aerbiscuit - I'm Lurkin' Ova Here!
I'm Lurkin' Ova Here!

Don't mind me. This is just a blog I made to look at fart stuff. (I'm over the age of 20)

200 posts

SUPER Silly Idea: A New Quiz Goes Viral Online And EXPLODES In Popularity. This Isnt Too Surprising,

SUPER silly idea: A new quiz goes viral online and EXPLODES in popularity. This isn’t too surprising, as people have proven time and again that they love sorting themselves into things: wizard groups, Myers-Briggs personality types, zodiac signs, etc.

However, this new craze is a little different: the Broken Wind personality quiz (or, as most people call it, the Fart Type quiz). Basically, you answer a lot of questions regarding how much you’re naturally gassy, what foods make you fart, how often you allow yourself to get farty (whether to intentionally fart more or to just enjoy your favorite foods), how fragrant your farts are, and SO much more. Providing all of this fart-related data will grant a personality type that is shockingly accurate, as well as advice on how to live your best life according to the type of gas you happen to blast.

What starts as a meme quiz quickly becomes a sensation, with people sharing their Fart Types in their social media bios, befriending/hooking up with people based on their Fart Types, and even embracing the power of farts by allowing themselves to get gassy more often than they used to. First dates soon include “proving” your Fart Type. Friend groups fart together and giggle because their Fart Types encourage social gas passing. Life legitimately changes… and some argue that it changes for the better.

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More Posts from Aerbiscuit

10 months ago

This fart-related thought is a little complicated, but stay with me.

Imagine that two characters, A and B, used to be in a relationship, but they broke up with B dumping A. The breakup was really hard on A, who was head-over-heels in love with B. One of the things they took the hardest, though, was that they blamed themself for the breakup. A is a little gassy, and they have a fetish to go with it. B doesn’t have the kink, but allowed A to explore it when they were together. A spends a lot of time despairing that their gas and fetish is what ruined the relationship, and what makes it worse is that they don’t really have anyone to talk to about this, so they just marinate in sadness for a while.

After months of keeping their distance, B happens to talk to A in person. The conversation is a little awkward, but some things are finally apologized for and some subjects clarified. In the middle of their talk, A mentions that they’ve been miserable knowing that their gas ruined the relationship.

Finally, B says something that lifts many of A’s dark clouds of despair: the gas had never chased B away. True, B had been new to that sort of thing, and it was a LOT different than kinks from the other relationships he had been in, but it had no factor in the breakup. Honestly, B started finding A’s farts cute, and they appreciated being able to see a side of A that no one else did. They were signs of A being comfortable and happy around B. In fact, in a moment of honesty that even B didn’t expect themself to reveal, B sometimes finds themself missing those farts as he continues to be with other people.

Well, it’s no “Take me back, I miss you,” but it cures A’s post-breakup depression. They finally feel like they can embrace the thought of dating again, and can move on from B. Although, B has to admit, the conversation brought back a lot of nice memories...

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10 months ago

How would a friendship or relationship between a human and merfolk be?

How would either react to their gassiness?

Good question!

Obviously, a friendship between a human and a merfolk would need to happen in or near water. The human probably takes regular swims, sails out in a boat, hangs around docks/shores, or takes spells/charms to breathe underwater. That last option is rather expensive if you’re not a magic user, so it’s probably a special occasion thing.

The gas factor provides some interesting possibilities, but they all depend on the personalities of the people involved, especially that of the merfolk. Merfolk aren’t strangers to the surface, but most of them spend a lot of time underwater. When they do come up and begin breathing air, they’re particularly sensitive to smells. Only experienced air-breathing merfolk gain a tolerance for strong smells, and that takes a while to develop.

This can be an issue with how potent merfolk gas is. While farts are partially created from the resulting gases of digestion, land-dwellers also fart to release the air that they’ve swallowed and didn’t belch back up. Even if merfolk breach the surface of the water to eat every meal, they have fewer opportunities to swallow air while living underwater. This means their farts have greater concentrations of digestion-related gas, making their stench stronger. This is something that merfolk don’t need to worry about underwater, but that can be a nasty shock to them when they’re forced to breathe air.

If the merfolk involved is sheepish or queasy about farting, they’ll probably get embarrassed every time they surround themselves with bubbles while speaking to their air-breathing friend. They wouldn’t be able to help coughing at their own smell and wondering how their friend could live having to breathe in farts whether they want to or not. Their friend might try to make them less embarrassed by cracking farts of their own, laughing at how the merfolk is affected by that smell too. It’d be a friendship full of groans and coughs, but it could work! As long as the friendship truly is worth it.

Now, if the merfolk likes farting… ooh, that’s a different situation. There are merfolk who have a fondness for the strength of their own farts, who take pride in how many bubbles they can blow and how much it can make an air-breather gag. In this case, the merfolk would intentionally fart during conversations with their human friend. They’d take every opportunity to comment on just how big the bubbles are or to joke about how they’re polluting the air to get back at people for polluting the water. They’d also say a common merfolk joke: that air-breathers are so powerless without air that they might as well smell farts all day. That’s why merfolk are better: they have the option of living underwater.

If the human friend is also gassy and farts right back, this merfolk would probably have loads of fun, joking that the human is just making their own air to breathe. You also can’t hear land-dwelling fart sounds underwater (where there’s just bubbling noises), so the merfolk would probably love hearing those silly noises over and over.

Ultimately, any friendship (and farts) between these two will be unique and fascinating!

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10 months ago

I know there's that debate of shameless vs embarrassed farts, but consider a secret third thing: discreet farts 👀 someone finding subtle ways to let rip in front of others, because what's the alternative? holding it in until they're alone? 🙄 they're gonna fart when they need to, but they don't want the consequences of people finding out, so they've perfected the art of getting away with it.

bearing down to vent a huge bubble of gas in the middle of the club or a concert venue, the sound safely hidden beneath the noise, screwing their face up at their friends when the smell hits like ew who did that? even as they squeeze out a few extra rumbles. standing in the middle of a grocery aisle and not drawing attention to themselves as they reach down to slowly pull apart one cheek and let out a silent, billowing gust of hot stink into the air, letting their guts deflate a bit before wandering off. blowing ass in the movie theater but making sure to time it to the loud parts of the movie so they don't get caught. being in a video chat meeting on mute and keeping their expression schooled as they fart with abandon into their chair, their unprofessional behaviour only just out of frame. just uuuugh people hiding how gross they are 🥴😩

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10 months ago

unironically my situationship rn lolll

Unironically My Situationship Rn Lolll

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10 months ago

To bounce off of your voice chat story. I was thinking about 2 friends being gassy as they play a game. Both of their profile pictures lighting up whenever they fart or burp as the get really into the game. Maybe even after they get tired of the game, they're just chatting with each other and letting rip or just sitting, enjoying each other's silence apart from the sounds of gas.

loooove that, sounds so cozy! what's better than cutting loose with your friend while playing a game together? both of them interrupting each other with their gas, neither of them bothered by it. heaven 🤤

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