Ashesinthewest - Oh Gods, Why Am I Here? - Tumblr Blog
This isn't like Santa, let the teens have the Halloween magic.
if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.
Fuck, that would suck sooo much!
imagine youre a vampire knitter.
You've been knitting a jumper.
you're almost at the end.
you're playing yarn chicken on the end of the last sleeve.
you lose yarn chicken.
you go to see if you can get some more of the same yarn.
you can't find anything similar so you look at the original company from the label.
the company hasn't existed for 100 years and the country it was made in no longer exists.
like i'm sorry but we as a fandom have to stay firm on our anti-AI values. we cannot suddenly start giving AI a pass when it's something we "want to see" like destiel kisses. it's not suddenly fine. we're not going to start using AI to make fanfic scenes come to life or audio AI to make characters "say" stuff we want to hear. you have GOT to be firm on your anti-AI stance. if you start making exceptions then suddenly anything will fly. fandom is for real art and creations made by real people. no AI fanfics. no AI art. no AI rendered "bonus" scenes. no AI audio. none of it has a place here.

So my sister wants to start sewing more, because
a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.
b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton
c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance
So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.
And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’
And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this
Just say through a bunch of Time Management training modules for work. Something they repeated is that certain tasks are okay for "Sometimes good enough, is good enough."
I have half-assed multiple things today, namely chores.
Those chores are now at least somewhat dealt with, which means less stress.
Today half-assing things is enough for me to be satisfied.
better to half ass than to no ass
Oh. My. Stars! Look at this! LOOK AT THIS!! The time! The details! The dedication! This is amazing and is just another example of how awesome crochet is.
Mad props to you!

crochet aquarium
While on bed rest after having surgery and high on pain meds, I discovered that no, I cannot count. Also discovered that my determination maxes out at the same time. I'm still very proud of this guy.

I started him before the medicated bed rest and I finished him during the medicated bed rest.
if you want to learn crochet or knitting, ask yourself:
can i count?
am i prepared for the answer to be hell no?
This show was awesome.
Reblog if you remember this motherfucker:

Ask the PHARMACIST, do not ask anyone else in the pharmacy department. Not everyone working in the department back there are pharmacists; some just might be the inventory specialists and not required to know those details.
Also, BE NICE! To all staff in the pharmacy department. It's not their fault if you don't know what your medication is for and the employee who is not the pharmacist was available to help you check out.
i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good
Must decorate the home and yard to keep away the fairies.
i worry we are losing touch with the True Meaning Of Halloween (avoiding the fairies)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again but it is absolutely an example of civilizational inadequacy that only deaf people know ASL
“oh we shouldn’t teach children this language, it will only come in handy if they [checks notes] ever have to talk in a situation where it’s noisy or they need to be quiet”
Friendly reminder to listen VERY VERY CRITICALLY if someone tries to convince you not to register for federal disaster assistance following a declared disaster. Helene is still moving north and I see the usual rants picking up steam already.
That person trying to win social commentary points online is not your friend. That person can’t give you funds for house repair or to restock on food and meds. And if they say they can - that is a scammer and not someone you can trust.
Scammers and developers trying to take advantage after a disaster intentionally spread rumors/misinformation to convince survivors not to apply for federal disaster assistance. Many well meaning people pick this misinformation up and spread it further without understanding how the assistance process works. It’s happened more and more over the years and it will happen with Helene.
If you do not apply for assistance, you lose the chance to receive federal funds. APPLY APPLY APPLY. This doesn’t guarantee you will meet eligibility requirements, but you definitely can’t meet them if you don’t apply. The application process isn’t perfect but it continues to be updated - and was updated in 2024!! - to try and make it easier for survivors. If you have damages or lost power for an extended time, APPLY.
You can check on or with local news to see when disaster recovery centers will open, how long the application period will last, and what information you’ll need when applying.
I'm getting really fucking sick of having to opt-out of some cooperation trying to sell my shit when I'm using a service. I am THIS CLOSE to going back to cash only transactions at a brick and mortar store and physical media only.
PSA: Paypal on some more shady shit


tag an artist save a life etc
Please let 2025 be better.
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

May AO3 live on with enteral, successful fundraising.
"Why can't the freaks on AO3 just go and make a site for all the gross stuff and leave AO3 alone."
Because AO3 is that site. Because AO3 was that site long before you decided AO3 was better than the sites you bullied us off of before, and I can promise you if someone somehow comes up with a fanfic site you like better specifically for the 'gross stuff' you'll try to bully us off that too so you can benefit from it.
AO3's specific core purpose is to preserve fanfiction, yes, but it was also instigated as a host site for the fanfiction that kept getting yeeted off other platforms like Wattpad. Its designed to preserve all fanfiction, not just the fanfiction you, personally, think is 'allowed' to be written.
AO3 is the site for all the gross stuff the freaks make. We've been there just as long as you. We've been funding it just as long as you have. AO3 has specifically said you have a place here. The timeline was literally:
Wattpad/ purge fanfics > AO3 is born > The people who's fics got purged moved over to AO3 > AO3 gains popularity as the best functioning site > The people who pushed for the fics to be purged off Wattpad move to AO3 > The same people try to push for AO3 to purge fics.
AO3's source coding is open-access. You go make a polished, strict, rigid site where nothing 'icky' is allowed. You go make a site where you can control what is hosted. We already have our space.