Big Nose! Big Nose! Big Nose! (I Love The Big Noses In Your Drawings , King Of The Face )
Big Nose! Big Nose! Big nose! (I love the big noses in your drawings ❤️, King of the Face 👑)
Lol thank you anon, I’ve always kinda drawn bigger noses but I’m glad to hear that it’s liked and appreciated ❤️
More Posts from Anxiousartist101

Hey y’all I know I mostly only post Mollymauk here but I wanted to try posting the entire sketchbook spread instead of just zooming in on the Molly sketches. Let me know what you think

They’re deranged and in love, your honor (sketch)

It’s almost Halloween! Have some skeletal Mollymauk

Here’s a little god of mischief while I work on my wip, he’s an asshole but at least he’s pretty (ignore the cat in the corner we don’t talk about him)

He is many confusion (sketch)
I literally hate canvases with all of my being they smudge my pencils so much, someone please kill me