Alina Capella, pleasure to be meeting you all! I'm 26, female, and the author of The Tengu And The Angel! Minors DNI.
792 posts
Hi, Thanks For The Tag! Let's Do This!!!
Hi, thanks for the tag! Let's do this!!!
Last Song - Second Chance by Shinedown
Last Movie - A Street Cat Named Bob
Currently Watching - Nothing right now
Currently Reading: We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian
Currently Craving: Fried shrimp, or maybe some Cajun chicken lol
Last Thing I Searched For Writing Purposes: Can a person who's had a kidney transplant have mint?
Tagging @motheyesofnight
9 Tags
Got tagged for this by @dogmomwrites ! Thank you so much ^-^
Passing this onto some of my followers; @burger-the-ham , @aqua-phantasy , @alinacapellabooks , @thecatsgravewrites , @soc-trash , @kyofsonder , @olive-riggzey , @zestymimblo , and @erieautumnskies , plus anyone else who wants to join!
Last song - Metamorphosis - Blue Stahli
Last movie - Blue Beetle
Currently watching - Transformers Animated
Currently reading - Blue Exorcist vol 5. Again.
Currently craving - Honey sticks.. my qpr lovely brought me some, but I'm in the computer lab & can't eat any ðŸ˜
Last thing you searched for writing purposes - Synonyms for Armor - for Peter's power. Now called Guard Build
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Last song -
Last movie -
Currently watching -
Currently reading -
Currently craving -
Last thing you searched for writing purposes -
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More Posts from Alinacapellabooks
Me: *Upset for any reason whatsoever* *Channels my sadness and anger into angsty scenes*
(experiences angst in real life)
Me: My OCs are so gonna pay for this
Hey, thanks for tagging me! I don't have many WIPs RN, as I don't like to work on more than one project at a time, unless they're all related to a bigger project, but here's what I've got as of now:
-The Tengu And The Angel FINAL
-Sequel for The Tengu And The Angel (Maybe???)
-Magical Girl WIP I have yet to name
-Ariel Bio
-Orpheus Bio
-Solana Bio
-Brooklyn VILLAIN
Tagging @moonscribbler and @sm-writes-chaos
WIP Title Tag
Tagged by @pheita here!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Gently tagging: @alinacapellabooks @mysticstarlightduck @mister-writes @rachaellawrites @coffeewritesfiction @bee-barnes-author (I only have two WIPs but whatever lol) and an open tag for anyone else!
It’s been a while since I’ve done this and I’ve somehow become very generic in the way I label things. These are from Tomb of Light as well as Ascension, my side WIP I’m trying to build interest for.
Magic System Notes
Mara and Hettie
Eternity Field Guide
The Tale of the Fall (Blah)
Mara Intro
Hettie Intro
Oliver Intro
ToL Plot Twists (yes, there are enough to fill a page)
Ascension Prologue (New)
The Prince and the Knight
Sometimes I talk to fanfiction writers, and they're like, 'Oh, Alina, I don't have the confidence to write original fiction like you do, I'm not good enough for that' but then they'll turn around and write an AU that's like, 'Helluva Boss, but Blitzo and Moxxie are human, and also the children of a kindly farmer living in Victorian England'. Girlypop, you ARE good enough to write original fiction, because you basically just did. Stop doubting yourself, and show your original work to the world. It's good, I promise.

Art by @yhelsstuff
Introducing Nathaniel, the love interest of my upcoming romance novel, The Tengu And The Angel! Bio:
Name: Nathaniel Azrael Bythesea
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fashion designer/owner of a Victorian gothic online store called Black Rose
Blood Type: A
Likes: Victorian novels and fashion, tea, white roses, tabletop RPGs, his boyfriend's cooking, electro-swing
Dislikes: Christmas, dogs, especially pitbulls, horror movies, the beach, being yelled at
Sexuality: Demiromantic homosexual
Ethnicity: Black-British, but has Haitian ancestry on his mother's side
Friends: Tamara Cato, Layla Cato (Best friends), Kunio Yoshioka (Roommate, and later boyfriend)
Relatives: Unnamed father (deceased), Unnamed mother (Disowned)
Personality: Described as 'gentle, yet radiant' (By my beta reader lol), Nathaniel is an extraordinarily kind and gentle person, who goes out of his way to help others, especially those he feels he can relate to. Having been abandoned by his mother at the age of three, and grown up in fostercare, he often feels as if there's no point in him being alive, as nobody loved him, or wanted him as a child. He is an excessive people-pleaser, and his self worth is mostly dependent on what others think of him. He believes that if he can make everyone like him, then maybe someday, someone will love him, however, this belief has lead to him being trapped in a toxic relationship with his ex 'best friend', Theo, who is emotionally abusive towards him. Will he ever realise his own self-worth, and escape Theo's clutches?
Want to hear more about Nathaniel's story? Read all about it in The Tengu And The Angel, releasing in December 2023!
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3