Starfall A Minecraftian Tale - Tumblr Posts

I FINALLY FREAKING FINISHED IIIIT! No seriously, I was supposed to finish this like a week ago :T Anyway. This is the cover to my minecraft comic that I'm going to be doing. I've already started sketching pages. Summery: Ginsei, better known as Fox-Hood, has never felt at home in the town he lives in. He was made an outcast due too his heterochromic eyes. Starboy has not been able to find a place he felt safe in since he lost his parents and home. He wanders from place to place, never really settling. Fate has decided that their time has come. Alongside the four gods of the land, Herobrine, Steve, Enda, and Notch. They search for a way to restore balance as the world begins to crumble into the void and for the lost fifth god. Bonds are formed, rivalries are born, limits are tested. All in this Minecraftian Tale called Starfall.

I’m working on Starfall pages. So have some of the best expressions so far. Well at least the best drawn ones. Yeee~
ftr he’s drinking milk ovo; just kinda noticed it looks like Fox-Hood is drinking something not so innocent ovo;;;

NOTE: This reads like a Manga, so right to left! What it says in case you can't read my handwriting : If you had the chance to leave everything you knew behind...Would you take it? I decided to just go ahead and post the first page and I'm probably just going to post them as I finish them. I almost have the second one done and then the three after that just need to be inked and shaded. Also only the first page of each chapter will have shading this intricate. The others will have shading but not quite so much? It's a little hard to explain, I guess you'll see what I mean when I post the second page. Anyway yeah. I hope it looks good! Minecraft belongs to Mojang Fox-hood and the art belongs to me.

I HAVE RETURNED FROM CAMPING! :D Yeah, I'm pretty tired but I had fun. So I get on and see that someone I'm following had made a playlist of music and I listened to it and this and another picture ( ) are the result. I'll likely color these in my next stream. listen to the playlist yourself, it's really awesome: Minecraft belongs to Mojang Fox-Hood Gin and the art belong to me. Please do not use or repost without my permission.

This is the second drawing inspired by this playlist: You can find the first here: dakotaleoschiffer13.deviantart… Minecraft belongs to Mojang Starboy and the art belong to me. Please do not use or repost without my permission.

I am so sorry- erm...yeah. I took a break from doing Starfall pages and I ended up drawing Oreh stealing Starboy's first kiss... cause that's a thing that actually happens in the comic Have I ever mentioned that I'm a filthy shipper? and that I ship them like fedex? Don't worry though. I will try to keep it as lowkey in the comic as possible because I don't want romance to be a huge thing in it. I really don't. But it comes up occasionally like this here, though now thinking more on it I think this is the only in comic kiss that you ever see? Or at least that I have planned. Again. I'm sorry. ovo;;; so sorry Starboy and this version of Herobrine(Oreh as I call him) belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

"Hey kid. Are you going to tell me your name or what?" Herobrine asked, trying to make idle conversation to hopefully calm the poor boy that was clinging to him as he walked. The ginger boy sniffled and shook his head "Mama always said to not tell strangers my name" he said softly, a small sob breaking up his words at the mention of his mom. Herobrine fought back a sigh and said "I probably just saved you from dying out in the forest alone by taking you to a village like I am. Do I really qualify as a stranger?" he asked. The boy just shook his head again and buried his face into the back of Herobrine's neck. 'Why am I even helping this child?' he asked himself then glanced over his shoulder at the boy "You know what. Because you refuse to tell me your name I shall just call you Starboy because of that necklace you wear." Herobrine said. That actually got a small chuckle out of the kid. He looked at Herobrine with teary eyes and a sad smile "I kinda like that name" he murmured. Herobrine smiled softly himself "Starboy it is then" he said Yanno how Herobrine has that weird habit of picking Starboy up? I had the thought of what if that started when he and Herobrine met the first time? I mean I had it established that Herobrine takes him to a village for safety after his parents died. I never said how though so this is a thing now. and you bet your butt I'm going to color this later Starboy and this version of Herobrine(Oreh as I've dubbed him) belong to me! Please do not use with out my permission!

A short ginger child ran through the woods away from a burning cabin while screaming for help. He ran blindly with tears running down his face, fear making him run much more than his small body should be able. He yelped when he ran straight into something and stumbled back and fell on his bum. He sniffled and looked up and saw that he had run into a person. Completely ignoring the white eyes he shot to his feet and grabbed the strangers arm. "You need to help me! Please!" The boy cried. The man stared at him for a long moment "Why?" he eventually asked. "Because my parents were attacked! An-and during the struggle some hot embers hit the floor and now the cabin's on fire! I tried to get them up but they wouldn't move! Please! We need to get them!" he said. The man glanced around then narrowed his eyes when he saw the glow of flames in the distance. It seemed the boy wasn't lying. He glanced back at the child and noticed a star-shaped pendant hanging around his neck. He frowned at how familiar the necklace was. Now that he thought on it the boy looked almost like a younger version of... "Take me to the cabin. I will see what I can do" he instructed. The child nodded and led the way with a limp, just then taking note of how much his legs hurt. Once they reached the cabin the man stepped forward and lifted a hand, all the flames going out at once. The ginger's jaw dropped "Are you a fire spirit? Is that why your eyes glow like starshine?" It was the man's turn to stare at him in surprise then he smirked "My name is Herobrine." he said "Stay here." he ordered and walked into the charred remains of the house. He found the remains of the parents in the bedroom and like he thought. Both dead. He looked towards the entrance where the boy waited and wondered what he was going to do with him, or how he was going to break the news to him. He got up and walked out to the child "I apologize but...your parents are both dead...." he murmured, mentally cursing himself for feeling bad when he saw the heartbroken look on the child. The boy fought back fresh tears, wanting to stay strong in front of Herobrine. Herobrine sighed and knelt by the boy "Here. Get on my back. I will take you to a village so you do not starve out here." He said softly. "r-really?" he stammered in surprise. "Yes. Now do it before I decide to make you walk the whole way." he snapped. The boy jumped then did as told. Herobrine straightened and started walking towards the nearest village he knew of. Ahaha, that's what took place before the scene that was in the description of the paper version of this. Anyway yeah, this gives the back story of Starboy and Herobrine and how they know each other and I like that owo Starboy and this version of Herobrine(Oreh as I've dubbed him) belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

I was bored and I found a blog that had multiple color palate thingies and I took two Monochrome ones and used them to make these two drawings. The one in green is Luci. She is only ever mentioned in the comic as she is already been dead for many years when it starts. She was a good friend of Herobrine's though before she passed. So while drawing this I played a little with her design. Originally she only had short fluffy hair but I decided I wanted something tied into her hair so I added the small braid in her hair and tied to said braid is a feather and a piece of Nether Quartz. And she wears a diamond necklace. The one in blue is Fox-Hood. Fun Fact: Those who associate with a certain god(like interact with them on a regular basis) usually end up with some sort of charm from them. For Herobrine it's a feather of some sort and a piece of Nether Quartz, as seen in Luci's braid and the feather and Nether Quartz tied to the end of Starboy's axe. The sword Fox-Hood ends up with in the comic has a diamond and emerald tied to the hilt that are from Steve. Enda would likely give you an Endstone shard and Obsidian. I haven't quite decided on Notch or Stellra though. Anyway, the link the blog I found is this: go check it out, maybe you'll find a palate you like! >w< This was my first time doing monochrome coloring so this was a challenge and I probably could have done better but it was fun nonetheless~ Luci and Fox-Hood belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

Art and this version of Herobrine(Oreh) belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!
I’m dying over the oreos still XD

Starboy belongs to @akiratrebound
Update thingy?
SO About Starfall. I have decided I am going to continue it instead of putting it on hiatus. It just won't be my main focus which means it will update slower. But this raises the question again, should I continue it as a comic or actually write it out? I would be interested in trying to write it but at the same time I really enjoy the thought of it being a conic. So what do you all say? Comic or Written out? Comment what you think As far as what WILL be my main focus it's a story called The Band of Misfits: Tale of Beasts that I am co-writing with @jadenheart101 it will feature mine and her characters traveling across the multi-verse exploring new places and finding things from the ancient past. I am currently working on the first chapter of that while also helping her plan out chapters two&three so it's been fun owo I hope to have that up soon(ish) Anyway that's all for now! Baii

Inktober-Day one- Sweaters
After my computer suffering from a glitched update and not being able to turn on all day I can post this!
My personal list:
@jadenheart101‘s version of today’s prompt:
Starboy and Oreh wearing sweaters(haha return of the sweater from that one ask) While sketching I realized that it looks like Starboy told a pun or a joke and it looks like Oreh is screaming silently in his head. Starboy and my version of Herobrine(Oreh) belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

My list:… Day 1:
@jadenheart101's version of today's prompt:… Fox-Hood and Steve playing with fallen leaves because why not Fox-Hood and This version of Steve belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

Have some art! minecraft art at that. This is actually a redraw of something I drew back when debating Herobrine and Starboy traveling together. Tho, since it was pointed out that Starboy could be oblivious to Oreh's presence I had the thought of 'wouldn't it be funny if Oreh shoved him down into the pit?' I'm a bad person art, Oreh and Starboy all belong to me, please do not use without my permission!
I bet all of you forgot about this ewe but I have been working on this off and on for a month or two but it's fiNALLY FINISHED well, the prologue, but I'm happy to get this typed. so yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee onto chapter one owo Art and characters belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!