PaperArt - Tumblr Posts

Mr kittensnezze, my first draw in my New sketchbook

Full metal alchemist, fiz esse desenho a MUITO tempo atrás

I love doctor who, eu adoro doctor who.
Sodikken mas no meu estilo, the animator and Youtuber sodikken but in my srt style.

Sei lá kk, idk haha.

+1 perspective draw
Hotline Miami 2

United states of SMASH!

Nothing to say, just see how is so cute.

Nada para dizer, apenas veja como é fofo.
A little bit of cyberpunk

Um pouquinho de cyberpunk
I love cartoon network, i grow and passed my infancy watching this Channel.

Eu amo a Cartoon network, eu cresci e passei minha infância assistindo ele.
Esse desenho é simples mas levou MUITO tempo

Para que a moça NUNCA JAMAIS duvide que ela é merecedora de todo o amor que esse mundo tem, te vejo no futuro.

Confusão, você não tem certeza do que está atrás da porta, por mais assustador que seja ela está aberta agora, pode continuar no escuro ou passar através da porta.

Não tem muito o que ver aqui, duas pessoas, uma árvore, um horizonte de eventos, quem nunca né.

Um samurai q fiz na aula, baseado em musashi miyamoto.

Chenle in beige
I've always admired this photo of Chenle and I decided it would be nice to make an aesthetic post for you guys! When I first looked at this photo I instantly reminisced about daydreaming and imagination. I wanted to include the joys of being care free and enjoying the experience of life in itself. Chenle has always been a person that I can turn to for emotional support. Sure, he doesn't even know that I exsist but his whole personality and energy makes me feel at such ease and contentment. I hope I managed to capture his mood in this collage~ 🌻

"His little whispers, love me, love me That's all I ask for, love me, love me He battered his tiny fists to feel something Wondered what it's like to touch and feel something" What did you feel/see when you saw the picture? I am curious! I am so glad i am finally able to draw on bigger sheets! My old apartment really had no space for big pictures. I love drawing with coal and graphite and a great art store in my city has this awesome spray to fix coal and much more!! (Song: Meg&Dia - Monster) #coaldrawing #coalart #graphiteart #papercut #blackandwhite #artwork #monster #artstuff #paperart #youngartist #pain #insanity #madness #freak #darkart #coal #shadow #darkness #creatures #empty #lizzyeatsart