akiratrebound - What am I even doing? XD
What am I even doing? XD

Welcome to my weird art/story blog, I hope you enjoy your stay~

466 posts

NOTE: This Reads Like A Manga, So Right To Left!What It Says In Case You Can't Read My Handwriting :

NOTE: This Reads Like A Manga, So Right To Left!What It Says In Case You Can't Read My Handwriting :

NOTE: This reads like a Manga, so right to left! What it says in case you can't read my handwriting : If you had the chance to leave everything you knew behind...Would you take it? I decided to just go ahead and post the first page and I'm probably just going to post them as I finish them. I almost have the second one done and then the three after that just need to be inked and shaded. Also only the first page of each chapter will have shading this intricate. The others will have shading but not quite so much? It's a little hard to explain, I guess you'll see what I mean when I post the second page. Anyway yeah. I hope it looks good! Minecraft belongs to Mojang Fox-hood and the art belongs to me.

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    starfallaminecraftiantale reblogged this · 9 years ago

More Posts from Akiratrebound

9 years ago

Real Talk o3o

Alright I feel this needs to be said: I warn you all I am the BIGGEST procrastinator ever. So yeah. As far as Starfall is concerned I may put up the first five pages soon like here, but I might wait until after this huge camping trip that's coming up on like the 21st I think. So uhm yeah...be warned I guess? And I am sorry. I'll probably get a rhythm down that works well with my procrastination tendencies and such. Anyway. Yeah...that's all I wanted to say. Laters! Oh! Also, I’ve decided I’m going to make a separate blog for Starfall where pages will be posted and you can interact with the characters! Ok, now laters~

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9 years ago
This Is The Second Drawing Inspired By This Playlist: 8tracks.com/voxelarch/meadowYou Can Find The First

This is the second drawing inspired by this playlist: 8tracks.com/voxelarch/meadow You can find the first here: dakotaleoschiffer13.deviantart… Minecraft belongs to Mojang Starboy and the art belong to me. Please do not use or repost without my permission.

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9 years ago
Oh Snap
Oh Snap
Oh Snap
Oh Snap
Oh Snap
Oh Snap

oh snap

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9 years ago
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn
Im Working On Starfall Pages. So Have Some Of The Best Expressions So Far. Well At Least The Best Drawn

I’m working on Starfall pages. So have some of the best expressions so far. Well at least the best drawn ones. Yeee~


ftr he’s drinking milk ovo; just kinda noticed it looks like Fox-Hood is drinking something not so innocent ovo;;;

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9 years ago
I Wish I Knew What It Was Like To Care Enough To Carry On.I Wish I Knew What It Was Like To Find A Place

I wish I knew what it was like to care enough to carry on. I wish I knew what it was like to find a place where I belong. But. I am Machine. I never sleep, I keep my eye WIDE OPEN. I am Machine. A part of me wishes I could just FEEL SOMETHING. Wooo~! This is the second Three Days Grace picture I mentioned. This one has Akari on it. Holy shet, that background looks so cool and I was just derping. It makes me feel like I was lazy on Gin's picture ovo; Akari and the art belong to me I am Machine belongs to Three Days Grace.

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