i may be cringe, but I am free || cz/en
115 posts
Allegedlyalan - Alan - Tumblr Blog
Brothers Karamazov is an amazing psychological exploration of character because it showcases three terrible yet very common mental illnesses: the saviour complex (Alyosha), the superiority complex (Ivan) and being an extrovert (Dmitri) 😔
my beloved deepL translated “epic gay sex” to “epický gay sex”. I don’t know what I was expecting but maybe not epický gay sex
Hodně niche otázka, ale kde jinde se zeptat než na čumblru: Čeští užívači Death Note (jakože enjoyer hahaha), jak byste skloňovali v češtině jméno L? Je to L-ova ruka? Nebo ruka L (i když by to implikovalo, že L je ženský jméno)?
Na ao3 to vídám různě...
Me: Yo I got that dawg in me
The ATF agent hiding in the bushes behind my house:
your "liked your instagram story" won't impress me, I've seen true love before
Zane Holtz fancast as Henry Winter could absolutely redistribute my matter 🤭
"They're Silent Generation! They should stay silent, but they keep yapping!"
twenty minutes in and this interview is already fruitful
Death Note 'Dan and Phil'! AU where L and Light are a beloved youtube duo whose fans are convinced the two are dating. And they might actually be, at least for the camera, but they are still rivals trying to get the other behind bars/six feet under. In fact, if you watch their newest baking video closely, you can see L's hidden security cameras by the cutlery drawer as well as Light putting arsenic in L's tea.
kde jste, čeští/slovenští fandové The Secret History?? protože písnička Jelen je tak Tajná Historie coded až to není vtipný
Zabil jsem v lese jelena, bez nenávisti, bez jména, když přišel dolů k řece pít, krev teče do vody, v srdci klid.
Doznání Henryho Wintera u průměrného českého táboráku? more likely than you think
A "svět přikryje ticho, tečka za příběhem, kdo pozná, čí kosti zapadaly sněhem"??? Doslova Bunny Corcoran fr fr
me when I see Adam Parrish get relentlessly twinkified by the fandom
(just kidding, I hate Elon Musk, I hope he gets twinkified to oblivion)
hell yeah
I'm sorry, tumblr WHAT?!?
just came across this video and I dare you to tell me that is NOT Ronan Lynch
average Pynch argument
not now, sweetie, mommy is getting shamed into developing a community by her favourite poet
me checking spotify every day, foaming at my mouth, gnawing at the bars of my enclosure
your girlfriend is your only friend and that is a huge mistake my man hope you've got yourself a backup plan 'cause I've seen how this goes, again and again
JREG!! DROP THE ALBUM, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS (I will be your #1 Spotify listener)
"Henry and Bunny fought in Italy... I think Henry must have tried to sugardaddy Bunny into gay sex, that's the only logical thing that could've happened."
Richard "Straight" Papen please never change
so I read The Secret History...
(art is by @ryegarden (here) and @malkettu (on IG))
Remember that scene in trc when Blue couldn't stop crying because Gansey didn't text her back?
yeah, me neither. He's not your true love, babe.
brat summer this, brat summer that, I'm ready for Brat (1997) autumn where we wear big sweaters, eat watermelon, listen to Nautilus Pompilius and simp for Sergei Bodrov Jr.
(getting involved with gangs is optional)
"yes, I'm a sleeper agent, and you see, by sleeper I mean, well..."
Do we have a franz kafka diary entry for july 1st, i want to know what he thinks!!!
yeah, that checks out 😌
Do we have a franz kafka diary entry for july 1st, i want to know what he thinks!!!
rare Jan Zahradníček meme
(shoutout @willowmaidsworld :))