Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved
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Jewels Of Truth Reading From: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1
Jewels of Truth Reading From: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1
Hello All, Today's entry is on the topic of Judgement. How we accuse each other with this or that dislike or wholehearted error. Whether the judgement is deserved or not in plain truth. Matters little to our spiritual identity as eternal souls. However every false judgement even in a naive lapse of the ego. Weighs on us on a psychic auric level if not individually than collectively in conjunction with the meta soul of our planet earth. As the saying goes "What comes around, goes around". So it is and the only escape from this is stop bearing false witness and the utilization of the sacred gift of forgiveness from God himself. Enjoy today's reflection from my 1st Volume of the "Jewels of Truth" series. -------------------------------------- Judgement: A God of absolute love does not hold an iota of grudges or recriminations against his own creations. However we here in this life as conditional beings of nature do hold onto slights, grudges, and judgements. And all the other sins over own own heads as guilt and of our fellow brethren as shame. This is one point of understanding on the path of eternal enlightenment for all of God's creations. Moment by moment in this blessed eternity to achieve a like grace near the same and equal mentality of our divine Creator, God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1 pg. 40
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Jewels of Truth Statement: "How God Is Omnipresent Within Creation"
Hello All, Now that Summer is coming to a close in our hemisphere of the world. I wanted to offer a little progress report of my spiritual writings at least in terms of manuscripts. I'm close to completing writing Volume 5 of the series. Being only 25 statements away from reaching another set of 365 spiritual wisdom statements. That's why I offer the numeral count by each statement for those interested in keeping track. My first draft of my manuscript from Volume 3 is being pieced together at a current count of 212 out of 365. Once the draft is presentable in completion I'll move onto my publisher iUniverse for it to enter production of a sort. I just wanted to share that tidbit with you my readers. Although volumes 1 & 2 of the "Jewels of Truth" series are available for purchase online in paperback, Kindle, Nook, and general e-book formats. Today's spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of Metaphysics in the series #1797. Written last Sunday as a matter of fact. I was so moved by the inspiration of it I almost posted it alongside Mr. Robin Williams memorial. However I thought that would detract from the limelight of entries allowing each to garner attention in their own time. Do enjoy as always and may you deepen your own personal faith traditions whatever they may be. From my inspired spiritual inquires within the divine in each of us. Namaste. ---------------------------------------------------- Metaphysics: 1797) All time is always Now metaphysically. Meaning every "Now" moment from the dawn of time throughout the sunset of time is happening right "Now"! Totality has stacked metaphysically time like an Infinite set of Russian dolls each within the other. When God uttered "Let there be Light"! (Genesis 1:3) This is the identical "Now Holy Instant" that event is, has, and will occur again. The present as a phenomena has been construed as a linear event. By adding the past and the future to it as perspectives. In spiritual fact the present isn't linear but non-linear in depth as a spiral ascending and descending in circumference. All of time is an Infinite bubble often called eternity. To further complicate this comprehension God originates from a realm of "No Time or No Space" as a continuum. As being in a voided realm the Absolute Alpha and Omega is able to accomplish being Omnipresent metaphysically. So to reiterate God the Creator as the Great Witness is with all right "Now! We as his collective divine children made in his Image and Likeness in truth. Are capable of mystically tapping into God(dess) as if with a virtual network of the soul forever as eternal spiritual entities ourselves. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, As now that the holiday season is entering full swing at least here in the States. With the American Thanksgiving holiday only 2 weeks away and the shoppers black Friday at retailers upcoming. Most families in the modern day society are being caught up with keeping households afloat economically speaking. The reasons are various and very few of them are avoidable lest things become worse rather than better from negligence. So those of us in materialistic societies be it in the West or the burgeoning East should value people more than personal property. It's very easy for our human ego to mistake people as things by mistreating them. A slippery slope I hope no one is encountering right now. For people much like technology is making our lives further productive be that for better or for worse. Do not misplace your grace during these forthcoming holidays no matter your faith persuasion in the world. Today's trio of spiritual wisdom statements in the series are on the topics of: Truth, Oneness, and Realization. #1057-1059 Enjoy them as always and may you find them practical as they are meant to enlighten, if not challenge us. (*I'm also going to be on a family visit to my hometown in Miami, FL. Enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday and beyond for a couple of weeks. So I won't be able to update this blog site during that time. ) -------------------------------------------------------- Truth: 1057) With truth comes responsibility. A responsibility that is not to be taken lightly nor belittled in its scope of the encounter at hand. Truth is meant to be described, to heal entirely, and to set free what it shall convey in its subject matter in question. A half truth is a half lie and misleading by the intention of the speaker or the witness that repeats it to others. A truth is both subjective and objective in its natural outlook of what it shall entail. Responsibility comes on the heels of how the truth is handled and with whom it shall or should be shared with others. Withholding the truth can be an injustice depending on the reasons and justifications used. By keeping it hidden from those who need it or deserve to be with it in spirit. Suffering can only come from a truth that is mishandled by the subjective intent to manipulate others to your own unjust ends. Be careful not to become an accomplice to such an undoing of ill treatment of others. Over time it shall either numb your scruples or weigh so heavily on your heart you will need much healing to overcome in spirit. Move with the truth followed by your convictions in tandem use by what you behold as sacred in life. Be it as a philosophical or spiritual difference it is all one and the same beauty of the mind. As you live in truth you shall be blessed by your reputation as a person of renowned character. Nothing short of grace can be more endearing to any man, woman, or child in life as a principle. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Oneness: 1058) We are all one within the true "Spirit of God" within our hearts, minds, bodies, and in the care of all the souls in manifest and ethereal Creation. If we dare to separate ourselves from this ultimate truth in a secular fashion. We stand to lose out from being wholeheartedly connected to the glory of God(dess) in our lives. We cheat ourselves and for a time become miserable not becoming aware of the wonders all around us. A divinity that awaits this acceptance of such a sublime benediction releases us from this world. Be still and listen to your heart beating with the pulse of Life. That gives power to the stars and the heavens to shine so brightly. Do not just look to the sky for God, but indeed look within each others hearts and there you shall find your salvation. In this truth is the glory of God most assured in a united divinity that is both real and alive right now! Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Realization: 1059) For a true realization to occur in one's mind it must also be felt in your heart. A realization can't have one without the other from being involved as a matter of consequence. For an intellectual realization alone is only a partial connection. It must have its companion within the emotional in order to seize a full realization. Especially when it comes to a culmination of a splendid epiphany. To realize an idea, concept, or a truth one must see it within the mind's eye. In order to feel it in your heart afterwards and be able to mold it with a justified reason. Although a medley of realizations strung together like a chain can at times become confusing to the intellect and the emotional being. This is where patience must be sought after in earnest in order to meditate or contemplate upon the subject matter. All other thoughts become secondary until a revelation is shown by your sincere intent to learn and grow as a person without prejudice. A realization can be refreshing akin to an "Aha!" moment in its fullest delight. Or bury you further into more questions leading you elsewhere in thought. Enjoy your musings and be filled with wonder for each breakthrough affords you another encounter of self discovery. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. ---------------------------------------------------- In the time of your life, live so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the Infinite delight and mystery of it. ---William Saroyan. "The Time of Your Life" Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we will end up with nothing, life reveals just the opposite; that letting go is the real path to freedom. ---Sogyal Rinpoche. "Glimpse After Glimpse" Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. ---Carl Gustav Jung. It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need. ---Allan Lokos. "Through the Flames" To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion... In a word, to let the spiritual, unhidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony. ---William Henry Channing.
Jewels of Truth Statement: "Where Love and Fear Come From In Spiritual Origins"
Hello All, Tonight's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of "Heaven and Hell". Written in the series as #1810 back in late September of this year. The topic consists more so of the energetic vibration of our souls as it shifts from realm to realm within the totality of God himself. For as God is multidimensional in being so are we as made in his Image and Likeness as eternal souls ourselves. This ethereal energy resides wherever we place our utmost attention or intention upon in spirit. We naturally channel this force or emotion as human beings having power like no other known to us in this one life. This power is not our own in origin it all belongs to God. We are merely conduits by our free will to enact such a shift of attitude or vibration of being alive as souls. So my topic of tonight is regarding how the origin of all Love in principle. Be it conditional or unconditional in essence has its birth in heaven in a timeless fashion. Although for one to be true in a positive nourishing sense the opposite is true as well at least metaphysically. In that all Fear again conditional or unconditional in spirit alone is from hell itself in a auric sense. This is why to focus on Perfect Love to cast out all fear that is destructive in nature. Like the very renewal of our souls in the constant truth that is the total essence of God(dess). Amen. Enjoy, although its a challenge to accept without some spiritual reconciliation on your eternal journey as souls having a human experience. --------------------------------------- Heaven and Hell: 1810) In every metaphysical reality there is a contrast of what is deemed as right and wrong in the principle of godly truth. Meaning what is truly paradise as heaven and what is torturous as a living self-imposed hell in all spiritual matters. To begin with justice as the expression of fairness in all things makes us noble beings extending the hand of God in benevolence. To all others that do not share such a spirit of goodwill out of confusion or plain wicked tendencies. There is God's forgiveness that is absolute in all divine realities. However with forgiveness comes the truest release of all shame and guilt within one's former enslaved spirit in essence and substance. Not all is how it seems to your limited five mortal senses. When the spiritual realities expands such an awareness if faith becomes real to the entity. Then the question becomes where does love and fear come from as a metaphysical principal? Is it made by God, is it made by our souls, is it made as a chemical reaction in our human biology? The answer is universally "Yes" to all the above for it is all one reality we call God the majestic Creator. In order to reiterate such a comprehension basically every spiritual force or power is based upon two polar opposite camps of "Love and Fear". What this means beyond the biology of our mortal minds and aside psychology itself. Metaphysically in union for what has preceded it in divine truth. When Love is called forth as a force and as an identical emotion. It happens outside of time and space as God is outside time and space himself. We experience the timely and eternal in one fell swoop without conscious awareness as spirits. For Love and Fear are real constant streams of God's own power in spiritual expression. When we land upon the emotion of love or fear we trigger such an expression by instinct or choice. It is like dipping our cups into a mighty river and consuming its contents immediately spiritually speaking. So all Love in Creation is from Heaven as God is our witness right Now! So it is with Fear in Creation is likewise from Hell as God is our witness right Now! It is a disturbing thought in metaphysical awareness as mortal souls. However it isn't far fetched as a barbarous mortal species powers itself on fear that has its origin in hell. Murder, slaughter, wars on Earth have all been channeled by the power of Hell itself metaphysically. As peace, compassion, and love given to each other, the creatures therein, and the planet itself comes from Heaven instantly. As total examples of this spiritual power at work in all the lives of all of God(dess) as within all the souls of Creation. Amen.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Jewels of Truth Statement: "A Heaven Like No Other"
Hello All, This month I seem to be hesitant in keeping up to date this blog site with my original spiritual works. Perhaps the bah humbug spirit has struck me, however since I'm not the type of person to put up a Christmas tree, at least not since my youth. Many of the holiday festivities seem to pass me by when at home. Nonetheless I always make it a habit to give thanks in both the small and the greater occurrences in my life. Irrespective of a formalized religious traditions I keep God with all my mind, heart, and most of my actions. Aside from this Holiday Season no matter the particular faith being celebrated. We are each stewards of the divine that we carry in our very souls. A divinity that has no bounds and overlaps into every sincere expression of our lives. One that binds us up together with God and whichever holy figure you choose to worship. Be it Savior, Saint, or Prophet all are welcome to be reflected upon equally in a deepening sense of a dear fulfillment of the spirit. Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement was written earlier this month. Standing at #1882 in the series on the topic of Heaven. How my Angels within describe the paradise of the soul as I describe their views. Enjoy. ---------------------------------------------- Heaven: 1882) The afterlife no matter your religious persuasion in the world is a unique realm of immense glory filled possibilities. Not so much of the sheer amazing vista's perceived by every soul in heaven to be encountered. The array of heavenly lights as breathtaking as it is puts to shame all the combined art that has ever been created. No matter if it has been fashioned by every form of intelligent species within Creation itself. This splendor is natural beyond every contraption conceived and placed into any given form by the children of the cosmos. Many have depicted heaven as a place of many mansions each as its own wondrous resort in practice. This is yet still a crude interpretation of such a pristine celestial paradise. Instead picture a natural fauna of a living rainforest within a shaded canopy of a bio-diversity of living souls each with their own habitat. An Eden like no other where everyone flourishes together in a united harmony in witness to God's inner beauty. Every scenery is alive not with make believe Imagined surroundings, but in a living self-aware purpose that is magnificent. This intelligence becomes a living life breathing aura in a meta sense we call God(dess). This celestial light is molded to our every whim as souls within heaven. Like a clay made of ethereal stuff ushered forth by our willful thoughts in themselves or in concert with the combined thoughts of many. God, plays with us his children in heaven like any parent would with a toddler child. The play is both instructive and totally entertaining beyond any theme park could ever provide. Like children with over glazed eyes in amazement we listen as God speaks in melodic tones absorbed into our hearty souls. We are almost as in a magical trance of the senses where our questions come not at the end of his discourses, but all throughout. Such is the timeless nature of heaven allowing answers to all questions to come instantaneously. Akin to a telepathic neural connection in a commune like pupils arena. Newly arrived souls from Creation be it in the physical universe or elsewhere of such semi-lucent beings. Receive a nurturing orientation to recall themselves fully before total immersion in the drunk tank of (im)mortal life. Once such an assimilation is complete often referred to as the "Hour of Judgment" by the multitude of mortal faiths. This serves the purpose of gleaning an infinite constructive impact by a compassionate truth for the betterment of every entity in heaven. For those unfortunate to descend into hell see this very same practice as a raping to be tortured by the denizens of such a perdition. Twisting the truth into a warped abomination to heckle and punish its recent inhabitants. However in Heaven all is meant for enlightenment so as to understand from all perspectives. For every life you've directly or indirectly have touched as a person not to sit in judgment of you but to set you free by grace. Your soul always continues to live spiritually to what it had done prior to your mortal incarnation. Regarding your eternal interests and joys as angelic like beings by every pursuit Imaginable. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Jewels of Truth Statement: "Memorial for Robin Williams the Wise Fool"
Hello All, I seldom write memorials utilizing my gift of psychic automatic writing unless it was a celebrity I held in very high esteem. So far I haven't been asked to write one for anyone I know personally. The first celebrity I started this trend was last year with Michael Jackson "The King of Neverland" on April 29th 2013 (Link) Now I continue once more with another very bright soul I loved deeply from a far as a spiritual brother. As many in the world we adored his brand of comedy although seldom knew the depth of his internal suffering. Now that he has been immortalized into our minds and hearts he would probably enjoy if we made a joke on his passing. But alas that isn't my gift, however what follows below is indeed my gift to him and all of us. Written originally at the end of August this year. Do enjoy in solemn peace. ---------------------------------------
1794) Mr. Robin Williams ended his life in a misguided attempt to find a peace which he needed more than sanity. For he found sanity to be lukewarm as a frail effort to fit in with society. So he clowned his way to stardom seeking to bring a native joy in his heart to the world at large. His success was completely renowned although sometimes the initial peace he sought eluded his soul. The greater the victory professionally the louder the laughter and the praise for his comedic genius. Perhaps his greatest love was for his children. They were his remarkable joy come alive through his smile. He often may have lamented his poor choices in how to bury his suffering. Yet he was forever seeking to create laughter in each of us. Whether to hide his pain or to find redemption in our shared mirth with him. We as his fans no matter how far apart we may be. Loved him dearly now and always for having his brand of comedy in our lives. Causing us to remember the joy it inflicted onto our combined funny bone. His many persona's were all tied to his eternal kindness. Many were fortunate to experience through his endeavors as a humanitarian and an artist laughing at large. We are the better for his joy and we shall always have a smile with a childish wink to the perpetual clown of a giant heart. May our love heal you with the peace you have found in God's embrace oh Wise Fool. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.