Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved
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Gems Of Opportunity: Games Industry Concept: "Game Modes Sold Ala Carte At Retail"
Gems of Opportunity: Games Industry Concept: "Game Modes Sold Ala Carte at Retail"
Hello All, I just made it by the hair of my chinny chin chin, but here is this month's unique creative conceptual design. Finding opportunity in a constructive manner to promote commerce and goodwill as potential innovative solutions. To date this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" has 202 such conceptual designs since 2005 online. As freely available for any Innovator or ambitious Venture Capitalist to sift through the dozens of eclectic industries. (ie commercial business models, inventions. nonprofits, legislation, and military initiatives) These are just the primer in summary abstract form and not necessarily the whole shebang, that would make it too easy. "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site link.
Today's original (as far as I know) games industry conceptual design solution is to bring full circle how video games were released in the early 2000's. Part nostalgia and part additional revenue streams for game publishers to offer an assortment of game modes ala carte to consumers. What I mean by Ala Carte Game Modes are the: single player campaign missions, multiplayer mode, mini-game modes, and the modders editor toolset (for creating grass roots level designed game maps for whichever game mode).
For those who may not recall what it was like in the early 2000's playing PC games besides the video consoles. When typically a FPS (1st Person Shooter) was released at retail it consisted of a: single player campaign, multiplayer maps, and a modder editor toolset. All of that at the standard price point of $50.00 US. Today when a FPS game title is released at least from EA (Electronic Arts) game publisher it only releases a multiplayer mode. The price point is split between 3 tiers of standard at $59.99, deluxe at $79.99, and collectors $120-140.00 being online download (standard / deluxe only) and as a physical boxed unit. No discounts between a full physical retail unit and completely a game download. I'm surprised why game publishers haven't charged a premium for a physical retail boxed unit to date? Perhaps to dissuade consumers on the environmental costs of selling a boxed unit would be the rationale. In the early 2000's there were game expansions and not DLC's (Downloadable Content). However today's game season pass could be presumed to be a full game expansion. About 6 years ago a DLC pack went for $9.99 US nowadays with hyperinflation its $14.99, and perhaps in another 5 years time they'll cost $19.99. The Season Game Pass is rather a newer retail phenomena utilized by game publishers such as EA which I'll use as my prime example. Season passes for games have been around 2 to 3 years retailing usually at $49.99 US, with an extra included DLC pack sold on the house as free. Back on June 10th, 2010 I made a Prophetic Call that Electronic Arts was going to ditch the modder editor toolset with FPS games. Will DLC Spell The End of the Modder Community? I went on in that short commentary to raise the alarmist flag that EA was pulling a fast one on gamers. This is when "DICE's Battlefield Bad Company 2" was the preeminent FPS game back in 2010. Ever since that time modder editor tools in a FPS game title have gone the way of the dinosaur. (No relation to "Ark: Survival Evolved") :op My conceptual design is to remedy this for a game publisher. With a quasi revival whilst expanding game units sold albeit with altering game modes of the identical game franchise version offered at retail. For example let's say EA on behalf of Disney's "Star Wars Battlefront" game franchise. Will develop a 4th installment of the "Star Wars Battlefront" series. (which it is confirmed they're doing so, however not how I'll explain it in this example) Let's continue to speculate it'll consist of the Star Wars movie saga episode 7 (2015) onwards in science-fiction operatic lore. By doing either a Super Release product cycle offering or a Stair Stepped offering at retail. In the Super Release a game publisher such as EA hired by Disney to release "Star Wars Battlefront 4". With multiple game mode iterations of the identical game ala carte (ie meaning piecemeal). For instance an RPG single player campaign mission arch, FPS multiplayer game mode, MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) Strategy game, an assortment of mini-games for the mobile market, and modder map editor tools for PC gamers. (In any game mode retail iteration would the mod tools work for in PC and mobile platforms. The video console gamers would be omitted due to the manufacturer's saying "No" to such a notion.) All game mode versions sold simultaneously as a version of Shock and Awe for gamers to gobble up in festive joy. A game publisher can task multiple inhouse game studio's to each handle a different game mode product iteration at retail. However all game mode iterations can share unique cross-pollination of game metrics and achievements by player account. What I mean by this is what a player on their own secure registered game account with the game publisher. Does in one game mode let's say the RPG campaign can have an impact in the turn of events in a meta sense within a FPS multiplayer game round. Every player would only see their game achievements mirrored back to them. It isn't necessarily shared with other concurrent players on their respective game client in a multiplayer game mode. (ie FPS, Strategy, etc...) Any in-game currency earned can be pooled also with all purchased game mode iterations a gamer may have unlocked on their account. For the Stair Stepped product cycle offering at retail sounds exactly how it means. Let's say EA releases 1st the "Star Wars Battlefront 4" set in episode 7 of the movie saga. With an RPG single player campaign mission arch Sold One Full Month between subsequent game retail launches. So on month 2 the FPS multiplayer game mode is sold at retail for gamers, whichever platform they use. At month 3 the MOBA Strategy game mode is sold, at month 4 the mini-game assortment is sold for the mobile market, and at month 5 the full (for whichever game platform mode) modder game editor toolset is sold. The Season Passes can each be offered per individual game mode or offer an Ultimate Season Pass for all game modes purchased by the consumer / gamer on their account. By recalling a Season Pass is compromised of 5 or so DLC packs depending on their release schedule. This games industry conceptual offering is meant to offer gamer interest variety per game genre. Perhaps only certain gamers will be interested in only one game mode and not others. Some of said just as much in regards why single player campaign missions have disappeared from the FPS game offering. However in this suggested proposal the single player campaign mission arch would be RPG (Role Playing Game) and not FPS for instance. Inasmuch as a revival is meant to be created in a circular nostalgic game product offering to consumers. So another generation of gamers can sorta rekindle the joyous past time of enjoying multiple versions as in game genre's of the identical game offering. Making marketing budgets by the game publisher stretch that much further especially with a stair stepped game mode release schedule. Short of creating a dedicated MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game this would be the diversity of game genre's consumers are always demanding from game publishers. Offered ala carte each to their own game mode interest within the game franchise it is presented within. This easily so to speak gives the gamer the consumer choice many have been asking for many years now. Let's hope the suits in the games industry are paying attention and have their curiosity piqued. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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Jewels of Truth Statement #2,290: "Creating On Earth With Goodwill Creates In Heaven Simultaneously"
Hello All, Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement as channeled Angelic content is rather intriguing from my point of view. I've never heard of a correlation that what we create here on Earth has a direct visible reflection in Heaven. Yes, yes what we do as good or evil determines in a lifetime whether we venture to a paradise or a hellish pit. Still the Angel whom I was his simple scribe dictated this statement that we grow heaven by our deeds on Earth. A remarkable notion isn't not? I should explain in past "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statements I've stated that those of us with a good heart on Earth. Our souls have never left the side of God's throne in Heaven. Our spiritual presence as souls or infinite emanations of God itself times infinity coincide with God forever. We can be incarnated here on Earth as people and through the conduit of our multi-dimensional souls also be in heaven with God(dess). We have never left paradise, we merely transformed into this primitive primate sentient species we call humanity as mammals. Our multi-dimensional souls in God's Image and Likeness is constant like God, Immortal like God lasting forever, and Infinite like God. This life we have right here and now is but one reincarnation amongst countless ones our Over Soul is experiencing, we are but the spirit of our soul here on Earth. With that mystical truth shared which takes you on I hope an enriching journey with your faith in God to new blessed heights. Amen. Goodwill: 2290) Your truest love of life meaning what gives you everyday strength to accomplish in the world also spurs heaven to create through your soul simultaneously. This becomes your sacred affection lived with abiding intent on purpose as the basis of an avocation. When this also stipulates that you control no one ultimately not even your loved ones whom you hold dearest in spirit. All things that you support on Earth with unconditional love as a living righteousness. Is reflected in heaven by God's essence as perfect absolute love. As you sow the Will of God(dess) on Earth with true love. You equally sow the seeds of blessed Creation through your multi-dimensional soul in heaven. The world and heaven aren't ever separated spiritually in God's Immaculate essence. What one accomplishes by good will on Earth it is instantly accomplished in heaven. The opposite unfortunately is also true as any evil committed on Earth has been accomplished in hell instantly and equally. This becomes a circular determining factor of where you'll reside in a partially self-created afterlife of your own spiritual making metaphysically. This has often been attributed to historically by several religions in antiquity by the weighing of a person's soul akin to Judgement Day. To determine the worth of an eternal passage to heaven, limbo, or hell typifies one's collective actions within a mortals lifetime in any world. Remember what you create in the world with goodwill is created in a shared heaven with all other angelic souls. For all souls to share in God's Glory makes you a stakeholder of God's continual covenant no matter which faith you worship him with in the world. To appreciate your beauty from heaven as you set positive intonations into motion becomes a majesty to behold by any of the souls within Creation. With the Will of God as your guide all current dynamics metaphysically will cause ripples in your proverbial book of life to grow. Our treasures are always because of God, but one must not wait until a mortals death to experience God's Glory. All who love dearly in excellent moderation with unconditional compassionate terms. By neither suffocating their love or forcing any outcomes to the point of madness. You will find heaven in the world each and every time is God's supreme promise to all his macro beloved children. This is a Divine Law to experience bliss in the world and to make all things better for it. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statement #2,321: "Our Seven Graces Upon Our Earthly Passing"
Hello All, I hope this weekend finds you well since tomorrow will be here in the States our 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. Politics aside any tragic passing from this world is inhumane and not the blessed Will of God. It is rather a confluence of events which can be deemed more the will of humanity itself. Nonetheless this somber upcoming day of remembrance of 9/11 not unlike the 1940's Pearl Harbor attack. Is another testimony a day that will live in infamy just like the observance earlier this year the Japanese had in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today's inclusive spiritual wisdom statement of the "Jewels of Truth" series is my latest clairvoyant automatic writing session with my Angels. They call it the "7 Graces" as statement #2,321 in the series so far penned earlier this morning. Basically my earlier understanding was that when a person or creature died they only took their whole jubilation of love's back to paradise. My Angels elaborated further on this topic for me and now subsequently all of us together. There are seven graces we take with us so in no particular order they are our: Loves, Convictions, Personality / Character minus the ego, Memories (unconscious and conscious), Life Lessons, Aspirations as Desires to Create, and finally most importantly we bring back our version of God with us. That in a distilled fashion is the imprints we bring back with us in our spirits upon returning to our heavenly family. May you be enlightened as surely as I was with the additional summary details my/our Angels shared with me in this statement dialogue. 7 Graces: 2321) All souls when they depart from this reality or any other world upon this cosmos as our frontier of reincarnations. Will take back seven essential graces with them back into paradise in truly superb spirit form. In no particular order although the pairings I will describe do correlate well together for all are precious to God(dess) ultimately. First, is our endless loves cultivated as divine beings having a human experience within this one lifetime. From all manner of holistic riches endeared to us through God in our combined lives. That have surely anchored us at bay from the turmoils of this young world. We are each early divine unique expressions of God's Infinite Immaculate essence albeit our humanity is flawed. These loves have arrived upon us by our freely willed choices from all manner of interpersonal relations, for mother nature itself, our vocations and hobbies, faith with the divine, etc... It all has become a rich tapestry of the Soul of God in us. Ushered forth by our excellent divine spirits upon this Earth in this era right here and now to this point and beyond. Second, will be one's utmost sacred convictions that such combined loves have touched upon us so dearly. Our understanding and experienced unconditional truths as to ourselves as people and as souls with God on Earth. These convictions have been our moral anchors upon our human psyche and our spirit form beyond this one lifetime. Third, will be our salt of this Earth's era of our personalities as characters without the ego holding us down. Our colorful demeanor in all its perfect and at times cheeky quirks of God's joy within us as us. Fourth, linked to all that has been stated above yields easily to our conscious and unconscious selves as our memories. A living repository of ourselves in our mothers womb until the moment of our bodily passing. The entire catalogue of intrinsic precious memories experienced and perceived like a dew drop of wonder. In your terms it is your databank uploaded back into God's Paradise shared with the entire network of Creation. Fifth, with your total memories zipped into place comes your Life Lesson's. Consider it as data mining of your spirit into the mainframe of your OverSoul as your uber expression of God with you. Many religions regard this step as the "Last Judgement" or the weighing of scales of your souls worth. This understanding is crucial so please listen closely children of a Majestic Supremely Compassionate Enlightened Creator God Beyond Good and Evil. No One entity spirit as God's united representation of his macro singular soul is ever never condemned. Got that? Many will balk with your self-righteous ego's resisting the fallacies indoctrinated into you by well meaning religious institutions. Your Creation or Garden of Eden is fragile and gorgeous! However it is also a deadly barbaric reality for the younger immature so called sentient species such as humanity. How could a God as your celestial parent send you into a frontier meat grinder and then upon you're return condemn you? That isn't Absolute Love that's more a flawed version of human justice. Do note what you call karma applies to all souls equally even the souls in paradise. There is a divine pardon as God's Unconditional Absolute Forgiveness, however you still have to experience the consequences of your mortal actions. Basically to clean up your mess gleaning what you did wrong without persecution and then find creative remedies to heal it completely. Rinse and repeat so even devil's go through such a process so the worse you are the busier you'll be in the afterlife working through your disasters. The good who work through their issues on Earth are the enlightened ones. Not utilizing remedial deferment of their soul experiences waiting until the very last moment to have summer school in the afterlife. Sixth, all aspirations from the benign and the benevolent as fulfilled and unfulfilled wishes return with you. Since we all are meant to be like God as mini-creators. So our desires to create what went unfulfilled on Earth is experienced through our angel like creations in heaven. Such handiwork often leaves angel's blushing at the robust depth of beautiful works conducted in Glory to God alone. Seventh, finally this is the most precious of all. We are a family of only one soul and that is of God as him/her/itself. Our Holy spirit's numbers into infinity to no end or beginning through God(dess) in a circular loop. You and I and every other entity creature be it human or not is a living piece of God the Apex Creator. What this means is each of our lives are echoes of God itself. We are emanations as pristine essence reborn adinfinitum our incarnations as mortals are cracked and flawed, but our spirit is perfect. The paradox is this we are collectively God experiencing itself through this meta Creation. So when you’re mortal self expires your piece of God in us returns to the total fold of your heavenly family. All our lives as people is to love unconditionally (ie forgiveness too), learn/teach, serve each other freely, create like God's Image and Likeness in us, and most of all be our total Angelic nature as God intended us to be sincerely. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, Today's trio of spiritual wisdom channeled Angelic statements via clairvoyant automatic writing are on the topics of Humor, Creating, and Investments. That first sentence was a mouth full. These are in the "Jewels of Truth" series of #1,125-1,127 of a distant Volume 4 from a working manuscript. Instead of waiting for the book my angels urge me to share them in dribs and drabs over these many months to years until the publication occurs. These spiritual wisdom statements are not unlike the other series count as my latest penned by longhand in the 2,300 plus numbers. Which you'll see here at "Atrayo's Oracle" shared one at a time throughout any given month. With that in mind if you see me mention the word "God(dess)" I always mean the male and feminine divine aspects of our Creator God simultaneously. I always channel with the Angels in an open inclusive stance and often automatically write in circular loops to emphasize the meaning of each topic. I have been doing this for the past 21 years time as a dharmic spiritual joy on my part to literally convey the Good News of heaven in us all collectively. However, I have only publicly have been sharing these holy missives online for the past 11 years time on my main blog site (ie Google's Blogpsot) and auxiliary cross fed blog sites. (ie Tumbler, Temple Illuminatus, LinkedIn, and most recently Niume) May you come away with additional insights hopefully expanding your inventory of ideas when it comes to one's Holy Spirit within. Whether you may concur or not, thank you for reading. Namaste. Humor: 1125) Laughter is a grace when the joke is wholesome and sound to our senses of astute understanding. Although humor can also be crass and crude of its depictions of life, no matter how true it may be shared. When we laugh we also release the good medicine for the body, mind, and spirit within our humanity. An elixir of foolishness that only life can present to us in a manner that is unreal to the senses. The meaning and context to any humor is key to its genuine success. Otherwise, the intent of the comedy of life is lost and falls flat upon its face. The mirth of life is essential for a well-rounded form of expressive sanity otherwise, if we fail to laugh at the world, at others, and especially at ourselves collectively. Then we shall lose a precious aspect of a well-meaning and well warranted just life earnestly. All laughter redeems us as a form of humility upon the world. We can see the absurd and to a point become part of it for just a moment empathetically. We can unleash the merriment as part of our whole selves and in due course, in truth we are equally the fool. Life is a circular joke, and often we are the laughter that can be heard for an eternity through the joy of God in all of us. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Creating:
1126) Those who create something of value out of nothing are exceptional souls under the cherished eyes of God(dess) in us. The act of creation is both enlightening and at times all-consuming by the sheer focus needed in order to create. It is an intimate act needing both skill, patience, and a deep-rooted passion from the co-creators. Passion or an unconditional love is necessary in order to create an item that is both truly lasting and satisfactory. Creativity and Imagination led by an inherent nobility are paramount for the robust genius within to become self-evident and manifested in one's surrounding.
Thus change is a welcomed friend of the creative person. Not so much a change for its own sake, but a change that catapults the continuity of the artist within to be revealed in due time in all his or her own glory. Creation is a sacred act of the beloved Master Creator God within the personal fiber and essence of our soulful being.
When we create we give life in every possible facet. Just like God(dess) is the source of all macro life upon Creation ad infinitum . So as the Supreme fountain head of life with his or her own Majesty of the Almighty is in each of the artistic works of his/her own divine children. God does breathe upon us a perfect essence of both splendor and a refreshing outlook of the possible and the impossible in unison. When we create with others as cherished people the very act becomes a multiplied force of wonder come alive.
The artist, engineer, and scientist may enchant their works knowingly by their vocational passion or unknowingly by their angst of a sought after testimony of precision. Quality as a crafts or trade person is like a beauty that is in the eye and hand of the earnest beholder. How we all enjoy the creative talent of a person’s work is our praise back to them from the sublime to the Implied. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Investments:
1127) Be wary of handing over your prized possessions or financial income to a charismatic fool. For it is a dangerous gamble much like jumping off a cliff than to sincerely hand over your good fortune to an idiot. The idiot isn’t responsible for your economic livelihood that is up to you fully. You are the sole beneficiary to suss out if such and such a person is genuinely an expert practitioner in their field or a wannabe as a hazard to trust their good intentions alone. Always be wise with your due diligence by investigating from credible sources what is fact with upfront costs and what are the risks involved. Caution is fine, but lack of courage spells hardly a return to one's investments of any kind. Discipline and action following one's strategy spelling the difference between the ill-prepared and the focused investor. Be wary of taking financial tips from well- wishers often they are parroting a rumor that a shrewd salesperson started elsewhere.
Walk away when the deal sounds too good to be true for often there is a swindle that is about to snare you. Often the road to riches is paved with blood, sweat, and tears from failed enterprises. There is luck but that usually only favors the well enough prepared in their continued pursuits. To save save one’s earned income is wiser than to make a fortune and spend it all at once. Never put all your investments in an isolated basket where it’s prone to loss always instead diversify. For what can take over a decade to build up can be dashed in a few short hours if one is pigeon holed all to one narrow spot. Be not the fool when you are in over your head be humble to seek out advice from trusted reputable sources or the pain will be unbearable when it was certainly avoidable. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it. Life is about the development of self to the point of unbridled joy. ---Joan Chittister. I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions. ---Zora Neale Hurston. I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. ---Maya Angelou. So many things are possible as long as you don't know they are impossible. ---Mildred D. Taylor. Where there is great love there are always miracles. ---Willa Cather. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statement #2,334: "When Love Hurts Go Within To Heal It"
Hello All, I seemed to have lapsed in my writings since I had to unplug from the Net for a few days straight. Luckily I have that luxury, I understand many do not or can not risk turning off the Internet. I guess I'm old school like that as a Generation Xer. :o) I do have a couple of announcements to make regarding my website now has a "Jewels of Truth" Media Page . Where I'll post my media appearances and my most recent YouTube Vlog Posts . That will shadow each "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statement I place here in print. I finally got around to getting my first smartphone and I'm now making video blog posts (Vlogs) on it. (remember old school) I finally ditched my flip cell phone. I recently had the pleasure to be on an Angel podcast show online called "The Glitch Movie". Hosted by: Sheri Lee Myers, based out of New Orleans. My interview as a guest lasts 22 minutes long and shares my backstory with a few clairvoyant angelic samples of my work. So please check it out and do enjoy. Today's "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of Love. Basically, it encompasses how to deal with love when it hurts deeply making one's heart bleed emotionally. The Angel whom I channel via automatic writing is succinct and very compassionate as usual, they are when I open myself to receive such blessings. Enjoy it as when I saw it I knew it was worth sharing here for you all to find peace within. Amen. Love: 2334) To be love is to speak love purely as heaven represents the embodiment of God in Spirit Divine. Do not mind that love can hurt deeply this in some ways is how it grows stronger in your spirit with God(dess). When true love hurts is when you should be completely still to experience the sublime deeply in prayer, contemplation, and meditation. What this will do is to calm your inner being past the tears of life rolling down your rosy cheeks. Here you will find the essence of God reflected back at you like a mirror. What you see is yourself plainly this is no trick it is to be like this simply so. Your piece of God(dess) is alive as your whole spiritual being dear child of God. Please soften your stabbing pain of the emotional heart to feel relief once more. Look beyond your loss to see the peace of heart right in front of you as God's mercy. See your loss like a transparent ghost as a translucent mirage dear one. Now witness in gladness your peace upon you like a cloud burst of holy rays from heaven drying your tears of the heart. Be the tender relief you are seeking by surrendering your suffering onto the Almighty Lord God. This is how you can begin the path to inner healing and forgiveness of yourself and the other that has wounded you so deeply. To choke the life in spirit of the one you hate so deeply is to leave yourself ultimately strangled. Let that go to jettison that anchor of woe and be the better one for it in living day to day. Do not take false pride in your loss once you feel that much better. Be humble and never cocky lest you reopen the emotional stitches of your heart by mistake. All love in its grandest purest distilled spiritual version is the speech of God out loud. Can you hear his/her/its gentle whispers? Listen deeper still as you worship the Supreme One and over time you'll be a spiritual angelic giant within your own lifetime. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statement #2241: "All Moments Offer Hope For A Teaching Soul"
Hello All, I hope your weekend has been a pleasant one. Here in Florida its been rather a soggy one to date. Although I shouldn't complain due to the terrible flood happening in France and Germany currently. With that said today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement is upon Teaching Souls. As numeral #2,241 in the series written just earlier today. It's about how teaching souls here on Earth vary from lifetime to lifetime. As each one is a precious reminder of the grace of paradise in our very lives. Albeit their role can be hard pressed up into difficult to comprehend in life. Nonetheless may you find understanding and significant peace of heart. In gaining the perspective role teaching souls offers all to humanity and the creatures across our world. Amen. Teaching Souls: 2241) All the moments come to a head when grace is involved. For lives in Spirit and in quality of life as mortals matters to the holy ones in heaven. There is oft a vehicle of reincarnation for an elder soul mature enough than most by choosing an infirmed incarnation as a mortal. Be this as a handicap disabled individual or that of a terminally ill person including that of a short lived child. Humanity sometimes calls these Angels as "Teaching Souls". The term is valid although its context goes far beyond being infirmed or terminally ill for any such teaching soul. All ascended masters having lived as mortals are considered as majestic teaching souls. As the saints, prophets, and certainly numerous messianic roles for each their respective religion in Earth's purvey. To be mindful of this explains the very holy nature of God to being robust examples of divine compassion. Be it through his esteemed children on any world in this or any other cosmos. Teaching souls offer the generosity of paradise by whichever name it may be called on this Earth. In spite of their worldly suffering beyond the confines of appearances the marvel of their brilliance outshines their predicament of being alive with limitations. For this scribe of heaven can be considered a teaching soul taking dictation from his brethren the Angels. A teaching soul reminds all whom are willing to remember the Glory of God for themselves in worship with God the Lord of Hosts. To worship isn't a one way street for God and the Angels as your holy siblings. They shall reciprocate with an equal but greater compassion for you always. So go and prosper together in life leaving not the innocent and the vulnerable alike behind in the process. For the mighty reincarnated elder Angels inhabit such souls by default in life as mortals practicing humility through being true and loving. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly.