Lgbtqia+ Pride - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Sketches For Pride Month. Head Empty No Thoughts Poses On The Left, Practicing Puffy Cat Shapes On The
Sketches For Pride Month. Head Empty No Thoughts Poses On The Left, Practicing Puffy Cat Shapes On The

Sketches for pride month. Head empty no thoughts poses on the left, practicing puffy cat shapes on the right. Colored with flags. They’re gay. (:

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9 months ago

I’ll put a little in here too because this is a good rant.

I’m happy for you. I wish I was that patient with myself when I was younger— actually, I was mostly just confused. Not getting crushes was just one more thing that made me feel out of place. I was always making them up.

In middle school, there was a boy who was super into me. He was cute and sweet and geeky and we had similar last names so we always ended up with lockers right by one another and in lines together and such. He asked me to date him and I was like… yea, you mathematically seem like a good boyfriend. I remember my friends asking me if I liked him and I said “Yea he’s cute, like a puppy” and I couldn’t understand why that was wrong. It was really hard for me to distinguish chemistry, which I’ve experienced before in a platonic way, from what people described as romantic attraction. I dated around, I got very confused, and then I was given the word “asexual.” Suddenly everything made sense.

A couple years ago, if I was offered a button that would make me allo, that would let me have romantic and sexual attraction, I would’ve hit that button so hard and fast it would’ve blown me up. Now, though? …I think I agree with you. I don’t want it. I’m happier without it. I don’t need some “other half,” I don’t need to want to hold hands or kiss or whatever. I have a sort of chill QPR partner and we’re doing great. I do want kids eventually, but I’ll figure that out when I come to it. I’ll figure it all out. I trust me.

I’m glad we have these words. I’m glad we have pride. I’m glad we can find each other so we don’t have to be scared. There’s nothing wrong with us.

Ok that’s all (: thanks

Saw aromantic trending so I wanna rant share about my experience being aroace :D

It never really occurred to me as a kid that I was different when it came to romance and stuff. Whenever my friends talk about crushes, I often think about an entirely different topic cause I could never relate. It never interested me since I never felt it. People would have crushes on others in school, celebrities, or something else. But it never occurred to me that having no attraction wasn’t the norm since I always thought I’ll find the “right person” someday. I was just like “everyone gets a romantic partner eventually, why should I rush it?” Which is why I didn’t feel out of place for my lack of attraction. I was never rushed by my peers, but I was taught that love eventually happens.

Figuring out and accepting I was aroace was definitely a slow burn for me. I knew what the label was and I think I kinda identified with it but it felt like a label I tacked on cause I was always thinking in the back of my mind that I’ll like someone someday. Overtime, I realized that the present is what matters when identifying as something, and right now, I can confidently say I’ll never feel sexual and romantic attraction. I’ve come to accept that I’m aroace and I’m very proud to be.

Upon this realization though, I’ve seen how much this world and a lot of people in it values romance. So. Much. Amatonormativity. There were multiple times where I would hang out with a friend of a different gender and friends of that person would be like “oh wow u finally got a partner” or something. Like, we were just talking, which is something that, literally, everyone does. Sometimes I feel like everyone expects me to marry when I don’t want to. One time my sister was talking about her celebrity crush and my mom said “everyone has a celebrity crush” and when I replied with “I don’t,” she said “aww” like it was sad or something. And I don’t understand why?? It’s not a bad thing to not have a crush on a popular person. Also, I’m glad the internet lets me see other people are also aroace cause a lot of the time, I feel lonely. Literally all the people in my life have either had a crush and/or been in a relationship. I’m not sad I don’t feel that same attraction, but I would like someone in my real life to talk to about this, someone who’s able to understand the lack of feelings I have, someone who has the same ideas about amatonormativity. Yeah I’m good with being alone, but it can get lonely when it feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t feel romantic and sexual attraction in a 100 mile radius. I don’t got a desire to partner up in any kind of relationship, so I have to accept that I’m most likely not the first priority for anyone due to me not being their lover.

Despite those struggles, I’m still very glad to be aroace. It feels so nice to know that I can live a life that’s not pictured for me already. I don’t want a partner, I don’t want kids, I don’t want to marry, and other stuff. Anyone can do that, but I love not feeling crushes. I don’t hate romance or sex, but I don’t really care about it when it comes to real life. I never felt like I had to conform when it came to romantic relationships and I’m gonna keep doing that. If someone had a button that could give me romantic and sexual feelings, I would take the batteries out and shatter it into a million pieces, cause I’m damn glad to be aroace.

This thing turned out way longer than I expected and I know I’m a little late for aromantic visibility day but I just wanted to pour all this out. Thanks for reading all the way if u did and happy pride month y’all :>

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My Man Crush Monday Illustration Goes Out To The Beautiful Transgender Male Model Laith Ashley! This

My man crush monday illustration goes out to the beautiful transgender male model Laith Ashley! This illustration is inspired by his shoot from the June issue of Attitude magazine. 

Link to Laith’s instagram account in the caption of the illustration.

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One Of The Cutest Couples From Sense8! Lito And Hernando Showing Their Pride!

One of the cutest couples from Sense8! Lito and Hernando showing their pride!

Here are some links to these awesome shirts and mugs.

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2 years ago

bitches be like "transition goals" and it's just a being, shrouded in darkness, cloaked in mystery, dark, like the void, lurking in the unknown, its true form long forgotten, not to be seen by the mortal eye

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3 years ago


As a fellow member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I wish you all an amazing month of June. And don't forget that this page is a safe place for anyone, no matter what gender, sexuality, skin color and ethnicity. I love you all, and STAY GAY (or anything in the LGBTQIA+ hihi)


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2 years ago
Inuyashamantic + Inuyashasexual Pride Flags
Inuyashamantic + Inuyashasexual Pride Flags

Inuyashamantic + Inuyashasexual Pride Flags

Inuyashamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Inuyasha from the manga/anime Inuyasha Inuyasha sexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Inuyasha from the manga/anime Inuyasha

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2 years ago
Kagomemantic + Kagomesexual Pride Flags
Kagomemantic + Kagomesexual Pride Flags

Kagomemantic + Kagomesexual Pride Flags

Kagomemantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Kagome from Inuyasha Kagomesexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Kagome from Inuyasha

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2 years ago
Moshpitgender Pride Flagsmoshpitgender Is A Xenogender Connected To Moshpits, Aggression, Bombastic Music,
Moshpitgender Pride Flagsmoshpitgender Is A Xenogender Connected To Moshpits, Aggression, Bombastic Music,
Moshpitgender Pride Flagsmoshpitgender Is A Xenogender Connected To Moshpits, Aggression, Bombastic Music,
Moshpitgender Pride Flagsmoshpitgender Is A Xenogender Connected To Moshpits, Aggression, Bombastic Music,
Moshpitgender Pride Flagsmoshpitgender Is A Xenogender Connected To Moshpits, Aggression, Bombastic Music,

Moshpitgender Pride Flags “moshpitgender is a xenogender connected to moshpits, aggression, bombastic music, demonic imagery, and musical voids. it is also good when combined with other genders.” “there is also xenicmoshpitgender, femmoshpitgender, mascmoshpitgender, and enbymoshpitgender.”

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2 years ago
Cornholiogender Pride Flagcornholiogender Is A Xenogender Related To Cornholio From The TV Show, Beavis
Cornholiogender Pride Flagcornholiogender Is A Xenogender Related To Cornholio From The TV Show, Beavis

Cornholiogender Pride Flag “cornholiogender is a xenogender related to cornholio from the TV show, beavis and butthead.”

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2 years ago
Strawberrynutellagender Pride FlagsStrawberrynutellagender Is A Xenogender Connected To A Combination
Strawberrynutellagender Pride FlagsStrawberrynutellagender Is A Xenogender Connected To A Combination
Strawberrynutellagender Pride FlagsStrawberrynutellagender Is A Xenogender Connected To A Combination

Strawberrynutellagender Pride Flags “Strawberrynutellagender is a xenogender connected to a combination of strawberries and nutella.”

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