Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!
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OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
@anyablackwood tagged me in this, and I love a good moodboard, so I'm always down! :)
Rules: Make a moodboard of 5+ images of your OC!

This is for my boy Femi <3

Gently tagging @writernopal , @tabswrites , @writinglittlebeasts and anyone else that feels like doing this. :)
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Thanks for the tag, @ominous-feychild (here)!
I'm gonna do this tag for Pyerce Ophyria and Tarah Ryllar from Supernova Initiative and Josh Aleta and Gwyn Whitewood from Scrapyard Boys!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Pyerce: Fear of being manipulated or being stuck in a situation that is out of his control; fear of making a terrible mistake/failing his kids; fear of clowns.
Tarah: Fear of being kidnapped or drugged (because she saw the same happen to her best friend, Eos); fear of the uncanny valley or things that seem normal but feel off; fear of being a disappointment to herself
Josh: Fear of being trapped (claustrophobia, but also fear of being contained by others); fear of being unredeemably evil (he wasn't exactly The Perfect Cousin - in fact he was quite the... complicated and annoying angsty teen, sometimes toxic but not more than any regular teen - prior to his abduction by the PHANTOM Industries, plus he has what they call an "evil power" because he controls fears/nightmares, so the constant pressure by his captors that "he is inherently evil and needs to be fixed" kind of broke him in a way)
Gwyn: Being unable to protect the ones she loves and herself; fear of being found and recaptured by the PHANTOM Industries; fear of Zander Corelli (the mob boss - and pimp - Adrien works for, who basically haunts his and the twins' lives for most of the duration of the WIP); fear of being trapped in the heat.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Pyerce: Corrupt governments to lie to their affiliates and discard their assets once they're no longer useful to them once that person isn't "useful" to them anymore. Not being fully aware of a situation. He also can't stand people who legitmatelly make excuses to be lazy and who leech off of others instead of trying to be proactive.
Tarah: She doesn't really like loud and repetive noises. Tarah also hates bureaucracy - with a passion - especially when it gets in the way something she has a time crunch on succeeding or when it prevents active change in an environment.
Josh: People who are nosy and try to pry on other's private matters - on another hand, he can't stand people who care too much about what others will think and have that constant "but what will the neighbours think?!" mindset. It gets on his nerves.
Gwyn: Being pressured - especially when there's something time sensitive involved - which usually makes her panic and spiral rather than to figure out what to do faster. On a sadder note, she doesn't like people who get too handsy with others in an uncomfortable way - she's seen Adrien's patrons do that all too often and now she has a "touch (me/my siblings/my friends) and you won't fucking have hands" mentality.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Pyerce: Coffee candies, hidden weapons of all kinds (remember he's a retired assassin, and the most dangerous assassin there ever was at that), and probably some messy crayon drawings that Gabi and Morgan made when they were kids (because he's their dad and cherishes the memories)
Tarah: Her best friend's unfinished woven bracelet, protein bars, hooded cloaks and generally oversized hoodies that can help her hide her features when on the run.
Josh: Weights (to stay fit), a radio playing vintage rock music, a nightlight (he's afraid of the dark but doesn't want anyone to know)
Gwyn: Cheesy potato chips, tickets for a comedy show or for the movies, a giraffe plushie she won at a fair
What do they notice first in a person?
Pyerce:... Everything. He's the ultimate secret agent/assassin - so I think he'd pretty much have a clear picture of that person with just a quick once over or a glance. Black Widow/John Wick-style, like a very meticulously detailed analisys of that person.
Tarah: If they look like they're trying to deceive her, catch her or if they're generally a threat to her or her friends. She is also pretty good at reading people's feelings from their facial expressions.
Josh: If he can take them in a fight or if he needs to run. How imposing they are or if that person is trying to intimidate him. Because of his powers, if he tries to, Josh can immediately see/find out what that person's worst nightmare/fear is (his power is Nightmare Manipulation) and choose to do with that information whatever is more relevant.
Gwyn: If they seem nice or friendly. She's bad at navigating social cues because she has spent the past three years locked up in a lab and the years before that in an isolated household, and generally just wants to make friends.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Emotional: 8, but pretends its a 10
Physical: +11
Emotional: -1 (squishy, kind hearted, anxious baby girl)
Physical: 6
Emotional: Before his capture = 5, but didn't let it show too much; After his capture = -4 but pretends its a +10 in really extreme ways
Physical: 9 (before and after), unless some kind of psychological trickery is also tied to it - in that case its a 0
Emotional: 7, sometimes too oblivious to stuff though tends to overthink
Physical: 8
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
Pyerce: Goes "Scorched Earth" kind of Fight Reflex - especially when it involves protecting his daughters. And because he is the most lethal assassin of his generation, whoever is threatening/pressuring him better run - though that will only stall the inevitable.
Tarah: Usually Flight 100% - she's the embodiment of deer in headlights and will bolt at any sign of danger even if that just a misunderstanding. However, if the danger is too overwhelming or too similar to her past traumas, she tends to freeze.
Josh: Before his capture - his first instinct was Fight. He is and was a very angry and stubborn person, who tends to have fits of rage when scared or frustrated and who often lashed out in ways he later regretted but was too headstrong to apologize for, often in a bully-like way but not fully - much like Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things. After his capture - if the pressure is psychological or triggers him, he tends to go into an "unique" Freeze mode in which he acts as if in a trance - his conscience feels distant and detached, but his powers are lashing out in Fight mode to protect him from whoever is triggering him. If his former captors are specifically involved, he tends to go into a complete Fawn reflex to appease them.
Gwyn: Fight, especially if she has to protect herself and her loved ones, or when she wants revenge. If there's absolutely no other choice she may choose Flight to Fight another day.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Original Family unknown
After he quit being an assassin, he dedicated his life to raising his two adoptive daughters Gabi (the one he adopted first) and Morgan (the second one he adopted), so I would definetly say he is a family kind of guy, despite his murderous past.
Her father was killed when she was a little girl and though she was saved by her godmother, Tarah ended up having to flee the Junction galaxies all alone with Eos (her godmother's son) after her godmother too was truck down by the Junction.
Tarah is fiercely devoted to those she calls family, especially Eos, who is her best friend and who is like a brother to her.
He was orphaned at a young age, and his original parents are a mystery. Currently, before his capture, he used to live with adoptive/foster parents (Erin's uncle and aunt) but they weren't very close at all, and he was kidnapped by the PHANTOM Industries shortly after.
Not really. He used to be very troublesome, rude, brutish and often harsh towards anyone that tried to show kindness to him, because he saw it as a scheme and feared he didn't deserve it. That lead him to have a bully kind of behavior to pretty much everyone for years and to be a certified rule breaker who often made things worse than they needed to be. However, deep down, he was developing some semblance of a friendship with his adoptive cousin Erin, but they still argued a lot and he was kidnapped before he could truly have a sibling bond with her. After escaping, he was so conditioned by the Industries to believe he is evil that he thinks he is unworthy of love and respect and that he is a dnager to anyone who tries to get close to him, so he takes a skittish approach to others now.
Her mother was a troubled, but kind, young lady who had many boyfriends in her youth and didn't really know how to handle parenthood yet and wanted to find out more about herself first. So Gwyn, her twin - Rhys - and their half-brother Adrien (from their mom's first boyfriend) ended up living most of their childhood with their toxic grandparents. A few years after Adrien was kicked out of home at 15, Rhys and Gwyn developed superpowers after coming into contact with a chemical factory leak, and were sent by their grandparents to the Spectre Academy. After they tried to escape at first, they were sent by the Academy to be lab rats of the PHANTOM Industries.
She is - especially when it comes to her twin brother Rhys and their half-brother Adrien. They're the only family each other has ever had, so they kind of have a "us against the world" kind of mindset, though they still have a lot of getting reacquaintted to do with Adrien since they were apart for so long.
What animal represents them best?
Pyerce: A black wolf
Tarah: Hummingbird
Josh: Either a raccoon or feral cat
Gwyn: Arctic fox
What is a smell that they dislike?
Pyerce: The smell of rotten things - especially rotten blood or flesh (a.k.a he is an assassin who hates the smell of corpses)
Tarah: Scent of alcohol and the smell of a lot/too much of perfume.
Josh: Laboratory smells and also the smell of mold.
Gwyn: She generally hates the smell of sweat and unwashed things.
Have they broken any bones?
Pyerce: Yes, many times in his former career, but not once since he quit it.
Tarah: Not really, just a sprained ankle once when she was a kid
Josh: A couple times, most when he was being experimented on.
Gwyn: Not really, probably.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Pyerce: A quiet and introvertedly serious man who wants to just live his life and do his own thing, who most people don't know much about but who is a genuine benefactor to many and is also a doting father.
Tarah: That skittish kid with the woven bracelets and the multicolored nail polish who never stays in one place and always feels like she's too scared or too anxious to talk to anyone she doesn't fully know.
Josh: A troublemaking, brutish and angry teenager who is always looking for new ways to cause chaos, who doesn't obey any rules and doesn't give a fuck about anyone, and is also rude to most people he doesn't know and harsh to those he does know. The weird kid that is always causing grownups a headache.
Gwyn: It depends on the stranger. If the stranger is with Zander's mob, they'll probably address her as 'Ametrine's' sister (Adrien's stage name is Ametrine) or if they're keen on being especially rude, they'll probably call her "the stripper's brat" or "that girl who is always walking around with Zander's plaything". Yeah. They're not... kind to them. But most other strangers would describe her as a lively, bright headed, kind young lady with a big heart who wants to have fun and has a sparkling laughter.
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Pyerce: Probably both?
Tarah: Night owl in an unsettling (looming) way
Josh: Night owl - poor boi has insomnia and night terrors
Gwyn: Morning bird, also in an unsettling (but giddy) way
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Loves: Well cooked, refined meals with rare spices
Hates: Painfully sweet desserts, like the nauseatingly sweet ones
Loves: Spicy fried food
Hates: Alcohol
Loves: Comfort food (pizza)
Hates: Bland food or sticky food
Loves: Ice Cream; Cheesy Potato Chips
Hates: Spicy food
Do they have any hobbies?
Pyerce: Sharpshooting, listening to music, growing poisonous flowers, reading cheap romance books
Tarah: Dancing, rollerskating, helping stray animals, learning new languages, talking about her favorite movies
Josh: Reading comic books, weightlifting, driving around aimlessly on stolen cars, listening to rock, watching rom-coms (hates horror movies)
Gwyn: Going to ice cream shops, watching stand up comedy shows, walking around the city at night, making ice sculptures on the window with her powers,
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Pyerce: Calm happiness and a bit of surprise. After so many years out of the field as an assassin, he's learned to enjoy the joys of regular life, and honestly is always glad to do so.
Tarah: Initial panic but it would then turn into awkward joy as she realizes the situation is harmless. She would probably not know how to properly navigate it and be confused at how to proceed.
Josh: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS - (almost has a heart attack out of fear, needs three cups of water and a cookie to calm down then is like). Oh, fuck yeah I like this, let's party! Just... don't scare me next time.
Gwyn: "Omg, yay, this is literally so cool guys!!!! I wanna try all the candy, and dance to the music and have fun, oh gosh there are so many gifts this is so cool -!" (rambles on)
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Pyerce: Not really. Likes some nice silver rings though.
Tarah: The woven bracelets she and her best friend made for each other.
Josh: Yeah kinda. Loves rings and necklaces with funny designs of cartoonishly styled ghosts or skulls, and wears some necklaces.
Gwyn: Doesn't really understand the concept of how to style jewelry into a daily outfit but digs it nonetheless
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Pyerce: Neat
Tarah: In between, tends towards messy.
Josh: Messy & adds too much pressure to it
Gwyn: In between and scribbles doodles and cute heart shaped designs around it
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Pyerce: Calmness and The Need To Protect
Tarah: Anxiety and awkward joy
Josh: Anger and Fear/Dread/Panic
Gwyn: Love for her family/friends & giddy happiness of experiencing the real world
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Pyerce: Anything that is stylishly black and also comfortable, practical and probably bulletproof
Tarah: Flannel, cotton, yarn
Josh: Leather, jeans, soft cotton
Gwyn: Light polyester, cotton and fluffy jackets
What kind of accent do they have?
Pyerce: A soft, more neutral version of a "Junction" accent
Tarah: Central Junction accent that has faded away into a mismatched Khosmonian Accent
Josh: Probably some mix of accent Detroit and New York? (The city of this WIP is based on IRL ones but is also very much fictional)
Gwyn: Not sure but probably similar to Josh's (same city) but with a very slight Northern lilt to it? (The city of this WIP is based on IRL ones but is also very much fictional)
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
!! Clickbait Description Tag Game !!
Thanks to @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag! Within the past few minutes (as of writing this post), I've watched this tag spread like wildfire through my mutuals and onto my dash, lol
Rules: describe your WIP(s) like a click bait YouTube video!
Anyway, enough with the clickbait, here's more clickbait:
FIVE reasons why the world is ending 🔥😱
Obsidian Sapphires
Teen summons Fate in coming-of-age ceremony gone WRONG
The Lady's Lament
Girl, 15, goes missing in mysterious circumstances. What happens next may shock you
Story of Nightmares: How I woke up in PRISON with a BOTCHED face job 😱😱😱
Tagging: @honeybewrites @avrablake @druidx @ceph-the-ghost-writer @feathers-little-nest @illarian-rambling @ybotter @jev-urisk @songsofsomnia @pandoras-comment-box @tryingtimi @anyablackwood and Open Tag!
OC fun facts tag~! feat. Blue Horizon.
I rambled at points! Read if curious.
Thank you @anyablackwood for the tag!!! Somehow while I was writing up half these fun facts a few days ago, I got inspired to write more of book 2! I wound up figuring out a lot of long-term plot points, so that was fun.
Rules: "Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon!"
Added the rules late. I wound up doing 15 facts too...but there is some paragraphs in mine, whoops.
As noted prior, as far as I've counted thus far, there are 15 sets of Blue Horizon twin and triplet characters! But from what I remember, there are only 2 sets of triplet characters.
Here's the main triplet babes:

2. There are alien animal people who are very humanoid, including their skin (so like...nekomimi people). Their key capability is transforming into the animal they're linked to! Particularly of focus are the cat people, who can transform into both felis catus and big cats! There are 7 main characters who are either wholly or partially so. 1 is a lion form, 2 are leopard forms, 1 is "bird form," 1 is a jaguar form, 1 is a wolf form, and 1 is a surprise!
(There are two female animal people I stopped focusing on years ago due to changing Blue Horizon a lot... I want to revise so I can bring them back since about 6 are male now.)

3. Noticeably, Blue Horizon's verse has a multi-colored eye system, with 6 that are relevant to the characters--Bright Days, Sad Days comic 4 will reveal further, but each eye color is tied to a psychic power! Unfortunately there are caste-like issues from this--Antonio, who is red-eyed and has the magic of empaths, is in the supposed 'lowest caste' in their modern day, while his identical twin Fernando with golden eyes that can see into the past is in the 'highest.'
4. Mario Herrera, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's cousin, was originally based on my idea of Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet. He's gone through some interesting changes! I created him around 2005 to 2010 (unsure when exactly but pretty early, as I was interested in snarky "rogue" characters back then and considered him one). Since around 2012 he became one of the first trans main characters (he's a trans boy). He had a boyfriend who was originally based on Tybalt, and for a long time Tybalt!BF was just kind of...dry, instead of a troublesome guy, but at some point that boyfriend became too toxic/bitter for my taste, so I wholly revised the boyfriend. Now his boyfriend is uber-cuddly, but I plan to more-carefully add some wilder character arc stuff for them.
5. While I've noticeably shown off the Focal Gen achillean and sapphic love/relationship charts, I recently wrote in further representation--a man named Kamal is demisexual representation, his friend Hamza is aro representation, and a character unrelated to either of them named Eryk is aro-ace representation.
6. While there are technically 3 generations of OCs in Blue Horizon, the "first generation" is from thousands of years ago and a majority of those characters are reborn within the [edit] second and third generation.
7. Nasir, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's past life, is fantasy-counterpart Blasian.
8. Not quite 'fun,' (I forgot it was supposed to be 'fun' while writing this oops), but my characters are meant to be super flawed. Antonio + Layla + Alejandro have a bucket load of issues, at one point Antonio finds it hilarious Alejandro hasn't managed to land a date, at another point Rayan calls Layla 'sexless,' and many characters fret or obsess over 'propriety' and even call things 'queer' in that old-school (if usually passé) way, though it's majorly over how one of their magic systems (akin to Iron Widow's but different) functions, NOT due to homosexuality or gender themselves.
This is despite my being pretty firmly a nonbinary demisexual lesbian.
It's hugely due to wanting to reflect some of 2000's zeitgeist. Interestingly, their past lives don't reflect certain flawed/messy habits due to their society functioning differently.
9. The ancient generation was once able to travel through space! Their planet was once connected to the rest of the galaxy and part of a large multi-planetary system.
10. I didn't drop the image of it here, but comic 4 will show off how their system once had a Dyson Sphere.
(Below is an in-progress panel. The Antonio is copy-pasted from his character chart so that I can draw a similar pouty expression.)

11. The main characters of Blue Horizon are 100,000 years in the future, but their society is obsessed with the ancient Earth, AKA our era. They tend to make up their own ideas of how they think Earth was like, so they'll note things like dial-up internet tone terrifying them, and assume that Europeans are "Roman" no matter the era.
12. Certain OCs now canonically have browner tone to their sclera. It's because this is common for a lot of dark-skinned to brown-skinned people, but due to media being pretty European-idealism-centric, people ignore that it's normal for some amount of people. So just representing that! I don't even notice this in Picrews, so thought to bring it up again.

13. I disliked saying it out loud prior, but Antonio being covered in blood tends to represent his self-sacrificial tendencies around loved ones. There's more to it, but the "fun" is already dying with this.

14. Red-eyed Spectral people heighten the color of their red eyes to fuchsia to understand people and/or the situation around them better. Other Spectrals also heighten their main eye color to something brighter to better understand with their powers.
15. While there is bi representation and WLM-type couples and close pairs, I hyperfocus a lot on MLM and WLW, and since I created Blue Horizon in the 2000's to 2010's, at some point I realized that for me it'd be the bee's knees to do '80's to '90's love triangle media with huge focus on MLM and WLW pairs. So that's what Blue Horizon has a lot of.
HOWEVER... As far as I understand, it doesn't count as a straight-up romantasy. I see it as an epic science fantasy with a ton of romances or implied romances.
I’ll tag @darthnell @scorpiothesaint @frostedlemonwriter @alnaperera @motthepaladin +
@ellisnyeland @magscrane @halfbit @angelofthemornings !
"I'd destroy the world to protect you" but it's a parent/child relationship
Character Spotlight: Princess Adrasteia (Kairi)

WIP: Crown of Blood (unofficial title)
Role: Protagonist
Full Name: Adrasteia Pandora Circe Delphyne Deianira Adecia Age: mid to late teens Gender/Sex: Cis Female Orientation: Biromantic Asexual Relationship: Lord Cassius Grandguard (fiance) Family: King Silas (father), King Idris (uncle), Prince Atlas (half-brother), Prince Caelum (half-brother), Prince Hyperion (half-brother), Prince Osiris (half-brother), Prince Zephyr (half-brother), Prince Ignis (half-brother), Prince Fenris (half-brother) Skills: Magic, emotional manipulation
Bio: The youngest of the Adecian royal family, as well as the only princess. Historical precedence would see her as least eligible for the throne. But unfortunately, King Silas has little interest in traditions that don't suit him. With his own sordid history setting a new precedent, Adrasteia is considered the second most eligible heir to the throne, behind only First Prince Atlas.
With her unmatched magical prowess, scholarly achievements, and ringing likeness to her father, Princess Adrasteia has little need for maternal political backing or public favor. Not when King Silas himself is so blatantly partial towards her.
But there's yet another trick up Princess Adrasteia's sleeve; and only time will tell if it proves to be boon or bane. An uninvited guest in her mind and body, by the name of Kairi. Kairi's last memories was of a book she'd read, one that told the story of characters with very familiar names. But the longer Kairi masquerades as the infamous Adrasteia, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish where she begins and the princess ends- or if there was ever any difference at all.