Jobs - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
50 Work-From-Home Jobs Paying as Much or a Lot More Than the Average American Salary
The money can be pretty good but you're on your own. For some people that's the best part.

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2 years ago

It's so weird talking to people who's view of "here's the way life is for everyone" is shattered as soon as they talk to someone with disabilities (physical, mental illness, any). Like you'll say you'll have a problem and instead of helping you they'll argue with you about how you're not actually facing that problem. Like,

Me: Hey, I'm really struggling to find a job and a part of it is my resume. I was depressed & psychotic during highschool so I didn't do anything to gain skills or achievements to put on my resume. I also don't have anyone to put as a reference. What can I do?

Them: You can add your skills, hobbies, clubs you're in, and different volunteer work you've done! You can also get your teacher as a reference.

Me: I already know what to put on a resume, my issue is that I don't have things that I can use. Also, I'm in my mid 20s so I don't know if I can put my highschool teacher as a reference.

Them: Well if you're a part of a church or an activity group, you could add that. Also, think of any projects you've worked on in the past.

Me: I already know you can put these things on a resume. I'm not looking for suggests of things I've already done, I'm looking for what I can do now if I haven't done anything.

Them: There's no way you didn't do anything during highschool?? What about some odd jobs you definitely did for extra money, like babysitting or mowing the lawn?

Me: I spent all of highschool either in modified classes or in bed doing nothing - not even hobbies, what about that do you not understand?

And then you talk to someone who's also disabled and they're like "Here's a bunch of jobs you can do from home that don't pay much but look good on a resume, here's some free online courses that also look good on a resume, here's how you can be making small amounts of money in the meantime, here's some things you can put besides a professional reference, and here are your rights if your future employer tries to take advantage of your disability - which you probably shouldn't tell them about unless you need accommodations."

And suddenly my will to continue trying returns!

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1 year ago

Two job-hunting resources that changed my life:

This cover letter post on A job interview guide written by Alison Green, who runs askamanager.

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3 years ago

“Looking for someone more qualified”

How the fuck am  I not qualified enough for Walmart??!!?

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3 years ago

Job interviews suck

I have an interview with a shitty corporation in like 2 days. Why can’t they just give me the job? It’s not like this is the most prestegious place on earth. I do not wish to see you and answer several questions. Just let me work. I just want money to get tf out of here and start transitioning omfg. 

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3 years ago

I want to quit my freaking job. It's absolute hell. Walmart is paying 14.50 and it's still not enough. You can't pay me enough to have an existential crisis every time I think about my job. It's not worth it. I can't keep up with the speed and accuracy they require. I can only do one or the other, and they're probably going to eventually fire me if I don't quit. I'm so tired. I'll burn myself out soon if I don't quit.

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3 years ago

I lost my god-damned job this morning. Hated that place, but still cried. They let me work two weeks before they told me at the end of my shift today.

Haven't been home in two months but had to pack up my shit and bring back as much of it as I could. This sucks ass. I hate it here.

I never want to work again.

Especially for a place like Wal-Mart.

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1 year ago

We will not be calling you!!

Throw your applications like message bottles in the sea and forget about them. If the gods smile upon you, someone will get back to you regarding the bottle.

people are like "no one wants to work anymore" when every job application is like upload your resume and cover letter. okay now manually type out your resume and cover letter in our text boxes. okay now answer these 10 riddles. okay now take a rorschach test. okay now upload a photo of your childhood bedroom and explain the relationship between its layout and the adult you are today. okay now show us your youtube watch history. okay now define the color "red." okay now walk into a patch of poison ivy and take a selfie of you holding up a paper saying "i <3 ivy." okay now wave your hands in the air if you just don't care. that one was a trick to cull the applicants who don't care. okay now choose a loved one to sacrifice. great! thank you for submitting your application we will not be calling you

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7 years ago

That's how I feel about what I am doing in my job... :/

Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job
Friends Meme[3/6] Themes/running Gags Chandlers Job

friends meme [3/6] themes/running gags → chandler’s job

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5 years ago
This Thing Keeps Following Me Around Bargain Bins At The Stores I Go To.

This thing keeps following me around bargain bins at the stores I go to.

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9 months ago

Got rejected from a job again 😘✌

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8 years ago
9 Writing Jobs.

9 Writing jobs.

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7 years ago

Whilst seeking a job, your application gets incorrectly filed and you accidentally get accepted as the Chief of the CIA. Now, you’re covered by so many security levels that no-one has any idea how under-qualified you are.

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5 years ago
Beyond This, Consider How These Professions Might Vary Depending On Who The Customers Are - Nobles, Or

Beyond this, consider how these professions might vary depending on who the customers are - nobles, or lower class. Are they good at their job or just scraping by? Do they work with lots of other people or on their own? City or village?

For younger characters:

Apprentice to any of the above




Shop assistant


Looks after younger siblings

(Images all from Wikimedia Commons)

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11 months ago

I am suddenly less worried about the volatility of my job.

kylobien - Welcome.
kylobien - Welcome.
kylobien - Welcome.

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10 months ago

Lowkey I would probably get a job as bodypillow if it was a thing

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3 months ago

What was your first job?

Fast Food 36% (6,302)

Restaurant 32.1% (5,617)

Cashier 26.6% (4,658)

Life Guard 5% (868)

61.7% of people are bald, have never had a job, or had a different first job.

where was your first job?

Fast food service (McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, ect.)

Restaurant service (waiting tables, dishwasher, ect)

cashier/bagger at grocery store

life guard

I’ve never had a job

other (put in tags)

(Im currently trying to get my first job and I’m curious what the most common first job is)

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2 years ago

Random 2012 headcanon:

When the main six were little, these are the jobs that they wanted when they grow up:

Leo wanted to be a martial arts teacher.

Raph wanted to be a boxer.

Donnie wanted to be a scientist.

Mikey just wanted to be famous.

April want to be a teacher.

Casey wanted to be police officer.

These are the jobs they want now:

Leo still wants to be martial arts teacher.

Raph doesn't really know what he wants to be, but if he can get to fight someone then he's good.

Donnie either wants to be a scientist or a science professor.

Mikey still wants to be famous.

April wants to be a reporter or a journalist.

Casey can't decide between Pro hockey player, or Bounty hunter.

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