So Desperately, I Want To Matter.
So desperately, I want to matter.
- @annetries-towrite
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When I asked for love, I meant between each other, but this is one-sided and it hurts. Why'd you gotta find a love that wasn't me?
- @annetries-towrite
Character-driven vs Plot-driven Stories
What is a Character-driven story?
Character-driven stories gravitate toward intra and interpersonal relationships with the characters. Unlike a plot-driven story, these types of stories focus on how the character(s) arrives at a choice.
Readers tend to enjoy these types of stories because of the realistic characters authors write in those books. It allows the reader to see themselves or others in those characters, developing an emotional connection.
What is a Plot-driven story?
A Plot-driven story gravitates toward the external rather than the internal conflict. Unlike a character-driven story, these types of stories focus on the choice a character must make rather than what they do to get there.
Readers tend to enjoy these types of stories because of the well-constructed plot. Seeing a character in a situation they cannot control may provide a sense of purpose or familiarity for the reader.
(This is something my friend said she likes about plot-driven stories. It may be true for other readers, as well.)
Which is best?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. There is no such thing as the “best” way to write a story. It all depends on preference.
If you want to write a story for an audience who will analyze your characters, write for that audience. If you want a story for an audience who will gravitate toward your well-constructed plot, write for that audience.
There is somebody out there who will love your book, I guarantee.
If you have any questions, or feel as though I’ve missed something, feel free to let me know!
what does your writing process look like?
sometimes, sentences sit in my google docs for months before I decide to revise and post. other times, I just log on and write how I feel and post it immediately. basically, it's incredibly chaotic, but it works😂
Character Traits
An interesting trick I learned from scrolling through my Instagram feed (instead of writing) is to focus on the extremes of your character - the two ends on a character’s personality spectrum.
Take a perfectionist, for example. This person strives to be perfect all of the time, therefore, they work extremely hard. However, this person is so obsessed with being perfect that they can come off as condescending or controlling.
A character’s personality traits also depend heavily on the viewpoint at which you’re looking. Take an abusive parent. When the parent is at work, all of their co-workers may see them as a caring, respectful, and friendly person. To their child, they’re seen as uncivilized and a monster.
I’m not saying you have to use the “extremes” concept on every character. In fact, assigning only negative traits helps the reader identify who the antagonist (or villain) may be. However, giving a character both positive and negative traits helps humanize the character.
If you have any questions regarding character traits, or feel as though I’ve missed something, feel free to let me know!
Hello Darlings,
As you might of noticed, I’ve had serious issues with my laptop lately, and honestly it’s frustrated me to tears multiple times. It’s been on its way out for a long time, we all know that, and whilst I really didn’t want to do it, I think I finally need to just make this post.
First let me say that you are by no means obligated to donate to me. I am not withholding my usual content from you, nor am I saying that you have to support me in this way. Even once this laptop gives out completely, I will still try and find a way to get my writing done and ready for you all, it’s just going to be much harder to do so.
That being said, if you could donate even $1 I would be incredibly grateful. Even if only half of you did so, I would be able to purchase the laptop I need.
Please don’t donate if it’s going to put you in a bad position, but if it isn’t, then please consider it.
I don’t like asking this, and you’re more than welcome to simply ignore this message and carry on, or even block the tag #motherfuckingdonations if you don’t want to see this post, or posts like it in the future, because I am going to have to start reblogging this semi regularly until I get what I need. I apologise for that in advance.
Please help me if you can Darlings.