arcanumofthestars - A Galaxy full of Miracles
A Galaxy full of Miracles

Travelling between Realities.

359 posts

Since That Shit Was Epic, Arcane Is Now On My Requests List! Be Prepared Everyone!

Since that shit was epic, Arcane is now on my requests list! Be prepared everyone!

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More Posts from Arcanumofthestars

8 months ago

Being a non-UK listener of the Magnus Archives/Protocol means I'm always playing a little game called 'Is this a real thing that exists in England or are Jonny and Alex just pulling things out of their twisted imaginations again', and then becoming even more worried when it turns out it's real

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8 months ago


That's it. That's the post.

Best Vox fanfiction series in this app.

After freaking straddling the dapper Samsung tv, is it safe to say that we’re at that point in the relationship that Vox might start experiencing spicy dreams (make outs, light touches, etc. w/e your comfortable with)? How would it influence their next waking interaction?

I love the way you write Vox clearly falling in love, saying he’s not going to fall any harder, and then fail spectacularly! I would want them to kiss faster if it wasn’t so funny to watch Vox struggle.

After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship
After Freaking Straddling The Dapper Samsung Tv, Is It Safe To Say That Were At That Point In The Relationship

Just A Dream

Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader

A/N: This chapter is kinda spicy? It's UHHHH- It's something. Vox is one horny mf and it's about time that part of his character graced this series lmao- BTW I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE YALL I WAS MESSING WITH MY AU AND OTHER STUFF IRL ABDKSHDJSJS- I thank you all for being really patient with me!! TwT

A/N: Also, figured I could answer the pjs one in this interlude too- still gonna write a sleepover Drabble though because I need to make myself more content and I am NOT gonna pass up on Alastor chaos because deer man is funny. Poor Vox was on so much copium this interlude though LMAO.

A/N: This was long overdue and will probably be one of the last chapters I write before kinda poking at my series whenever I feel the inspo cuz I am fixating on so many things at once and Hazbin ily but damn I need a season 2- OGs remember when I used to post this shit chronically AHAJSJAKDJSJD

Vox isn't new to dreaming.

Sometimes they just happened whenever his systems shut down.

Even if he wasn't entirely sure how his biology still allowed him to have them.

Hell, they weren't really even dreams anymore- it was just mostly nightmares.

Replays of his failures, mistakes, pretty much all the worst things that happened to him.

All haunting him like an insufferable blooper reel of his life.

Until of course you waltzed in and made your cute little self a permanent fixture in his mind.

The overlord finally had dreams worth recalling, moments shared between the two of you that loved to resurface as memories.

Again, it wasn't often-

But they were nice little things to look back on anyhow.

Tonight was no different.

Or- so Vox thought.

Going through his typical nighttime routine, he slipped on some light blue silk pajama bottoms while scrolling back through your old messages.

"I know you're in there. Stop messing with me."

"Oh I know, you're just fun to mess with doll."

The overlord smiled when he saw that old note, the very start of your conversations years ago.

His chest got all fuzzy reminicing that far back.

Oh how naive you both were.

Vox lightheartedly shook his head and placed his phone on the charging deck on his nightstand.

Once he'd lied down and gotten comfortable, the overlord looked up at the ceiling of his room.

A soft sigh left him as his systems started to go through their routine defrag and scheduled shutdown.

He didn't need to sleep, at least not in the normal sense one would think.

But as he ebbed away from the world of the conscious, he found himself recounting a recent memory with you.

So it was going to be one of those dream nights...

Of all the moments with you his mind had to pick from- it was when you were cuddling him.

Given that it was a dream, Vox didn't think much of the situation and just relaxed in the solace of your arms.

Similarly to how he actually did that exhausting Monday in your room at the hotel.

A shitty day made better thanks to you, always thanks to you.

He was relaxed until he felt what was probably a ghost of a kiss at the base of his neck.

He thought it was just a random feeling his brain had conjured up.

Then it happened again.

A heated sensation shot through his systems when your hands started feeling up under his dress shirt too.

Oh fuck.

He couldn't bring himself to stop you even if he wanted to since his limbs were currently more useless than Valentino's eyesight.

"Doll– wait-"

His plea fell on deaf ears when you harshly sucked a hickey into his collar bone. Vox let out a pleasurable hiss while his hands made themselves home on your hips.

The claws gripped at the fabric, cool to the touch against his heated skin. The slight static making a soft crackling noise as it danced up your body.

It all felt so off, but it felt so good.

The overlord would've been lying after all if he said he didn't want this. He did, but he wasn't entirely sure where you stood constantly pushing his buttons then going back to saying that he was just a friend.

It was ridiculously frustrating but Vox also slightly feared trying to find the actual answer, after all- what if he was looking too much into it and there really wasn't anything?

What if you were really just messing around?

He wasn't sure if it was a truth he could handle.

It didn't help that soon after that the dream version of you decided to get a little more risque. Your hips starting to move in a tantalizing grind while Vox could only shiver.

He'd never been that receptive before, then again... it's really been quite a while since he had done anything of this nature.

It's been a while since he's experienced anything like this both awake or asleep. Since getting close to you- everything had changed.

For all it's worth, this entire dream felt so scarily real. The overlord was once again reminded by just how much he yearned for you, wanted more from your friendship but dared not to ask.

Besides, he would rather you both stay friends than have nothing at all. Which he didn't really want to risk just in case he was legitimately reading all the signs wrong.

However, his entire thought process screeched to a halt when a sharp stinging sensation threw him back to your ministrations.

Did you just- bite him?

The flatscreen groaned when you proceeded to treat his skin like an empty canvas- your empty canvas- the marks left behind evidence of your artistic touch.

Still, Vox had to remind himself that this was really all just a dream. The wispy and floaty nature of the entire room glared at him blatantly with that.

So despite how beautiful and real you looked and felt in the dim lighting of the room-

He was asleep. He was still asleep.

But by god he didn’t want to wake up.

Even if he knew it was inevitable that he would.

The dream version of you eventually pulled away to properly meet his half-lidded gaze, your eyes brimming with the same longing and yearning hunger that he had for you.

You don’t look at him like that. Not when you were both awake. Did you? His eyes had to be playing tricks, he had to be mistaken. Especially when you kept defaulting to the fact you were both only friends.

Still, when you suddenly pulled him into a kiss- the TV demon couldn’t help himself anymore. His arms wrapping around you possessively as he pulled you impossibly close.

Like an addiction he kept relapsing with, the overlord kept going back- coming back for more with you. Your kisses had him feeling drunk, your lips meeting his own in a passionate exchange.

Vox wondered if somewhere along the way you had poisoned him, if you'd slipped something into his mainframe that he missed back when you were alive.

It was hard to believe he'd been caught, hook, line and sinker- for you- but it was where he ended up nonetheless.

And he had no problems with that.

There wasn’t any hesitation in the kisses you both shared, nor was there any rush of impatience. He was simply content with this intimacy, yet your dream version proved to be ever so bold.

Vox gasped when you began to palm the growing tent in his pants, the fabric of his slacks becoming insufferably tight.

He vaguely registered the playful giggle that slipped your lips, alongside the cooing at his ever obvious sensitivity.

“Fuck… (Y/N)...”

You were going to drive him insane, so much for the hopeful thinking that his dreams would give him respite.

His vent fans whirred loudly in a fruitless attempt to cool down his overheating systems. Your dream version once again giggled before resuming your attack on his neck.

This wasn’t really anything compared to the trysts he used to have, not to mention Valentino- but for whatever reason this just felt so much better.

Vox could only take a gander at how much different the real thing would be. If he was even lucky enough to get to that point with you.

Everything felt so vivid- his pleasure quickly rising from your mere foreplay.

Had you any idea what you did to him...?

Soon, a faint ringing sound could be heard from his side; causing the room around him to blur more than the hazy filter it already had.

The overlord tried to ignore the sound but it only got louder and louder.

The next time Vox opened his eyes after squeezing them shut from the pleasure- he was met with the dark high ceiling of his bedroom.

Of course, predictably- you were nowhere to be found.

The overlord sighed tiredly when he saw his phone screen flashing from where it sat on his nightstand, ringing every so often and buzzing alive.

Being half-awake while ignoring the very obvious issue in his trousers- the flatscreen simply hit the answer button without checking the caller ID.

So color him surprised when he heard your sprightly voice beckoning him back to the land of the awake.

“Hey Vox, did you sleep well?”

If your cheerful voice was any indication- it really seems like you did. Vox rubbed at his own screen tiredly, he was unfortunately not as lucky.

“Yeah, you’d actually woken me up this time doll. What’s the occasion? You’re up early.”

That giggle again, that playful laugh of yours that rang like a haunting chime. He could never really avoid it, not that he was sure he wanted to most times. The overlord bit back a groan from the memory where he last heard it.

The dream he had was still searingly fresh.

“I wanted to call you before you had to go to work, that and I felt really energised today. Wanna hang out later? Or are you busy?”

The flatscreen quickly took a glance at his schedule for the day, realising it’s one of those days he’d actually allocated to you even back when you were alive.

He was busting his ass off for Voxtek any other day and occasion just so he could have these moments with you. Velvette teased him relentlessly about it sometimes.

“No no no- I'm not busy- I’ll be over soon. Give me an... hour?”

“Pfft, take your time samsung. Let’s go out for breakfast?”

Vox finally sat up and stretched, sighing from the relief when some of his joints popped. Glancing back at the darkened phone on his nightstand with a small smile.

“Sure, my treat.”

“It’s a date then! See you!”

Yep, and so the cycle began again. He was okay with this.

The overlord was happy with this.

But first, a really really cold fucking shower was in order.

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8 months ago

this is so stupid but I meed to share it:

jon: *to the eye* is elias friendly?

the eye: yeah he’s pretty friendly


jon: *to the eye* I thought you said he was friendly!

the eye: he is, thats not elias

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7 months ago


So, this is my masterlist! I procrastinated making it for waaaay too long. These works are my most recent ones. Stay tuned for more updates!


Alastor x Reader Headcanons

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Boys' ideal dates Part 1

Marauders Era

Roses don't bloom in war-Rosekiller

My Truest Self-Jily Spiderman AU

To wipe the tears in your eyes-Jegulus


From a soul to another-Caitvi Star Wars AU~coming soon

Percy Jackson

When the sun shines upon us-Luke Castellan x Reader~coming soon

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