Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!
354 posts
OC Fun Facts Tag~! Feat. Blue Horizon.
OC fun facts tag~! feat. Blue Horizon.
I rambled at points! Read if curious.
Thank you @anyablackwood for the tag!!! Somehow while I was writing up half these fun facts a few days ago, I got inspired to write more of book 2! I wound up figuring out a lot of long-term plot points, so that was fun.
Rules: "Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon!"
Added the rules late. I wound up doing 15 facts too...but there is some paragraphs in mine, whoops.
As noted prior, as far as I've counted thus far, there are 15 sets of Blue Horizon twin and triplet characters! But from what I remember, there are only 2 sets of triplet characters.
Here's the main triplet babes:

2. There are alien animal people who are very humanoid, including their skin (so like...nekomimi people). Their key capability is transforming into the animal they're linked to! Particularly of focus are the cat people, who can transform into both felis catus and big cats! There are 7 main characters who are either wholly or partially so. 1 is a lion form, 2 are leopard forms, 1 is "bird form," 1 is a jaguar form, 1 is a wolf form, and 1 is a surprise!
(There are two female animal people I stopped focusing on years ago due to changing Blue Horizon a lot... I want to revise so I can bring them back since about 6 are male now.)

3. Noticeably, Blue Horizon's verse has a multi-colored eye system, with 6 that are relevant to the characters--Bright Days, Sad Days comic 4 will reveal further, but each eye color is tied to a psychic power! Unfortunately there are caste-like issues from this--Antonio, who is red-eyed and has the magic of empaths, is in the supposed 'lowest caste' in their modern day, while his identical twin Fernando with golden eyes that can see into the past is in the 'highest.'
4. Mario Herrera, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's cousin, was originally based on my idea of Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet. He's gone through some interesting changes! I created him around 2005 to 2010 (unsure when exactly but pretty early, as I was interested in snarky "rogue" characters back then and considered him one). Since around 2012 he became one of the first trans main characters (he's a trans boy). He had a boyfriend who was originally based on Tybalt, and for a long time Tybalt!BF was just kind of...dry, instead of a troublesome guy, but at some point that boyfriend became too toxic/bitter for my taste, so I wholly revised the boyfriend. Now his boyfriend is uber-cuddly, but I plan to more-carefully add some wilder character arc stuff for them.
5. While I've noticeably shown off the Focal Gen achillean and sapphic love/relationship charts, I recently wrote in further representation--a man named Kamal is demisexual representation, his friend Hamza is aro representation, and a character unrelated to either of them named Eryk is aro-ace representation.
6. While there are technically 3 generations of OCs in Blue Horizon, the "first generation" is from thousands of years ago and a majority of those characters are reborn within the [edit] second and third generation.
7. Nasir, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's past life, is fantasy-counterpart Blasian.
8. Not quite 'fun,' (I forgot it was supposed to be 'fun' while writing this oops), but my characters are meant to be super flawed. Antonio + Layla + Alejandro have a bucket load of issues, at one point Antonio finds it hilarious Alejandro hasn't managed to land a date, at another point Rayan calls Layla 'sexless,' and many characters fret or obsess over 'propriety' and even call things 'queer' in that old-school (if usually passé) way, though it's majorly over how one of their magic systems (akin to Iron Widow's but different) functions, NOT due to homosexuality or gender themselves.
This is despite my being pretty firmly a nonbinary demisexual lesbian.
It's hugely due to wanting to reflect some of 2000's zeitgeist. Interestingly, their past lives don't reflect certain flawed/messy habits due to their society functioning differently.
9. The ancient generation was once able to travel through space! Their planet was once connected to the rest of the galaxy and part of a large multi-planetary system.
10. I didn't drop the image of it here, but comic 4 will show off how their system once had a Dyson Sphere.
(Below is an in-progress panel. The Antonio is copy-pasted from his character chart so that I can draw a similar pouty expression.)

11. The main characters of Blue Horizon are 100,000 years in the future, but their society is obsessed with the ancient Earth, AKA our era. They tend to make up their own ideas of how they think Earth was like, so they'll note things like dial-up internet tone terrifying them, and assume that Europeans are "Roman" no matter the era.
12. Certain OCs now canonically have browner tone to their sclera. It's because this is common for a lot of dark-skinned to brown-skinned people, but due to media being pretty European-idealism-centric, people ignore that it's normal for some amount of people. So just representing that! I don't even notice this in Picrews, so thought to bring it up again.

13. I disliked saying it out loud prior, but Antonio being covered in blood tends to represent his self-sacrificial tendencies around loved ones. There's more to it, but the "fun" is already dying with this.

14. Red-eyed Spectral people heighten the color of their red eyes to fuchsia to understand people and/or the situation around them better. Other Spectrals also heighten their main eye color to something brighter to better understand with their powers.
15. While there is bi representation and WLM-type couples and close pairs, I hyperfocus a lot on MLM and WLW, and since I created Blue Horizon in the 2000's to 2010's, at some point I realized that for me it'd be the bee's knees to do '80's to '90's love triangle media with huge focus on MLM and WLW pairs. So that's what Blue Horizon has a lot of.
HOWEVER... As far as I understand, it doesn't count as a straight-up romantasy. I see it as an epic science fantasy with a ton of romances or implied romances.
I’ll tag @darthnell @scorpiothesaint @frostedlemonwriter @alnaperera @motthepaladin +
@ellisnyeland @magscrane @halfbit @angelofthemornings !
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More Posts from Anyablackwood
Out of Context Line Tag
I was tagged by @writernopal and since I've finally got a little to show for my current project, here we are! Thanks for the tag! <3

Probably, he looked like a particularly nauseous worm, scooching himself to where he was supposed to go and securing the sail in a way that made her laugh.

Tagging: @winterandwords , @koala2all and @anyablackwood
It's been a while, so if you're not currently doing tag games, no worries and no need to respond. :)
Four Lines/Snippets Writing Share Tag!
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet (here) and @topazadine (here)!
My Lines: A line about kindness, a line about work, a line about a relative, a line about an animal; A line about regret, a line about landscapes, a line about the future, a line about weather Your Lines: A line about unconditional love, a line about cruelty, a line about being lost, a line about cute stuff
I'll go with lines from Scrapyard Boys, Supernova Initiative, Crooked Fable, and The Crystal of Ash for this one!
Kindness (The Crystal of Ash)
"Why...Why are you freeing me?" The Sorcerer asked, distrust barely masked by the politeness in his voice, as he refused to budge from the floor, despite his wrists having been unchained.
Declan stammered, "Because what they're doing to you isn't right." He said, exasperated by having to state the obvious.
The Sorcerer's eyes - like tiny galaxies with thousands of stars - narrowed as he looked up, "But I'm a monster."
Declan opened his mouth to answer, but Aelia spoke first, and the kind understanding in her voice was honestly the most jarring thing about this whole situation. "We know. But even monsters deserve dignity."
Work (Scrapyard Boys, Adrien's POV)
"And so you work for me - that's the way this story goes. If I say jump, you say how high. If I tell you to do something, you do it. So, when I tell you to get back the fuck in there and stop wasting my time with these stupid excuses, you go back and spend another hour or two on that stripper pole." He said, and though Adrien glared at him, the young man knew very well there wasn't much of a second option. The mobster tilted his head, brows furrowing "Got it?”
Relative (Supernova Initiative, Flashback Chapter)
Through tears, the young nobleman looked up, stiffened in place as she carded her hand through his ice-white locks, the motion akin to that of someone soothing a wounded stray. Even in silence, Kye recognized the brief, barely noticeable glint of outrage behind his Dad’s eyes, mirroring his own, before it was quickly buried under a mask of pliancy. “...Of course, my love.”
Animal (Scrapyard Boys, Valen's POV)
The older man looked down at him, amused. "Hm." Jake stalked around the kneeling mutant, slowly, like a tiger ready to pounce, "That can be arranged. Eventually. But not until I get what I want."

Regret (The Crystal of Ash)
Nahrieh ran his hand over the smooth stone, tracing the detailed carvings on the temple wall, "I never should have left that island," He spoke, half-whispered, to no one in particular, as if to himself, "If I hadn't..." The Sorcerer's voice cracked with grief and a touch of anger, wondering, "Maybe... their fates would have been different. Kinder."
Landscapes (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 2)
At the moment, the three of them were making their way down a busy inner street in the center of the settlement, the perpetually dust-grey sky lit up by the neon lights of the myriad of shops, eateries, and clubs scattered around and into a maze of side streets.
Future (Scrapyard Boys)
"Good plan!" He exclaimed, practically giddy, "Man, I can't wait for us to find Adrien's place - then we'll convince him to let us buy all the ice cream we want!"
Weather (Supernova Initiative)
Artemis flips him off with a scowl, glaring at the sharp sleet storm in the wind outside, "You are just the same sorry candy-ass as you were all those years ago, and I don't know why the fuck Jack keeps you in the crew."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
OC Moodboard Tag
@anyablackwood tagged me in this, and I love a good moodboard, so I'm always down! :)
Rules: Make a moodboard of 5+ images of your OC!

This is for my boy Femi <3

Gently tagging @writernopal , @tabswrites , @writinglittlebeasts and anyone else that feels like doing this. :)
Image credits:
1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7
You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
Character Voice Tag
Thanks for tagging me @thepeculiarbird (here)! I'll go with the cast of Scrapyard Boys.
My phrase: "No one told me I wasn't allowed to kill them !"
Valen: "Oh, fuck off. Nobody told me I wasn't supposed to kill 'em - besides, if that fucker didn't wanna die, then they shouldn't have started chasing us in the first place."
Luke: "What?" (laughs, slightly manic) "They were a problem. Now they're not. Moving on!"
Adrien: "Oh shit - are they actually dead? Like honest-to-fuck Dead-dead?! Oh fuck me, that's just my luck huh. I guess it's Hide A Body Tuesday again. C'mon, ya layabouts let's get rid of the evidence, then we can go order a pizza."
Erin: "The dude was coming at me with a baseball bat! I just reacted! Josh may be an asshole, but that jerk did teach me to throw the first punch so fuck it! What do you mean, 'what am I going to do'? Fuck that, let's just leave the body before anyone sees us."
Maxwell: "(looks at the body, blinks once then twice) Oh shit. Alright, alright, alright, stay calm Maxxie, breathe in, breathe out, think happy thoughts -- I know! (to whoever is with her) I just didn't know it would kill them!!! (calls her dad) 'Okay so, Dad, I'm in a bit of a pickle can you come pick me up? Oh. I may or may not have accidentally blasted someone's eardrums out with my powers, it's a long story -- Alrighty, see ya in five! Thanks!"
Quince: "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh -- (gags). Oh shit, there's so much blood everywhere, oh fuck. I didn't mean to, oh my God, oh my gosh -! Oh damn I boiled someone alive again, oh fuck - it's like a smoothie of guts and viscera all over me oh shit --- (gags again, panic attack starts)"
Emily - "... Well damn. That was - a lot stronger than I had intended that explosion to be, I'm actually kinda impressed. What? That was a really good combustion. Of course, I'm celebrating it! At least it wasn't just a puff of hot air - like that had actual fire in it. I dig this. Aw c'mon! You didn't say I wasn't supposed to kill the maniac with the machine gun."
Josh - "Toodle-oo, fucker! Aw, wasn't I supposed to kill them? Did you want to do it instead? We can find someone else!"
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG