thought i was dummy thicc, turns out I’m just thicc dummy 18+

852 posts



request: "You're supposed to marry Thor, but from the first time Loki stole your heart, and one day you decided to take an action which lead you to have sex with Loki and Thor caught both you and Loki, you can add your own idea ☺" -@midnightbarnes97

summary: Set before Thor 1 - you are Thor's betrothed, but you had always preferred his brother.

chapter: 1/?

words: 1,671

warnings: none

next chapter: chapter two.



      You were only seven years old when you first entered the palace, shimmering from the light reflecting off of the outer walls. You had no knowledge of how Asgard received all the gold, although you certainly would not complain. You also had no knowledge of why you were even there - you were an Asgardian child, not special. Even so, you were excited to find out what was in store for you. You had never met the royal family before despite seeing them, and you had heard of the young princes and hoped to at least make a friendship with one, if not both. You were led in by your mother, who had dressed you in a long sleeved, satin, lavender gown.

      "I love you, my sweet Y/N. We may not see each other for a long time, but it's for the good of Asgard. I will miss you terribly." She presses a gentle kiss to your forehead before looking at you with sorrow and love. Your excitement suddenly shifted to confusion and fear - why would you not see her again for a while? Where were you going? How is it for the good of Asgard?

      "What? Why will I not see you?" You look at her when she takes a step away, making her pause.

      "It depends on if you are chosen."

        "Chosen?! For what?" Your voice becomes frantic as she keeps walking away, unable to look back at you, knowing it'll make it harder for her than it already is to leave her youngest child. She walks out of the front doors that close behind her before you hear a different voice.

        "Chosen to be my son's betrothed." You whirl around to face Odin, four guards behind him. In your current of desperation, you don't notice the two princes hiding behind him, peeking out to look at you.

         "Betrothed? Why me? And if I may ask, to which prince?" You inquire as you take a step back. All you could think was that you'd rather be back home with your family - smiling, laughing, enjoying every moment. Not cooped up to follow specific instructions, to live by a code, to appear perfect - to be a princess, and someday queen. Odin hesitated before responding, realizing he would have to clarify which of the two he meant and that you wouldn't know of Loki's true heritage.

         "Thor. He is your age and has been excited to meet you, I believe you will do well for him." As he speaks, Thor walks out from behind him, smiling broadly as he walks to you, making you tense slightly as he pulls you into a tight hug, practically picking you up off the ground.

          "Y/N, I've heard so much about you! I hope you like being my future wife!" He speaks cheerfully, almost overwhelmingly so, before you hear a light sigh as someone taps his shoulder and he pulls away.

           "Brother, that is no way to touch such a beautiful girl the moment you meet her, she's probably frightened." You watch Loki scold Thor, who rolls his eyes, before Loki's emerald orbs meet your e/c ones. "I'm terribly sorry, Lady Y/N. It's an honor to meet you." You smile softly at his manners as he takes your hand and gently kisses it, not breaking eye contact once, making you blush.

            "That is enough, brother. Remember, she is to be my wife, not yours." Thor huffs and crosses his arms, making you suddenly notice the jealousy in Thor's expression, along with shock that only the brothers would know as Thor being unused to being the ignored one of the two. You don't notice as Odin turns to one of the guards, whispering to him that the prince had chosen his princess, and the guard nods before turning to the other three, the four of them then walking away.

            "I was only trying to be a comforting friend instead of an overwhelming oaf." Loki rolls his eyes and you cant help but giggle at his remark about Thor, making him grin softly at you, glad to have put a smile on your face. You had felt your heart skip a beat, a feeling you had never felt blooming inside your chest that at the time you could only identify as excessive happiness. You hadn't known it then, but the moment he flashed that grin, was the moment you decided you preferred him - and that you always would.


       As you entered your adolescence, you had grown accustomed to living in the palace. You visited your family one a week, which you looked forward to. You had spent much of your time with Thor since your arrival, not by choice but because Odin wanted you to - not to mention Thor's constantly growing fixation on you. You knew he adored you, he always had. He was proud of you, and like the warrior he was, saw you as an accomplishment.

      You never had liked that, you wanted to be Y/N, not just "Thor's girlfriend", or "Thor's betrothed", or "Thor's accomplishment", or the worst you'd heard - "Thor's trophy". The idea of not being able to choose who you are wed to for the rest of your life, instead forced to with someone you don't even love, sickened you. Every time someone brought up the inevitable marriage and images of you in a white gown, saying your vows to the God of Thunder, made your stomach twist. However, you would constantly find yourself happily daydreaming about being in that gown, saying those vows - to Loki. That made your stomach get butterflies, not a sick feeling.

       And every time you snapped back to reality, whether it was by Thor waving his hand in your face, the sun changing position and requiring you to avert your gaze, or Odin's booming voice giving orders, you found yourself disappointed with reality. Disappointed that one day, the man standing in front of you would have golden blonde hair and blue eyes, not short, raven locks with green eyes that you'd stare into all day if he let you.

       You knew he would, though. You knew Loki would do anything for you, regardless of whether you were to be his brother's wife or not.  You knew the way Loki would look at you when he thought you didn't notice. The way he got heart eyes when you walked in the room, and boiling envy when Thor would walk in moments later, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your head, your lips, and if he was feeling more possessive than normal, your neck. You knew you were the reason that when it came time for him to pick a betrothed, he rejected every single one. You were honestly impressed, given that there was 69 girls he had to turn down, a couple of them ones that had been previously rejected by Thor.

Of course, this didn't bother you, considering you felt the same way about him. You preferred his intelligent, deep conversations to Thor's, where he would joke, show you off like an object, and of course, boast about his latest victory. You preferred Loki's smile - bright, pure yet mischievous at the same time - to Thor's childish grins after he'd killed off enemies in battles. You preferred opening up to Loki, he seemed to be more understanding and thoughtful, because he knew that when he was having bad moments of his own that you'd be there for him. You preferred Loki's body, the grace of it when he'd wield his knives while training, instead of Thor's overbearing presence with biceps the size of your head. You preferred Loki's magic and intellect to Thor's brute strength - when he wielded his seidr it would mesmerize you to watch, but when Thor was fighting viciously, sometimes you couldn’t imagine the softness in his eyes when he looks at you being possible.

Despite how much it annoyed you to hear Thor's tales repeatedly, to hear him boast and laugh, like so much death was something to be taken lightly, Loki made it worth it. He rarely went with Thor, Sif, and the Warrior's Three on their quests. Instead, you would walk with him in the gardens, you would go horse back riding, you would sneak into each other's rooms to chat, read together, and comfort one another, you would go onto the balcony and look at the sunset and stars. Sometimes Loki would even use his magic to entertain you, especially when you were sad - one time, when you were feeling absolutely terrible from stress and sadness, he even created an enchanted rose so that every time you held it, it would project every happy memory of you and Loki together. Of course, you had to hide it whenever Thor came to your chambers, but that was no problem. You loved that rose, with the soft green and gold shimmer encasing it, because every time Loki couldn't be there, it almost felt like he was. 

In all honesty, Loki didn't just make that worth it, he made everything worth it. Watching Thor train, Frigga speaking to you of duties as queen, training with Sif, parties and feasts with Thor, Odin, and his friends, and perhaps the most overwhelming part -  the talk of you bearing Thor's heirs for the future. You never wanted to be in a relationship with Thor, let alone marriage - and now you'll be forced to have his children? Sometimes, you were unsure of whether you'd do it, but then you remembered you had no say in it. The topic always made you want to run and hide, to find Loki so he can hold you and stroke your hair until you calm down, no one visiting or walking into his chambers to catch you. It was during moments like these - where there was silence except for the crackle of firewood, both you and the God content and at peace - where the words were unspoken, but you would both silently know they were true.

I love you.

I love you too.


taglist: @midnightbarnes97 @jessiejunebug @i-am-a-peanut-007 @myworddump @shesakillerkween @littlelunaticfringe @stfxlou @illegalcerebral @zebrabaker @blah666

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