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Alphaomegamutt - Alpha, Omega, Mutt. - Tumblr Blog
Thank you guys! I know I haven’t post much lately but I’ll try my best. I really appreciate your support!
The plugs in their asses buzz, signal the beginning of another blissful and glorious day of serving the master. Both slaves dislodged from each other musky embraces in their shared single barrack. The tube, finishing it job of collecting the slaves’ cum during their wet dream of the master brainwashing all night, immediately detached from their sheathed penis. The sheath and the chemical in the slave feed always keep them erected and ready.
The whole slave stable got the same signal and leave the barrack with nothing on their dick pointing to the sky showing their sheath gripping along their length proudly just as the master’s mark over their heart. They head to the gym yard in unison for their mandatory morning workout.
After two hour of grueling work out, the slave move their glistening body to their equally grueling job. SP-0019 and SP-0047 join a group of slave heading the master mansion, all of them good looking slave that also carries the pleasure slave rank as well as their other assigned job. Any slave serves in the master mansion have to be personally selected by the master to also serve as a sex slave for him.

At the slave entrance at the mansion, the X-Class guard slave, which is the only class of slave allowed to have the barracks in the mansion’s basement, stand by to inspect and hose down all of the slave entering the mansion. While the master appreciates a masculine musk, he doesn’t want his mansion to be overwhelmed by that. The guard give the slave a kiss on their tattooed chest, appreciating their hard work and devotion to the master, and let the slave inside.
SP-0019 and SP-0047 head straight to the kitchen where they prepared the master’s breakfast for him. They put on their uniform for the kitchen. Not many other slave in the estate have to wear anything other than their plug, sheath, and black boots. The warriors and guard wear bulletproof vest; hi vis and fire proof vest for dangerous job; and the slave outside of the estate wear normal clothes.

They used to be a raising star chef, have their own Michelin restaurant. But that don’t matter as the uniform slide across their raised tattooed flesh of their owner’s emblem. They shutter as pleasure sparks and run through their spine to their sheathed dick, another reminder of his ownership over them. This is the proudest and most honorable moment of their life to serve the master.
They begin working on the finest ingredients, grown by service slaves on the land around or brought by money of the master’s labor slave, with their also finest skill for a meal worthy of the god that they all belong to.

After the breakfast is finished, they brought the perfect plates of savory and sweet dishes to the master’s bedroom. The guard to the door let them in to the glorious sight of the master sleeping with two of his chosen pleasure slaves for the night on his sides. The slaves on the bed are fully awake waiting for the master’s first command of the day.
19 and 47 set the plates down and begins another duty of them. Both slave get under the sheet and begin the journey of kisses from each of the master’s feet to his divine manhood. Their lips meet each other at the master’s rod, with the rod in between them and on the center of their mind, they begin the passionate make out. Their tongues work in harmony on the master free and unsheathed shaft. Their tongues touch and depart and repeat, the same goal dominates two slave obedient mind, pleasing the master. As they lost in the dedication to the act, hands reach to their head and play with their hair, they immediately know whose hands it belongs to. Just like them, these heavenly hand are belong to their rightful master.

As a well trained pleasure slave, they can feel his divine nectar close. They took turn fighting for his seed and continued pleasuring him. Today luck favors 19, it lick the master’s slit clean. The flavor of his nectar spreading all over it tongue, no food that it tried or made have come close to this. “Good morning, sir” as 47 finished welcoming the master to his new day, 19 close its mouth on 47 to share the divine seed with it. 47’s tongue immediately shoot out to 19’s mouth and throat, scraping the best thing that every slave could have ever tasted.
After all of the master’s meals are completed for the day, the slaves headed back to their stable for another 2 hours mandatory workout. Then they gather at the line of feeding tray where a white goo rushes out from a machine that mix all the slave needed nutrition and protein for their muscle; chemicals for their obedience, strength, and endurance; cum from all of them for the fraternity. They get to the ground on all four and wolf down with their mouth from the feed. 19 and 47 on the line with its brethren enjoy their meal. Knowing that the compound make them big, strong, and better slave, the feed is their second favorite and the only food they now know. The delicious food they made are not for them and if they made it perfect enough they might get to taste their top favorite from time to time.

“Who the fuck are you? You aren’t my lawyer.” Chris asked, confused, as a mob boss, that fucking lawyer of his better show up for what he paid for them, not this skeleton of a man. He has been in this god forsaken jail for far too long. He might have people both here and out helping him run his business uninterrupted, but nothing beats freedom.
“No I’m not, but trust me Mr.Connor. You’ll find that my offers are hard to refuse.”
“I’m not talking until my leach lawyer is here.”
“It’s ok, that won’t be a problem.” Suddenly the door of the interrogation room opened. Three huge guy entered the room, Chris is shock at them, all naked with the same matching tattoos on their chest. Their dicks are attached to some weird device along its full erected length.
One stay behind the small man, kneeling by his side. Two of them immediately got to Chris and pin him down to the chair. He finally got a close look at the tattoo containing some weird emblem and a small text under it “WP” following with a number.
But Chris is now too panic to pay attention to. As they start tearing his orange jumpsuit, leaving him completely naked on a cold stainless steel chair.

The mysterious man walk up to him and grab his bearded face. “Turns out we do need people on the hierarchy and cannot just recycle some junkie. I couldn’t stomach them, they are deeply unattractive but here you are on the top of the food chain and quite a looker yourself, jackpot! You made a little slip that landed you here, but don’t worry I’ll make sure you’ll be much, much more capable and won’t making any mistakes again.”
The man released the grip on face and tap Chris’s forehead with his finger gently. Chris body suddenly feels like it has been electrocuted with pleasure. His body seizes up. The power flowing along his spine to the tip of his dick makes his back arched up in the air sending his instantly erect dick high up in the air. Chris letting out a tortured moan as the most potent orgasm he has ever experienced hit him but all the reaction from his dick is leaking droplets of pre-cum.

Chris is completely paralyzed as the third naked men carry him to what’s look like an ambulance parking in a private area of the jail. Inside the gurney and machine with hundreds of robot hands with fully loaded needle are standby for his arrival.
Chris body remain completely paralyzed from the master’s power as the machine break his skin with hundreds of needles with precision. As the needle slowly sink into his urethra, his balls, and anus, he feels everything as the machine begin pumping the compound X into him. But his awareness is cut short as another pair of needles make contact with his temple and the headset secured over his head, pumping the master pure mind power into its mind, destroy every resistance while solidified obedience and loyalty to its one and only god master. Molding its mind and body into one of the master’s X-Class super human slave.

Lying in the spacious bed of the master bedroom in the mansion that it used to own. Chris, now XP-0003, usually sleeps in the new barracks with all of its slave brethren, but today the master request its sexual service.
No matter how much it wants to stay at the master’s side, but it have master’s mission to obey and complete. It get up from the master’s bed, XP2 are on the other side of their sleeping master. His head resting on XP2 chest, XP2 nod to XP3. One of X-Class slave’s super human ability is operating 24/7 without needing sleep, ever. So as XP2 and XP3 have finished their duty of sexually servicing the master. They always stay fully awake guarding him.

XP3 pass by rows of naked men strapped into a steel gurney. All of them used to be Chris’ trusted comrades, right hands, and henchmen. But Chris aren’t here anymore. Only XP3, a master’s vessel puppet for the soon to be reformed syndicate.
Their head are fitted with the same headset machine that XP3 have been brainwashed on, but not the compound X that flow in XP3 body. They would be other classes of non “X” superhuman slave. But only pure obedience and mind clean of free will can achieve so many things unimaginable and superhuman like without the need of Compound X.

XP3 feel the slickness of the master’s holy nectar deep inside it from last night, reminding it that the slave mind and body belong to the master to make use of. And if the master want to use it above and beyond other slave capabilities, it obeys without hesitation with or without the compound pumping through its vain.
It put on a suit and a facade of “Chris”, one of the most feared mob boss. But under the suit is the insignia of its god and its real name, permanently marked on its skin over its heart, where it belong; a sheathed duck; and a plugged hole. Just as under the mask of a hot headed playboy mob boss, is a fiercely obedient and loyal slave, a vessel to its master’s will, pulling his puppet around.

A highly decorated special force officer, intelligence officer, and general, after taking countless bullets and leading many successful commands for his country, the only thing he wants is to enjoy his retirement, but the master has other plans for him.

One of his men used to be under his command during his time at the special force called. Congratulating him for his retirement, Rob invites the guy for a beer at his house, not knowing that the guy has been so long enslaved to the master that he would have to be reminded of its old name.
On the other end, WP4 kneels naked in front of its master while its mouth lets out the voice of its old personality to the phone in its hands, the rest of its face is completely devoid of emotion, only dedicated its mind to its master command. The master's feet play around with its hard-sheathed dick. Every touch makes its sheathed dick and plugged asshole twitch, but it carries on its conversation with the person that its old self used to admire and look up to the most, luring him to, now, the only person that matters, its master.

WP4 is quick to naturalize the old man. Once the old man finished a can of drug-laced beer, he was soon strapped in a brainwash rig under its pickup truck bed cover.
After countless brainwashing sessions with mind-shattering orgasms, the old man purges out its old self and personality. No longer a proud soldier, as soon as it was released from the rig its powerful body fell down to the master's feet, one of the most decorated soldiers in history now kissing master's feet, begging to be sheathed, plugged, and branded with its true name and the master's mark of his ownership over it, but the master have further plans for it.

As soon as it heard the master command it could jump into another steel gurney fast enough. The service slaves helped tie it with leather straps to the gurney. It don't understand why would they need a strap since the master has absolute power over it. The realization comes as the machine with numerous needle at the end of its arm aim the tip of it at both sides of its skull, deep down its throat, on the middle of each of its meaty chest, for each of its six-packs, for its navel, down its urethra, both of its balls, along its thick leg, deep in its rectum, and almost hundred of them all over its wide back and along its spine from the base of its head to the tail bone.
The master leans in close to its ear. The master breath and brush of his lips make its mind explode in orgasmic pleasure each one bigger than the last. "Stay still and repeat the mantra." He whispered to his new old slave. The slave obeyed. The Headset got lower into its head putting it into a familiar sweet brainwashing loop.

As its chanting began, the machine pushed all the needle into its flesh in a swift and precise motion. "I ACCEPT THIS AS MY ABSOLUTE TRUTH.- ughhhh! -EVERY FI -mumhhhh- BER OF MY BEING BELONGS TO THE- Haah… Uugh.. Aaah…- MASTER. MY LO- Aghh! AAAH! -YALTY AND OBEDIENCE TO HIM- Mmmfffp! Unnf -RULE MY B- nnhg Uh-uhh! -ODY AND MIND. SERVING HIM IS THE ONLY PURPOSE AND PLEASURE OF MY- haahhh hmmm-mmh Nnmm… -LIFE!"
The chanting got more steady and monotone one the X chemical pumping through the slave body. Enhancing its body and mind. The master chooses to keep its aged appearance, but on the inside it's the same X-class superhuman slave as its brethren. But if there's one thing that the master has changed on the outside would be its size. Its already imposing body has been enhanced even more. Now at 8 feet with an even wider back to support, a truly powerful beast for the master to command.

The master is now ready to unwarp his gift to himself, another X-class guard slave, Other X-Class slaves have been away on a mission to assist in taking over a faraway country. This one would be his right hand, always at his side to serve and protect him.
Its body begins producing the skin pigment of Its name, XP-0002, and its insignia appears on its huge pec over its heart, where it belongs, signify the completion of the process. The machine pulls its needles and headset back. XP02 still chanting the mantra lying still just as the master had ordered months ago.

"Cum." the master whispered in its ear. Its already hard dick begins spraying its cum all over its sweaty body over and over until commanded it to stop. The master ordered his service slaves to begin putting a sheath onto its enhance foot-long dick and the collection tube click on to the sheath soon after, keeping its superior genetic into the eugenic stock.

The master order it to ride on his dick, while he admires his new possession. Tasing its huge sweating body. XP2 accepts its master invading dick into its virgin rectum and his tongue over its glistening abs, its lush pubic trail, its hairy chest, and its reeking pits. All of it belongs to him. It welcomes its master tongue with its own into its mouth, twirling around obediently following him around, its own mouth, his rightful domain, like a dog on a leash. Every touch between its and the master's tongue, just as his other touch, sent electricity down its spine to its dick, still obediently pumping its cum hard as its owner's command, and its ass twitching around the master's conquering dick giving him the pleasure at its best superhuman ability. After he cums, the service slaves put a plug into the XP2 rectum to keep his holy seed inside it.

After its enslavement, XP2 is always at its master's side, outside and in bed, it had lost all sense of its former self, replaced by a blissful servitude that it was unable to resist. Every command he obeyed, XP2 felt a never-failing mind-shattering orgasm that left him feeling empty and full at the same time.
XP2 is a force to be reckoned with, more powerful than any non-X-class slave could become. It soon became the go-to enforcer for the master, doing whatever the Master asked without question and was used to carry out the Master's most demanding and dangerous tasks, compelled to serve his master at all times with absolute loyalty.

"Thank you for bringing me to his enslavement" XP2 comes up to WP4 after training.
"I only obey his command, brother," WP4 replied, WP4's old self would not address his CO as such, but it does not matter now they are now equally master's loyal and obedient property. WP4 places its hand on the master's emblem over XP2's heart. It's perpetually hard dick twitch in the reminder of its master ownership over them.
"But without you, the master would never have found me" XP2 places its hand back at WP4's emblem tattoo. Its dick twitching back as an answer.

XP2 immediately pulls WP4 into a kiss soon they intensely make out with each other. XP2 swiftly put the genetic mixture machines on both of their dick. XP2's and WP4's sheathed dick locked with the machine immediately as the machine was pumping them and sending a signal to the plug to begin vibrating to the max. Soon they surrender their essence to the master via the machine. The machine would mix their genetics and the service slave would pick it up to grow a new batch of ready-grown slaves.
The master sitting on his observation throne for the training room while his other pleasure slave servicing his dick with its mouth, watching his XP2 slave. XP2 meets his eyes and bows its head to its owner. Ready to detach from its slave brother to be back to its master's side.

After countless relapses, this new rehab in a small town of no where would be the last one that Nic would ever need.
Hours brainwashed and gallons of his cum milked, Nic is now ready to be mold as whatever his master wishes. His addiction redirected into an even more intense obedience and loyalty to the master.
Many from the street like him are assigned as a warrior slave, he will be trained by the best special ops that the master have acquired as one of his warrior slave. They will be put through 10 times of every toughest special ops training. Any hint of free will, the training will break them to pieces. Only a free will purged mind and solid unquestioning obedience will make it. These Intense training and exercise combine with master’s special slave feed, is turning them into a muscle beast with an unmatched discipline that could only be achieved without free will.
After that they will be ready to be given a rank of a warrior slave. Lining up for inspection for the master, hard sheathed dick pointing up, chest, master’s insignia freshly branded chest puff, their rectum squeeze tight around the hollow plug, reminding them of their total surrender and devotion to the master is their only source of pride and happiness.
The Master have a plan for them. Nic and other newly trained warrior slaves will be back on the same street that the junkie Nic comes from to enforce his master rule with his iron fists. Dominating the dark corners of society with his own “gang” of slaves.
Master will pick the one that he likes and fuck them in their new uniform for the Street in front of others in the line, thick Cuban chain warps tight around their neck, black short sleeve button up shirt and cargo pants, pair with black combat boots.
Nic hopes that he train hard enough to please the master and will get picked to be baptized his insides with the master’s holy nectar. So does other slaves in his squadron.

Joy spread throughout the kingdom after the king return triumphantly from the evil wizard den, little did they know the king and his band of elite knights are thoroughly brainwashed and their balls drained empty. Now fiercely loyal slaves to the wizard, whatever title they leave the city with it's now only a facade that their master commands them to keep.
Soon the king introduces the new high priest, who is none other than the evil wizard. The wizard sits proudly on a throne. Like a well-tamed beast, all the enslaved warriors, including the king who disregard his title since his enslavement in the wizard's den, now just another one of the wizard warrior slaves, bow to the wizard, naked and hard, with only their weapon belts and boots. The wizard’s magic slave collar around their neck and a brand of evil over their heart, where they belong.
The Wizard calls the king to the throne that he used to sit on, which now rightfully belongs to his god master, the evil wizard. Obediently, the king comes up to kneel in front of the throne and lowers himself to kiss the wizard's feet faithfully.
“Mount yourself on me.” Taking off his priest's robe, the wizard commands.
The King gets up to the wizard's lap and lowers himself into the wizard's hard cock. Lustfully moaning, the king begins to fuck himself on the wizard's dick for the whole throne hall to see. The wizard grip his hair and brought the king's mouth to his. Their tongue dance in the king’s mouth, the king tongue dance submissively surrendering the dominance to the master.
Later the wizard parted from his slave's mouth and indulge in the slave’s pit, lush with dark hair and rich with the stench from the combat training. The wizard grab the slave king's muscled shoulder and press his sweaty naked muscled body down to release his seed deep inside his slave. But he doesn't allow the slave to release their own, serving him would be the highest pleasure and honor of their life not their own sexual release, he makes sure he brainwash them like that.
The wizard later make all of his best warrior slave wrestling for a chance to taste his seed from the king’s hole. They put on a show with their hard dick and sweaty muscled body, while he lay and watch on the throne lazily with the king passionately licking his dick clean of the mess that he makes on the wizard’s dick. The long dick is still hard but the slave thinks nothing of it, only the pleasure of serving the wizard occupies his mind.
The wizards work fast to ensure that this kingdom is completely under his grip and that its resources and power obey his evil deeds. Soon the entire army is at the wizard's beck and call, next, all the men in the kingdom fall too. Every man in the kingdom now sports a magic slave collar around their neck. With women and children relocated to the newly build walled-off part of town, Only men are allowed inside the city wall. Every new full-grown man is commanded to go into the city for a rite of passage ritual, they will receive their own collar and also a new loyalty and devotion; just like their father, brother, and friend before them. Ready to work away their life for their god master whether it’s in military, mine, or a farm.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! Thank you very much for sharing this kinky goodness with me! I hope you like today’s story.
I’m sorry that I don’t post as often as I should, work have gotten real busy lately.
I really hope I could posted on a weekly basis but let see if my work situation have changed. I will try as much as possible.
Thank you very much. I’m still can’t believe my eyes!

S-1031 arrived at its living cell sweat soaked after a day of hard work for his master. It removes a black tool belt jockstrap with a clicking sound from its penis sheath and hollow buttplug.
S-1031 let out a big sigh, feeling sad that its work are over for today, it hate not being useful for its master, even just a few hours before sunrise again. It look at the younger slave on their bed, S-1031-N, which is a clone of S-1031 produced to replace it when the master deem this slave expired. S-1031 do not worry about it, its life is belong to the master to dictate as he pleases and he would prefer to be expired than being useless for the master.
S-1031-N’s body is already more muscular than S-1031 when it was the same age as S-1031-N. At that the time that S-1031 haven’t granted a gift of enslavement yet, but S-1031-N was cloned and come out of the artificial womb at the equivalent of 20 years of normal human age. The only thing that S-1031-N know other than basic knowledges that are directly upload into its brain while it’s still in the vault, is physical and military training from the slave trainer at “the school”. Combined with the master’s enhancing slave feed, explains its peak physique and sweaty body.
S-1031 climb up the bed and pull S-1031-N sweaty body into its own. It dive its nose into its younger clone’s furry reeking pit. The sweat and its smell is a sign of hard working slave which arouse every slave seeing, feeling, and smelling it. S-1031 immediately shoved it hardened sheathed dick into S-1031-N’s hollow plugged hole all the way. The sheath and the hollow plug locked magnetically into each other, helping the slave maintain its alignment.

S-1031-N woke up with a lustful moan.
“They train you hard at the school huh?” S-1031 face leave the clone’s pit to whisper in its ear.
“Sir, I’m sorry sir, I should have spend all of my waking time training for the master, sir” S-1031-N whimpering through its moan.
“Good, get up. Time for an evening training. Master deserves an even better slave to replace the old one.” S-1031 pull out with a pop from their flesh and a magnetic detaching click from their “uniform”.
“Good evening, sir.” S-1031-N follow S-1031 out of bed. Both of them at a parade rest facing each other, their tip lightly touching each other. S-1031-N leans into S-1031 chest and give the Master’s insignia a worshipping kiss. S-1031 let out a lustful groan while S-1031-N tongue tracing along an intricate lines of the emblem tattooed over its senior slave heart. An emblem that its wish, more than anything, would be branded proudly over its own heart one day. S-1031-N could feel S-1031 tip twitching wildly, before S-1031 coming out of its pleasure haze and lead it to the gym in the slave living quarters.
They start with weight lifting, S-1031-N taking its place on S-1031’s lap, while lower itself down, S-1031’s sheath and S-1031-N line themselves up and magnetically lock to each other. Aligning S-1031’s cock and S-1031-N rectum. S-1031 cock moving deeper and back along while S-1031-N lifts. Sweat building up on top of the old ones that’s still wet. S-1031 begin attacking is younger clone’s nipple and back to it’s even more reeking pits. S-1031-N have preformed well working hard under “distraction”. The trainer taught it well.
S-1031 is proud of its replacement. Rightfully extracted from its by the owner of its soul and body, to be reborn and served again. With even more capable body and cleaned obedient mind.
“Long time no see brother, how was the trip?“ The younger prince, Nasim, asks his big brother.
“Life-changing, to be honest.“ The crown prince hugs his little brother. Under the façade of joyfulness, its true slave self only thinks about how this younger prince would be a great conquer for the master.
"Wow, you have bulked up a lot of muscle since you've been gone, big bro. What's your secret?" Nasim was surprised by the amount of muscle on his brother's back when he wrap them in for a hug. A muscle from torturous hours of hard work the master has put all of his slaves through that the people of their position would never experience. But just like their crown prince, their day would come soon enough.
"Of cause, buddy, but before that, I would like to introduce you to my new guard, Badi, and soon to be yours, Mo." the crown prince looks to two huge men on both of his sides. The men stay still on a parade rest.
They are X-3 and XP-0001, a super soldier slave created in the master's lab. Their real purpose is to be here and assist LP-0008 on taking over the kingdom.

"What? But I already have a gu-" Before Nasim could react, his brother's bodyguard jump onto him and pin him down to the cold marble floor of the crown prince's palace with an unhuman speed and force. He tried to cry for help but unbeknownst to him, everyone in the crown prince's palace is now enslaved to the master and won't acknowledge his plead.
LP-0008 approaches its former brother, soon to be remade anew from brother by blood as a brother in enslavement. LP-0008 takes off its clothes and façade character to reveal the mark of its owner showing its true loyalty and identity proudly. Its always erect sheathed dick jumps free from its confine. In its hands are VR goggles with a mask attached to them. It looks like a normal workout training mask from the outside but the interior is equipped with a long and thick dildo. LP-0008 places the goggle on its prey's face. The goggle make a contact with the young prince's temples sending a pre-set command to his body. His throat relaxed and his body goes limp. LP-0008 then forces a foot-long dildo into its victim's throat. X-3 and WP-0001 release the prince and get naked as its brethren slave.
As the goggle establish the connection with the master's mind control power, the three slaves begin forcefully strip Nasim of all his clothes, revealing his muscled body that will be pushed even further beyond its limit after the enslavement is completed as his older brother has gone through.

As the connection is made, the brainwashing immediately begins. Every fiber of Nasim's body flex with the master's power taking over his mind. His back arches up into a magnificent curve, which signals LP-0008 to shove the same-size dildo into Nasim's virgin asshole. LP-0008 begins to suck Nasim's dick as the master has trained him while Nasim's mind is being completely rewired his loyalty, love, devotion, obedience, pleasure, and pride are all direct to only the master, and the act of service and submissions to him.
"I ACCEPT THIS AS MY ABSOLUTE TRUTH. EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING BELONGS TO THE MASTER. MY LOYALTY AND OBEDIENCE TO HIM RULE MY BODY AND MIND. SERVING HIM IS THE ONLY PURPOSE AND PLEASURE OF MY LIFE!" Nasim repeat the mantra that all the slave in the palace has come to know very well. Soon it'll burn into his mind as the only principle that guides his life just like the other slave.
Driven by an eagerness to obey its master's order, LP-0008 dutifully and tirelessly sucks Nasim's dick until sunrise, like a good slave that the master has forged it to be. Nasim also chants the mantra all night long, its echoes in his mind and dominates his thoughts which will leave a permanent mark on them.
X-3 and XP-0001 begin working on Nasim's tattoo on each of his chests, now marked with the master's emblem, and its real name, LP-0009, has completed its process. It releases its free will in an endless string of cum, Its brother, still attached to its cock, gulps it all up and savors every drop of the sweet sweet taste of submission.

After LP-0009 has been purged clean of its free will, LP-0008 removes the goggles. It rises up and gives other slaves a tongue wresting kiss and gives each other a stoking grip of their dick sheath, followed by a worship kiss in the master's insignia over their heart as a slave's custom, drill into it by its master.
LP-0009 can't return the favor to its fellow slaves with its hole. The master has reserved its virginity with the butt plug deep inside it. So LP-0009 takes X-3 and XP-0001's foot-long dick into its mouth while burying its own sheathed dick deep into LP-0008's gut. Their sweaty body from sex and the strain of brainwashing interwind together. They relish and worship each other strong musk on their bodies and pits which signify the strength of their obedience and dedication to work hard for their master.
Prince Nasim leaves his brother's palace with his new bodyguard, soon his own palace staff will have some reorientation after.
Other people who don't know better would assume that the brothers are partying in their palace just like in the old days, unfortunately for their kingdom, their old days are numbered, as more and more slaves are added to the master's dominion.

Finally, His little slaves spreading the praise about how magnificent the ink that enslaved them is have brought him the big fish into the tattoo master’s shop today.
Even though he knew it’s a matter of time that some celebrity would be unfortunate enough to stumble upon the tattoo master’s little shop, it’s in LA after all, but the tattoo master couldn’t help but become star-struck by Chris walking through his door and asked for a small piece of tattoo on his arm.
The master lead him to the tattoo chair. As the magic infused ink begin to enter Chris’s blood stream, his breathing become more and more relax, his eyes are still open but blank, and his face without any expression.

“Feel the ink running along your skin, marking the unmarked flesh. Feel my magic in your mind, marking the unmarked mind. Soon you will be bare the mark of a slave both body and mind. Let the mark guide you, rule you, remind you of your life purpose.“
“Yes, sir.“
“Feel my essence in your marks for I am the wielder of the mark. Feel my rule over your body and soul. Feel it rule your obedience and loyalty, love and lust.“
“Yes, sir.”
The master rip Chris clothes with his knife, leaving him naked. His dick immediately sprung free from his underwear to proudly erect of his enslavement.
“Feel my essence in you, let it purge your own will and conquer it with my own.”

The tattoo master take off his clothes and lube up his dick before plunge his dick right into Chris’ hypnotically relaxed hole all the way in one swift motion. Chris arc his back up from the chair, overwhelm with the pleasure of his master conquering him. The master begin to savagely assaulting Chris’ hole mercilessly. The ink running around Chris’ skin forming a pattern to the master’s will.
Soon the master release his essence in his new slave. Chris erect dick, left untouched through out the ritual, exploded like never before. Spraying his purged freewill onto his abs and chests. The tattoo now settling into Chris’ skin just like his master control over his kind. The tattoo form a strange tribal pattern covering his entire back to his arms and chests.

Chris’ blue eyes look up at his master waiting for his next command. The master grab his jaw and ram his tongue into Chris’ mouth. Chris’ tongue dance submissively with the master’s dominating one. The master pull out from Chris’ mouth.
“Thank you master!“
The master smile but waste no time garbing Chris’ blond hair and pull him onto his knees. Chris mouth opens up to perform his duty of cleaning his master’s shaft and have the chance to taste his master’s essence.
“You’re welcome. Listen well, I have things for you to do.”
Chris nods and listen to his master plans for him while giving his master the best blowjob he can.
Chris have become famous for his new tattoo of intricate and mysterious lines running along his muscle ridge on his back to his chest and arms. A few year later Chris cause another headline with divorce and marring the tattoo artist that done his now famous tattoo. Chris have gotten even more serious into body building and strongman training. He is even bigger than he was before and the tattoo seems to compliment him nicely no mater how much his body changed.

The royal guard commander abroad the crown prince’s yacht to do a security check on the prince before approaching his homeland’s shore as ordered by the king. The security search is less about the prince’s own security, and more the reputation of the royal family themselves, since the price is infamous for his blasphemous lifestyle: entertainment, drugs, and sex.
He not that much older than him but with his exceptional service to the crown, the king is willing to out his trust on him. The prince usually dreaded the loyal guard commander, arrogant prick. With his shiny medals and big rank, this man think he can bossing everyone around. When he become king he’ll teach this asshole a lesson.
That’s what’s the prince think, but the prince no longer exist anymore, only LP-0008 another one of master’s loyal slave is left in side the façade of the fearsome crown prince. No ranks, no hierarchy, only the master and his rightful property.
That’s why the prince feels no satisfaction of revenge when the royal guard commander and his team are brought to their knees by the master’s mind control power.
Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.
That’s why the prince obey the master’s command immediately to strap the royal guards to the gurney and brainwashing goggle, amplifying the master’s power into their brain, and expertly begin to tattoo the master’s glorious insignia over their heart along with their real name, their slave number, under it along with other slaves which used to be his personal bodyguards and servants. He don’t object it that he now work with his former servant as one.
Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.
The royal guard commander riding on the master’s cock as their tongue lock together. The master interrupt the kiss to smell and taste the royal guard commander’s sweaty hairy armpit. Left the royal guard commander’s mouth free to let out a lustful moan. It feels no jealously as It stays still on parade rest position naked and hard waiting for order in .line with other brethren slaves facing their master.
Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.
It help the guard put on his dick sheath and plug his hole, preventing more of the master’s holy nectar inside from leaking down its leg. It kiss its slave brother on the mark of their master’s ownership over them. The master’s emblem branded proudly on its muscular chest. LP-0008 worship it with a kiss and trace its brethren's name “WP-0008″ with its tongue along the raised skin of the tattoo. It praise its fellow slave for serving their master dutifully. It can feel WP-0008′s sheathed dick twitch from its new center of pleasure, obedience.
Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.
The master immediately bring their attention back with his command under a soft voice which hold solid power over all of his slaves. He order both of them to clean his dick. Both of them kneel and begin to worship his holy member while lost in bliss of the taste of the divine seed. They will bring their homeland to its knees under the master’s leash, just like them, with a hard on while doing it aroused by their subservience to his will.
Because, the prince and the royal guard’s commander is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

The first time Karran joined the gym, He only wanted to be able to get girls attention with his body.
But after his first brainwashing session at Master’s gym, his want is irrelevant. His master is now the puppeteer of his free will. Planting his commands into his subconscious.
He thought him stopping spending time hanging out with his friends flirting on the girl he liked and used all his free time in the gym is his idea. He thought taking the supplements only labeled with weird emblem from his trainer is his idea. He thought growing out his beard, hair, and body hair is his idea. He thought stopping using deodorant is his idea. He thought stopping masturbating is his idea.

But, he thought of nothing of how his time in the gym seems like it’s pass by like a blur. As he walk into the gym and with a blink of the eyes he walk out soaked in sweat, looking at his watch a few hours have passed. It feels completely normal to him.
As the time passed, the master have molded him, body and mind, to his desire via the hand of his service slave known to unsuspecting Karran as his fitness trainer.

After Karran receive the call from his master and given his trigger. He isn’t thought of anything anymore, only obedience to his god master. The white van arrived at his front yard shortly after. Karran steps in and give the naked service slaves a kiss on the master’s emblem tattoo as a sign of his completely enslaved mind.
They stripped him and strapped him in the same kind of machine that enslaved him since he join the gym. The service slave sanitized his chests for tattoo, his dick for the sheath, and his ass for the plug.
The goggles lower into its eyes. The tube lock with its sheath, another one at its hollow plug. Ready for its brainwash session for the entire ride and many more to come.
When it set foot the master’s domain, naked, sheathed dick always hard and proud on the master’s land. It bares the same mark of the master’s ownership over it over its heart just like all of its brethren slaves. The other slaves lead it to the master estate where it lie down and spread its hole for the master to inspect his property and give its final marking on its chests, its real name.

It thought of noting while it waits for its master’s judgement. As he gropes and sniff its undeodorized body, muscled to his demand. As its moan in ultimate lust and pleasure of the highest form of servitude as the master pull off its plug and fuck it raw. Its moan are only silenced by the master‘s mouth over its own. He demanded its mouth to also serve his so it must be. After a while the master have baptized it with his holy nectar deep inside its body, the master have approved it of it’s sexual service so it will have “P” as a part of its rank. It didn’t cum, the master didn’t command it. It feels nothing as its need are irrelevant.

After the master are done and leave for his more important business, SP-0001, the head of service slave come to clean things up and plug it ass back in, keeping his holy nectar deep inside its body. SP1 inform me that it will join SP1 as Master’s estate servant. SP1 pull out a tattoo gun from its utility belt to complete its marking. SP-0095 tattooed below the master insignia. SP95 stood up, its chests puffed proudly. It bow down to give SP1 a tongue kiss on the master’s insignia on its chest as a proper greeting and gratitude for finally properly marking it as one of the master’s property. SP1 dick twitch as SP95’s tongue travel along the intricate lines of the master’s mark on its skin, reminding of its enslavement to the master.
SP1 return the greeting and grab SP95 by its dick, lead it to the slave quarters for a proper estate servant uniform, a black combat boot and black utility belt with nothing else except it’s sheath and plug.

W-0205 used to be Brad, a police officer that puts Chad, now W-0251 to jail himself. Now they both belong to the master as his obedient slaves together in his squad of enforcer slave. The only law that they enforce and ruled by is their master’s word.
So when the service slave in charge of slave’s eugenics order them to mate together. With zero hesitation, They swiftly and precisely obey. Their sheaths magnetically lock their shaft into one. They drive it into the service slave hole in unison. The coupled and sheathed dicks sunk in all the way without slowing down. All three of them feel no pain or sexual pleasure, only orgasmic pleasure of obedience. They recite the mantra until they release their genetic material into the service slave to be made a new slave for the master’s dominion.
When the service slave leaves with vibrating plug in it, processing their genetic material into new slaves. They embrace each other hopping that their essence would be worthy enough to produce an obediently powerful slave to serve their master. They are looking forward to when the newly born but fully grown slave arrive back at their door to be trained sexually, physically, and mentally by its genetic sources, W-0205 and W-0251.

"63!, I am home!" S-0387 calls for its offspring while taking its hi-vis coat off its naked body.
N-1563 walking up to its procreator, naked and hard. It greets its sire with a worshiping kiss to the master's emblem on S-0387's chest and a few tugs at its sheathed dick. N-1563 couldn't wait for the day that it'll finally leave the "N" as in "Novitiate slaves" on its name for a full slave rank like its sire. Maybe a service slave like S-0387 or anything the master deems fit. And a dick sheath that help its dick stood proudly as one of the master's faithful slaves.
S-0387 pulls its genetic produce up for a deep tongue kiss. It's an additional greeting to help the new slave learn about pleasuring other slaves, and if they are lucky, the master. "Better" S-0387 gives its offspring feedback after kissing.
"I'm in an advance sexual technique class now," N-1563 confirms its sire improved experience.
"Good, You'll be a useful tool for the master to use."
"Praise the master."
"Praise the master."
"It's time for your collection, 87. You can be extracted here. 46 is almost home." N-1563 hop on the dining table, laying on its back and spread its plugged hole wide open.
"Sure." S-0387 eagerly pulls the buttplug out of the N-1563 hole. Ready to give anything for its master to be used as he wishes. N-1563. It couldn't be more proud of its seed producing a fine specimen like the genetically engineered N-1563 and only eager to give more of it to produce more like N-1563. It drives its dick along with the sheath into N-1563's hole in one thrust.
"YES! SLAVE! GIVE YOURSELF TO THE MASTER! SIRE MORE SLAVES FOR HIS ARMY WITH YOUR SEED!" N-1563 encourages its genetic source to obey the master's will.

"YES! YES! TAKE ME, MASTER! TAKE MY MIND! TAKE MY STRENGTH! TAKE MY SOUL! TAKE MY SEED! MOLD THEM TO YOUR DESIRE, SIR!" S-0387 ramming its sheathed dick in and out of N-1563 without mercy while burying its face in its offspring's sweaty armpits. N-1563 just come back from its mandatory exercise at the training center. The smell and taste of what used to be S-0387's seed, taken from it by the master and molded into a powerful slave that trained itself hard for their master have turned S-0387 on beyond comprehension. It's a shame that N-1563 hasn't received the master's branding on its muscled pec yet, otherwise, S-0387 would have something to worship the power of its master on.
"REMEMBER THE MANTRA, SLAVE. RECITE IT WITH ME! LET EVERY LETTER BURN INTO YOUR MIND LIKE A GLOWING IRON ON A HIDE!" N-1563 pulls its sire closer for a tongue wresting bringing its dick deeper into its hole along with it, but N-1563 knows this cock like its own. It and N-1563's other sire is the cock that it always practices on for the class homework.
"UGH!!!! YES! MASTER! ALL HAIL MASTER!" S-0387 finally shoot its seed into the N-1563 hole. It rests its head and panting a warm breath on its offspring's firm chests for a while. It looks up to find, W-0946, its mated slave standing beside the table stroking its sheathed cock, enjoying the show.
N-1563 turns to smile at another one of its sires, the other half of its genetic source. "Time for breeding 46, I have 87's genetic material ready to be mixed.
"Praise the master. You made us proud 63. The master has molded you well." W-0946 undresses its firefighter coat to reveal a naked chiseled body, a proper slave's uniform just as the master has mandated.

W-0946 moves close to its mate and kisses it on the master's brand over its heart. N-1563 could feel S-0387's dick twitch inside its rectum. S-0387 return the greeting to its mate. W-0946's rod twitch into a full hardness ready for breeding. S-0387 pulls out of its genetic produce's hole to open it up for W-0946 to put its own sheathed dick up into its offspring's hole instead. S-0387 leaves N-1563 bottom to the other sire of its offspring. It moves to N-1563's face and rests its dick's tip on N-1563 lips. N-1563 swallow the rod that partially creates it while a W-0946 begin to fucking its hole with a pure violent dedication to their master.
After W-0946 finish and N-1563's rectum are filled with both of its sire's genetic material. It put the buttplug back on. This buttplug is the master's newest invention. The service slaves, the one in the science division unlike S-0387 which is in the construction division, have come up with a better and much sleeker version of the DNA collection machine. The machine now fits inside a casing of a buttplug. It can mix the semen DNA from two men. Splicing and mixing their DNA with an additional enhancement programmed in the machine. The machine then produces a genetically enhanced embryo that will grow into a full-grown slave in a matter of a year. It could be plugged into an artificial womb, like N-1563, or a biological one.
The machine also has a spinal nerve connection, mostly to keep a slave in a continuous over-brainwashed state and to suppress implanted woman's mind to not find anything weird about her child growing into a fully grown rugged man in one year. But it will only be used on women in the case that her husband is a slave to the master so it could keep a close eye on the new slave.
N-1563 moans in pleasure while the buttplug begins to vibrate, processing W-0946 and S0387's genetic material while adding other programmed improvements to the slave's gene. It hasn't cum yet, for this session its cum has no purpose for the master. It looked forward to the day that it would be anointed as the fully operational slave and assigned a slave to mate. Its seed will be perfectly mixed to breed an even better slave for its master just like its sires.
But for now N-1563 look forward to meet its new brother of the litter forming inside it. When the buttplug finished creating its brother, it will inject an information into N-1563′s brain to head to the farm, a slave factory comprised of rows and rows of artificial wombs, and have its plug removed and implanted into one of them. It will come back with the new one ready to breed more slave for the master. And as soon as its slave brother become fully grown it will follow N-1563 home and knock on the door naked and fully hard ready to be trained just like the day N-1563 arrived here to its sires.

Matt live for his tattoo artist job. He drop off from art school to pursue his dream as soon as it was available to him to make the jump. But his shop always struggling to stay afloat. Until recently, his friend invited him to this “Gym Master” gym, his life have really turned around beyond just a physical aspect. Sure, he have bulked up with muscle. He’s almost unrecognizable from a skinny guy before hitting this gym.
But there are other aspects too, he have noticed that he lose more and more interest in drugs and alcohol. It’s still unbelievable to him that he doesn’t cravings them anymore despite still have them fully stocked in his room to access anytime he wants, now they are only sitting there gathering dust.
Not long after, following a sudden burst of urge to live more utilitarian life, he throws them away along with other things in his apartment, and move to live in his shop instead to also save more money. He thinks he heard something about this that clicked with him in the gym but he couldn’t remember. The memory from the gym is always hazy, must be because he work out so hard.
All of his income left from bills goes directly to the gym account. The increased fee will now cover all of his food supply which will be planned and prepared by the gym for every meal, and everyday. It’s seem like a good deal to Matt. He already used all of his free time in there, so it only made sense to increase his membership fee to have the gym covers his life for him for the most effective result.

His skill is also improved considerably. People start to notice his little shop. And he’s invited to join the tattoo convention next year. Despite having very little customer to train his tattooing skill on before. But his recent works on customer have them impressed and they end up spreading the word around about his shop.
His work might got more busy but he always set a huge chunk of time for working out in the gym that he come to love. As soon as he crossed the door into the gym his expression turn blank, his personality façade evaporated to reveal, 1S-B154, another one of master’s brainwashed slave under the mask of Matt. Matt have been long erased, only archived data of his memory left for the slave to simulate his behavior outside of the master’s domains.
1S-B154 starts its training with mind conditioning, but the message today is different.
“S-B154 ACKNOWLEDGED.” The slave replied its sheathed dick connected to a VR booth’s extraction tube twitches as new information burn into its brain.
“S-B154 WILL BE STATIONED IN THIS FACILITY” The computer rips Matt’s tattoo shop image from the archive of his mind and injects the information back to now empty brain that used to perceive and hold that information. The computer goes on. “S- B154 WILL ASSIST IN BRANDING SLAVES AND ENSLAVING POPULATIONS THAT MET THE REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFY IN THE INFORMATIONS TO BE UPLOADED.
“INFORMATION SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED, SIR!” S-B154 replied monotonously despite its body buckling around wildly in the booth. The uploading process overstimulated its sexual pleasure, making its dick pumping the genetic material continuously the entire process. Its chests heaving after the process ended.
“ACKNOWLEDGED.” The VR unlocked from its head along with the dick sheath and butt plug disconnected from the extraction machine. Its chest now bare the mark of its master and its real name. Tattooed on by its trainer, now a fellow service slave. The trainer kiss its newly tattooed insignia and give S-B154’s dick a welcoming stroke. S-B154 returns the favor as customary. S-B154 and its trainer return to the weight machine scheduled for it.
A while after, S-B154 leaves the gym. Its expression of Matt returns but this time Matt isn’t behind those eyes anymore. Only S-B154 wearing Matt’s memory remains.

After intense brainwashing and slave training for a year, The young crown prince, or his real name LP-0008 as given by its master, is now ready to return to its homeland as the master's first royal to be enslaved to him.
Given the prince's country's absolute monarchy and strict law, the master saw great potential in the region as the refuge for him and his legion of slaves. That's if he can put it under his leash which would be an easier task than in a more democratic country.
Getting the prince wasn't as hard as the master have thought at first. Just a spam message containing his hypnotic recording to one of his bodyguards, not long after, the entire security team and the prince found enlightenment as a slave to their one true god and shot their seed as an offering.
He has the prince arrange his "Vacation" trip to the states. Despite being the crown prince, he travels around the world for a long period regularly, so no one raises any suspicion. As soon as his private jet land in the states, the service slaves in a white truck are waiting for them in the hangar. They leave their jet naked in a line. No prince, no bodyguard, no servant, only master's slave. The service slave strapped them down to the milking machine and the headset. They are edged, milked, and brainwashed over and over, nonstop for the entire 25 hours of driving from a coastal elite's city to a master's town in nowhere in the middle of the continent. As soon as they arrived, they are ready to be trained and become a part of the master's stable.

The prince only builds his muscle to inflate his ego, other skills than that aren't important because nepotism garuntee his chance for everything. But LP-0008 is trained in martial arts and all types of weapon incase being secretive doesn't work out, get ugly, and need to get physical, the master needs every slave to be able to handle that itself, warrior slave or not, so LP-0008 muscle isn't just for show anymore, but its bodyguard is. They keep up their duty of protecting the prince in public but they are trained to be a warrior slave unlike the prince, who is in a position of power, a trained labor slave. They would help LP-0008 on its mission, carry out a command that doesn't need the prince's presence, and any other warrior slave's duty.
Every LP-0008's milking and brainwashing session is combined with petabytes of diplomatic, political science and history forced up and burned into his brain. Preparing it to be a wise and ruthless leader of the country, securing its place as the future king, and a well-trained puppet of the master, bringing the country under the master's dominion.
LP-0008 are also trained in homosexual sexual pleasure. The master has deemed it worthy enough to be one of his pleasure slaves. That means training with other pleasure slaves and the master himself. The former homophobic prince is now an expert dick sucker, capable of making the straightest man cum with its tongue on the prostate, and able to take any dicks the master command.
It hasn't received its proper branding of the master's insignia and its real name over its heart yet. It has a mission to accomplish first. A tattoo would cause suspicion in the prince's deeply religious circle. The slave's dick sheath and the butt plug pose no problem hiding under the country's traditional garment. But as soon as the royal family and high-ranking officials and generals fall into the master's enslavement, there will be some changes mandated by the new king for sure, regarding tattoos and more.

The new gym franchise "Gym Master" has popped up everywhere around the country. They are growing rapidly, replacing many gyms that are closed due to the pandemic with the new management and brand under the shell of the former gym.
"Dude you're going to love this! Their equipment and trainer are the best! Look at me!" Etan flexes his muscle, showing Jess his impressive gain.
"Damn, Ethan you really bulk up since we hit the gym together." Jess admires his friend.
"The best part is Jim still working there. He is an even better trainer than before the corporate that take over his gym sent him for an advanced trainer course"
"Wait, does he still work there? How does he feel about his gym being taken over? It must be hard, he always boasts about how he built that place with his hands and now he is just one of the employees?"
"Well, He seems happy enough as far as I have seen him around the place." Etan shrug. "Common dude! If you don't like it you can go somewhere else, but this is an invitation-only gym, give it a try. I will let you use my invitation!"
"Okay, okay, dude! Why not?" Jess gives in. Jim is the best trainer they have ever had yet. If he is still there, happy, and somehow becomes an even better trainer, Why the hell not?
When both of them reach the gym Etan leads Jess through the door. Sure enough, He sees Jim and several similar faces inside, but instead of Becky the old receptionist, the front desk is now staffed with equally muscled men as the trainers. Come to think of it, Etan noticed that the gym is filled with only men.
"Hey, Will. I brought my friend Jess here to try out this place." Etan greets the receptionist. While Jess is busy with the membership application, he doesn't notice Etan swipe his card to the gym floor without waiting for him or that Etan's expression turns blank as soon as he crosses the gate.
"Etan? Hey! Wait for me!" Jess's shout falls on deaf ears as Etan's programming kick in. Etan takes his place at one of the machines and sweats away robotically.

"Don't worry, sir. You would need to watch some of our promotional videos first. Let's give Etan a head start." Will leads Jess to the small room behind the reception desk and sits him down on a single chair in front of the TV. As Jess gets comfortable in a chair, the TV lights up and begins bombarding him with the master's brainwashing voice, enslaving him immediately.
"You accept this as your absolute truth. Every fiber of your being belong to the master. Your loyalty and obedience to him rule your body and mind. Serving me is the only purpose and pleasure of your life. I am your master"
"I accept this as my absolute truth. Every fiber of my being belongs to the master. My loyalty and obedience to him rule my body and mind. Serving Him is the only purpose and pleasure of my life. You are my master" Jess replied in a monotone. His clothes have been stripped off and put a milking machine tube on his dick unnoticed by Will.
"You are master's slave. This is the real you as the master has intended. Your real name is 1S-0273. You are the master's sleeper slave. As a sleeper slave, you will assume your former personality outside of the master's establishment.
Your activation word is "INDIGO MID NIGHT 1S-0273"
You will not retain any memory of your real self when assuming your former personality.
No one in your public life must know that you are a slave.
You will keep your body at peak condition to be activated for use at any time in every personality activated.
You will avoid any type of attachment with the non-slave in every personality activated.
You will recommend specimens that fit the physical and other requirements that will be uploaded into your brain after this programming for enslavement in every personality activated.
Future financial handling and other life plans for sleeper slaves will also be uploaded into your brain after this programming.
You will visit this establishment daily for body and skill maintenance and improvement, mental conditioning, and further instruction."

"PROGRAMMING COMPLETE SIR, UNIT 1S-0273 IS NOW OPERATIONAL, SIR!" After a quick seizure from having a petabyte of new data uploaded into his brain, Jess finally releases his seed to the DNA collecting machine to be further reviewed by other slaves specialized in slave eugenics.
Jess walks out of the room naked to join the rest of the slaves, some permanent, some sleepers like him, in a programmed exercise to maintain the readiness and improve the performance of the master's property for his usage. He said nothing while passing Etan or Jim.
He noticed that Jim have a master's insignia tattooed on his chest, over his heart, where it should be, along with his real name SP-0035. He couldn't help but feel a little jealousy even in an emotionally suppressed slave's mind. Not only Jim is a permanent service slave that takes care of this place, but he is also given the highest honor of having served the master sexually before. He could only hope that the master would brainwash him to train hard enough to be noticed and have that honor himself.

After that, Jess and Etan head to the gym twice a day. They only know that they are enthusiastic about their impressive muscle gain from the new gym, but as soon as they set their foot beyond the gate, their minds shut down and their true emotionless slave self is ready to train their body, master's property, hard. Only to let the gym with only memory that it was a great workout. Their body and mind are ready to be activated for the master's command at any time.
One by one, his clothing slowly come off as he leaves the vehicle, only his dick sheath, butt plug, and boots are left, a proper uniform for a slave like him. His branded chest puffed proudly of his completed task for his master, finally back home with his brethren slaves, and back to be close by his master fingertips, ready to heed his commands again.

As for every slaves, he follows the master procedure for every long drive, he put on the headphones for his brainwashing. For an entire ride back to his master, he was brainwashed and edge by his master hypnotizing voice via the headphones with the help of the slave’s dick sheath and butt plug. His mind outside of the brainwashing only have the brain capacity of a little more advance self driving computer while he is being reprogrammed over and over again. His free will have long been purged clean but the master keeps the brainwashing on regular just to make sure and mostly for his sadistic fetish.
After being edged on the road for hours, the slave head straight to the milking station, the only place that slaves are allowed to release their genetic material other than the master direct command. He greet the warrior slave guarding the milking station with a customary greeting for slaves, sloppy tongue kiss on the master’s insignia tattooed over the guard’s heart while grabbing the guard’s sheath and give it a few strokes.
“Master, almighty.” The guard shivered with pleasure, grunted, and return the greeting.
The service slave greet him the same way then read his name tattooed on his chest, log it down, and strap him to the machine and start the process. His sheath and plug automatically connect with the machine with a satisfying click. He is always ready to give his master anything he demands of him. His soul, his mind, his body, his labor, and his offspring.
The guard resume his position. That slave get him all riled up, he wonder, is it his cycle to be milked yet? He would have to wait for another warrior slave to relieve him of his shift and he would check.

He used to be stressful about a lot of things. But after he got lost and took the wrong exit out of the interstate heading to a town in the middle of nowhere, the officer stop him at the edge of town. Next thing he knew is that he now have an owner and he have never been this happy his entire life while he was bend over on top of the police car hood and fucked raw by the warrior slave sheathed dick.
Now with a new name, uniform and tattoo branded on his chest, he’s just another one of master’s service slave. Hauling master’s cargo around the country in his new white unmarked semi with the insignia branded on both doors, like the one over the slave’s heart, marking master’s ownership over his property.
He might not be master’s pleasure slave standards but he is a good looking slave enough that the master have fuck him once. He’s looking forward to be back in town near his owner again. Maybe he might got lucky and get fucked by the master again. He rub himself on a dildo attached to his seat at that thought. His dick twitch in its sheath, just like the one that the warrior slave fuck him with in that faithful night.
He also miss an orgy with other fellow slaves. Their hot body trained hard to be used by their master. The warrior slave that enslaved him is his regular when he’s back in town. If they are lucky, they would met at the same deserted road that he was enslaved but this time it was his turn to return the favor with his now also sheathed dick. He couldn’t thank that warrior slave enough for his enlightenment.
But his need could wait, compared to his master wish, it’s meaningless. He is only happy to carry out any work that the master needed of him. He only live to give his master his strength to work, his mind, his soul, and his seed to breed more slave for his master to use. He is much, much happier now.

Recruit’s first night in the barracks. Just before lights out, the master’s voice blaring through every speaker. The recruits lying mindless on their bed. The rest of the base come together, their naked body glistening in the neon lights with sweat of hard training for their master, their chest, tattooed with the master mark of ownership over them, puff proudly, sheathed dick fully erected, and butt properly plugged, ready to fuck their obedience into the new recruits through their ass while the master fuck his authority through their mind. While chanting their real pledge of allegiance to their real owner, master, and god in unison with the entire base.
After the recruits have empty their free will through their balls, the service slaves come and tattoo them with the master insignia and their real name on their chest, lock a sheath on their dick, plug their hole, and pump their cum into the collector machine, adding their DNA into the master’s slave breeding database. When the morning come, they are ready and happy to mindlessly train their mind and body beyond its limits to meet their master’s requirements of his warrior slave along with their former superior officers, now their brethren slaves.

Conor still flaunting his fancy lifestyle and big personality around. But they have no idea that it’s all facade, underneath, LP-0007 is only another one of master’s loyal labor and pleasure slave. People haven’t noticed any change in Conor. He slowly replaces or help enslaved people close to him: his trainer, coach, bodyguard, and the rest of the team. So they can only focus on only important things, help it win, which will bring more money for the master as their duty as his labor slave. There are some partying and socializing, but only for strategic publicity purposes.
As LP-0007 and its team returns to their mansion ,now belong to the master and hollowed out of any inessential part just like themself. They strip off their facade of clothing and emotion. It move along the only routine burned into their mind as deep as the master’s mantra: training, brainwashing, and milking.

After all of its team and LP-0007 finished their training soaked in sweat, they move to their sleeping pod which all line in a single room. They strap themselves in, their butt plug and dick sheaths locked to the DNA collector built into the pod and their eyes and ears engulfed in VR headset blasting the master word striping off their mind to suit their naked bodies.
The headset would let them pull the switch deciding that they are worthy of enjoying the milking or suffering that is needed to be cleanse of disobedience thought. Disobeying the master is the greatest sin, and their master commands them to win. There are some day that they would let him down. They would eagerly switch the pod into torture mode. The master command them to win but they lost. To their fucked mind they have disobeyed the master and pray for nothing but for the mind to be purged clean of those impure thoughts.

They embraces all night electrical shock to the genital and painfully head exploding brainwashing with open arms, knowing that they would be molded into an even more obedient and loyal slave after the session.
The procedure works, LP-0007 losing match have become rarer and rarer, finally matching LP-0007 cocky facade. The only thing that make it cocky these day is not winning itself but the amount of the master’s load that LP-0007 have taken in an occasion that the master have visited its match and decided to reward it. After the master leaves LP-0007 would parade around the rest of the team. Its cock always fully erected, maintained by the slick feeling of the master’s nectar coating its inside. Offering the rest of the team a heavenly taste of their master that’s leaking around its butt plug base. LP-0007 would lower its plugged hole on the face of other slave strapped in the pod, their tongue would dart out looking for the master’s taste and smell automatically. Stimulating them to release their own secretion into the collection machine and their free will into oblivion.

”What the fuck are you doing?” Jasper ask the mysterious medic whose organization logo on the medic’s shoulder patch and the ambulance he couldn’t recognize.
Living as a homeless as long as he can remember, it’s his instinct not trust people at first sight.
“We are here to help you. You will be better soon.” The medic replied emotionlessly while working with the IV.
“I don’t need your fucking hel-“ Before Jasper finish his sentence, he turn limp as soon as whatever drug have entered him. He look paralyze, only his eyes is the only indication that his mind still running wild. He could only laying there in the ambulance’s gurney. During the rest of the night, the medic load two more homeless men into a gurney next to him and immobilized them just like Jasper.

The medic close the car’s door and strip naked showing his tattoo of the same logo as his uniform shoulder patch that he just stripped off with some kind of code under it. His dick have some kind of black tube lock from under the dick head to almost the end of the shaft. And the most shocking to Jasper, the medic seems to have a black butt plug up his ass. He then put a blue utility belt back on. The belt make a clicked noise showing that it has been designed to be attached to the tube and plug.
The medic move to Jasper and grab a medical scissors out of his belt and cut his ragged clothes off. After Jasper is stark naked, the medic clean his dick with a soap and an alcohol. Taking his time carefully inspecting the cleanliness, the medic then take Jasper’s manhood into his mouth stimulating it into a full erection.
The same tube that’s on the medic’s dick are now locked on Jasper’s. The medic then bring out the machine with an extended flexible tubes one is hollow one have an end that look like a dildo. The hollow one lock into the tube around Jasper’s dick with the click as the belt on the medic’s. It begin to sucking on his dick like a flesh light. As Jasper begin to lost himself in pleasure, the medic ram the dildo one right up his ass. If he wasn’t paralyzed he would let out a howling scream.
Before the pain can be fully comprehend, The medic the put a VR head set on Jasper. The voice and fast throbbing text on the screen immediately plunged him into a deep and intense brainwashing loop. His breathing become robot-like stable, indicating the medic to move on to another patient. Soon the three homeless are lost deep into a brainwash session for the rest of the journey back to the master’s town. The medic move to the front of the car with the driver, already naked and hard. It kiss its brethren service slave on the chest, where the master have marked them as his, and give its cock a customary stroke. Its partner return the greetings before it hop over to the passenger seat and turn the car radio on. The audio is in sync with what’s playing in the soon-to-be slaves headset. They let their mind shift into a autopilot, absorbing the master’s commands eagerly, and begin their drive back to their master with a new recruit, just like the master have planned them to.

6 month later.
After Jasper step out of the ambulance with a completely empty and obedient mind into the town of his master. It and its other brethren slaves in training have been put through an intense slave’s feed diet and exercise regimen to meet the master’s standard of his slaves as well as even more intense brainwashing. Everyone of them going above and beyond for their master. They couldn’t wait to be marked and assigned a duty so they can be of use to the master. 6 month later all of them are turned from a malnutrition and disease ridden animal into a well tamed and obedient powerful beast. Ready to heed any of their master command without any hesitation and without fail.
The master’s plan to have the homeless charity as a front of his recruitment work perfectly. No one suspects a thing as long as they have somewhere to sweep their “problems” under the rug. The soon approaching recession is going to be…, let’s say it’s raining men for him.

Thank you guys for the 200 follower! It may not be a lot for other blogs but it means everything to me!
I hope you like the short story for this week. Thank you!