Fan of spider-man and animated movies, he/him pansexual, leftist/progressive, Lutheran, thatdude21 on archiveofourown, CHECK OUT MY RUBY GILLMAN REWRITE IF YOU HAVENT
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I just looked back at the scene where the school students are asking each other out to prom in ruby gillman and HOLY SHIT, a lot of continuity errors and reused models in this lmao. They use the same pink haired girl FOUR times in the moving camera sequence.

and look at this.

Look at the whale proposal and the I’m a good catch proposal on both of these images can you tell me what’s wrong here 💀
On a side note tho I love that in the first image I think we got a boy proposing to another boy with the I’m a good catch one and obv the whale one has a girl proposing to another girl so heck yeah for wlw and mlm rep in the same scene. Also this isn’t me hating on the film I found the errors funny, nothing too serious.
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I think the movie was really trying to be like “there’s no reason she has to choose one life over another” Bc at the end she continues her normal life and does protect the ocean. But the thing that gets me is this 1. She seems entirely disgusted at the idea of being a giant kraken but then proceeds to go to her grandmama to find out more about herself. 2. She seems to drop the whole idea of going to prom as soon as she gets to know chelsea 3. She immediately dumps her friends and doesn’t interact with them at all the rest of the week somehow 4. The thing with Chelsea being the villain and the whole peace thing being something that doesn’t happen at all is so depressing. Like for one thing I do get that she’s only using her and manipulating her but she saves her from Gordon, is the only person she can be 100 percent true with (considering her friends and crush all think krakens are bad and her mom and grandmama hate mermaids, not her fault she didn’t know mermaids are inherently bad, why would she think that after being saved by one), not to mention it’s only Bc of chelsea that ruby embraces her kraken side Bc she genuinely wants to do a good thing. This the shit I’m talking about, it would have been so much more fulfilling if ruby actually did manage to convince grandmama to make peace with the krakens at the end of the battle, and they only were able to because chelsea decides to not kill Ruby and go against her mother at the end. That’s what pisses me off so much about this movie, it goes with the least gratifying ending, it just feels hallow. Like, again, no offense to the people who made this movie, but you can tell these people clearly had such a great idea and dropped the ball. It’s like a burger, but all it has is the damn meat and buns, no cheese and no condiments.
If can allow myself to be critical for a moment I kinda have no idea why this movie nested itself in my head for almost three months , I mean I like the world it creates and how it suggests a bigger mythology without feeling like sequel bait, some of the design are very well done and the concept is kinda neat , this literal fish out of water trying to fit in a extremely human situation such as high school while having a riff on a classic Disney character is neat but unfortunately it kinda of losses itself in trying to be too many things , when I saw it in theaters I was surprised to find out that what I thought was the prologue was indeed half the movie , and because of that it feels like it forgets many things along the way , I mean at the start of the movie Ruby pretty much has already a pretty nice life on land , with a group of friends and her crush likes her from the start sooooo what’s the point ? , she has everything from the start , and so does her family , everyone has their life together , the worst Ruby has going on is that she isn’t popular and unfortunately what is then used to replace a fish out of water story feels confused , it feels like one the drafts was having Ruby conflicted by the choice of the daily life as an unpopular teenager on land that she knew all her life or a life of royalty somewhere completely unknown to her , but Ruby is immediately disinterested and goes back on land but then once she starts hanging out with Chelsea she then also losses completely interest in the things that she said were important to her at the start , SHE LITERALLY HANGS UP ON HER CRUSH and there isn’t a clue that this is a byproduct of manipulation , the story ends up feeling like different creative visions colliding into each other without really having an idea on what the cohesive vision should be , I think there is a reason on why everywhere I looked on discussions about this movie is how they would have rewrote it and at this point I think this desire to see the story take shape in the way that it deserves it’s what it’s keeping the memory of this movie alive , for instance if I took what it offered me at face value , I would have still enjoyed it but I would have forgot about it and I think it would be cruel to just let this world and characters be dreamworks biggest failure when I don’t think it deserves to be
Can we also talk about like, the fact that so many animated movies this year have interracial or inter-species couples/crushes like that’s actually neat to think about (spider-verse, ruby gillman, tmntmm, elemental, nimona). I still need to watch nimona tbh. Not only that but again I do like that more animated movies are having lgbt rep or support in them since all of these do (even tho it’d be nice if more of them were a bit less subtle but it is what it is).

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Also related (but not at the same time) to your RGTK-TMNTMM mash up...
How cool would it have been if Ruby's friends helped her show how cool and great Krakens are through Social Media. Similar to how April was helping the Turtles become popular through her school paper!
This is something that would have been neat to see as an au definitely but... probably would have been hard to pull off considering if they tried to actually post stuff with footage of her, Agatha would have seen it, Gordon would have seen it and all that. I can definitely see them going online and telling students around the school how cool krakens are and just stating facts/legends of krakens and how they’re actually noble creatures who only attack when provoked and are protecting the ocean. But I think the movie was going for the route where at this point Ruby’s friends were more of a detriment to her as Chelsea was the only one who knew her secret and wasn’t reacting to it negatively.