amikartest - 🎨AmyK🎨

🎨Commission Open🎨 Being an disabled, doesn't mean you are crazy or being different from other people. You are also normal, you also have an amazing gifts.  🔞NSFW 🍋    

602 posts

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Thank you for sharing with us sis ❤️

Why does Alucard never dodge the bullets?
Answer (1 of 4): I'll leave Deadpool to explain that part for you: (Deadpool vs Punisher issue#1) When you're an almost immortal being wit

Was just poking around online and found this. I have thought this but it's worded better...


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2 years ago

I love this so much ❤️❤️❤️

I know that he'd probably be able to already sense it but what would be Alucard's reaction to his s/o telling him that she's pregnant with a dhampir? ❤️

Alucard's Baby Dhampir/ Dhampirica

I Know That He'd Probably Be Able To Already Sense It But What Would Be Alucard's Reaction To His S/o

Art courtesy of AmikArtest

📍I am answering out of order due to some content I already completed. I am working best I can but a couple of asks need time to do them right..

⚠️ Warning: foul language


•Alucard wouldn't believe it at first. He could smell the change in your hormones. But All Father arrogantly believes can't exist.

Just don't tell him, he doesn't know it all about vampires..

•Shadow King would wait for you to tell him in person. He will say he's not possessive but his vampiric behavior tells another story. You listen to his body language because he monologues his words often.

Alucard is civil but cold in some ways..

•as your hormones get so strong and your belly is growing at an accelerated rate. There is absolute truth now.

"Forgive me Y/n for being an asshole," he wraps his arms around your growing belly. "I am faced with the fact that I don't know everything about vampires apparently."

Then his and your baby kicks his hands. Alucard has raised eyebrows. Strong unborn baby that can only be his. As if to agree with their father was being an asshole.


Ask: Alucard father

I came up with a HC for Alucard that I think is cute. How would he feel if he found out the person he loves became pregnant with his child? I’m curious whether they’re human or a vampire.

Due Note: Vampires are not humans with claws. They are Aberrant in emotions and behavior. It is the dumbfounded human that doesn't understand one is food and chew toys that leads to beloved pets.

•Alucard admits he is a monster and if released he would go back to "evil" ways. He admitted he would change his emotional behavior if Hellsing hadn't captured him. He is classified as an Eldritch Abomination.

•Most do not agree with me and I don't all of you to agree but Alucard alludes to vampires forgetting how to love anymore. He suffers from this emotional shortcoming. He is usually disinterested in a s/o but a beloved pet which is better than disposable chew toys. Rumor is there is an Unholy Queen out in the world but Alucard has not met them yet.

•Hmmm…as for human or vampire it's neither. They are never truly human or vampire. Alucard will tell you dhampirs are impossible. My standard reply is Dhamphir or Dhampicia but as we know genetics doesn't do 50/50.

• It will reveal how more vampiric in nature includes heightened abilities like speed. Some acquire powers from the father but almost never on par with their Sire. Yet they usually become hunters of vampires and are quite successful. The fate of the female human is usually tragic. The exception is D of Vampire Hunter D. He is a direct son to Sacred Ancestor. Sacred Ancestor's only success ever…I have included footnotes on Dhampir.

•First off Alucard will jump to conclusions that s/o cheated on him. He has never seen or heard of a half vampire child. If they did exist vampires have eradicated them as half breed Abominations.

•Then the belly shows predominantly at 6 weeks. Half vampires are born at 4.5 months and continue to grow at double or three times the speed of a human. The mother struggles to eat enough to cover the rapid body growth. Many times the infant "eats" their mother when not able to have high calorie intake.

•They will claw through their human mother's womb. It is suspected the male vampire shows up to assist and can hold the dhampir baby down and push it out. If not, chances are low the human mother will live after birthing her baby. It is a terrible way to die as you know your baby will be hunted and destroyed at a few days old.

•Dhampirs are born with retractable upper and lower canines. They have fingernails that extend to little talons like. Dhampirs can kill a human a few hours old due to biting and clawing. The vampire father is usually the first one bit. Perhaps the taking of their father's blood first off makes them stronger in the future. A boost for survival as it were.

•Some soon hunger for blood as babies. A small amount of human blood (preferably the mother) is mixed with breast milk. Most eventually move to solid food though its a diet raw or rare meat and fruit seem to be a usual diet.

•Not all powers appear until puberty and then the vampiric heritage kicks in. Heightened senses and physical aspects are available at birth. Speed,dexterity and such. The thirst for blood becomes strong. Some can stick to animal blood but always crave for their other half,human blood.

•Dhamphirs stop aging at 17 or 18 years of age and their physical beauty is from the vampire side. Disease and aging is no longer an issue. They must sleep but not be confined to a coffin. There is no tie to a place of death to need soil dug up.

•Due note: A unwritten vampire law is never to change a human child. They must be accompanied to look less suspicious and their ability not to massacre has not been matured. Child changed vampires don't fit well in keeping the vampire's existence hidden. (from Anne Rice concept)

•Shadow King would become overall protective as feral vampire instinct comes on line. You will be seeing Dr. Pine at Hellsing's hospital wing and the best baby doctor that has to sign legal papers not to reveal Alucard has offspring.

•The Vampire King will stress that his Dhampir child will kill you in the process of birth. He may not truly love you as humans seek but the Undead King isn't ready to give up his s/o pet.

Hopefully this darling baby size killing "machine" doesn't kill you at its birth…

⚜️• Footnotes:

In Balkans folklore, dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are creatures that are the result of a union between a vampire and a mortal human. This union was usually between male vampires and female mortal humans, with stories of female vampires mating with male mortal humans being rare.[1]

The word dhampir (definite form dhampiri) possibly derived from Gheg Albanian dham (“tooth”)[2] + pir (“drinker/drank”) (Standard Albanian forms: dhëmb[3] + pirë).[4][5] Having a “toothdrinker” meaning in Albanian.[6][7]

dham/dhëmb: derived from Proto-Albanian *dzamba > from Proto-Indo-European *ǵómbʰos (“tooth, peg”)[8]

pir/pirë (participle of pi): > from Proto-Albanian *pīja (“drink”) > from Proto-Indo-European *peh₃-, *pih₃-

Vladimir Orel points out the similarity between Proto-Albanian *pīja and the Proto-Slavic cognate *pijǫ.[9]

It is also claimed that the word for vampire descends from Slavic “упирь” or “ǫpyrь”.[10][11][12] However, one of Petar Skok's hypotheses is that the slavic word itself derived from a northern Turkic language (“ubyr/ubyrly”, meaning “witch”).[13]

The word "dhampir" is associated with Balkan folklore, as described by T. P. Vukanović. In the rest of the region, terms such as Serbian vampirović, vampijerović, vampirić (thus, Bosnian lampijerović, etc.) literally meaning "vampire's son", are used.[14][15]

In other regions the child is named "Vampir" if a boy and "Vampirica" if a girl, or "Dhampir" if a boy and "Dhampirica" if a girl.[citation needed] In Bulgarian folklore, numerous terms such as glog (lit. "hawthorn"), vampirdzhiya ("vampire" + nomen agentis suffix), vampirar ("vampire" + nomen agentis suffix), dzhadadzhiya and svetocher are used to refer to vampire children and descendants, as well as to other specialized vampire hunters.[16] Dhampiraj is also an Albanian surname.[citation needed]

In the Balkans it was believed that male vampires have a great desire for women, so a vampire will return to have intercourse with his wife or with a woman he was attracted to in life.[14] In one case, a Serbian widow tried to blame her pregnancy on her late husband, who had supposedly become a vampire,[15] and there were cases of Serbian men pretending to be vampires in order to reach the women they desired.[17] In Bulgarian folklore, vampires were sometimes said to deflower virgins as well.[14] The sexual activity of the vampire seems to be a peculiarity of South Slavic vampire belief as opposed to other Slavs,[14] although a similar motif also occurs in Belarusian legends.[18]

Legends[which?] state that dhampirs were, for the most part, normal members of the community. But dhampirs, especially male, of paternal vampire descent could see invisible vampires and practice sorcery, often starting careers as vampire hunters, which would be practiced for generations from father to son.[19][20][21] According to the legend,[which?] dhampyres have the powers of both humans and vampires: they can sense a supernatural creature within a specified distance, have acute sense of sight and hearing, have regenerating abilities, immortality, walk in sunlight (which led to the adoption of the sobriquet "Daywalker"), also eat like a human, dhampyres can also control animals and can be used to destroy vampires.[22]

Some traditions specify signs by which the children of a vampire can be recognized. Albanian legends state they have untamed dark or black hair and lack a shadow.[15] In Bulgarian folklore, possible indications include being "very dirty", having a soft body, no nails or bones (the latter physical peculiarity is also ascribed to the vampire itself), and "a deep mark on the back, like a tail." In contrast, a pronounced nose was often a sign, as were larger than normal ears, teeth or eyes. According to J. Gordon Melton, from his book, The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead, in some areas, a true dhampir possessed a "slippery, jelly-like body and lived only a short life—a belief ... that vampires have no bones."[23]

Ask: D & Alucard pregnant s/o

*looks around from the corner* Is it okay if I request Alucard and D coming home to find their pregnant s/o sleeping in their shirt? I know it's already similar to another request you've done but I have an excuse to include D since not enough people are requesting for him.

I have added a couple sites that cover D though book 29 is coming out in September this year. The start time of D is 15,000 years after nuclear in 1999. He is 10,000 years old and his mother was Mina the Fair. D stopped physically aging at age 17 and he is considered so beautiful that cis men even feel some attraction.

He is hated and feared for being the child of a Vampire Noble. The Dhampir travels the frontier (there is a capital city but most live in the frontier full of Noble created monsters.)

Note on Alucard: I have penned a new term of endearment for Alucard for me to call him.: Lulă (Lu=alu and la=ula) It's German feminine for "famous warrior." Didn't know this was a real name at first. Girlycard/Allycard tie being the German feminine connection.

Poor source: as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Lula is "famous warrior; other, foreign". Lula is an alternate form of Louise (Old German). Lula is also a variation of Luella (Old English, Old German).

One last question to my followers: is this a 2 for 1 or does Vladcard make it 3 for 1?

Warnings: ⚠️ fluff, some insinuation of coitus to come.

•🍷Alucard Hellsing

Let's start with the Sacred Ancestor in his form as Alucard. D's father is Dracula in the novels and Alucard is capable of possibly interdimensional travel, as the time lines between Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing are not the best for consistency or accuracy on details.

•Just when Alucard didn't think there were any more surprises he could manifest or learn, you entered his world. You conceived and now waddle around with some precious cargo he helped create.

"Alucard, we miss you terribly when you are gone on long missions…" you pout at him.

"And what does my puțin rotund unu (little round one) think will help with this?" He sighs actually puzzled on what will help.

"If only you had a shirt I could snuggle in Lulă…"

"Did you forget my clothes are a shadow manifested?" He smiles coyly.

You sigh tiredly as 'D' kicks your belly hard. "I still forget…"

•So Alucard is on a mission to locate a man's traditional Romanian embroidered shirt. Within days Shadow King slinks up to you waddling around once more.

"I told you to stay off your feet puțin rotund unu," he places a kiss on your cheek. His shadows produce the shirt for you.

You squeak happily in his ear,"It's perfect! It even has your scent!"

•♟️Now Vlad Dracula for grins and giggles.

•You became pregnant just after he left your side for the last time as a human. He has returned as the First Vampire.

•In the first four months Vlad wanders alone and silently. He is still unsure of his strengths, powers and weaknesses. There wasn't a manual for when you denounced God and if by chance demon's work, the only answers are in riddles.

•One evening he arrives at a secret location in Hoia Baciu forest. Most humans will never dare step foot in this haunted forest but him and…you.

•Your scent is strong but mingled with another. His jealous streak appears but choices to watch you puttering around making food for yourself.

•Finally he enters the large cottage. "Acolo ești tot rotund și plin de copil. (There you are all round and full of baby.)"

Vlad's molten hellfire colored eyes study you. You are wearing his last shirt before being captured. It has stains and worn spots but yet it makes you look beyond beautiful in his eyes.

"Am așteptat în timp ce ai cerut și am o surpriză pentru tine Voivode.(I waited as you asked and I have a surprise for you Voivode.)" You chirp happily.

His ebony eyebrows raise up. "Copilul meu să fie.?(Is it my child to be?)

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @alucardownsmyass

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1 year ago

Gorgeous 😍

Use your imagination...I am.

Use Your Imagination...I Am.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

Tooo perfect 🥰




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1 year ago

Thunderstorms aren't no fun at all, but even having Vladcard and Alucard the same time to be there to protect you from ❤️

i don't know if you've answered this type of scenario, i couldn't find anything with search so here goes. how would our lovely men take care of their s/o that gets easily spooked by those scary thunder and lightning storms? they find them buried underneath a blanket and pillow nest during a really bad one. i grew up out in the plains and those really strong, but amazing to watch, storms rolling across would get super scary, especially when tornado season comes around. best wishes for your dad and your shoulder and your family (´。・v・。`)

Rolling Thunder

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

📍Thank you for being supportive. I just can't say it enough, my readers, followers and askers are so wonderful and understanding.🥰

Sorry this has taken so long!

So adding some tornado information as I was a dumb..dumb American and had no idea how much tornadoes occur in other parts of the world. Well at least I'm trainable..maybe?

📍In my case, my fear of thunder and lightning is from nearly getting struck as a teenager trying to get horses in the barn. You know standing under the tallest tree out in the open..with horseshoes…adds up to yikes.

I believe it comes down to how some process and instead of the "fight" this is cool, goes to "flight" or even more "freeze". Your body answers with hiding and generally right on the spot.

Anyrate, a map of the major regions where tornadoes occur globally.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

💡Alas do I hear a loud and hearty bellow from…Vlad(card)? Oh yes indeed I believe I do!

🗡•Vlad alive

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•At first, being the one ever eager to attack the enemy sees the thunderstorms and the sight of a tornado is a heaven sent sign to attack. Everyone else thinks this a death omen but they lack faith.

Vlad thinks..

•He chuckles at your antics with thunderstorms. Because he's romantically connected to you, it's cute as you bury your head under the pillows and flinch when the thunder is coming closer.

•This is his chance to poke a little loving fun out of you. Vlad of course stands up straight and marches over to your blanket/pillow nest. The big, bad Voivode is going to protect you now.

•(going with the bed) He slides across the bed and then captures you in his bare arms. Vlad wraps the blankets around both of you and places your head on his warm bare chest.

"Puișorul mamii Domi in leganuț Puișor draguț Luna și cu stealli Să-ți păzească viselii Să-ți mângâie genialii Genialii sprâncenele Haida și iar dormi Până-n zori de zi.." he sings softly.

[Mother's baby,Domi in the leganut,Cute little baby,The Moon and Stealli, Guard your dreams, To comfort your geniuses, Brilliant eyebrows,Go back and sleep again. Until dawn]~Hmm🤔 lost in translation even for reverso translation. Site listed below..

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

🍷Alucard in London

•Sir Hellsing raises an eyebrow or two when the sky gets dark and forms thunderclouds. Is it really all nature created? Or is Alucard secretly fucking around with the England weather?

•Alucard could ramp up the storm, though extremely painful ftom the Hellsing sigils, as he did coming to England on the Demeter but he actually use his weather control to not do that..

He helps calm it without altering the regional weather pattern..

•The basement ceiling and walls have no window glass to rattle from the thunder and it eases your fear as the lightning can't reach you underground so deep.

•His arms around you, one hand has his long fingers stroking your head and running them through your hair.

"Regele vampir te va ține în siguranță, draga mea…" [The Vampire King will keep you safe my dear]

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⛩️•Aizawa Shouta Aizawa

•As long as the storm is not generated by a villain, he will be on his way to help you cope. Shouta keeps an attentive "eye" and weather information at hand so unless a sudden change of the weather, Aizawa finds you.

•If he can't make it soon enough, sometimes Hizashi or Nemuri can help too.

•He would text you comforting messages as he gets to your location (his place, yours etc)

•He will playfully scold you for not being in his resident yellow sleeping bag. You both snuggle in, your head to his chest.

"Go to sleep kitten/little one," he whispers to you."I'm going nowhere, for you.."

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⚜️Sacred Ancestor's Son

•Ahh, thunderstorms are generally extremely dangerous 10,090 years in the future. It means a noble's weather control system is malfunctioning.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•This would be one of rare times a noble's ruined castle would be safe. Of course D knows it's safe and due to his necklace, security is stopped from possibly still working.

•Your fear becomes grave when he actually gets struck by lightning. He should be dead right?

No, not as Sacred Ancestor's only success..

•His fingernails comb your hair as you are wrapped up in his traveler's cloak/jacket ( some stories it's a traveler coat but other times called a cloak)

"Rest my love.." he whispers. "The weather can not keep me from you."

⚡️Notes: For example, coastal regions of southern England experienced more lightning flashes from May to July, while inland parts of southeast England had the most lightning activity from April to August.Oct 2, 2022

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@amikartest @stygianoir @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

That would be something

Me: Alucard! You should visit America to see the need to get out more!

Me: Alucard! You Should Visit America To See The Need To Get Out More!

Alucard: I have seen deer run before...

Me: Oh really? It would include moonlit walks with some humans 10 miles/16 km away..

Me: Alucard! You Should Visit America To See The Need To Get Out More!

Alucard: When does the next plane leave to cross the pond?

Me: But the local cuisine will probably make you sick .

Note: saw videos on European deer once again this morning and our deer species common name, Mule deer. They bounce as a style of running..

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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