Kirsty would stop by whenever she could not telling her parents of course they would approve of her friend she was supposed to be learning to be proper lady a perfect example of a southern bell in the making not out climbing trees or digging in trash for food and other things to help jimmy 

as the days went by she started to feel trapped jimmys enthusiasm inspired her his want for more made her want more

She encouraged jimmy to share his plans with others they started to recruit people Jimmys passion of infectious 

Soon enough they started to put the plan into motion kirsty funded most of it but the others helped to so the pioneers set out to create tumble town 

 Jimmy has dedicated his life to tumble town and as you can imagine is terrified he will be replaced and cast out once again after all he was the outsider that went from the bottom straight to the top 

he over works himself a lot trying to build the buildings and do all the paperwork so he doesn’t have to ask others because he feels he might loose their support and they will leave if he oversteps and pushes them away 

I headcanon Joel to be the opposite he was born into health and and influence he much like kirsty was excepted to be a dignified and perfect from birth 

Once he was put in charge he was finally free to do what he wanted he was like those kids that are super restricted and when they rebel they go way overboard 

So Jimmy and joel are complete opposite 

one had responsibility and devotion thrust onto him and the other had to fight tooth and nail for it 

one craves the approval of other while the other stopped caring about what others think a long time ago 

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2 years ago

I thought of a hilarious situation for Hermes what if Joel one day choose to mess with jimmy by leaving Hermes in tumble town forced jimmy to be a babysitter or something 

well turns out that Hermes because of the dolls Joel makes ends up being very receptive to all the cowboy things Jimmy let’s him do to keep him happy while he’s there 

And joel doesn’t know it but it at first but there are consequences for the huge mistake he inflicted upon himself 

because in doing that because when Hermes goes home he now wants to be a cowboy 

and nothing Joel does gets him to stop the experience changed him now he always wears his hat that Jimmy made him and throws tantrums when someone try’s to take it and refuses to go anywhere if he doesn’t have the hat on 

he turns into one of those kids that’s obsessed with a movie so he watches it over and over again and who’s parents are also forced to watch it or a kid with a special interest in wild west and he never stops talking about the topic 

Hermes loved the dessert and him and his father can make rain storms so he doesn’t like the rain any more so he starts claiming to be the god of cowboys

when he gets older and he develops a unique domain he officially becomes the god of deserts and oasis’s patron of explorers and pioneer a guide to those looking to start journeys and facings trials 

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2 years ago

I don’t think season 2 Joel is a god but I do think the headcannon I’ve seen of Joel from season 1 and season 2 being the same person is true 

I believe what happened was that after his palace was destroyed and his loved ones went missing joel searched for a purpose to distract himself from the grief 

He still wanted to leave behind a legacy so he became obsessed with building his magnum opus a statue just like his citizens but so much more he would get giant muscles and be very tall and have the power of a god

he based the design off of myths like Zeus because he was inspired by his wife who was debatably a goddess also he used famous Greek sculptures as references 

While He is the same Joel from season 1 he is not an immortal god like he claims he is It would be ironic because it would make him making fun of Jimmy for being a toy hypocritical 

I also think the reason Joel targets Jimmy so much is because they used to be brothers in laws and he used to think Jimmy was a great ally and friend so seeing someone with the same face and even some similarities in personality being a corrupt sheriff well it infuriates him to no end 

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2 years ago

Empires Smp Avenger au

Jimmy is called the the sheriff and the weapon he uses is a lasso the twist is that he was trained to use guns and Hand to hand combat from a young age but not a lasso as a result he makes a fool of himself getting tied up all the time by his own weapon so it shocks everybody when ever he picks up a gun or does anything else he’s been trained to do for most of his life 

in the western movies he would watch as a kid the cowboys would use lasso’s so he decided to use a lasso and base his theme off of cowboys

even after he finds out he has fish powers he still dresses like a cowboy so if you where to see him in action you would be treated to the sight of a cowboy straight of of an old western controlling water and talking to fish like he’s aqua man

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1 year ago

When Hermes told sausage and joel that they were bad parents I found it hilarious but I have made it my goal to turn it into angst here’s what I came up with 

So Hermes became a teenager in a split second and was immediately overwhelmed with new strong hormone fueled emotions 

He yells at his father’s and tells them that they are terrible parents 

after he’s finished blowing up at them he fly’s off to cool down but when he finally returns his parents are gone and then don’t ever return 

the last thing Hermes ever told his parents is that they were horrible and he hated them 

And unlike us he has no clue why

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2 years ago

What if we just made everyone date huh? What if we just let them be a big fuck pile?

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2 years ago


Ok so what if Callum is in empires s2? What if he lives in Lizzie’s empire? What if he meets Oli and they fall in love again because their characters are literally soulmates? WHAT IF SEAPEESOUND????

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