Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved
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Jewels Of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes Of The Month
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, Now that the summer is nearly upon us I wanted to remind you to please be safe because of the weather. Be it floods like Texas experiences nearly every year or forest fires in California and Florida. This is besides the torrent firestorm that hit parts of Canada a few weeks ago. As much as we think this planet is only a thing it actually is a meta organism just as alive as we are in truth. Co-existence is vital and essential to respect the great mother Earth or we collectively pay the consequences. This month's "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month" is in the series #1113-1115. For the topics of: Genius, Potential, and Living well for a lifetime. I also want to remind you to please subscribe to my new newsletter that's available in the right hand column of this blog site of Bloggers "Atrayo's Oracle". Or an alternate sign-up form on my website on my "Contact Page" at the middle of the web page. Thank you. May you find these angelic inspired spiritual wisdom statements of use and pleasing. Genius: 1113) Often times it takes a genius to find the genius in another person who may appear to being troubled or confused with their daily life. When such a case occurs the observing person must seek out what is obviously not being stated in an overt manner. Watching for tell-tale cues of the one in question being assessed to see what their spark of genius is in truth. Always seek out what brings them a talented joy in achieving from their efforts whatever it may be. As the observer gauges the other person in their surroundings nothing should prohibit such a person from achieving in life. Be it rank in title or in class within any society. Impart to them directly and to their custodians if the new found genius is a child. That their presence may be remarkable in the world, but countless before them have yet to be noticed much less discovered in what makes them beautiful in life. To always take genuine pride in their efforts, but never to the point of defeating themselves with a poor attitude. Since their life with other people and the world at large can easily misunderstand their intentions. Their gifts if applied well enough can serve many in places of power and authority, but may it never be at their expense in exploitation. Always ply your talents where it is needed the most for along life’s path there will be plenty of opportunities to grow personally and professionally in such a trade craft. Wherever the spark of genius may reside in the world it often takes a well-developed genius of another generation to ferret out their presence. To those that matter to them personally in their circle of people. Through discipline and much devotion in good faith such a new found genius can overcome near impossible feats to the ordinary person. Be humble for spiritually your power as a person is always directly influenced by the Glory of God whether you realize it or not. Live well and live fully for greatness can be adored and it can be feared as to how you behave in the world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1114) I say to all dreamers as souls with convictions and to all lovers of what is true and beautiful. To dream deep in your hearts, but live very real with your feet on the ground of this Earth of ours. To dream deep in your hearts is not to compromise on less than your total best self. To live according to the tenets of the many worthy souls having gone before you as role models. Having always lived in practical steps that are civilized and good in just conduct in life all around us.
Anything less than the miracle of your grace of living from the heart. Anchored by the truth of your sensible mind leaves you as if a husk of emptiness. Do your duties, but always your deepest loyalty is to your spirit to etch out an existence in holistic wellness. Afterwards serve the needy with respects as to what you can give of your slice of good fortune. Give with your heart in gratitude to God(dess), but not to the point that it breaks your back and your wallet.
This world is still developing from generation to generation of humans and all others. There is much to be gained and much to be lost if one isn’t careful. Guard your dignity for very few loved ones will know what troubles you the deepest in life.
Be not convinced that you are alone in the world for this is untrue. Many dynamics of life repeat themselves universally across realities and so human development is no different in question. Be kind to your spirit berate it not for not achieving what your ego demands of it. Perhaps it is for a reason why you are not meant to reach such a desire. Consider the world not how it can serve you, but how you can alleviate the pain and suffering all around. Walk in life with confidence but not to the point you become an ass not worth respecting. This is finally the potential of every soul to experience God differently from the rest. So be unique and live with unconditional love in moderation so that the empathy created is shared with all whom see the divine in you. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1115) All of our blessed lives are precious in the sight of God the Greatest Creator. No matter the difficulties we may encounter during the sojourn of our lives. We continually live through the Holy Spirit of God(dess) and it is for God(dess) to live through us all constantly. All of this and so much beyond our keenest minds encompasses the unconditional spiritual love accessible to every one of us.
To allow such a total absolute love to uplift our beings in life. In no such manner does this omit our sometimes fearful tendencies that can easily trap us into loathsome negativity. This is when one should empathize with their inner most spirit to alleviate fears of all kinds by genuinely offering oneself compassion. Do not venture to the point of handicapping your progress in this life that causes inaction of the things and people that most matter to you.
You are free now and always truly in every spiritual matter as the presence of God in you makes it so for your best holy self in spirit. Do not let slights or misjudgments cast your hopes and promises of goodwill for a better life to become shattered. Always be true first to yourself before all others in life. For when you lie to yourself it will be far easier to lie to everyone else around you as well. Live fully in the present awareness that towards yourself and those dearest to you as family and friends be adopted into the circle of your prosperity in spirit. Do seek out wholesome life experiences that creates for you and all concerned nearly the best memories possible in living a life worthy of praise back to the Glory of God. You owe this to yourself, your loved ones, and certainly too all the silent angels aiding you in life. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Everything has its beauty, but not everyone see's it. ---Confucius.
To love oneself is the beginning of a life, a long romance. ---Oscar Wilde.
Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving. ---Kahil Gibran.
No matter where life takes you the place that you stand at any given moment is holy ground. Love hard, and love wide and love long and you will find the goodness in it. ---Susan Vreeland "Lisette's List"
You are defined by who you love, not who loves you. ---From The Movie Adaptation.
Genius is the ability to receive from the Universe. ---I Ching.
The Glory of God is a human being fully alive. ---St. Irenaeus.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.
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Jewels of Truth Statement #2,286: "The Wonders of A Miraculous Life Wish"
Hello All, Today's "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statement from my Angels within will seem woo woo for its topic. By woo woo it's something I've never heard before and for many instances sounds very magical and mystical in a metaphysical order of being. In some relative degrees it challenges us the reader and worshipper of God(dess) regarding the power of miracles. I had inquired with the Angels if I should be sharing this publicly since it sounded like secret knowledge not for the general public. They insisted there is nothing to fear and no wrong shall blow back upon me since this cycle of Earth's history is already tumultuous. Any that recall this lost power of the Soul of God within us can perform a passing miracle before they ascend to the next reality upon their death. We have all heard the common phrase of a "Death Wish". Which is basically endangering oneself by foolhardy behavior that can get one perhaps literally killed. The Angels tell me there is a polar opposite power of the pure and perfect Soul of God in all his enlightened children. It is that of the "Life Wish" as meaning as a person is dying and with their last breath of mortal carnal life they utter a wish for their loved ones, if not the world in general. According to how spiritually mature a person is upon such a trying emotional episode. A miracle can be born as a sanctified holy wish when it is of benevolence. This is all too similar as in the Christian New Testament of Luke 23:46. "Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last." (New International Version) The Angels also go on in all fairness with my curiosity when I asked if their was a evil counter point version. They nodded that would be the literal accursed "Death Wish". Notwithstanding the English dictionary meaning of the word following the same dynamics I outlined above. I just wanted to set up the forthcoming statement I channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing for all of you that happen to come across this missive from the Angels. Life Wish: 2286) Every life has an intrinsic reason for being alive right here and now within this material Creation. There are no accidents plain and simple as to the purpose driven reincarnations of our united souls through the Almighty God. All have elegant meaning and an overriding joy to exist abundantly for the nature of God decrees it so. We are each blades of grass in the fields of a created paradise that expand easily in concentric circles unto great empires out amongst the stars as gigantic civilizations. Not one lifetime is forfeit even if evil has been tainted upon them as errors committed unfairly against their psyche, body, and spiritual nature. As a life is often described as to having a death wish due to fool hardly reckless behaviors. There is a pivotal grace to all that can have equal access to what is known as the supreme Life Wish. A Life Wish grants any wish spoken out loud or mentally shortly before a mortal carnal passing of the flesh. The last symbolic breath of life of any creature that enacts such a holy power. Is akin to the breath of God transcending back onto paradise metaphysically forever from such a divine spirit having a binary primitive existence in a physical form. Just at the eclipse of their mortal event horizon of a physically passing death ultimately reverts back to the totality of God the apex Creator as the First Cause. Once such a soul has lived a devout faithful life in a continual relationship with the Creator. By benevolence their spiritual eternal entity form has boosted strength to have a relatively greater impact with their miraculous Life Wish. The same can be accomplished when lacking a life of faith with the holy realities in the world. By uttering an emotional plea as a supplication with their last breath of physical life to God. Any such declaration that promotes good will have a miracle of good come into the world according to their greatest life wish. The same is also true for a foul death wish from a foreboding soul returning back to God with hatred in their hearts cursing the living world. As many have been oppressed by tyranny in the world by specific people and institutions many have cursed the powerful of the Earth out of spite with a death wish. Not fully realizing the severity of such a metaphysical power at their disposal inherently. Since God occupies our lifetimes equally to all creatures living their own life in the world. To lift any problematic curse in the world no matter its origins it must be met by an equal or superior unconditional forgiving love to cleanse it fully. Only with the mercy of God's perfect compassion can filth be removed spiritually and subsequently from physical causations in the world. As God(dess) is completely supremely neutral as the first enlightened divine being in heaven. God, takes no sides in the mortal battles against itself because of self-inflicted good and evil dramas. As God is neutral beyond good and evil he affords us all with a piece of his life force as an emanation of his purest essence to create like the Creator. With this said our ability to create with a Life Wish as a living miracle of the presence of God is right up all our alleys. It is not the power of our humanity that grants such a miracle upon the dying breath of a person, it is literally God itself in us combined. A parting desire one last time to create greatly as we've all been urged if we have ever been honest sufficiently to listen to the still small voice in our united hearts. A parting prayer becomes fulfilled instantaneously as the angel flies to recover each soul back to the next life in pure spirit. As God breathed life into Adam so does Adam in each of us return his breath back to God with a solemn holy wish of a miracle. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statement #2251: "Why Horror in the World Elicits the Divine To Act From Within"
Hello All, The world is a lovely ancient planet alive as a whole intelligent organism with its own meta soulful grace. Aside from this we as its inhabitants from generation to generation of humanity are the immature children. This can include entire societies with weak governance well into sporadic acts of violence indicative of a greater cancer spreading in our mundane midst. Up close there can be made very little sense to understand the chaos that is happening in our societies well into internationally. The greater population on this planet of our human species the more infighting will occur. Due to overcrowding and the poor resource management of our finer assets of this world. The violence and political bickering is the symptom of an ever widening dilemma facing not just America, but the world as each society defines it with their own cultural bias. I always channel from the Angelic Host of the heavens. However I usually receive inquiries from others fearful perception of how do I know I'm channeling the benevolent Angels? A valid and straightforward question akin to kicking the tires to see if the car is sturdy enough to be driven. My response is that these angelic entities have taught me how to Love Unconditionally in the world and have taught me the power of forgiveness. Do recall I have a relationship with the Angels since 1989 as a psychic-medium so it's been 27 years of my life. When I first started off I was like any young adult foolish and lacking maturity of not just spirit, but of the world. I have been groomed by the love of heaven and in the process I have been transformed. Having revealed my own divine nature in the role of my dharma in service to others. Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement #2,251 was channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing just yesterday. It's on the topic of Transformation in spite of the ugliness of the world encountered through victimization by seeking empowerment to heal our lives. May you find understanding and compassion not just for your own lot in this primitive world. But the grace to awaken from this evolutionary illusion of reality and regaining your dignity to turn it around into a world worth improving together. Amen. Transformation: 2251) Every victim can cry out to the Lord God for salvation in terror by wailing what has befallen their life in utter disgust. In that instant moment little does it mean of sanity and logic as to their predicament. For the unease of a loathsome fear has overtaken their hearts and minds in one fell swoop. The brilliant innocence from their eyes fades like a rotten realization of injustice. After repeated abusive strikes against their dignity such a spirit dies each time leaving a disaffected cold stare of nothingness. A catatonic state in spirit is the least of their problems for the futility of their circumstances overshadows their faith in a Loving God in existence. Such a barren resolve of ones such suffering hearts isn't lost to the compassionate mercy of the Angels. Be they caring souls on this Earth and certainly within the endless spiritual Heavens. By appearances sake when all seems dire indeed as destroyed lives outnumber functioning benign lives in the world. To even allow the Light of God to shine within them seems like a mere nonsensical fantasy. These scarred people may seem like empty husks existing just to get by for they have no other purpose, but to survive for its own reason for being. To God and the holiest ones do not look with the appearances of this binary viewed reality. The spiritual forces of grace are always moving forward marshaling to heal what was once beautiful in spirit. Each soul has a core vibrant essence in spite of what happens to us in the world be it good, benign, to utter evil. That essence is the presence of the Creator aware of whose life it is touching simultaneously ad infinitum. One brilliant prayer as a cry for help can change one's reality for the rest of their life on Earth. Be that prayer a blood curling scream or a humble supplication for a gentle mercy to occur. Such a personal surrender away from the horrid mess their flawed nature has struggled to cope with in the world. Can give way to a self-realization of a greater will that is divinely perfect from God within. All manners of dis-ease and poisons once allowed into a person's spirit gradually can heal by willful permission granted to the heavens. This initial wondrous personal upheaval occurs with compassion, but no soul is meant to skip the hard work it takes to overcome. Just the initial barrier of perdition in their lives has been lifted in spirit. What lays ahead is the daring adventure with the Holy Spirit of God. To regain or remember one's divine role with all that is sacred and holy in the world. Do not be deceived by the transitory nature of one's wrongs committed and obstacles that lay ahead. With forgiveness of one's past actions and inactions the slate begins to clear such a person's psyche to surmount what remains of their life here on Earth. These wrongs of the world aren't tests from paradise or God and no one is being penalized from another lifetime due to reincarnation. The world is primitive and unfair in order to achieve beyond the stalemate of failure one has to reach beyond the world into God within their spirit. To utilize what is often termed the Paradox of Grace to dream a new reality opposite for what has gone so horribly wrong just before. Not in denial, but reclamation of one's role as predator or victim to undo what does not belong by the Will of God alone and not one's egocentric response. To envision not just a new tomorrow at a indeterminate future, but to envision a renewed present forever "Now" moment. For now is the only moment you can influence to change your hearts from harm to one of strength of moral character to heal yourself and many others. To love unconditionally without limits by cultural bias or religious indoctrination the excludes goodwill due to faulty rationale. All transformations begin from within and hopefully they occur in union with God awakened in your spirit now and forever. Amen.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Gems of Opportunity: Environmental Concept: "Harvesting Unwanted Algae Blooms As A Green Biofuel Source"
Hello All,
Recently here in my State of Florida where I reside our Governor Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency in 4 Florida counties. (ie Martin, St. Lucie, Lee, & West Palm Beach) That run east to west of Lake Okeechobee leading to estuaries and beyond to coastal waterways. This has been a chronic problem made worse by the crony politics our Billionaire governor has instituted by gutting our State Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). Florida is made up of 5 regional water districts. A Tampa Bay Times news editorial sums it up best from Sept. 5th 2014.
Editorial: The Rick Scott record: an environmental disaster
EnforcementIn his first year, Scott forced the state's five regional water management districts to reduce their budgets by $700 million and filled their appointed boards with developers, land use lawyers and others more interested in granting permits than preservation. That triggered cuts to water supply, restoration and other projects, and led to widespread layoffs at the water management districts that turned them into shells of their former selves. The Scott administration undercut enforcement and dampened public input on development as it eliminated the state's growth management agency. DEP offered bonuses to employees to speed up permitting, and its departing regulatory chief boasted this year that the agency cut wait times for permits by two-thirds.
(Back in April 7th, 2014 here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. I offered another environmental conceptual design to help alleviate the Lake Okeechobee water overflow dilemma with a sustainable kinetic power generation reservoir system. Ecological Infrastructure Concept: "Reservoir Replenishment Aqueduct System" (RRAS))
We've met I'm sure many people in life perhaps relatives or even friends that don't take responsibility for their mistakes. Maybe adding insult to injury they blame someone else when they are personally at fault. Unfortunately our Florida Governor is such a man blaming the Obama Federal Government Administration for our environmental woes entirely. The Army Corp of Engineers that administrates the overflow discharges from Lake Okeechobee are partly responsible. Since much of this current natural phenomena of algae bloom came from Lake Okeechobee. As it was discharged east to Martin and St.Lucie counties and west towards West Palm Beach and Lee counties. The domino effects to cause to our Florida economy is tourism cancellations and fisheries being impacted negatively.
(The above photo is from St. Lucie in the city of Stuart as a result of human aggravated pollutants ending up as runoff into Lake Okeechobee. Photo: Greg Lovett, Associated Press) However Florida isn't alone in this human aggravated phenomena of runoff as sewage, agriculture, and lawn care wastes leaching into our waterways. The State of Ohio in Toledo by Lake Erie and along the coast of Central California up north towards British Columbia have reported algae blooms in the past. This isn't just an American problem even Qingdao, China has had a 7,500 square mile event washing up on coastal beaches. Although these events are occurring with increased frequencies during the wet summer seasons. I'll go as far as to predict that this may in turn become a year round event as a blight to coastal regions where cities congregate. Before we throw up our hands in disgust thinking there's nothing that can be done about it. There's Hope I say! When life hands you lemons you make lemonade. Well this conceptual design from myself is here to inspire others to turn this into a billion dollar plus industry. Although I'm not the first to espouse that algae can be used as a carbon neutral fuel source since its plant based off the seaweed family of plants. Here (Top of Article) is a video (running time 2:33 minutes) how they have scientifically been experimenting with various strains of algae to yield the best nutrient rich crop as a biofuel.
Although what I'm proposing won't happen overnight due to the mile length of bureaucratic red tape with permissions and licensing appropriate technologies. Instead of waiting for that special bumper crop algae strain to farm in particular. Why not begin harvesting these mega tonnes of excess algae blooms showing up world wide? Many municipalities that do harvest it as a clean up effort usually just toss it into a land fill or incinerate the stuff. Here it can be considered as an eventual commodity to end up being financially traded at mercantile exchanges globally as a fuel source. Not unlike the Big Agriculture crops of Corn and Sugar which can be used in the creation of Bio-Ethanol. Heck here in Florida the citrus of orange peels has been found to create ethanol as a gasoline fuel source. Whomever starts this ball rolling like the U.S. Dept of Energy video above stipulates that algae produces oils that can aid or even replace petroleum for any manner of vehicle. Much like aqua culture farming has various kinds of fish ending up on our tables via grocers and restaurants. There can be a day I can envision algae farms producing quality algae blooms on purpose for harvesting! However until that time the next best trade off is to harvest these unwanted human caused algae blooms off our coastal waterways. Since humanity is in no hurry to alter its behavior in terms of flushing our wastes into local waterways and regional outlets into the ocean like our toilet. Workers that do harvest this mechanically I predict will have all manner of respiratory problems, if not given masks or respirators to breath properly. Since the foul stench from algae blooms such as "Red Tide" off the west coast of Florida for extended periods can land one in the hospital. So workers and companies harvesting this stuff from waterways in lakes or coastal regions will need to be insured for this trend under workers compensation. There will also be the issue of drying out the once harvested algae under the natural sun. So it can be later machine processed for the oils the video above spoke about. Whether this is later piled up in mounds waiting for an industrial manufacturing or utility buyer is another matter. Since such storage of raw dried algae can't be near any residential districts since it'll be an air quality matter. I do see that utilities and manufacturers will be the chief buyers of this commodity green biofuel source. To power their turbines for electricity generation and/or into industrial furnaces to help power manufacturers on or off site. Historically "Henry Ford" used seaweed in his Model T vehicles as a stuffing for the seats of his first cars. Going back to use what is on hand naturally is preferable than having to whip it up by some other means. This is a Win / Win scenario if I have ever seen one by hauling away unwanted environmental blight of excess algae blooms. To only have it to be processed as a biofuel source aiding national security. From having to import oil from unstable global regions like dare I say present day Venezuela. If you're following the news Venezuela is experiencing economic depression with food shortages not unlike just before the fall of the former Soviet Union in the early 1990's. Besides the Narco drug war Mexico has been experiencing amongst its criminal cartels is another troubling matter geo-politically. America imports more petroleum from Central (ie Mexico) and South America (ie Venezuela) combined than we do from the Middle East. It's a sobering thought although no oil import disruptions have occurred from Central and South America to date. (Knock on wood) I hope you've come to appreciate the opportunity right under our noses with algae blooms. As you look at the man-made natural disaster of global algae booms only going to get worse due to global warming. Because with global warming places that are wet globally will be seeing century records broken nearly every year in saturation. With the opposite dry places of the Earth receiving record high heat index waves from now on. If a carbon neutral source of biofuel that is readily growing everywhere that you don't want it to grow. Wouldn't private industry have figured out just to grab it and use it to power the world, I guess they lack Imagination and willpower to add 1+1 to equal 2. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statement #2,290: "Creating On Earth With Goodwill Creates In Heaven Simultaneously"
Hello All, Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement as channeled Angelic content is rather intriguing from my point of view. I've never heard of a correlation that what we create here on Earth has a direct visible reflection in Heaven. Yes, yes what we do as good or evil determines in a lifetime whether we venture to a paradise or a hellish pit. Still the Angel whom I was his simple scribe dictated this statement that we grow heaven by our deeds on Earth. A remarkable notion isn't not? I should explain in past "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statements I've stated that those of us with a good heart on Earth. Our souls have never left the side of God's throne in Heaven. Our spiritual presence as souls or infinite emanations of God itself times infinity coincide with God forever. We can be incarnated here on Earth as people and through the conduit of our multi-dimensional souls also be in heaven with God(dess). We have never left paradise, we merely transformed into this primitive primate sentient species we call humanity as mammals. Our multi-dimensional souls in God's Image and Likeness is constant like God, Immortal like God lasting forever, and Infinite like God. This life we have right here and now is but one reincarnation amongst countless ones our Over Soul is experiencing, we are but the spirit of our soul here on Earth. With that mystical truth shared which takes you on I hope an enriching journey with your faith in God to new blessed heights. Amen. Goodwill: 2290) Your truest love of life meaning what gives you everyday strength to accomplish in the world also spurs heaven to create through your soul simultaneously. This becomes your sacred affection lived with abiding intent on purpose as the basis of an avocation. When this also stipulates that you control no one ultimately not even your loved ones whom you hold dearest in spirit. All things that you support on Earth with unconditional love as a living righteousness. Is reflected in heaven by God's essence as perfect absolute love. As you sow the Will of God(dess) on Earth with true love. You equally sow the seeds of blessed Creation through your multi-dimensional soul in heaven. The world and heaven aren't ever separated spiritually in God's Immaculate essence. What one accomplishes by good will on Earth it is instantly accomplished in heaven. The opposite unfortunately is also true as any evil committed on Earth has been accomplished in hell instantly and equally. This becomes a circular determining factor of where you'll reside in a partially self-created afterlife of your own spiritual making metaphysically. This has often been attributed to historically by several religions in antiquity by the weighing of a person's soul akin to Judgement Day. To determine the worth of an eternal passage to heaven, limbo, or hell typifies one's collective actions within a mortals lifetime in any world. Remember what you create in the world with goodwill is created in a shared heaven with all other angelic souls. For all souls to share in God's Glory makes you a stakeholder of God's continual covenant no matter which faith you worship him with in the world. To appreciate your beauty from heaven as you set positive intonations into motion becomes a majesty to behold by any of the souls within Creation. With the Will of God as your guide all current dynamics metaphysically will cause ripples in your proverbial book of life to grow. Our treasures are always because of God, but one must not wait until a mortals death to experience God's Glory. All who love dearly in excellent moderation with unconditional compassionate terms. By neither suffocating their love or forcing any outcomes to the point of madness. You will find heaven in the world each and every time is God's supreme promise to all his macro beloved children. This is a Divine Law to experience bliss in the world and to make all things better for it. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, This is my favorite time of the month in posting all at once a trio of oldies of the channeled "Jewels of Truth" series on spiritual wisdom. Noting that this month's trio are on the topics of: Travelers, Suicide, and Politicians. In the numeral long hand count of #1,116-1,119. These 3 statements were originally written back in March 2011 with some revisions most recently. Since those of you whom are my regular readers (thank you by the way) you'll see my long hand count in the 2,200's plus currently. Again as a refresher to any new readers I channel via clairvoyant automatic writing since the year 1995. The "Jewels of Truth" inclusive multi faith non denominational spiritual wisdom statements. The spiritual guides, teachers, scholars, and protectors I channel from are the various holy Angelic Host. Always teaching and loving me by faith never to condemn anyone since my ego does act up. In the process of writing this series for 21 years time it has transformed me from within by grace akin to a journeyman sage of sorts. My dharmic role or passion in life as aided by the angels is to be a Mystic Sage Visionary with channeled content. Be it with spiritual material or futuristic innovative conceptual design solutions for the next society to come built by the millennials. This 2nd Gilded Age will change hands when they become the 30 to 40 somethings in age. To undo the wholesale sell out that the baby boomers and my generation X'ers have accomplished to date. As you'll notice the varied nature of the topics of these spiritual wisdom statements. May they uplift your spirits and touch your hearts for those open enough to listen to your deepest sacred truth. Amen. Travelers: 1116) As living souls we are mighty spiritual beings through the very heart of the “Spirit of God(dess)”. Be it in every form of Creation to be had in union with the endless heavens. As mortal beings living a primitive sentient human experience we age together in tandem to journey through present moments for a limited comprehension. To eventually experience the passage of bodily death into our purest spiritual form with God thereafter. Yet it can be seen and felt from our ageless perfect highest self that in the Holy Spirit we have come as One meta form to inhabit our individual physical incarnated lifetimes. Not to experience mortality as mere bystanders and passive witnesses, but to enact all manner of positive and at times negative alterations into Creation. We came not to tame this physical universe, but to venture forth as guests and travelers to experience every form of wonder imaginable. To stand in awe to the majesty of life in its plural expressions out of curiosity and genuine appreciation. For all these works come from the Mind of God and the handiwork of the Angels fashioning created Universes as eternal past times of sheer delight. We honor ourselves when we worship God and adore the Angels. For the beautiful encounters we all share together as one celestial macro family in a united spirit of love. For we have never left heaven in spirit and in our physical mortal bodies. This material Garden of Eden can be ruined by the will of humanity or it can be restored for the better than how we have inherited it from our forebears. As a blessed gift for our hopefully well lived lifetimes as people in our mortal short window of time that we came together to love again all that is of God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Suicide:
1117) For those of you who are seeking to end their precious humanity through suicide. When you are fit and trim in life and not infirmed with an incurable disease riddled with bodily pain. Be you a youth or even an elderly person feeling abandoned by peers that have sojourned back to God before your time. I sense your anguish for I have lived with so called mental health issues as a youth well into adulthood. My mental and emotional pain was that of clinical depression and generalized anxiety followed by obsessive compulsive disorder. Were it not for my inner spiritual awakening decades ago I would have lived a miserable wrenched existence as a shadow of my human self.
I implore you do not take your precious life by means of suicide! This may seem a selfish request to make on my part, but certainly there must be loved ones as family or friends that love you dearly? Even if you have abandoned them in your mind listen past the tears of your heart to recall the love they have for you. For the only time suicide is noble is in the course of warfare to sacrifice your life in saving those of comrades and civilians alike. For even “Jesus the Christ” beseeched God in the Garden of Gethsemane not to turn himself in to the Jews to be executed by the Romans. The Christ had an opportunity to flee, but that pathway was never taken for it was his day and hour to return back to God in the Holy Spirit. None have a similar choice in life for this was a rarity as historical sagas are remembered in devotional faith.
Take your emotional and mental anguish and share it with caregivers be they family or professionals. Do not become consumed by misery for such is the way to cheat yourself and your loved ones of blessings. In a life you’re meant to experience in your personal future timeline together. Please do not sabotage your grace just to find permanent release from the whirlpool of torment that you are drowning within. Implore all that is sacred in prayer for mercy to befall you. Do allow with your unconditional permission by your holy free will to be helped by God, the Angels, and your blessed ancestors in spirit.
All lasting healing is always from within and so begin again 70x7 in forgiveness. Towards yourself and to any others whom have harmed you in life. Reclaim your personal power that you have allowed to be bled dry from others and do start off small in a gradual incline with your dignity intact. Find people who you can trust to counsel and guide you away from the cliffs of despair. As your pain has accumulated in years, it will take years for your pain to be converted into personal strength of character honorable in scope. For this is a renewed beginning as a pivotal turning point in your life. A trek like no other, if you do give yourself the break you so desperately need with personal compassion by a gentle, but truthful wisdom.
What will follow will be walking away from the valley of your own created hell into the wastelands of foreboding. Afterward you’ll journey into the rustic forests of confusion reversing the path you took originally to almost destroying your precious beauty as a man or woman. From such a thicket you’ll come into the valleys of self-renewal by returning to the streams of eternal life in spirit. Past this most find their way back to what gives them the greatest joy in living by passion or hobby. Most stay here all except the brave and pure of heart go further inward to begin their own pilgrimage back to Heaven on Earth. This last leg of the inner journey takes more than courage, but a faith and trust in the unseen metaphysical realms of a bona fide grace. Which can last the rest of one’s entire human remaining years on this Earth. However the Glories of God encountered are more than magical to the point of being reborn in spirit within your lifetime not once but many times over with faith. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Politicians:
1118) Where politics intersects with how laws are written by a legislative body of elected or appointed officials makes a world of difference. In such a light partisan motivations will curtail legislation that has a lasting bite to affect a robust positive change. This is short of any glaring oversight fixed at a later point that short circuits the intent of the law by dysfunctional expressions as consequences of the enacted reforms.
When controversial topics are deliberated in the halls of power be sure who are the ones seeking to derail it, and which are the leaders to keep it alive. For the law smiths be they lobbyists with congressional or parliamentary oversight will stand at the wings to nip and tuck any bill into a suitable form. Not all politicians are stewards of the general public many are beholden to special interests be they ideological or pertinent financial backers of their past and future election campaigns. This is crucial to realize for within the guts of any bill destined to become law. Here lays the often hidden rotten sausages of pork barrel kickbacks and partisan poison pills in small print to derail its forward progression by cowards and misfits in the legislative process.
After all is said and done with the ulcers created and dissolved comes the test of time. To witness if a new law codified as part of the public trust is worthy of the society it shall serve as a whole venture of alleged good will. A good rule of thumb in such norms for the demos of any society is when the law can have a fair enough impact to build upon as a fresh layer of enforceable measures. Short of this the people will demand changes and if not ignore its presence by either absorbing its role or outright not enforcing it amongst the common public at large. Not all political makings spell’s paragons of virtue to rule the land and its people. It is rather the exception to have righteous souls leading from the front instead of bickering from the rear aisles of power and authority. Public servants are either highly praised or deeply despised with hardly a remark for moderate success in service. Much like all other sectors in a society, but here they rule for better or for worse for all of us in time. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never by thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life. ---John 4:14
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. ---Matthew 7:24
When in doubt just do the most loving thing. ---Mpho Tutu Van Furth. (Daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu)
No one is as capable of gratitude as one who has emerged from the kingdom of night. ---Elie Wiesel.
When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ---Majayasati.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.