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2 years ago
As Soon As He Turned 18 His Father Sent Him To A Special School. He Was Told That The School Is A Prep

As soon as he turned 18 his father sent him to a special school. He was told that the school is a prep school for university. Every 18 years old in the town are signed up by their father.

It’s a boarding school that used to be a spacious ranch. They aren’t allowed to leave the school until they turn 20. As the week goes by he have noticed that they haven’t taught anything remotely close to college prep. All they do every day is exercising and hard ranch work. The weird thing is that no one cares to speak up. Even the most unathletics person sweats away their forced exercise and labor. Even the most picky eater just munch away their tasteless protein supplements. They never complain about the hard work and the fact that they all get naked for a fire hose to spray them clean after every sweaty day before going to sleep in their barracks naked.

For 2 years, everyday they wake up, exercise, working in the ranch, and go to sleep. By the time they are 20, everyone becomes a muscular specimen. 

On their graduation, the trainer order them to get naked and lead them to a soundproof room. The room only have a steel gurney in the middle. A headphones and a tattoo machine hanging on it. As they lay down and their trainer work on the tattoo gun, branding them as the master’s property. The cock raising to a full mass as the mantra rewired their mind. Their trainer celebrated the branding with a punch to the new slave freshly tattooed chest. The pain push the new slave over and their newly rewired brain turn it into pleasure beyond their comprehension. The new slave purge their free will from their mind through their cock. Their body spasm and buckle on the gurney while the trainer slave kissing, licking, and worshipping the master’s insignia on the new slave chest. The sensation make the new slave cumming more and more for a unhumanly long time until they’re ball and completely emptied.

After that the trainer brought them to the mirror and explained to them about the master’s emblem and their slave number which tell their place in the master’s dominion. Then the new slave kiss the master’s insignia on the trainer slave chest as a goodbye. Then they are released to the barn where other new slaves welcome them with a customary worshipping of the master’s emblem on their chest and licking their cum soaked body clean. And a mass make out with each other, but their virgin asses are reserved for the slave that sign them up for the training to deflower them as a reward from the master.

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2 years ago

It was another win for Charles and his team. Their win record have soared since the entire team have been enslaved by the master for almost two years. The master have all of their cock locked and their hole plugged as soon as he have total control of the team. They are only allowed to orgasm if they win the race.

It Was Another Win For Charles And His Team. Their Win Record Have Soared Since The Entire Team Have

Just like the master’s other money making sports team, they are the master’s labor slave with Charles being both that and pleasure slave for the master. The team abandons their life outside of the race. The star player also abandons their luxurious lifestyle to live in a communal space with the rest of the team to give all of the money non essential to their training to their master. They are all master’s slave after all. It’s not weird to see a mechanic and a racer snuggle up against each other in a barrack or help each other clean their locked dick and hole.

It Was Another Win For Charles And His Team. Their Win Record Have Soared Since The Entire Team Have

The master wants him bulked up like the rest of his pleasure slave but decided against it, considering the added weight will make Charles less competitive on the race. Charles is fit enough for his liking and a little diversity in body type of his slave is good for his boredom.

Charles’ helmet also modified to have a dildo molded after the shape of the master’s dick. It plugged Charles’ mouth for the entire race. As so the buttplug in his as vibrating to the engine’s roar, always reminding him of his reward. While he focus on the race, he subconsciously sucking on the replica of the master’s dick so hard that it leaves the helmet mark all over his face. His face might be stoic but his heart are beating fast. The master fly form the states to watch them. The master would reward them soon.

It Was Another Win For Charles And His Team. Their Win Record Have Soared Since The Entire Team Have

The master brought the team to the garage and have them line up on their knees stroking to Charles getting fuck and the master unload his holy seed into him. As the master whisper the permission into Charles ears, he finally released his seed to the collection machine. As the pleasure slave every seed they soil have to be collected for genetic procedure such as breeding and cloning. The rest of the team follow Charles and unload their unworthy seed onto the floor in unison.

The master stay in the town after that for a while. He have Charles on his yatch with a couple of his warrior slave bodyguards. For that time he was the happiest person on earth. His insides painted white by his master’s divine nectar. His seed either collected or released inside his master. He also put on some show with the warrior slave for the master to watch. Sometime they DPed him, sometime he topped them. Charles leaner frame topping the tough muscled ex-military warrior slave seem to entertain the master very much.

It Was Another Win For Charles And His Team. Their Win Record Have Soared Since The Entire Team Have

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2 years ago

”- Ughhhhh!” Will moan while ejaculate into the cum collection device. Adam tracing his tongue along the master’s insignia tattoo on Will’s chest and him finish chanting the slave’s mantra finally push him over the edge.

After the town have fallen to master’s control, every woman and children are “motivated” to move away from the town. The master pays for their relocation of cause, he is evil but not government-evil.

The enslaved men are assigned a partner to help milking their brethren slave for the DNA material and keep each other brainwashing in check. The milking and reinforcing mind control take place in the morning, midday and evening break from their assigned work. This is the morning session for Adam and Will after they gobbled up the master’s engineered food for their muscle and cum production.

Most of the men have move to the town center in new apartments built to accommodate their new utilitarian lifestyle totally devoted to only worshiping their master through hard work and obedience. But Adam used to be a farm owner and Will his farmhand. After the Adam give all of his processions to the master, he still assigned to work on the land with Will as his slave partner to feed the town with the new engineered crops to be produced as the slave feed that he and Will also eats every meal.

Now there are only them at the farm, the work is grueling. Their formate self would collapse within an hour, but with the chemical in master’s feed in their blood stream and a reprogrammed dedication in their brains, they work tirelessly with a smile on their face and a hard on in their pants. Their dick would twitch against their cock sheaths and their holes tightened around their plugs remind them of their master and their working pace will bounce back as if they have just gotten to work after a excellent rest, eve though in reality they have been at it for a several hour in the sun.

The news, also now belong to the master and broadcast orders from the master, inform them that the freshly brainwashed graduates selected from the academy will join them soon and help them ramping up the production further. They will still be working hard as always but they are happy that there will be more slave to serve the master.

With this thought Will orgasm for the last time. This one is dry so it signal that his collection is complete. Adam give the master’s mark on Will one last kiss and remove the machine tube from Will’s dick. He hand it to Will to take his turn in the session.

Adam wonder that his twin boys would be assigned the work at the farm as a labor slave like him. He sent them to the academy since they were a weak free minded men in their 18th birthday. He also wonder that with the master training what kind of loyal and obedience beast the master would mold them into. Maybe they could be a warrior slaves at the master’s sides, the master already have a pair of twin bodyguard slaves after all, but that decision over their life belong to the master. Adam won’t burden his obedience mind with that.

They likely won’t remember their father anymore considering the intense brainwashing at the academy. That make Adam even more proud, the perfect slave should have noting but the master on imprinted on their mind.

As soon as Will lock Adam’s dick sheaths with the machine’s tube and his tongue make a contact to Adam’s branded chest. His mind blacked out with only the master in his mind like a perfect slave should be and the mantra left his mouth.

Adam Champ And Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallions Cowboys 2
Adam Champ And Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallions Cowboys 2
Adam Champ And Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallions Cowboys 2
Adam Champ And Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallions Cowboys 2
Adam Champ And Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallions Cowboys 2

Adam Champ and Wilfried Knight | Raging Stallion’s Cowboys 2

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2 years ago

Finally, His little slaves spreading the praise about how magnificent the ink that enslaved them is have brought him the big fish into the tattoo master’s shop today.

Even though he knew it’s a matter of time that some celebrity would be unfortunate enough to stumble upon the tattoo master’s little shop, it’s in LA after all, but the tattoo master couldn’t help but become star-struck by Chris walking through his door and asked for a small piece of tattoo on his arm.

The master lead him to the tattoo chair. As the magic infused ink begin to enter Chris’s blood stream, his breathing become more and more relax, his eyes are still open but blank, and his face without any expression.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

“Feel the ink running along your skin, marking the unmarked flesh. Feel my magic in your mind, marking the unmarked mind. Soon you will be bare the mark of a slave both body and mind. Let the mark guide you, rule you, remind you of your life purpose.“

“Yes, sir.“

“Feel my essence in your marks for I am the wielder of the mark. Feel my rule over your body and soul. Feel it rule your obedience and loyalty, love and lust.“

“Yes, sir.”

The master rip Chris clothes with his knife, leaving him naked. His dick immediately sprung free from his underwear to  proudly erect of his enslavement.

“Feel my essence in you, let it purge your own will and conquer it with my own.”

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

The tattoo master take off his clothes and lube up his dick before plunge his dick right into Chris’ hypnotically relaxed hole all the way in one swift motion. Chris arc his back up from the chair, overwhelm with the pleasure of his master conquering him. The master begin to savagely assaulting Chris’ hole mercilessly. The ink running around Chris’ skin forming a pattern to the master’s will.


Soon the master release his essence in his new slave. Chris erect dick, left untouched through out the ritual, exploded like never before. Spraying his purged freewill onto his abs and chests. The tattoo now settling into Chris’ skin just like his master control over his kind. The tattoo form a  strange tribal pattern covering his entire back to his arms and chests.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

Chris’ blue eyes look up at his master waiting for his next command. The master grab his jaw and ram his tongue into Chris’ mouth. Chris’ tongue dance submissively with the master’s dominating one. The master pull out from Chris’ mouth.

“Thank you master!“

The master smile but waste no time garbing Chris’ blond hair and pull him onto his knees. Chris mouth opens up to perform his duty of cleaning his master’s shaft and have the chance to taste his master’s essence.

“You’re welcome. Listen well, I have things for you to do.”

Chris nods and listen to his master plans for him while giving his master the best blowjob he can.

Chris have become famous for his new tattoo of intricate and mysterious lines running along his muscle ridge on his back to his chest and arms. A few year later Chris cause another headline with divorce and marring the tattoo artist that done his now famous tattoo. Chris have gotten even more serious into body building and strongman training. He is even bigger than he was before and the tattoo seems to compliment him nicely no mater how much his body changed.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

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1 year ago
The Alpha Is Getting Serviced By His Mutt. He Miss His Omega Terribly And These Mutts Arent Even Close

The alpha is getting serviced by his mutt. He miss his omega terribly and these mutts aren’t even close to a warm and tight hug of his omega’s pussy wall. These mutts on the frontline with him are barely enough for him to get by during his rut, but his country calls, fighting for the freedom and safety of his omega while knowing he’s safe and sound at home protected by one of his pack’s top mutts that he personally assigned as the omega’s bodyguards and sextoy, this is the sacrifice that men like him are willing to pay at any price.

For the mutt, without the specialized organs to accommodate the alpha’s manhood, and The alpha instincts to be intimate and gentle only reserved and hardwire for only their omega, their experience would be extremely painful

But without any ability to from any disobedient thought, they are taking it dutifully and proudly, no matter how much of their inside are torn to shreds. The alpha’s released essences would enter their blood stream through these tear and slowly heal and enhance them, ready for any tomorrow’s mission to break them down again.

As the alpha brutally fuck his sextoy, he imagined his proud manhood buried and embraced deep in the omega soft yet tight and heavenly warm pussy wall. His petite features looking up at him. His muscular body engineered to protect intertwined with his omega’s petite built sculpted in the patriarch’s perfect image. He released his seed, which should have been in his omega’s stomach, into his mutt’s worthless hole.

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