14 posts

I Want To Talk About Solo Leveling (MY OPINION)

I want to talk about Solo Leveling (MY OPINION)

There was another post before this one, but I deleted it, and made a longer version with more explanations.

Warning: Long article (sorry)

I'm writing this in a very upset state, and I was angry moments ago, so please don't blame me (not that I really care, but I don't really want to see arguments in the comments either). This is my own opinion, and so does everyone else, I want to clarify my point of view. If you don't care, then just skip this post.

(At least I won't curse so much)

#English isn't my mother tongue#

First of all, let's talk about, how did I get to know the manhwa Solo Leveling?

A few years ago, when I was in the tenth grade, during quarantine, I was spending a lot of time on the phone, and in one of my friend’s posts, I saw pictures from that manhwa. Of course, I ignored it at first, and therefore I was not a fan of Korean culture, but a lot of posts started talking about it, so I decided to ask my friend.

And so I started reading that manhwa. Of course my first impression of her was good. It was fun, and I was curious about it, especially about the system and the secret behind it. I liked the idea of ​​monsters, dungeons, and hunters. I liked Ju-hee a lot, and Woo Jin-chul as well, but I didn't really care for Jin-woo. I mean, he was okey. After I decided that I liked it, I decided to continue reading it.

Over time, I started to get a little bored, since they always only showed Jin-woo, and more importantly, never cared about the other characters (Yeah, it's SOLO Leveling, and it should be only about Jin-woo, like many other fans say. But, why did you dear author made the side characters so interesting?!), and also, Jin-woo started acting a little condescending and arrogant on several occasions just because he gained power. (Do all Koreans only get serious when they get something special?)

The development of the story over time became somewhat boring, and I slowly began to understand that this manhwa might not be my type, but I decided to be patient a little, and see what happens. And here, BOOM!! Korea hates Japanese hunters, and makes them bad people. Well, not that I'm complaining about this much, I mean, what do you expect from a country that hates another country?

Min Byung-gyu died, and that was so disappointing. He didn't even have enough scenes. And I was so sad about it.

And of course Jin-woo was the best and the badass, the greatest the PerFect and-!!!

Yeah, that's what I've been always reading in comments. What about Baek Yoon-ho? Choi Jong-in? Lim Tea-gyu and Min Byung-gyu??

No, it's Korea, and Jin-woo should be the only person on the screen.. 🤷‍♀️

Regardless of all this, and with the hope that I might see Baek Yoon-ho and Woo Jin-chul again, I decided to read the light novel, after the first season was finished.

Believe it or not, I almost cried because this novel disappointed me so much, in the story and in the characters. I also have been waiting Jin-woo's and Ju-hee's dinner.. but it didn't happen. 😪

And that made me start to hate Cha Hae-in so much.

First, she wasn't as helpful for Jin-woo as Ju-hee was. Second, she just appeared suddenly, and became the best girl in the manhwa all of a sudden, and everybody just speaks about her in comments, along with Jin-woo. She suddenly became the best in everything, despite that we never saw how did she actually win a true battle against monsters. She only got defeated, and always needed someone to save her. But Ju-hee despite that she was kinda weak and scared as hell, she followed Jin-woo in dungeons just to take care of him. And now, only because it's "true love", he loved Cha and not Ju-hee. Really? Is that the only explanation you guys have? If you saw a drunk old man in the street, will you love him because it's "true love"? Oh wait, Jin-woo wasn't drunk, he had a good smell. Yeah, Cha liked him only because of his smell, and when Ju-hee cared about him and liked him (she asked him to take her out for a dinner), it was nothing. It's not true love.

Wow! You guys are so intelligent! I really respect you all!

I had no reason or motivation left to complete the manhwa. Characters and art style. ONLY!!!

Finally, the manhwa ended and I felt relieved that I would never have to read this Korean trash again (Sorry, Solo fans, but you curse worse than me. Bear with me, sensitive people, please~)

I didn't really regret reading this manhwa, because I liked some aspects of it, the most important of which were the characters. What bothered me a little was that they completely forgot about the other characters. At least in the first season there were more shots of the side characters.

Now, let's move on to the main point.

Why do I hate Solo Leveling, or rather, why did I start to hate it this much?

First of all, the way Solo fans compared it with jjk.

I'm sooo sorry, dear Solo fans, but everyone knows that Jjk is better than solo in many aspects (I don't say most people hate solo, I'm just saying most of people prefer jjk)

Firstly, the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen is more interesting than Solo Leveling plot. Yes, many haters may say that Jujutsu Kaisen ideas are borrowed from other anime and plots, and it has nothing new. Excuse me, my dear, don't you see that Solo is full of borrowed ideas more than Jujutsu Kaisen? Titans? Hunters? Ranks and game system? Also, even though the plot of Jujutsu may seem a little copied, it's not to an obvious degree like Solo.

Not to mention that Jjk's characters are tens and hundreds of times better than Solo's. God, I'm really sorry that I wiped your dignity on the ground, Jin-woo's husband or wife, Gojo is really weak in front of the great, handsome, perfect, invincible master that all the girls love. Gojo is a weak trash, who is worth nothing in front of everyone's favorite Korean badass, and no one has the right to protest, I'm so soOorrRRRry!!~

Now let us move on to dear fans who started comparing the LOseR Gojo and our great, ideal King Jin-woo, instead of comparing him to Sukuna, who is considered the strongest in the series. Dear, are you jealous that Gojo is more popular than your Jin-woo? If you want to seem like the person who compares the characters according to the strongest from each series, I advise you to think of a smarter trick next time, because the strongest here is Sukuna, not Gojo. Don't worry, no one will hate you if you express your opinion respectfully and say that you hate Gojo.


I never deny that jujutsu has flaws, especially the events after Gojo's fight against Sukuna, and the way in which Sukuna lost, without us seeing him at his full strength.

End of spoiler :)

But please, do not compare a simple Korean work to this great work. Solo Leveling is not bad, it has its flaws just like jjk does, but jjk is obviously more popular and better than Solo in many ways.

Okay, it's alright to prefer something more than the other, but why the insult? Why this much of hatred? If you don't like something, please, stop reading it or watching it, just leave. I hated Solo, but I never insulted it before in front of other fans who like it so much, because I would never want the same for me, for the work I love, but when you guys insult something I love, I feel the urge to insult what you prefer. You can say you hate something, it's not wrong, but without insulting, please.

Solo Leveling has a simple plot (although I want to say it's fucking trash, but ok), not to mention that it left out a lot of interesting characters. And excluding Ju-hee is the worst skip, just for the sake of a ***** who loves our perfect Jin-woo's smell. (I'm sorry, Cha fans, I couldn't take it anymore. I'm so sorry. No, really, I'm sorry. I'm following someone who loves Cha, and I don't want him to get angry, But I really want to say this more).


In general, everyone has his own opinion, and I respect every person's opinion, but I do not and would never respect insulting and cursing. I really had enough of people who curse Jjk, because I like jjk so much, despite that I was really really really disappointed by the end of Shinjuku arc. But it does NOT make solo better in any way. I don't care what others would say, but I'll never take my words back. I hate solo, I hate Cha Hae-in especially. I don't care about people who say Jin-woo is definitely stronger than Gojo (I know he is, but what would you expect from a korean work? It always makes every hero too special, overrated, and invincible. It's not even exciting, even a bit. There's no a normal logic in korean manhwa, the hero should be always the best, and others are trash.) 🤷‍♀️

But, making Jin-woo stronger than Gojo doesn't mean Gojo is worse. Gojo is the best, and Jjk is the best, no matter how much you adore your Jin-woo.

Fans are one of the main reasons why did I start to hate Solo Leveling, Jin-woo, and Cha Hae-in.

I talked too much..

I warned you, but again..

I'm sorry :)

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More Posts from Asami700

6 months ago

Yone random headcanons

• English is not my first language. • Pics do no belong to me.

I know this might be like "nothing new", but I really wanted to write this.

Yone Random Headcanons

He likes to keep his blades clean.

He's good at cooking and doing the chores, since he had to take care of Yasuo.

He likes reading, but he likes writing more, and especially writing poems.

He's a good listener, and gives useful advices.

He a good and humble speaker, too.

His favorite colors are blue, black, and red.

He used to keep his room clean and tidy when he was still alive.

He knows some skin care recipes.

He smells nice, very nice that makes many girls wonder.

He's a loner, but he appreciates spending time with his brother and close friends.

He favorite food is rice.

He gets up early.

He's a good leader, but he doesn't really want to take that role on. He prefers to work alone.

He's kind and warm hearted, despite that he looks completely otherwise.

Everybody says he has beautiful eyes, but he thinks his eyes are normal.

He's patient, and the most person who had ever pushed him to his limits is Yasuo. Despite that, Yone doesn't really mind. Because he's used to this.

Yone doesn't really want to have a family, not because he hates it or he has trauma. He's worried he won't be a good father or a good husband, and he still has his brother to take care of, because Yasuo is really hard to control.

He also chose to live as a warrior, and protect his lands, so building a new family may be risky.

He had a crush on a girl when he was still a teenager, but they never had a chance to stay together.

When he was younger, he used to listen to elder Souma's stories for hours.

He's a good observer.

Yone loved his mother a lot. She was dead before he joined the school, which made him more productive of Yasuo.

He doesn't remember a lot about his father, but he knows he was a kind person, according his mother.

Yone doesn't like to drink, unlike his brother Yasuo.

He had tried to drink once, and the next morning, his head was hurting so much.

He looks cool and stoic, but actually he can be so shy at times.

He's taller than most of students at the school, including Yasuo.

He doesn't keep secrets from Yasuo.

His handwriting is beautiful.

He's not really good at lying.

He forgets many things easily when he's stressed.

He's so sensitive at times, he also can get hurted easily, especially when those words are from Yasuo. He doesn't show it, though.

It's hard to read his mind from his facial expressions, but it's so easy for him to read people.

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6 months ago

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Only A Few Days Ago, I Finished Reading Totsukuni No Shoujo.
Only A Few Days Ago, I Finished Reading Totsukuni No Shoujo.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago


•His eyes



•His hands


•Disappointed and worried


My poor boy only wants to have enough nights with a man 🤧

•His smile








•Bonus 👌


HE WINKS!!!!!!!



OMG, those cute ears!!!!!

He looks so sweet 🤧💓

He didn't appear enough, and that's disappointing. But, the most disappointing part, is that he was the first one who died.

He was so cute and nice, why would've they kill him like that?! 🤧

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6 months ago

Eren Kruger x f. reader

• English is not my first language.

Eren was lying on the bed in his bedroom, smoking his cigarette, lost in thought. Until you came.

You crawled onto the bed and rested your body on top of his, your head on his shoulder, and your thighs on either side of his waist.

Eren watched you for a few seconds silently, then turned his head, stared outside, out the window, and quietly watched the sunrise.

Eren turned his eyes to you again, watching your sweet and calm facial expression, as you closed your eyes, feeling your warm breath on his neck, and your head on his shoulder.

His body was muscular and solid, but he was very warm, which helped you relax. The smell of cigarette didn't bother you, since you were already used to it. Besides, you used to smoke from time to time, too.

You raised your head, and your eyes met his. Although his stony and cold facial features did not even change, his sky blue eyes were filled with warmth and strong emotion towards you, and they carried you in their embrace, filling you with the deepest and warmest feelings that his heart had always held for you.

He kept staring at you with warmth and love, until he finally decided to speak, after he pulled his cigarette from his mouth and gently placed it between your lips, his long, cold fingers touching your soft and warm lips. He spoke quietly, with a warmer voice than usual.

“You look a little more tired than usual..”

Your cheeks became a little warmer, but you maintained a calm and relaxed expression, and took a puff from the cigarette, before answering him.

“It's work, you see. Being a spy isn't easy for either of us.” You chuckled softly, gently putting the cigarette back into his mouth, and resting your head on his shoulder again.

“In that case, relax.” He spoke softly, and began to smoke again.

You remained relaxed for a while, until you noticed that he reached over to the nightstand to take another cigarette from the pack. He opened the pack and pulled a single cigarette between his lips. You extended your hand to the nightstand, and took the lighter to light his cigarette for him.

Eren smiled at you sweetly, allowing you to light his cigarette. He took a puff on his cigarette and looked out the window again. You knew that he had difficulty expressing his feelings, which is why he remained silent most of the time.

You slowly closed your eyes and listened to his quiet heartbeat, the sounds of birds chirping, and the rustle of the trees. You felt the cool breeze gently caress your skin, and smelled the familiar scent of cigarettes. You enjoyed the feeling of closeness and warmth between you two. This comforting silence helped you relax even more.

After a long period of silence, Eren moved slightly, wrapped his strong arms around your waist, and gently placed you on the bed next to him.

"I'm going to work, I have to leave." He spoke quietly. He gently put his cigarette in your mouth, and kissed your cheek, then your forehead very gently, and looked at you warmly.

“Rest well, I will be back soon..” he whispered softly, and gently covered you with the blanket, before standing up and leaving the room.

After he left, you took a few puffs from the cigarette, before you put it away, and began to rest.

You slowly closed your eyes and fell into a deep, comfortable sleep...

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