Mogai Term - Tumblr Posts
Kōgamantic + Kōgasexual Pride Flags
Kōgamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Kōga from Inuyasha Kōgasexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Kōga from Inuyasha
Inuyashagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Inuyasha from the anime Inuyasha”
Inuyashamantic + Inuyashasexual Pride Flags
Inuyashamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Inuyasha from the manga/anime Inuyasha Inuyasha sexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Inuyasha from the manga/anime Inuyasha
Kagomegender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Kagome from the manga/anime Inuyasha”
Kagomemantic + Kagomesexual Pride Flags
Kagomemantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Kagome from Inuyasha Kagomesexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Kagome from Inuyasha
Jojosexual/JJBAsexual Pride Flags “an orientation/sexuality connected to the series jojos bizarre adventure.”
Jojomantic /JJBAmantic Pride Flags “an orientation/romantic attraction connected to the series jojos bizarre adventure.”
Beavisgender Pride Flag “beavisgender is a xenogender related to beavis from the TV show, beavis and butthead.”
Cornholiogender Pride Flag “cornholiogender is a xenogender related to cornholio from the TV show, beavis and butthead.”
Paperdollgender Pride Flag “Paperdollgender: a xenogender for when your gender feels like a paper doll.”
Onlinedollmakergender Pride Flag “Onlinedollmakergender: a xenogender for when your gender feels like an online doll maker.”
Himikogender Pride Flag “Himikogender is a gender relating to Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3.”
HimikoStrawberryNutellaGender Pride Flag + Symbol “Himikostrawberrynutellagender is a xenogender connected to a combination of himiko yumeno, strawberries, and nutella.”
Metallicagender Pride Flags “Metallicagender is a gender connected to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.”
Metallicamantic + Metallicasexual Pride Flags
Metallicamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
Metallicaplatonic + Metallicasensual + Metallicaalterous + Metallicaqueerplatonic Pride Flags
Metallicaplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicasensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaalterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaqueerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
JennasHajimePlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol
“JennasHajimePlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the "hajime hinata” plushies that Jenna has manufactured.”
hihi!! can i request a cesar torres sexual and romantic term for attraction to cesar torres from mandela catalogue? :>
CesarTorresGender Pride Flags
CesarTorresGender: a xenogender relating/connected to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.
CesarTorressexual Pride Flags
CesarTorressexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.
CesarTorresmantic Pride Flags
CesarTorresmantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.
CesarTorresGender Pride Symbols
🦚gender Pride Flag
“🦚gender is an emojigender relating to the "🦚" emoji in some way.”
Hearsegender Pride Flag
“Hearsegender is a xenogender connected to hearses and the feeling of seeing one or being in one."