this blog posts tons of flags with their meanings. | not all flags are mine. | "the freak flag archivist." | pronouns you can use for me are it/meow/burn/🛴. | requests are always open.
159 posts
Greendayplatonic + Greendaysensual + Greendayalterous + Greendayqueerplatonic Pride Flags"Greendayplatonic
Greendayplatonic + Greendaysensual + Greendayalterous + Greendayqueerplatonic Pride Flags "Greendayplatonic is an platonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1987 rock band, Green Day." "Greendaysensual is sensual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1987 rock band, Green Day." "Greendayalterous is an alterous attraction primarily or entirely to the 1987 rock band, Green Day." "Greendayqueerplatonic is an queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1987 rock band, Green Day."
coding-endo liked this · 1 year ago
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Lilithqueer Pride Flags + Symbol “Lilithqueer is an ideology focused on freedom of speech, thought, and body. It is also supporting the right to transition and to be in any type of relationship. It is against harm, bigotry, and abuse.” “It is like the ideology that Lilith Clawthorne has.” Thank you to Lime for helping me emoji combo: 💙𓄿🏳️🌈
Nagitosona Pride Flags + Symbols “a nagitosona at it’s most basic form is an oc type based off of nagito. but it can also be used as a label for anything one wants.”
Xenotraitgender Pride Flags + Symbols "xenotraitgender is a gender connected to xenotraits and/or how one uses them."
Beemoviefilmic Pride Flag "beemoviefilmic is a xenogender connected to the film "bee movie.""
Jennabetrayalic/Chiakiebetrayalic Pride Flags + Symbol "jennabetrayalic/chiakiebetrayalic is a xenogender connected to when/the momment that jenna betrayed her [ex]friend jake brutally."