Xenotrait Safespace - Tumblr Posts

Xenotraitgender Pride Flags + Symbols "xenotraitgender is a gender connected to xenotraits and/or how one uses them."

Xenotraits Pride Flags + Symbols "Xenotraits are personality traits/facets of identity that cannot be described through typical, current, human terms and may be expressed through objects, sensations, scenes, concepts, and more. Xenotraits are similar to xenogenders but rather than atypical concepts being related to gender identity, they're connected to ones identity as a person. This term may also be spelled "xeno traits" or "xeno-traits.""

Xenotraithoarder Pride Flags + Symbol
"Xenotraithoarder is a xenotrait for those who hoard xenotraits."

Artstrait Pride Flags + Symbols
"Artstrait is a xenotrait in relation to the arts."

Disabilitytrait Pride Flags + Symbol
"Disabilitytrait is a xenotrait in relation to disabilities."

Aesthetictrait Pride Flags + Symbol
"Aesthetictrait is a xenotrait in relation to aesthetics."