Knives Out Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ransom: A little mischievous, just enough of a dick to be sexy if you're into villains.

Miles: Literally the ickiest motherfucker alive. I don't care how hot Edward Norton is, you could not PAY ME to touch this man.

I love how utterly unfuckable Miles Bron is.

Rian Johnson saw everyone thirsting over Evil Chris Evans from the first movie and was like "not again."

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2 years ago

I’m not sure if it was intentional on Rian Johnson’s part… but I found it so interesting how Knives Out and Glass Onion both illustrated how often white women can and will throw WoC under the bus to further their own self interests. Especially with regards to money and power.

In Knives Out, we watched Meg throw Marta (who she spent the whole movie advocating for) under the bus when she found out that Marta wouldn’t give her the money.

And then in Glass Onion, we watched 2 white women (and a black man) throw a black woman under the bus to further their own respective financial and professional goals. We also watched one of the white female characters treat her Asian female assistant like absolute shit, to the point that she was willing to use her career as collateral damage for money.

This isn’t to say this always happens, but it’s never surprising when it does.

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2 years ago

"It wasnt the real mona lisa bc the real mona lisa was painted on wood and thats clearly canvass" versus "It was the real Mona Lisa, just suspend your disbelief for a second" --- fam. Both options are good. Both options are great.

Either it was the real mona lisa, in which case, Miles Bron is a murdering idea-stealing phony who will be forever known as the guy who destroyed THEE mona lisa, and there is absolutely no coming back from that ----

OR, it was a fake, bc the museum was like "lmfao this joker thinks we'd loan him the ACTUAL mona lisa? Ahahahahaha" in which case, there's all the initial press coverage of the explosion and the shitty fuel and the murders and then the revelation that THEE MONA LISA was destroyed on Miles Bron's watch, and all of that plays out across the media, and THEN!!! the Lourve gets to step forward saying "dont worrry guys. We never gave him the real painting. We didn't trust him with it. We gave him a fake and he never noticed," which the media would have a FIELD DAY with, because it's like the resurrection of Jesus only with a painting, instead of a person, and also, the whole thing is funny as FUCK, bc they gave him a fake and he didnt notice, and also-also, clearly the Lourve was ahead of the curve when it came to recognising Miles' stupidity, and it'll stay in the media for WEEKS, that Miles was conned by the lourve and clearly they were right to trick him because LOOK WHAT HAPPENED to the fake Mona lisa, PLUS of course all the rest of the stuff like the 2 murders and the hydrogen fuel and the idea theft and etc.

Like?? There's no losing here. Both options are great. If it was real, then he'll never live it down, and if it was fake, he'll never live it down. Either way: fantastic

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5 years ago

Don't Sweat It (Ransom Drysdale x Reader)

Paring: Ransom Drysdale x Reader

Warning: KNIVES OUT MAJOR SPOILERS, smut but not a smut fic, mentions of murder, Ransom being a dick to the reader

Word Count: Approx. 3,360 (About 6.5 pages)

Summary: The reader is Ransom’s first serious girlfriend, and she accompanies Ransom to that fateful party.


Your (e/c) eyes stared out the window, watching the remote scenery pass. The gorgeous, colorful, falling leaves whizzed by your window, causing their own whirlwind behind the car. You look over to the drivers seat, pulling the fuzzy red blanket closer to your body, as the day was cold. In the driver’s seat, you see your boyfriend of 4 months, Hugh Ransom Drysdale, his jaw locked as his eyes peered through his dark sunglasses, intent on the road. You knew he was stressed. He despised getting together with his entire, ass backwards family. It was all screaming and fighting every time they all got together. You study his face, from his strong, angular jaw, to his chiseled cheek bones. His greenish blue eyes looked intent on the road, but also seemed lost in thought. His perfect pink lips were pursed tight, showing a slight indent above the corner of his mouth. His light brown hair was styled perfectly, slicked back and not a single hair was out of place. Ransom is beautiful, there’s no question about that. He has some… okay, many flaws in his personality, but to you, he was much more than a trust-fund brat. He had a soft side you loved, that you fell for. It was strange to say, but you fell for the one and only Ransom Drysdale.

Keep reading

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2 years ago
Benoit and Phillip as young adults. Phillip, wearing a white shirt with a tie and an open waistcoat, is sitting on the floor. He is looking slightly down left. His head is resting against the legs of Benoit, who is sitting behind him in an armchair. Benoit is wearing casual beige pants, a white shirt and some dark blue cardigan. He is looking slightly up. His hand is gently resting on Phillip’s head.
Benoit and Phillip as young adults again. They are standing outside, facing each other in front of some stairs. Both are wearing clothes with muted colors. Benoit's sweater has brown stripes on it, and he has put his hand in his pocket. His one leg is slightly slid between Phillip's legs. Phillip, wearing a grey sweater, is gently holding onto Benoit's sweater with both hands. He is looking into his eyes.

It has come to my attention that there aren't many manips with Benoit/Phillip as young adults out there, soo ... I did that instead of being otherwise productive!

I know these are not perfect, but I think the idea of them meeting at a young age and being in love ever since is very cute. <3

Sources: (x), (x), (x)

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2 years ago

"It wasnt the real mona lisa bc the real mona lisa was painted on wood and thats clearly canvass" versus "It was the real Mona Lisa, just suspend your disbelief for a second" --- fam. Both options are good. Both options are great.

Either it was the real mona lisa, in which case, Miles Bron is a murdering idea-stealing phony who will be forever known as the guy who destroyed THEE mona lisa, and there is absolutely no coming back from that ----

OR, it was a fake, bc the museum was like "lmfao this joker thinks we'd loan him the ACTUAL mona lisa? Ahahahahaha" in which case, there's all the initial press coverage of the explosion and the shitty fuel and the murders and then the revelation that THEE MONA LISA was destroyed on Miles Bron's watch, and all of that plays out across the media, and THEN!!! the Lourve gets to step forward saying "dont worrry guys. We never gave him the real painting. We didn't trust him with it. We gave him a fake and he never noticed," which the media would have a FIELD DAY with, because it's like the resurrection of Jesus only with a painting, instead of a person, and also, the whole thing is funny as FUCK, bc they gave him a fake and he didnt notice, and also-also, clearly the Lourve was ahead of the curve when it came to recognising Miles' stupidity, and it'll stay in the media for WEEKS, that Miles was conned by the lourve and clearly they were right to trick him because LOOK WHAT HAPPENED to the fake Mona lisa, PLUS of course all the rest of the stuff like the 2 murders and the hydrogen fuel and the idea theft and etc.

Like?? There's no losing here. Both options are great. If it was real, then he'll never live it down, and if it was fake, he'll never live it down. Either way: fantastic

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