asocial-skye - asocial-skye

myra. burnt out gifted kid. Asian. she/her.

388 posts

ATLA And Zuko

ATLA and Zuko

When I first watched ATLA as a teenager, my dumbass thought that Zuko's scar wasn't a scar. I thought that he got punched really hard one time (I'm not the most perceptive, so I didn't notice his deformed ear), and the animators were taking the time to establish continuity with injuries. I kept wondering why it never healed, and then the people in the show called it a scar, and Iroh told everyone Zuko's tragic backstory, and only then did I get it.

I was really stupid.

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More Posts from Asocial-skye

2 years ago

happy new year, i have a star wars conspiracy theory: anakin actually didn't kill anyone in the prequels

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2 years ago

"There ne'er was a tale of more woe, pride, and sin, than fair Padme, and her Anakin"

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2 years ago

This started off so sad, and heartwrenching and ended with a heaping serving of what the fuck.

Seriously, my facial expressions as I read this post; never changed so fast ever.

I lowkey agree tho; this would be such a good character study. Could I use this prompt for writing? I would credit you.

Okay, okay, just— please imagine that you are Obi-Wan Kenobi. Almost everyone you love has been taken from you by duty, and while you don’t want to regret it, you do, so you turn that regret in on yourself and become mired in guilt. The only person you have left is this child. You didn’t mean to love him— you didn’t mean for him to become the center of your world— but now he is, and you can’t do anything about it. Everything in your life, one way or another, revolves around him, and every day that he’s with you you love him more. You don’t let go. You don’t know if you can.

Then your world shatters, and your home goes to war. You’re a peacekeeper, and yet this is the thing you’re best at. You can’t reconcile these two things, but you don’t have to yet— not if you keep pushing it away, keep working in the name of peace. But your padawan isn’t a child anymore and you still love him so much it takes your breath away, and more and more you come to rely on him to drag you out of every mess. You can see how entangled in his own attachments he is, but you know it’s your fault, that you’ve encouraged it because you were too weak to let go, and you can’t deny him this— not when you’re using your love for him to drag you out the door every day.

And then, suddenly, you’re alone. Something goes wrong, and you crash on an uncharted world. It’s peaceful, here— empty— but it’s too quiet. Once you might have known how to exist here— somewhere with only the quiet beat of the waves upon the shore— but your life has been made up of blood and beatin hearts for so long that you can’t stand it. Now, you’re left alone with all the thoughts you’ve been pushing back, forcing out, and there’s no one to drag you out of them.

So what do you do?

You make a facsimile to talk to, to keep you from drowning in the sound of silence, in the endless deluge of thoughts that beat upon your mind. 

You make an Anakin. Out of coconuts.

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2 years ago

Hot take: Padmé choosing Anakin despite (and maybe even because of) his red flags is the entire point of their relationship, and the theory that he intentionally or accidentally mind-tricked her into it misses the point completely and robs Padmé of her agency in the relationship.

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2 years ago

does anyone know how to get rid of the porn bot followers? They make me uncomfortable.

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