Skibidi Titans - Tumblr Posts
Hellooooo 👋 First time asking and I wanted to ask how are things going for you guys? How are the titans doing? Must feel overwhelming for the sudden size change :T And how are you doing yourself, POV? You okay? Must be stressful to have be the one mostly record all of this. Please take care of yourself, alright? ^^
"Well, besides having to do a full scale retreat while wrangling three shrunken titans back to our base. Things have been mostly okay!" P.O.V clicks quietly as the Titan Trio is set down to see how they're handling a different center of gravity. Titan Camera stumbles but grabs onto Large Camera's leg to balance himself, he makes an annoyed chirp noise as his wings shift around trying to find an ideal position. "This is... awkward" Titan Camera mumbles quietly as the other two Titans nod and manage to stay up standing, well mostly with Titan Speaker grabbing onto the Large Speaker's leg. "It's hard to stand and everything is... so much bigger than I am used to, I'm used to looking down!" Titan Speaker grumbles.
hey titans do any of you.. know how this happened, i guess? maybe there's a solution to fix this within the way it occurred? dunno im just.. throwin out guesses, really
(ps, pov, dont tell them i said this, but the titans *do* look rather cute like this :] say, are they smaller than even the average camera/speaker/tvman? we cant really tell from here.)
"Well, We were fighting the Giant Skibidis and other annoying ones before seeing this weird light of sorts, It's blurry after that but... I found myself barely holding onto the Neck of the Skibidi I was trying to flush, eugh. I ran for the cover of my members..." Titan Camera replies tiredly before sheepishly sitting down from the exhaustion of battling and retreating. "Similar experience but I felt myself getting smaller and I panicked badly taking out the skibidi in the chaos before fleeing to my Large speakers. I didn't really notice the light, it was more of a heat to me." Titan Speaker mumbles and relaxes in the Anonymous Speaker's arms. "I was trying to assist in the fight and got in the crossfire, I teleported away but ended up getting snagged by Monitors, my Large TV unit member when I nearly got taken out by mutant Skibidi." Titan TV sighs and emotes an embarrassed face before doing a sleepy emote.
'Heh, I won't tell the Titans you said that. They're half the size of an average height of a Camera/Speaker/TVmen, though Titan Speaker is a bit smaller then the other two' P.O.V displays a text message in his recording screen to avoid any chaos from the shrunken Titans.
How is the Titan Tvman doing? And the rest of the Titans? Can I give them a hug?
"He's doing pretty well all things considered that he just rejoined the battle and this occurred. Titan Speaker and Titan Camera... You know I'm just going to let them tell you guys their code names" P.O.V shrugs slightly before refocusing on the Trio who nods at the request for giving them Hugs.
"My code name is Film" Titan Camera smiles slightly as he gets his hug. "Mine is DJ!" Titan Speaker purrs as he gets more hugs. "Code name is Cinema" Titan TV hums softly and allows for the hugs.
Question for TTV: How are you feeling after being... well... smol-ified? Is your Red Screen of Death still effective?
(psst... don't tell the 2 others this, but you're my favourite titan out of the three of you guys :3)
"I'm admittedly very tired as my energy that I had arriving at the battle field has seemingly disappeared." Cinema yawns before returning to his default expression on his screen. He does smile at the comment about him being your favorite Titan.
*sighs in short*
Welcome to the crew guys…
P.O.V clicks amused as the shrunken Titans are brought to their bunk corners before the scientists members asks if it would be better to keep them closer to the main alliance units to ensure nothing gets to the shrunken trio.
You all should watch out. Since all of the titans are down for the count, the skibidi will take advantage of your lack of firepower. Uh oh
"Yeah we're trying to upgrade the security of our bases and technology to avoid any issues-" There's a crackle of signal with the inbox for P.O.V as he tries to regain his composition from the introduction.

"H-HOW DID THE SKIBIDI GET A HOLD OF THE FEED-!? G-Gotta cut the feed to prevent the Skibidi's from getting any more information" P.O.V shutters before disconnecting the connection from his recording screen, the feed crackles again and it's focused on the Titan Trio's current location which is with Large Camera, Large Speaker and Large TV man. {P.O.V is currently unavailable, Please ask Monitors, Sub-Woofer and Crew}
film, dj, and cinema? what cute code names :) either way, what do you guys plan to, well, do from here, i suppose? im sure all yalls scientists are gonna crack down onto how to fix this asap, but in the meantime... once you learn to walk again, how about you take a bit to experience the absolute *joys* of being small! (< that was. somewhat sarcastic. there's a lot of benefits *and* a lot of downfalls to being teeny, yknow?)
"Hm... Are these the vessel Alliance members?" "Yes they are, Woofer" "Too chatty, Titans need to recharge" Woofer Rumbles quietly while making sure the Trio isn't in danger.
(oorp/ooc, oh gee that last ask wasnt posted before i sent my previous one ×_× anyways..)
hello you three, (? or is there more of you?) how are you and our precious cargo fairing after that. well, after that Jumpscare, pretty much
"They're recharging surprisingly well despite being shrunk down... I might tease them later and call them smol to see their reactions" Crew gently rubs his hand against the Titans' heads which various chirps, purrs and hums are heard softly from the trio. "We're... a bit shaken up but we're holding well"
Speaker Anon: *gibes pets to titan cameraman but gives the most pets to titan speakerman because I love dem so much*
Film thrills a bit annoyed but accepts the pets before trying to see if any of his equipment still works which he clicks angrily at his jetpack not working nor his core flame thrower. "Ah... whatever happened also shut off your flight and fire abilities, We'll have to inform the Scientists as well as the rest of the Alliance. DJ, Cinema can you attempt to access or use your specific abilities?" Monitors ask the other two which they both mumble that they tested their equipment earlier in the base without anyone noticing and it's also deactivated. DJ purrs at the pets but seems more dejected than anything else due to his sound waves being ineffective.
First time asking a question woo!
Anyway, can we see a high chart or drawing of the small titans sizes next to the normal camera,speaker and tvmen?
"This is what we were able to measure before the base got hit by the Skibidis. Stereo and Home are our main Speakerman and TVman that usually act as our messengers between bases of each respective Alliance group. I'll show the typical height for each group as well." Monitors hums softly as he displays the height charts. He quietly laughs at the nicknames given to the Shrunken trio on the charts.

Speaker Anon: *Picks up DJ in a piggyback ride so DJ can be taller then his allies for a moment xd*
/also SpeakerAnon is Very stronk so they were able to pick up cinema easily//
"I-i'm not a Child!... Thank you... This does feel nice to be slightly taller than the others for a moment." DJ mumbles quietly as he's used to being feared from post infection and having trouble with his expressions to others.
"Everything will be okay, I promise you that we'll return victorious. We promise you that, We promise the Alliance that"
/Are the mini titans ok??/
SpeakerAnon: *picks up titan Tvman even if he is like half their size xd* /he stronk/
"Yeah, We're holding on okay!" Film chirps as he follows the SpeakerAnon. Cinema freezes up before relaxing again and nuzzles closer, it's cold out
How are you guys holding up now? *Pats Cinema on the head*
"I am holding on alright, just frustrated that I can't use my screen for anything, I can barely teleport a few feet in front of me." Cinema sighs with a soft crackle of static before replying more. "I'm actually scared now, I can't exactly defend myself or run if a fight takes place. I guess this is what it feels like to be vulnerable... How did [They] survive so long with all these Skibidies?"
Go ahead and fire away for anyone of the Alliance!
50 Random Character Asks:
1. Canon I outright reject
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
3. Obscure headcanon
4. Favorite line
5. Best personality trait
6. Worst personality trait
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
8. Unpopular opinion about them
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
11. Faceclaim for the role
12. Crack headcanon
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
14. Most heroic moment
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
19. Vices/bad habits
20. Scars
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
22. Best physical feature
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
24. Most annoying habit
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
27. Their guilty pleasure
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
29. Eating habits
30. Sleeping habits
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
35. Their idea of a perfect day
36. Their favorite season
37. What they really think about themselves
38. Favorite holiday
39. Favorite game
40. Favorite book
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
42. 3 comfort items
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
44. Their happiest memory
45. Their favorite celebrity
46. The person they most admire
47. Their dream job
48. Scariest moment of their life
49. Favorite toy as a child
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Broadcast Interrupted; P.O.V requesting for Broadcasting permission > Accepting Permission > Reconnecting to P.O.V C4m… “Hello Everyone! The Christmas Event will begin at Midnight Eastern Standard Time on December 18th and all of us will be available to ask questions! Those who are going to be available are; DJ (Titan Speaker), Cinema (Titan TV), Film (Titan Camera), Monitors (Large TV), Crew (Large Camera), Woofer (Large Speaker), Security (Scientist Camera/Mimic), P.O.V (Me!), [Them], along with any Cameras, Speakers or TV units that you fellas might know from my recordings!”
[Ask Anyone! Magic Anons on]