aureli-us - aurelius

22 & she/her & ace | aquarius | i write! | aureliu_s on AO3 | one piece, skyrim, DA, star trek, WoT, ATSV, BG3, and many moooore | inbox always open! :3 | pro🍉

289 posts

Wip Wednesday

wip wednesday

y'all it's ACTUALLY wednesday this time‼️i've been in a job search sludge and not writing anything longform lately, so here is a blurb continuing the atmora au blurb from last week 😎 i was tagged by @hircines-hunter AND @kiir-do-faal-rahhe and i'll leave the tagging open for anyone who wants to!! (aka im tired rn and a bit lazy so no brain worky - tag me if you're inspired to post!!)

They approached only after Miraak spotted the three of them, looking surprised. So...his intentions hadn't been to display the new woman? Dukaan was sure he'd stood in their line of sight to get their attention, but was it possible he simply didn't see them? No. Miraak would never be so uncalculating.

"My brother," he greeted Vahlok warmly, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek customary of older siblings to their younger brood. It was quite comical to see someone as short as Miraak perform that little kiss on someone so obviously taller than him. "Dukaan, Zahkriisos. My father hasn't yet arrived?"

"Not to my knowledge. He may be mingling," Dukaan replied with a shrug. "Do introduce us to the beam of winter sun you keep in your umbra, brother. Let her shine a bit more in our direction." With a chuckle Vahlok gave Miraak's heavy violet robes, decorated with thick silver embroidery and small gems sewn on at random to resemble stars, a small tug, and he stepped aside. The woman looked a bit startled but took his offered hand, glancing between all three of them. She was not meek, even if she was out of place. She looked comfortable if guarded, and let Miraak introduce her, but did not let him be her voice.

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More Posts from Aureli-us

7 months ago

wip wednesday‼️

was inspired by @hircines-hunter to post something for wip wednesday😎 i'm taking a little break after finishing TWH, but this project (dubbed "the morthal minific") is super fun and i've been working on it slowly!! anyone who wants to do a wip wednesday, consider yourself tagged!

“Get back!” Tharya barked, grabbing her spear and swinging its bright tip out at the faces. They gasped as they dissolved under the golden glow, shocked and confused. Some reached out for her as if begging, but vanished as she cut through their hold. The boat rocked dangerously as she and Bhijirio tried to balance their weight out, twisting around to watch the creatures retreat back into the fog. Bhijirio whimpered as he knelt, clutching at his stomach and looking gaunt. 

“I fucking hate this place,” he wheezed, taking in shoddy breaths. Frowning, Tharya scooted a bit closer to offer her hand for him to hold. He snatched it up, squeezing her knuckles to the bone.

"It was always like this, got worse after the Civil War," she said in a soft voice, dampened by the humidity on all sides. "Plenty of soldiers lost their lives in this marsh. Hundreds. It hasn't been the same since then, it's a more...more malicious place. I try to avoid it," she whispered, shivering. “The marsh is”

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6 months ago


as usual i was unable to find any good fictober lists that i PERSONALLY enjoyed for this year, so, keeping with tradition! i made my own! since we're a week from october i figured i'd post it now to let people take a look :^) if you end up using any of it (or all of it) PLEASE DO TAG ME! i'll post a link to my ao3 fictober in the next few days so it'll be up there as well! (plaintext list is below the cut + click for MUCH better quality)


















vail (NOT veil or vale!)














(and as always) All Hallows' Eve

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6 months ago

the post-college job search is actually the most soul draining thing ever. sure there are "tons of jobs", but none of them are entry-level or recent grad friendly. the most menial admin assistant job requires a cover letter - why? i sent applications in june that i never heard back from, except ONE, which emailed me yesterday for a rejection (3 months later). the general lack of transparency. horrible pay across the board. companies will take your application and then ghost you forever and you'll never have a whiff of a chance. i don't have a car either which is literally the worst position in america since we have 0 public transportation. and i don't have a lot of money to move anywhere, though i'd like to, but companies don't want to pay to relocate you no matter how qualified you are. boomers are right, i don't want to work, because i don't want to be in a soulless job that wears on my conscious every damn day. 🙂 employed people please help before i go insane

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