amikartest - 🎨AmyK🎨

🎨Commission Open🎨 Being an disabled, doesn't mean you are crazy or being different from other people. You are also normal, you also have an amazing gifts.  🔞NSFW 🍋    

602 posts

That Would Be Something

That would be something

Me: Alucard! You should visit America to see the need to get out more!

Me: Alucard! You Should Visit America To See The Need To Get Out More!

Alucard: I have seen deer run before...

Me: Oh really? It would include moonlit walks with some humans 10 miles/16 km away..

Me: Alucard! You Should Visit America To See The Need To Get Out More!

Alucard: When does the next plane leave to cross the pond?

Me: But the local cuisine will probably make you sick .

Note: saw videos on European deer once again this morning and our deer species common name, Mule deer. They bounce as a style of running..

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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More Posts from Amikartest

2 years ago

I can sympathize with the shoulder injury, not fun to deal with - best of everything with recovery. Speaking of personal would Alucard be around a romantic interest when he finds out they had renounced their Catholic faith some years prior? This may be triggering for those that experienced this as I had. A number of factors played into the decision such as growing up in a oppressive/abusive household, living with constant anxiety and fear of persecution and manipulation from family members and congregation. But they had broke free and severed all ties to that life and now live as they please. They have become more jaded towards the denomination...and of course I'm sure they would have a field day with Father Anderson. I enjoy your writing and dedication, please take care. PS - I've gotten into reading Vampire Hunter D due to reading many of your older asks involving him <3

As You Believe

I Can Sympathize With The Shoulder Injury, Not Fun To Deal With - Best Of Everything With Recovery. Speaking

📍Thank you for your concern on my shoulder 😊 I have gone to using the tablet. I can use my left hand for typing and let the right side rest.

This is in my opinion and an easy one for me. There will not be any religious bashing. I for a period of time was a strong opinionated and (renounced Christianity) agnostic.I start this ask with a quote from Dusk till Dawn. Jacob is the father and a disillusioned pastor. I believe this movie quote explains this the best..

☯️•Jacob Fuller: (Dusk till Dawn) Every person who... chooses the service of God as his life's work has something in common. I don't care if you're a preacher, a priest, a nun, a rabbi or a Buddhist monk.

Many, many times during your life you will look at your reflection in a mirror and ask yourself: am I a fool? I'm not going through a lapse; what I've experienced is closer to awakening.

☮️•One final thing, it is not good enough to tolerate others but one should feel compassion for them…

🍷Now to Alucard's response..

•So there is some historical debate if Vlad III Dracula was forced to convert to Catholicism from Greek Orthodox in order to marry his second wife who was from Hungary. I think a cousin to the king Matthias Corvinus. Also the Sultan Mehmed's Father tried to force Vlad to convert to Islam.

Note; By the way, Christianity only dates back to one century ec. Islam is a 7th century starting spot. Technically 'baby' religions. Hindu is the oldest recorded.

•With this bit of history, Alucard wouldn't care. He completely lost faith and cursed God by denouncing his religious faith then becoming the first Nosferatu.

The Vampire King would be pleased that you found a more peaceful change considering what happened to Him. And what was going on in your mortal life.

Your heart isn't filled with blind rage…

•Remember that Vlad would have severed ties to the last of his family of cousins (in Moldavia for example) Besides the church.

•The Unholy King fully knows what fear and persecution is. How a family manipulation and a congregation can befull of judgment which leads to tearing down a person versus lifting one up.

•Alucard would discuss what are the beliefs besides Christianity. Though You would need to educate the Impaler King that killing Muslims is wrong. Persecution of the Jews even today and not adding to it. There isn't (shouldn't have) a sanctioned crusade to wipe these people and religions.

They have a right to exist.Though the sigils offer more control on his violent purging except for Nazi…

But of course.. darling.

"Draga mea, ești, așa cum stai în fața mea. Ai pe4fect de ani așa cum ești..(My darling you are, as you stand before me. You are perfect as you are..)


Dusk till Dawn movie quotes

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Christianity | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, Symbols, Types, & Facts
Encyclopedia Britannica
Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in

@alucardownsmyass @amikartest @artsy-jandi

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1 year ago

Thank you for sharing with us sis ❤️

Why does Alucard never dodge the bullets?
Answer (1 of 4): I'll leave Deadpool to explain that part for you: (Deadpool vs Punisher issue#1) When you're an almost immortal being wit

Was just poking around online and found this. I have thought this but it's worded better...


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2 years ago

Alucard fucking nun reader on the altar

Got your head pressed down and your ass up. Purposefully makes a mess in the hopes you get caught. Will rip your clothes so you become known as the nun getting fucked by the vampire

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2 years ago

This is the most beautiful fanart that @michi-tala​ has done 🥰❤️ special the eyes 😍

Some Crusnik 02 Trinity Blood

Some Crusnik 02 Trinity Blood
Some Crusnik 02 Trinity Blood

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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2 years ago

Now I really want Alucard to be my first 🥰🥵

what would vlad (from ultimate) be like marrying a virgin reader? i think he wouldnt be as brutal as his other versions (well, i think)

Your First Time with Kazikli Voivoda

What Would Vlad (from Ultimate) Be Like Marrying A Virgin Reader? I Think He Wouldnt Be As Brutal As

(@amikartest artwork that I commisioned)

⚠️Warnings: foul language, oral sex m/f, coitus and different positions. 🚫Minors Do Not Interact❗️

📍Just to warn you I don't go cannon much with Vladcard but incorporate historical facts too. I have never seen the end of the Gonzo version as it just puts me into a dead sleep. Never seen the end…As you mentioned Ultimate is pretty sure not what you had in mind? (Don't write just what you want hear especially when history is envokved) I disagree based on historical fact..

I have included other asks which include Alucard with a virgin and an eager one after this.

🛡• Vlad III Drǎculea

As for Vlad being more gentle?

•I strongly disagree with his Alucard persona being compared and not so gentle. The Turks later called him Kazikli Bey (Sir Impaler) or Kazikli Voivoda (Impaler Prince)

• According to Medieval Europe, No on the easy and gentle. Most women it was their duty and such. Gentle for what? Making babies is not. Marriages were contracts to property and power.

Most never for love as no profit..

•It is believed Vlad did truly love his first wife and they ruled Wallachia as a couple. The second Marriage was pushed on Vlad to marry King Matthis Corvinus's cousin.

•He would push into you quickly like ripping a bandaid off. Then let you adjust but..more demanding as the need for sons.

•Due to lack of time and going to war a lot with surviving deadly battles, makes for a horny man with blue balls so more likely to be on the rough side after you are no longer a virgin. Mushy romance Scenes in movies with soldiers and what is attracting their attention.

Need to breed for genes to be passed on kinda thing..

•But Vlad was a political prisoner of the Sultan. Who has harems. So the Viovide (warlord closest title prince) would, in my opinion, be considered a worldly man.

As for marriage?

• Doesn't need marriage to have legitimate sons. Wallachia was different and influenced by Ottoman Turks' thinking. Any woman could/would do. Mistresses (he may actually have called them concubines hence cheating big time cruel death), wives, servants and you get the picture. Sometimes 50 male heirs of several nobles killing each other for the throne of Wallachia.

🍷•As for Alucard?

•Sometimes change with time. Alucard has had 500+ years to polish his seduction and love arts of pleasure. He would be able to ride through orgasms without cumming.

Orgasm control….

•More time to spend on such heated moments of passion.. The Hungarian King isn't trying to get him killed and Sultan Mehemed II doesn't constantly want his head sent in honey to Constantinople to prove his true death. There is no concern about viable heirs for a province of Romania once called Wallachia.

•Now Allycard (others call him girlycard) is a completely different story when it comes to men. Men are just supposed to be strong. It's the expected period. Ally did love to tange with Nazi's and chose the form to create maximum psychological terror.

So there you have it..


Ask: Alucard first time sex

Nsfw here! Do you have any headcanons on Alucard preparing his lover for their first time having sex?

📍So your question is part two of similar asks with virgins. This is a probable scenario for your first time.

💋•Side info: In my universe he can nip but a true bite with fangs, it needs to be deep in muscle or tissue. The vampire 'venom'' is necrotic neurotoxin. That means he can do a mild bite without turning you. The sharing of small amounts of his blood fed to you could prevent becoming a ghoul further down the road. Kinda like a flu shot of his blood creates an immunity..okay not sure where that's going.


•Alucard plans things out ahead of time. Doing something enjoyable and relaxing out like dining, walking in the rose gardens of Hellsing & such.

•A hot shower to help nerves and begin the foreplay. His damn long tongue! He may start out by 'eating' you out, legs over his shoulders. (And damn you notice how tall he is)

•Next would be mutually drying off and then being swept up in his arms bridal style. And would you think he will just set you on the bed?

• No he uses his cat-like grace and great strength to place you and then him on top of you, in one fluid motion only elder vampires can do.

•His fingers, surprisingly bare, touch, caress and arouse your mind and body. Lips kissing, teeth nipping and tugging on bottom lips. Soft rumbling growl that vibrate and you feel from his bare chest before you hear the growls (strange but interesting feeling)

•Alucard begins to use his fingers to stretch a bit, making sure there's plenty of juices flowing or discreetly Appling more but not directly! It's cold if you can believe it.

•Just as you are about to cum, Shadow King begins the process of inserting his thick veiny cock (you decide how big he is or long). It begins with distracting kisses as he slips the tip in and pauses. If you seem comfortable and relaxed, it's the three rules, three thrusts and dragging almost out. Then full hilt sheathed in you.

•No Life King becomes still and only wiggles his pelvis until he's sure you're ready for more of him. Alucard starts at a slow pace to settle better on top of you. His arms go under your armpits and reappear by your head. The Vampire King begins rocking his hips as your body curls and stretches to the motion. . His whole body engulfs yours beautifully and you feel so safe with him and his body.

• He's intimately holding you securely.

•He controls his arousal so that you definitely cum first most of all. You can help later tonight with his itch.

"Draga Regina (my queen in Romanian) you are so beautiful in my arms like this," the vampiric purr starts with his voice. "Your body fits perfectly…snug like a well made glove for my dick to slide in.."

•Hot bath in case your hips are a little sore. Your muscles have been used that way ever (Trust me you have muscles where you didn't think you had). He gets in first so that you can between his legs and relax.

•His hands remove sweaty hair from your face while his mouth gently kisses your head while mumbling encouraging words on how well you took his size and gave him so much pleasure.

"Was your first as good as you dreamed Scumpa mea (my darling).."

🍷Ask: Alucard first time eager virgin

How would Alucard act with a nervous, shy but eager virgin s/o for their first time together? I always imagine him having a big 😏 which would be intimidating but also very exciting.

Taking it in Steps

So I happen to have two similar questions about being virgins, so thought this one is how things are planned. The other ask will be the nsfw scenario…of course you get way more information and you probably wanted but hey!😁


•So in the living days of Vlad/Alucard things were much different but some the same. The nervous and wonder how much pain is going to be involved. Some are good but a lot are not. Sometimes no matter what the first is ehh. But pain will cause new person and sex to stop. All your mind focuses on how badly it hurt the first time..

(The worst is when you have, in a rare case, a thicker hymen that won't break with penile penetration and so surgery is required. First sign is tampons are super painful and can't be used, might have a thicker hymen) .

Onward eager ones!

•First thing would be slow fondling to find all your sensitive spots. Sweet spots aren't in the same places for women. Even a g-spot can be slightly higher as g-spots are unique. Love markings and tickling bother you.

•Next fingerings so you get used to a slight stretch by fingers Alucard's long ones hit all the right spots as his thumb strokes your sensitive nub. This could help discover if lubrication may be needed for the first time.

Less friction the first time around.

And one myth I am going to put to rest, not everyone bleeds! Hymen tissue thins as you get older. Maybe you had an accident and the Hymen was torn. Horses and tricycles. (my daughter with a tricycle took care of hers.)

Would Alucard Like a tinge of blood with your other juice stuff?

Well yes but it's such a small amount and he being the first Nosferatu, at his age it's about letting you receive the best first. He stopped caring about notches on the bed posts a while ago.

•Alucard would move for a next step with performing oral sex. Damn vampires and their oral fetishes. But can lick chrome off a bumper?

Oops! Digressed!

• He would love to have you learn to go down on him but for some that's just a thing. It also gives a sense of his size while using your hand or mouth.

•As for smell? Trust me, he would smell good but still a fresh shower removes a lot of scent that isn't pleasing to your nose. Some men don't do good enough hygiene and they stink! Alot!

•He would discuss positions that widen the hips for deeper penetration and positions the hips are narrowed to control how far he can go in. This is supposed to be start of a beautiful relationship with the best sex you can get. His ego is comfortable if being on top and riding him

You control how deep and fast. Stop and let your body stretch.

You are the boss the first time if you help with the jitters.

•Another concern is of course size..bigger isn't better. Big means knocked ovaries if the lover isn't paying attention because they are too busy chasing their high. (Note: twisted ovary bad enough, think twist inside you and your ovary dies drop circulation cut off. Going to hospital in one the most excruciating pain on par with kidney stones and giving birth.)

•Well shape shifting can be useful like. You know let the first time or two with sex be with a smaller meaty version of his 'hand cannon'.

•Of course Alucard has over five hundred years to master everything pretty well. He would even do orgasm denial so you will cum earlier. Once again it's about your first time…

•Now to the first time, your body is so highly aroused that wetness shouldn't be a problem but if not use that lube. Alucard might just manifest a tendril of shadow to bring the lubricant from the nightstand…

•He will take his time and if needs to be slower or stop and then start, that's okay! Once again it's about you having the best of a first experience so you 'cum' back for more.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @alucardownsmyass

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