ancientastarwis - Ancient Astarwis
Ancient Astarwis ||||

80 posts



✨All things✨ that exist have purpose. Including you, reading this; or me, as experiencers of life as a whole. In fact, nothing in the Universe can be purposeless. There is no such thing as lacking a purpose, but rather a lack of understanding regarding the concept of purpose. This year is one to swim and jump into your soul's purpose. For that reason, I want to share with you a writing on this topic you can download for free from my LinkTree. All that you have to do is click on the first link. I hope you enjoy it! If you are interested and would like to know more, feel free to email me.

If you need more guidance regarding your life purpose and would like to work with me, feel free to message me for a Soul Session.

Love and Blessings ✨🌈💫💟


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More Posts from Ancientastarwis

1 year ago

December Pick One Image ⭐

December Pick One Image

This month I was guided to choose a New Year's theme. Which image(s) did you choose? Was the message accurate and helpful for you? Feel free to comment. Each image contains advice for the month of December through the Tarot and/or Oracle decks I'm intuitively guided. In this case, I chose the Shaman's Dream Oracle Deck for all 3 groups.

Feel free to message me if you want a tarot/oracle reading. I offer guidance for several areas of life, always including intuitive messages and no cards limits.

Reblog 🔃 Like ❤️ Follow ➕ Thank you!❤️

Have a blessed day 🩷

Results ...✨🥰

Option 1: Fireworks 🎆

The Drifter invites you to step out of your to-do list and your ordinary routine to feel the breeze against your skin, calling you to follow the wind and explore life’s opportunities. When the Drifter appears, it’s a sign that it’s time to cut the mooring lines holding you to the dock. It’s not important to know the destination before you set sail; it will become clear as you leave port. Do not wait for a map, as there are none to where you are destined to go. But be sure that you do have a compass to keep you true. Yours is your pure love and your intention to be free, even of your own beliefs and preconceptions. Few appreciate the energy of the Drifter. Here, you might not seem to be doing anything worthwhile or meeting someone else’s expectations. But you are the only one who under­ stands that others are running full-out on the hamster wheel and getting nowhere. Your “laziness” is an underappreciated virtue. You know that life will find you and bring you everything you require without your having to search for it, by simply being instead of frantic doing. Even as you let your mind wander, releasing it to go on a daily walkabout, call it back home regularly to deliver news from the cosmos. The Drifter helps you find what you are looking for, even when you didn’t think you were seeking anything!

Option 2: Party Hat 🥳

The Empty Well reveals that there is nothing for you here. The well is dry, and the desert is encroaching on your once-fertile garden. It is time to face this harsh reality and move on. Give gratitude and thanks for the abundance you have experienced, and let Spirit guide you to your next destination. This might mean saying good-bye to someone or something or insisting on changing the rules of the game. Stop diminishing yourself for the sake of another. Making yourself small will not produce the results you want. There is a lack of reciprocity, of give-and-take. The Empty Well tells you that it is time to reclaim what is yours and return what does not belong to you. The shadows cast in your direction are not of your making. You do not need to react or respond to them, as they are not real. Simply shine your light upon them and see how it dispels them. These shadows are projections that you are confusing for reality. You may have been offered a shovel to help you dig yourself out of an uncomfortable situation, a bucket to drink from the well. But you cannot dig yourself out of this hole and remember that there is no water to be found in that well. Receive the Empty Well as a gift. Do not exert your energy and waste your resources by repairing the walls or mending the rope. Follow the watercourse way—the aquifers that run deep in the earth—and you will be led to a new spring oasis. You can find these underground streams, these rich natural resources, in the subterranean depths of your own heart.

Option 3: Party Horns 🎉

A great Feast is laid out before you and requires you to choose. What will satisfy your hunger: something new and unconventional, with its potential for bitter or savory qualities, or something you already know you love? You are faced with a plethora of options right now, and while that may seem to be an extraordinary thing, too many choices can throw you off balance. You might be worried that once you commit, you won’t be able to turn back or refuse to confront the consequences of that decision. The most important thing to realize is that the Feast is offering you experience—no amount of overanalyzing or strategizing will help you make the right choice now. Don’t debate the right- or wrongness. Instead, just choose. In the choosing is the seed of experience, and that is what is necessary now. Sour, bitter, sweet, savory—what matters is relishing the experience until you digest all that your choice is offering you right now. Only one warning: avoid the same choice if it keeps you hungry. If something didn’t feel good or does not bring you what it seemingly promised, do not choose that again. The experience will only repeat itself, and you will have more than a bad taste in your mouth. The Feast is yours to enjoy. You can always go back for more when you’re hungry again, for life’s blessings are ever available to you and calling your name.

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1 year ago

Weekly Messages 🔮 (November 6 - 12)

✨ The process of transformation hasn't finished and will still take a bit longer. Continue making long-term decisions for your daily life that will help you heal and stay grounded or balanced, on a mental, soul and physical level.

✨ Childhood wounds may appear, as well as body image issues.

✨ Don't think that you have to be perfect for your message to be worthy of being received, or even your presence to be valued. Feel free to inspire others by showing yourself as you are.

✨ If you are looking to connect with like-minded individuals, forget about data such as labels, age, status, occupation or which group you belong to. Attract others towards you by leading in your own unique way.

✨ Remember that your contribution to humanity is essential, whatever it is that your journey includes. Remember your inherent worth and connect with your light, so you can keep offering your unique contribution to the world. Accept your journey as it is.

✨ Allow what needs to leave your life to go so you can move to the next phase.

✨ You are powerful and free to make any decisions or take actions as you please. Release yourself from the restrictions that are weighing you.


Book a personal reading with me for exclusive guidance, answers and support in any area of life you need. Message me to get started.

Have a beautiful day 💖✨🥰


Weekly Messages (November 6 - 12)

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1 year ago

Deidealizing Intuition 👁️

Intuition is often thought of as this magical, amazing voice that delivers wonderful news and messages about our short-term or immediate future. This is what many believe in the early and middle stages of the spiritual journey. It is true, partially. Through your intuition you can sense beautiful things coming into your life. However, as life moves forward, another greater truth is unveiled - Intuition delivers the messages that the person needs to be aware of; whether they are simple, complex, sad, shocking, happy, annoying or affirming. Because intuition is a tool of the soul, intervening for the highest good of the person, no matter how uncomfortable or painful it is. The messages of intuition may happen more or less frequently. Your intuition always knows something that you have no conscious awareness of. It is meant to help you solve all kinds of situations and to protect you from all harm. Think about something as simple as food. Your intuition will know way before you consciously do whether it is the right food for you in that moment and whether it can be eaten safely. You may or may not get to "see what you hadn't seen with your eyes", in other words, confirm what your intuition was saying. It is important to accept your intuitive nudges, whatever they say, beyond what you can consciously perceive through your senses or understand through your knowledge. Right now, the energies are guiding you to connect with reality. It is a moment to take off the blindfold, appreciate and accept things as they are.

For help connecting with your intuition and psychic abilities, feel free to message me for one or both of my special one-on-one sessions. Feel free to support me with a tip through the link in my profile. Thank you!

Blessings 💙


Deidealizing Intuition

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1 year ago

Values of Atlantis

💧 Focus | the ability to complete tasks

💧 Prioritizing | selecting what’s most important

💧 Patience | waiting for things to develop or end

💧Presence | being alert and observant

💧Service | helping others

💧Heart | being generous and loving

💧Wisdom | the abillity to extract lessons from events

💧Freedom | feeling free to do what you want

💧Kindness | having empathy, politeness

💧Harmony | seeking inner peace

💧Laughter | laughing, playing

💧Pure love | based on self-love

💧Promises | keeping promises already made

💧Calmness | during tense situations

💧Decision-making | in critical/key moments


Atlantis' Values 💛 So many souls are aware of Atlantis and have a general intuitive idea regarding it, but they may not know that the reason they are aware is because they are meant to embody these values. Many types of Stellar Beings share certain basic core values, but each type has something unique to teach others. The values of Atlantis are integrated every time the Atlantis timelines activate, together with all other aspects of the Atlantis blueprint.

All these values are sourced from my inner wisdom and shared for self-awareness and reconnection with the soul's essence. Feel free to message me if you'd like to connect with your soul origins.

I'd appreciate your support towards Ancient Astarwis with a tip through the link in my bio.

Peace 🩵✨💫🌈


Values Of Atlantis

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1 year ago

1️⃣2️⃣ 1️⃣2️⃣Energy Portal ✨☄️

12 12Energy Portal

The 12/12 Energy Portal is bringing fated changes in mindset to close a 12-month cycle. The soul is pushing out emotions that got trapped inside throughout the year, specially those related to difficult experiences and trauma.

There’s a big emphasis on maintaining resilience, as some internal or external blockages are appearing. You may feel somewhat divided, confused, blank or lacking patience.

Small changes are being implemented for the long-term. The new self is activating for still small amounts of time, during which you are feeling confident, peaceful, trusting and connected to the Universe.

The Higher Heart is releasing resentment, envy and jealousy. Sacral Chakra is integrating acceptance regarding spirituality, increasing the desire to grow and normalizing social progress in inclusion and rights.

This Portal feels less peaceful than usual, because it's the last one of the year. Each one will experience different things, based on what they have experienced throughout the year. You may have also connected with ladybugs or giraffes today. I'm seeing a cycle in toxic relationships appearing to be closed, as well as random memories that do not have any relevance for your future being released. Things are falling into place within the mind space and will keep doing so as the energy of the Portal is integrated.

If you appreciate these updates, consider sending a tip through PayPal 💕🌈

Follow @ancientastarwis for more

Feel free to message me for a personal session 🫂✨

Much love ❤️ @ancientastarwis

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