Xenoidentity - Tumblr Posts
Robloxgender Pride Flag “Robloxgender can be considered a xenogender and a subform of gamegender, in which one’s own gender identity is deeply connected to the physical form or aesthetics of the avatars from Roblox, or to the story or characters from specific Roblox games.”
EBTcardGender Pride Flag “EBTcardGender is a xenogender related to having an EBT card. this is an exclusive xenogender. only people who have an EBT card or are poor/in poverty can use this label."
Kōgamantic + Kōgasexual Pride Flags
Kōgamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Kōga from Inuyasha Kōgasexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Kōga from Inuyasha
Jojosexual/JJBAsexual Pride Flags “an orientation/sexuality connected to the series jojos bizarre adventure.”
Jojomantic /JJBAmantic Pride Flags “an orientation/romantic attraction connected to the series jojos bizarre adventure.”
Moshpitgender Pride Flags “moshpitgender is a xenogender connected to moshpits, aggression, bombastic music, demonic imagery, and musical voids. it is also good when combined with other genders.” “there is also xenicmoshpitgender, femmoshpitgender, mascmoshpitgender, and enbymoshpitgender.”
Beavisgender Pride Flag “beavisgender is a xenogender related to beavis from the TV show, beavis and butthead.”
Onlinedollmakergender Pride Flag “Onlinedollmakergender: a xenogender for when your gender feels like an online doll maker.”
Himikogender Pride Flag “Himikogender is a gender relating to Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3.”
Metallicamantic + Metallicasexual Pride Flags
Metallicamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
Metallicaplatonic + Metallicasensual + Metallicaalterous + Metallicaqueerplatonic Pride Flags
Metallicaplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicasensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaalterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaqueerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
JennasChiakiPlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol “JennasChiakiPlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the chiaki plushies that Jenna has manufactured.” NOTICE: I DO NOT IN ANY WAY SUPPORT ITSCHIAKIE/JENNA
JennasHajimePlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol
“JennasHajimePlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the "hajime hinata” plushies that Jenna has manufactured.”
🦚gender Pride Flag
“🦚gender is an emojigender relating to the "🦚" emoji in some way.”
Hearsegender Pride Flag
“Hearsegender is a xenogender connected to hearses and the feeling of seeing one or being in one."
Hearsemantic + Hearsesexual Pride Flags
Hearsemantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearse. It could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse. Hearsesexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Hearse. It could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse.
Hearseplatonic + Hearsesensual + Hearsealterous + Hearsequeerplatonic Pride Flags
Hearseplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsesensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsealterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsequeerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. These could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse.
Canceledgender Pride Flag
“Canceledgender is a xenogender connected to being "canceled."”
TransItems Pride Flags + Symbols "TransItems is a term for wanting/having items you currently do not headspacily/kokoro/bodily/etc. own." "Term made with plural members in mind but can be used by anyone."