Hi! I am Daisy, she/her! this blog is my late night thoughts on litterally anything.
26 posts
I Dont Know If This Makes Sense, But I Just Crave Physical Affection? But Like, Not Friend Affection,
I dont know if this makes sense, but I just crave physical affection? But like, not friend affection, and not like sexually. I just, I want forehead kisses, and cuddling, falling asleep on each other. I want facetimes, and holding hands. I want hugs, to just be in someones presence? But not in like a friend way. I just want to be in someones presence, but like romantically?
Idk the difference between the platonic and romatic, but there is a difference, even if i cant explain what the difference is. idk, i guess I just want someone that wants to hang out? Like I have friends, and good friends, but I dont think im ever the priority. they all have better friends, yk? So like, im just kind of there? like i take up space, but not as much as everyone else? And i know its prob my fault, because im horrible at reaching out, but it doesn't make me want it any less.
Idk how to articulate it, but it just kinda hurts my heart to think about? Like, I want this so bad, but I also know it prob wont happen, because im like hella basic? and im annoying? So sometimes I see posts of couples, or even just people at my school, and it kinda feels like im mourning for something i dont/wont get to have.
its really late, so im sorry if this doesnt make sense, but im struggling a little bit, so yeah?
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More Posts from Adotham-1776
Save a life
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
no thoughts, just ARSON

Pretty <3
F1 AU timeskip
kageyama drives for ferrari now

ao3 is down, and i literally do not know what to do with myself.
Praying it gets fixed soon, or i will have to resort to fanfiction.net
James & Heather
Soo these are two of the charecters in my newest creative endevor? I lowkey hyperfixated on this, and made them both pinterest oards and spotifly playlists for both of them. soo enjoy ig?
James: old money, lawyer, expensive watches and suits. Goes to the most prestigious law school in the country, and lives pretty lavishly. He has his whole life planned out, and there is no wiggle room. He’s very intense and charismatic, and will almost always get his way. He does not usually laugh, but he will smirk. He’s always worried he’s not doing enough, and is always aiming to go higher, do more. He has OCD, and is on the edge of burnout, even if he cant see it. Likes listening to french music
Childhood: Parents are really rich, and he always went to the best schools. When he was a little kid, his sister got sick, and their family crumbled. James was essentially left alone, while his parents took care of hid dieter, he tried everything to get their attention, but nothing worked. When he was visiting his sister once, he met a girl that he immediately wanted to become friends with. They became good friends, but one day when he went to visit her she was fead, because her parents could not afford the medicine. After seeing how his sister was alive only because their parents could afford the treatments, he decided that he was going to make enough money that he would be able to provide for the people he loved, incase something happened. He really misses his sister, but she wont return his calls, and it hurts that they dont talk any more.
Heather: wild and free, lives in a van, currently unemployed. James sister, though they are not on talking terms. She is very good with the flow, and rejects anything with a set schedule because of her childhood. She takes medication for a lot of health issues, and was really sick as a kid. She is constantly scared that she will get sick again, and is slightly afraid of hospitals. She will freak out whenever she gets sick, and always thinks it is serious, even if it just a common cold. She believes crystals have the power to heal you.
Childhood: Heathers parents are extremely rich, and she went to the best schools, and lived in huge mantion. However, when she is 8 or 9, she developed a series health condition, and spent the next 8 years in and out of hospitals and surgery. Thankfully, due to the treatments her parents could afford, she recovered, but she now fears hospitals. After spending so much time inside hospitals, and almost dying, she lives in a van, and rejects any normality. She does not talk with her parents or brother after they had a huge falling out because her family wanted her to stay close to home, in case something happened to her, and she needed to be hospitalized again.however, of she does get sick again, she wants to spend the little time she has left being free, and far away from the hospitals.