‘I can’t read this anymore,’ she thought to herself, head shaking slightly as she closed the book she had in front of her and slid it to the side. One hand raising to run against her forehead and swoop a piece of hair away as the others’ fingernails tapped against the table. She had been trying to find something in the book of relevance for about two hours and had gotten nowhere. This obsession she had was really getting to her. Blue-green orbs looked a little further in front of her to find the coffee she had been slowly sipping on before her hands moved to cup it at both sides and drag it back to her. “Delilah, just chill out,” she muttered before taking a long sip of her coffee, hoping for a distraction.
Aiden couldn’t help but notice someone reading a book, an actual, physical book. Although he had seen Delilah around town a couple times, he didn’t really know much about her. He decided to join her at the table, without asking her. That was quite bold of him. Usually Aiden was polite, but he figured they were friendly enough that it wouldn’t be creepy if he sat with her. “What ya reading there?” he asked. He had just gotten to his favorite coffee shop and was about to crack open his book.
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More Posts from Aidenjcarter
“You know, I can’t say I blame your dad for having held the line on that one,” Steph said, visions of Disney wallpaper and shelves and shelves of Disney figurines swimming in her head; even if that wasn’t exactly what Aiden’s mom would’ve done with her Disney space. “And I guess there are worse dreams to have pressed on you.” She’d seen the pressures of parental dreams and expectations wreak havoc on many of her classmates in high school, particular the girls on her teams who were running because it was fun or because their friends were, not because they wanted to be a track star or make it to the Olympics some day. Chuckling, she said, “Yeah, my mom was the boss in my house, too.” Maybe that was why she’d always felt closer to her father growing up, but then again, the reverse had been true for her brother. Pushing aside thoughts of what might’ve been, she shook her head gently. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry. I’m not sure he gets angry. Besides, I think your baking dumbness has to be less annoying than whatever else he has to deal with.” Unless college students had changed a great deal in the past six years, she was sure there was plenty of idiocy there to go around. “You gotta save the bribes for the last week– or last few weeks of class,” she said, laughing. “You get the baked goods, they get their education, nobody snitches.” At least, that was how it would work in an ideal world. Swatting her hand at his compliment, as if that would make it disappear, Steph shook her head. “I think you’re biased with this great friend stuff,” especially because he was right, they could stand to hang out more, “But I certainly wouldn’t complain about more facetime with you or the pups.” In fact, it sounded like a pretty great idea. “No,” she gasped, her aghast expression only a slight exaggeration when he went on to mention his typical dinner. “Come on, I know you’re not the best cook, but you’ve gotta have something more interesting than that. And as for visiting me at work, you really don’t have to do that as much as you do, anyway.” She’d never claim she didn’t appreciate his company, especially when things were slow in the afternoon, but hanging around so much delicious-smelling dairy couldn’t be entirely fun for him.
“Yeah. Apparently he suggested that I could just sleep in the room with them so that we could all bond, but I’m sure my dad knew it was her way of trying to sneak her way into creating a Disney room. I swear it was like a five year old lived inside my mom’s body,” he laughed. Disney brought his mother so much happiness. In his eyes, she was a real life Disney princess, without the whole aspect of needing a man to rescue her. His mother shined bright in his eyes, the brightest star in the night sky and that’s how he chose to remember her. Every time he missed her, he’d look up at the stars at night and try to find the brightest one. It was his way of acknowledging that she was still there watching over him. “That’s true. I mean I could be his college student and annoy him about films. I feel like I should hide the fact that I’m not a big movie fan away from him. He might disown me as a friend or something,” Aiden laughed. Aiden enjoyed TV shows. He could bed in bed all day watching Netflix, but something about movies just didn’t feel the same. It didn’t have the same appeal, although there were many people who would argue otherwise. “That’s actually a smart idea. Let’s just hope they give me actual brownies and not weed brownies because that could end really bad. I’ll make sure to share some of my bribery with you,” he laughed. “I mean of course I’m biased. I mean we are friends so it’d be weird if I wasn’t biased towards my feelings about our friendship. Yeah and I’m sure the pups would love to have more company around too. I can only afford so much doggy daycare. I’m grateful the lady there gives me a phenomenal discount considering I’m a regular. I considered letting them come with me on vacation, but they don’t like car rides to the vet let alone a long plane trip.” Aiden laughed at Stephanie’s reaction to his dinner. “Hey, it’s filled with protein. Add a little seasoning and you cannot go wrong with it. I honestly could eat eggs every single day. I would make fried eggs but I hate dealing with oil and having to watch the egg. I like simple meals. Honestly, I should invest in a crockpot, maybe I’ll be a better cook. And, you know I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. I come because I want to, not because I’m obligated to. Plus, it’s nice to not be cooped up in my apartment.”
(iMessage): Aiden Carter 💋
Greer: it's okay you can say it's the sex i won't judge you
Greer: eh, agree to disagree
Greer: sounds perfect. i'll unlock the door for ya. see ya soon ;)
Aiden: :'( it really isn't for that. yeah, it's great, but you're a really fun person to be around Greer
Aiden: I don't just sleep with people. You should know that
“That’s the spirit.” Mala grinned, pleased that he hadn’t sent her a look of disbelief and immediately turned his back to her. Instead, he’d played along - with a sense of humour nonetheless. “I’m not paying for your company, I’m bribing you for your company, there’s a very fine line between the two but they can have vastly different meanings and reasons behind them.” The woman couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she spoke to him, shaking her head in amusement as she waited for the bartender. “Did you give yourself this C+ grade? I think I’m going to have to regrade you after this, give you an honest outside opinion on your conversation skills.”
“Well, you’re bribing me with a payment, so I think you are paying for my company through bribery,” he retorted. Obviously the boy was joking. “Hey, there is no shame in having a male escort. There should be no double standard in this world regarding escorts. Women should be allowed to have as many male escorts as she pleases and not be judged.” Once again, Aiden let out a laughter, indicating he was not being serious one bit. “Well, you know how there’s Rate My Professor? My friends decided to make me a Rate My Convo because they claim that I’m too introverted. I guess people give me ratings on how well I can carry a conversation. Apparently, some people have given me the red pepper, which indicates they find me handsome. I think they need to see an optometrist.” Aiden wasn’t much of a drinker, but today he decided to take the edge off a little and went a little too far. It explained why he was much more talkative and humorous than usual.
“Well thanks again Aiden, I’m Nora.” She held out her hand to give a firm handshake, nodding her head in a grateful way. “Yes I’m fine, perhaps if you hadn’t interfered sooner who knows.” She trailed off in thought, a shiver running down her spine at how much worse it could’ve been. “Guess Wilmington isn’t safe as I assumed it would be.”
“Oh, what a pretty name. That’s the name of this character on this show I really love.” He stuck his hand back out and gave her a reciprocated firm handshake. “Well maybe I’m your guardian angel sent from above,” he joked, trying to make light of the situation. He didn’t want her to feel as though the situation wasn’t important, but he didn’t want to dwell on it either. “Yeah, I don’t think anywhere is safe, if I’m being honest. I think there’s definitely cities with a lower crime rate, but you definitely should be careful. Get some pepper spray or something,” he suggested.
“Thank you, what show may I ask?” She asked. growing up she wished had a more known name just to get one of those key chains with your name on them, but lately it appeared that they were starting to add a few unique names to the collection. “I have pepper spray but unfortunately I left it in my other purse, guess I really should hook it up to my keys instead. Although I am always afraid I’d end up pepper spraying myself knowing my luck.”
"The Flash, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it. It’s the name of the main character’s mom,” he continued on. He really loved that show and was grateful that the newest season got released on Netflix. He was really enjoying his short time off from school. “I would say you should practice so that you’re more well trained but I don’t know if the mist will end up in your eyes too. Or you can always just call me if you’re in trouble and I’ll come save you,” he offered.