1:41 A.M.
1:41 A.M.
Waiting for Jungkook was a lot like waiting for the sun to come up after a dark night. You were always anticipating it, counting the seconds till sunrise.
You blink at the screen of your TV with teary eyes, and you register that you fell asleep again. The movie playing was nothing short of a pathetic distraction, a dead attempt to make you stay awake.
You shouldn't be awake, you shouldn't be waiting, but you are. The worry for your boyfriend and the fear of being alone removes all rational thoughts from your mind, and you register that maybe, you have gone a little crazy.
Jungkook was practicing the choreography for BTS' upcoming comeback, and you already knew from personal experience that your perfectionist boyfriend is fully capable of staying awake till 5 am for the sole purpose of nailing that one detail he feels he didn't deliver well.
Yet, you were still here. Comeback after comeback, you were still waiting. And you always will. That's the thing you have to sacrifice dating the most perfect guy in the world. Your sleep, and maybe also a little bit of your sanity.
The sound of a key sliding into the lock, the turn of a knob. You're tired, too tired to raise your head from its place against the couch cushions.
The sound of footsteps, of keys being placed on the kitchen counter. A sigh of exhaustion, then water coming from a faucet. Probably Jungkook washing his face after a long day of sweating profusely.
You let your eyes flutter open, trying to focus on the blurry figure of your boyfriend, who hasn't noticed you yet.
You shift on the leather of the couch, sliding just slightly along it, too weak to even use your voice to call your lover. Jungkook stops in his place, turning around, eyes widening when he sees your curled up figure.
"Y/N??", His voice is tired, hoarse from lack of water and continuous physical activity. He walks towards you slowly, limbs dragging across your carpeted floor until he reaches the foot of the couch, hovering above you.
His hands reach for your face, gently pushing away the messy hair framing your face, and the rush of air he lets out of his mouth gives you the feeling that maybe is was worth staying awake, just it hear that breath of coming back to life.
You nuzzle into Jungkook's palm slightly, looking at him with half-shut eyes as he stares back at you, eyes so soft that you almost melt in to the sofa, his mere presence radiating warmth and security.
Jungkook doesn't say a word, doesn't ask why you're awake, why you stayed up. You've had this conversation before countless of times, even fought about it, and you appreciated your lover for pushing his own worries for you aside and letting you take care of him for once. Or at least try to.
"Come here", you mumble to your boyfriend, letting your hands reach out to him, grabbing the hem of his sweat-soaked t-shirt lightly.
"I'm sweaty, baby", he protests, covering your hand with his own gently, trying to release the material of his top from your grip. "Let me just-"
But you're stubborn, and you've waited long enough to cuddle with your boyfriend. Honestly, you couldn't care less about sweat when it was Jungkook.
You whine, pulling him towards you with force you didn't know you had, and the raven haired man lets out a noise of surprise when he almost topples on you, barely managing to stop himself by placing his hand on the armrest.
"I don't care, just want you", you say to the older's wide doe eyes, hoping you managed to look even a bit demanding in your bleary state.
There's a soft smile on Jungkook's face when he studies you, your cute glare and the pout on your mouth he so desperately wants to kiss.
He wants to drop on the couch and hug you just as much as you, but he couldn't stay like this, wet and sticky with his boots and his jeans clinging uncomfortably to his skin.
"How about this", he suggests in a soft voice, "You count to a hundred, and I promise I'll be back till you finish."
You think over the idea for a second, wanting so badly just to hold your boyfriend in your arms, but also considering his comfort, and how unhealthy it is to sleep in his state.
"Okay.", You say with a sigh, barely able to hide your smile when your boyfriend lets out a victorious cry, pumping his fist in an exaggerated manner. "But you better come back.", You warn, unable to hide the slight fear tinging your voice.
Jungkook's expression turns serious immediately, dark eyes locking with yours and causing shivers to course through your whole body, always so affected by anything he does.
Your boyfriend leans down to kiss you, so gentle you could cry. It's a tired kiss, one that tastes like Jungkook's sweat and your mint toothpaste. It's a kiss that speaks a thousand words, that pumps enough energy in your body to reach for Jungkook's neck, your hands tangling in his soft hair on their own accord.
"I'll always come back to you, Y/N."

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More Posts from Avmisworld
Haechan as your boyfriend:

A big freaking TEASE!!!
Loves pissing you off more than anything
But also knows when to stop before you rip his throat out
You: "How does this shirt look on me? Pretty or Ugly?"
Haechan: Both
Him: Pretty ugly
You: - _ -
Calls you lots of pet names
Mostly to piss you off
Surprise surprise
And because he secretly loves seeing you blush😍
But like, not romantic ones
Weird ones lol
Squirt (cause you're small), angel (on rare occasions), sugar, dummy...
You and haechan don't get to hang out a lot
Cause he's always working and so are you
But you're dates are super fun
And chill
You do all sort of random things
Depends on the mood
Sometimes it's just cheap movie night with buttery popcorn and cuddles
Sometimes it's more extreme stuff like camping, bowling, working out together, going shopping and trying on ridiculous outfits, amusement parks, water fights... Anything really.
You and Haechan probably went public with your relationship
Mostly because he can't help boasting about you lmao
He mentions you a lot.... Like, ALOT.
Is not super gushy when talking about you
But still does it all the time
Like, he'll just be with the dreamies eating 🍜 or smth
And then he'll just start talking about that one time you accidentally ate spicy noodles and it was so hot that you spilled a whole bottle of water over your face
He'll probs have this really in love smile his face too
And then the dreamies will start roasting him for talking about you all the time
So he'll just be like, Ya'll wish you had a gf like mine
And he ain't lying lmao
But anyway
You guys are public, but you still keep your privacy
No photos of you guys making out or anything
Mostly just really sweet photos of you guys holding hands or bickering or whatever.
And some really asthetic ig photos where you both look Hella good.
Ofc there is skinship
This is Lee Haechan we're talking about.
When you're alone he is probably all over you
Constantly hugging you
Lives for cuddles in bed when you're both exhausted
Can't keep his hands to himself smh
So he's always holding your hand, wrapping his arm around you shoulder, leaning on you, SOMETHING.
Loves kisses too
Temple kisses, forehead kisses, ear kisses
Loves annoying you until you lose it, and then kiss you on your lips right before you murder him
Really just loves kissing you without warning
Dodges your kisses ALL THE TIME jajjf
But still gets all pouty when you don't give him physical attention for more than three seconds
In public he definitely tones down the skinship
But still always has an arm wrapped around your waist or your shoulders.
A jealous boyfriend
For sure
Pretends to hate it when you hang out with the rest of NCT
Cause ain't nobody gonna steal his girl
But still feels proud when his members talk about how much they love you
"Ya Jeno-ya, find your own!"
Always sending you photos when you're far away
Literally looks like an angel no matter how weird of a pose he does
Calls you a lot too
Crys over the phone about how you must come back to save him from the guys but you know he can't live without you
Facetimes you when he's bored
Send you SO MUCH posts about himself on Instagram so you won't quote: "forget about your source of happiness in life"
Actually a really great boyfriend despite everything
And you love him way too much
Which he knows
And takes advantage of shamelessly
BTS when you cry:
Kim Seokjin:
Sometimes life sucked, and today was apparently one of these days. You had the worst day possible: You did horrible at your mid-final exam, you spilled scorching coffee all over yourself, you fell asleep in class due to the lack of caffeine, and your professor scolded you in front of the whole class.
The only thing you really wanted to do was go back to your apartment and cuddle with your favorite blanket with chocolate (and some alcohol maybe), and cry over your shitty luck.
Luckily, Seokjin, your boyfriend, wasn't supposed to be home till the late night, so you didn't have to be afraid of him coming into your apartment and seeing you in your pathetic state.
Dropping your bag at the door carelessly, you let the door of your house close behind you as you kick off your black sneakers, yeeting them to the other side of the living room as you drop on the blue cushioned sofa with a sigh.
The tears almost immediately flood to your eyes, and you clutch the comforting red wool blanket around you tightly as the first sob erupts your mouth quietly, your body shaking lightly as you let out all the negative feelings you've been harboring the whole day.
You don't know how much time you lay there, crying, but eventually the toll of the day overcomes you and you close your eyes, still sniffling. Sleep catches up to you quickly, and you fall asleep, streaks of tears still leaving paths of sadness along your red cheeks.
"Y/N~~ Sweetie, get up and get to bed, it's late."
Your eyes blink open slowly at the sound of Jin's soft voice, burning slightly from the long time you spent crying. Your eyesight is still blurry, your mind in haze, and you're positive you look like shit, with your red eyes and runny nose.
You freeze when your eyes finally focus on your boyfriend, whose eyes slowly turn concerned as he sees your current state, quickly putting two plus two together.
He looks tired, his brown hair covered by a mustard colored snapback, nearly drowning in his oversized white and green striped long sleeved shirt. His eyes that were half closed just seconds ago are now wide and worried as he rushes to your side, sitting in the empty space beside you.
"Hey, what's wrong, love?", he says gently, cupping your face in his big hands and wiping your tears with his thumbs as he hugs you tightly, rearranging the blanket to cover the both of you.
You honestly don't have any more energy to do anything, including making up an excuse for how you look. Jin could easily see through you anyway.
So you tell him. He doesn't say anything the whole time you talk, simply humming here and there to indicate he's listening, while he continues to cuddle you close to him, pressing his lips into your hair.
When you finish, you have to admit that you feel slightly better, Jin's secure arms around you and the warmth he radiates making something in your heart heal slowly.
"Y/N, you know I'm always here for you, right?", Jin says gently, making sure not to sound too demanding as he runs a hand down your back soothingly.
You nod, burying your face in his neck and breathing in the comforting smell of his skin, an addicting mixture of flowers and spice.
"Please don't hide from me, sweetie. I don't promise I'll always be able to help you, but I'll always listen and do anything to make you feel better.", Jin's voice is serious, unlike usually, so you know he thinks this is very important, and that makes something in your heart melt just a little more.
You smile against the skin of your boyfriend's neck, unable to hide the immense love you feel for the man holding you, and you nod once again against his warm skin.

Min Yoongi:
"Can you please talk to me, Yoongi? Please.", you beg, unable to hide the desperate tone of your voice in front of your boyfriend, who's standing in front of you, dressed for another night of working till the light comes up.
Your boyfriend averts his eyes, sighing once again as he runs a frustrated hand through his night black hair, cursing under his breath quietly.
"I'll come back in the morning, okay? We'll talk then", he promises, like he's been doing for the last week and half, and something in your heart cracks at the sound of another empty promise.
You watch with a dumbfounded expression as your boyfriend turns to leave the room, his black hoodie making him seem even more mysterious and unreachable than he already felt to you, hand twisting the knob of the door to your apartment.
Your voice cracks as you say his name, and a tear rolls down your cheek slowly.
You were never much of a crier, but you could feel all your insecurities coming back to you now, the insecurities you've been concealing and silencing since you start dating Min Yoongi.
Feelings that told you that you weren't good enough, that Suga will hide from you like he hides from everyone else.
Yoongi never gave you a reason to feel this way, until now. Until he started going out every night and avoiding you like the plague. Until he started lying to you and telling you he was fine instead of giving you the truth.
Suga turns around, eyes widening slightly as he sees the shining drop of water below your eye. He too, knew how rare it was to see you cry, and the panic slowly surfacing on his face revealed that.
Your boyfriend lets go of the handle slowly, eyes showing pity and care and you hate it, hate feeling like a little kid who needs to be taken care of.
"Y/N", he says gently, walking towards you slowly, as if he's scared you'll run away if he reaches you too fast.
You shake your head, wiping the tears on your cheeks with the back of your hand angrily, and turn around to walk away, cause you hate yourself for stressing Suga even more than he already is.
"Y/N", Suga grabs your wrist firmly, yet gently, stopping you in your place. "Don't walk away from me, just like you didn't want me to walk away from you."
You lower your head, feeling defeated because Suga was right, you can't run away from your problems. You turn around, letting your lover lead you to your blue couch, his hand still clasped around your wrist delicately.
It's silent for a moment as the two of you sit down, none of you knowing where to start, but to your surprise, it's Yoongi who opens his mouth first, still staring into your eyes in a way that assured you that you were going to be okay, if you just talk this out.
"I'm sorry", he starts gently, "I won't go tonight, I'll stay here, and we'll talk this out like you wanted to", he looks down for a second, "Like I want to".
"Just, please don't cry".

Jung Hoseok:
You: Hey, can I come over to the studio?
You stare at the text, blinking away the angry tears filling your eyes. You were close to crying, but the last thing you wanted was to be sad and alone.
Hobi💞: Babyyyyy
Hobi💞: Yeah of course, come right now!!! I'll take a break from work♥️
You smile through your tears at the sight of your boyfriend's excited response, closing your phone and making your way to the waiting taxi outside your apartment.
You knock on the door of the studio, running a hand through your hair as you wait for your boyfriend to open the door.
"Comingg~~", the familiar cheerful voice you love so much, and then Hoseok is opening the door with a smile and an enthusiastic squeal, grabbing you by your arm and pulling you inside the comfortable room.
J-hope's smile drops terrifyingly fast when he sees your glassy eyes and hurt expression, previously squinted eyes widening with worry as he grabs your face gently between his warm hands.
"Y/N/N, why are you crying??", your boyfriend asks in an alarmed voice, wiping the tears that were now flowing freely down your cheeks, unrestrained and warm.
You can't answer, simply shaking your head that rests in J-hope's palm and letting him gather you in his arms, pulling you in his secure embrace.
Your boyfriend sits down on his maroon colored chair with you still in his arms, straddling his lap with your legs on either side of him.
"Aw, baby, please don't be sad! I hate seeing you cry!", Hoseok says with a pout, making you let out a wet giggle and lean your head on Hobi's strong shoulder, calming down slowly as he kept rubbing your back gently, humming a tune under his breath.
When the tears finally stop flowing from your eyes, you raise your head up to kiss your lover's cute button nose gently, making him smile sweetly, eyes crinkling at the edges.
The two of you stare at each other for a few more seconds, foreheads pressed together, and you can already see the question in Hoseok's eyes, even if he didn't say it out loud, the worry and care evident in your boyfriend's honey brown eyes.
So you tell him. You tell him about the horrible fight you had with your life-long best friend, how you both shouted at each other and said hurtful things that both of you knew you didn't mean, but still left long scars in your hearts.
You knew you would eventually make up with her, you were both too important for each other to let such a stupid fight mess up your relationship, but you were still sad and scared all the same.
J-hope listened attentively as you explained the whole story, rubbing circle with his thumb on the inside of your upper thigh and leaving occasional butterfly kisses over your face when you had a hard time talking.
When you finish the story Hoseok assures you that you'll come back to each other very soon, and that he's very willing to go talk to her if you're too afraid to make the first step.
"So don't be sad anymore, baby!", J-hope exclaimed with a comforting smile. "I promise it'll be okay! And to make you feel better, I'll dance to 'Baby Shark'!"
You laugh when J-hope puts the children's song on full volume in the small studio, dancing in the most exaggerated way possible, limbs flailing all over the place. He was always willing to do anything, ridiculous as it may seem, to make you happy. That's just one of the million reasons you love him.

Kim Namjoon:
You groan in pain as another round of cramps hits you mercilessly, making you curl into a pathetic ball on the soft leather couch in your apartment.
Periods always affect you a lot, even after taking every step possible to lessen their negative side effects, like taking pills for the pain or putting a hot packet on your stomach.
You took a day off from work today, knowing yourself and how impossible it was for you to go through a day of continuous sitting with nothing to take your miserable state off your mind.
You slept the majority of the day, your time awake revolving around eating and watching anime, nothing more and nothing less.
The only thing that really kept you going though, is the knowledge that Namjoon, your boyfriend, will be here soon. You told him about your problem, and he promised to come over as soon as he can, always willing to change his plans, as busy as he is, for you.
The knock on the door of your apartment is what wakes you up from another restless sleep, and you groan lowly, raising yourself on your elbows as you stare at the door angrily, hating it and whoever the hell is standing behind it and interrupting your much needed sleep.
You get up slowly, wrapping the thick wool blanket around your body as you trudge towards the door, making faces at the jolt of pain you felt every time you took a step.
You open the door, expecting to shout at some very pitiful neighbor who wanted a cup of sugar at the wrong time, but your heart melts too quickly at the sight of your boyfriend at the door, smiling sheepishly.
He's holding a bucket of your favorite flowers, a random assortment of tulips, and in his other hand is a box of your favourite chocolates, Ferrero Roshe.
On his back is a bag which you are sure is filled to the brim with every type of tampon and pad possible, topped with twenty different pain reliving medications.
Your sweet boyfriend rubs the back of his head awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot as if afraid you'll kick him out any second now, a small, slightly scared smile, on his face. "Can I come in?"
You don't know why the sight of RM standing like that outside your doorway, all soft blue hoodies and grey sweatpants, with all your period supplies, makes you so emotional. He literally does this every month, yet it still makes your eyes tear up and an ugly sob erupt your throat.
Namjoon's eyes widen at your unexpected crying, walking a few steps forwards, probably to comfort you awkwardly like only he knows, before pausing and walking backwards, eyes filled with regret.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to go?", he asks frantically, obviously confused with what he did wrong, hands reaching out desperately as if to stop your crying just with the force of his will. "Please don't cry".
You shake your head, more sobs erupting your mouth quietly, and wipe your runny nose with the back of your hand carelessly. "No, I just", you pause, still finding it hard to talk. "I just love you so much".
Namjoon sighs visibly at the sound of your answer, smiling in disbelief before shaking his head lightly and coming forward to press a soft peck to your mouth. "Oh, thank god. I love you too, baby."

Park Jimin:
You muffle your sobs with the back of your hand as you watch Hazel Grace cry brokenly at the news that her love, Augustus, died after battling cancer.
You can't count how many times you watched the movie "The Fault In Our Stars" on a two hands, yet this heartbreaking scene still manages to bring you to tears every single time.
"Babe, I'm homeee~~", you shift your gaze from the shimmering TV screen to the door of your apartment at the cheerful voice of your boyfriend, tears still streaming down your face rapidly and face contorted in sadness.
Jimin walks through the door with his usual teeth-filled grin and eye smile, dirty blonde hair a mess on his forehead and white mask hanging loosely under his chin.
Your boyfriend halts after a few steps towards you, noticing your red eyes and trembling bottom lip. For a second, his expression is filled with alarm and worry, but he calms down significantly after seeing the crying girl on the screen in front of you, understanding filling his eyes.
"Augustus died again, didn't he?", Jimin asks gently, voice slightly amused yet still caring, as he pulls his leather handbag over head and places it on the floor by your dark blue couch.
You nod, biting your lip to stifle another sob threatening to escape as your boyfriend slowly slips under the soft baby blue blanket you were tucked in, pulling you into his strong arms.
"Baby", Jimin starts sweetly, "life is full of obstacles and hardships, but most people get through them, unlike the movies that like to make everything a lot more dramatic and painful then was it really is", he says carefully, placing his chin on the top of your head.
You bury your head into your boyfriend's neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne, a mixture of pine wood and clean mountain air that always calms you down. "I know, but- they just- loved each other so much. It's not fair.", you whine angrily, wiping your tears with the sleeves of Jimin's oversized hoodie that you were wearing.
Jimin laughs at that beautifully, pressing a soft kiss onto the crown of your head as he hugs you tighter, stroking your spine with his fingertips.
"You're so cute, baby", he says, voice filled with fondness as he tilts your chin up to look at you, his deep brown eyes sending chills down your back.
You don't even have time to respond before Jimin is kissing you delicately, hands wrapped around the frame of your body tightly, molding you together, his soft full lips making you melt completely, practically turning into a puddle in his hold.
You sigh into the kiss, forgetting the movie you were just watching and the reason you were crying, forgetting everything because of Jimin and the warmth he radiates, tangling your hand in his hair, the strands fluffy and nice to the touch despite continuous bleaching.
Your tears are slowly drying on your face, disappearing one by one when Jimin pushes you back to lie down on the couch, swallowing your giggle with his lips as he places his hands on the side of your face securely, protecting you from the world, from yourself, like he'd always done.

Kim Taehyung:
You're holding Taehyung's hand tightly in yours, your finger laced together as you wait for your boyfriend's manager to send him the very secret link of the 'ON' music video.
You were the first to see it, along with the rest of the BTS members of course, and you and your boyfriend had gotten ready for the occasion, connecting Tae's phone to the big TV screen in your shared apartment in order to watch the music video in the best quality possible.
"It's up!", Taehyung says with excitement in his voice, squeezing your intertwined hands tightly as he presses on the neon blue link with urgency.
You jump a bit in your spot as you watch the Bighit logo appear, scooching closer on the sofa to be even closer to Taehyung, who smiles at you gently and wraps an arm around your shoulder securely, making sure you're comfortable.
The music video was, obviously, jaw dropping in a way that only BTS and Bighit can create, and you watch the nearly five minute long film with fascination, eyes glued to the screen and not moving for a second.
The whole production is insane, from the choreography to the scenery, the background dancers and the members, of course, standing out with their outstanding visuals and stage presence.
And maybe your eyes were focused a bit more on a certain dark curly headed guy, but are you really to blame? Taehyung was even more amazing than he always was, and even in your biased opinion, you knew he slayed this comeback.
Taehyung was just as focused as you, completely silent, his eyes trained with alarming concentration on the figures on the screen, hardly moving or even blinking.
When the video finally ends, you both stay silent for a few seconds, still speechless, before Taehyung turns to you, a wide smile on his face.
"Hey, I think it came out really we-", your boyfriend's boxy smile drops quickly at the sight of the crystal tears on your cheeks, and he immediately leans forward, brushing the small droplets from under your eyes.
"Woah, what's wrong?", he asks, fear underlying his tone as he picks you up like a feather and places you on his lap, eyes studying your form for any injury or discomfort.
"Sorry", you blush at Taehyung's care and your own stupid behaviour, averting your eyes from the soft chocolate ones of your lover. "I'm just really proud of you. All of you.", you admit, fingers playing with the collar of Tae's checkered pyjama top awkwardly.
Taehyung laughs at that, not in a mocking way, but in a way that told you that he thinks you're absolutely adorable, and the deep melodic sound sends warmth throughout your whole body, tingling up till your feet.
Your boyfriend cups your jaw gently, making you look him in the eye once again, and kisses your pouty lips with a chuckle. "You're sweet", he mumbles, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You smile shyly at that, and lean forward to place your head on Taehyung's broad shoulder, looping your arms around his neck loosely. "I really am proud", you say once again after a few seconds of calming silence, because you are, you truly are, and words can't really express just how much.
Taehyung laughs one more time, and you think to yourself that your life is complete as long as you get to make Kim Taehyung laugh so cutely.
"I am too", he says in a whisper, pressing his lips to your temple as he strokes your waist soothingly, his soft black curls brushing your forehead and lulling you to sleep, a small smile still present on your lips.

Jeon Jungkook:
The phone call from your mom wasn't unexpected in any way. She calls you almost every day regularly, and even though the hour was unusually late, it didn't make your heart skip a beat like it should've.
"Hey, mom", you say cheerfully into the phone, pressing the small device into your ear to hear your mother's familiar voice better.
"Hi, sweetie", you mother's voice is soft and a bit scrapy, as if she's been shouting for a while and then decided to call. Your eyebrows furrow at the hesitant tone in your mother's voice, gripping your phone slightly tighter.
"Hey, is everything okay??", You ask, confused as to why your mom is so quiet and not complaining to you about the weather and the kids like she usually is.
"Honey...", Your mother pauses, sighs, and the dread in your heart grows even more. "Coco died. From a heart attack this morning".
For a second the world stops, and the air around you turns to fire, burning in your lungs and scorching your throat until you feel the need to claw for oxygen.
Coco was old, you had her since you were 5, nearly 7 years ago. But she was such a strong little animal, that you always forgot how old she really was. Your whole life is filled with memories of her: playing with you in the yard, licking your face when you were crying over another guy, eating the pieces of chicken you passed her secretly under the table.
And now she was gone.
The tears blur your vision and you grip the table in front of you as if it's the only thing keeping you up. The hand holding your phone is shaking, and you don't even hear the worried voice of your mom, repeating your name frantically in your ear.
"I'll- I'll call you back", you manage to stutter out, finishing the call before your mother could say another word.
You don't know how long you sit there in silence, staring at the mettalic device in your hand, but eventually you dial the number you know by heart, pressing your tear stained face to the screen of your phone.
"Jungkook?", you whisper, afraid to raise your voice as if it'll break the fragile state your mentality is in right now.
"Babe?", Jungkook's voice is worried and confused, probably noticing the shaky tone of your voice and the shallow breathing. "Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, but can you come home?", You stifle a sob in the back of your hand, your resolve slowly breaking as you come to terms with the reality. "Please."
Jungkook's reaches your apartment in five minutes flat, something you're not even sure is possible considering the horrible traffic jams in Seoul.
"Y/N?", the frantic voice of your boyfriend reaches you from your place in the kitchen, where you still haven't moved from since you got the news of Coco's death.
Jungkook almost passed the kitchen before he sees you, coming to a halt quickly and quickening his steps until he reaches the doorway to the kitchen.
He's wearing all-black, like always, and judging by the sweat soaking his white vest, he was working out when you called him. His ivory hair is matted to his forehead, sticky like glue, and there's a trail of sweat going from his temple to his chin, threatening to fall on the floor.
His dark eyes read the room quickly, noticing the long forgotten milk you had taken out to make yourself a cup of coffee, the phone in your hand, and the semi-dry tears staining your cheeks.
"What-" "Coco died.", you interrupt him, watching the confusion and fear in Jungkook's eyes replace with shock, and then sadness, and finally pity.
Your boyfriend doesn't say a word, simply walking over you, crouching down to your height, and wrapping you in his arms gently.
There is something in that hug, the way Jungkook holds you as if he wants to be your personal anchor, that makes the barrier inside you break, and the first sob erupts your mouth, loud and ugly and grief-filled.
You cry in your lover's arms then, letting yourself break down because you know Jungkook's there to pick up the pieces. Jungkook doesn't say a word except the occasional "I'm here", "It's okay", but his arms are firm around you, one hand cupping your hair and the other around your waist, keeping you close to him.
Your energy runs out eventually, and the screams and cries turn to pitiful whimpers against Jungkook's neck. You're covered with his sweat and he is covered with your tears, and the two of you are a mess, but when the raven-haired man you love presses his lips to your slowly shutting eyelids, so gently it almost hurts, you think you're complete.

Stray Kids when you wear their hoodie:
Bang Chan:
He loves it too much lol. To the point where he leaves his hoodies in your apartment to increase the chances of you wearing them next time he comes over. Thinks seeing you with his oversized wool sweater, hair in a messy bun and cute sweater paws is some sort of heaven on earth. Has such an obvious soft spot for it it's not a joke anymore lmao. Like he'll just be so smiley and touchy. Whenever he stops gushing over you, he'll look at you again and he won't be able not to smile uwu. Cuddles you for hours on hours on end, pressing sweet kisses to your shoulders and cheeks. Pouts if you merely consider taking off his hoodie around him, even if it's a 100 degrees outside.
"You look so cute in my hoodie, baby! You should wear it more."

Lee Know:
Low-key loves it. Will tease the hell out of you and chastise you jokingly whenever you wear his hoodie, complaining that he doesn't have any clothes left and that he doesn't trust you to take care of his designer clothes smh. But he does it mostly to see you blush and cover your face with your cute af sweater paws. Smiles to himself secretly when he sees you drowning in his clothes, looking completely his. With all his complaints, he will straight up get grumpy if he sees you taking off one of his hoodies, and he will jump on the opportunity to throw you one of his sweaters, although he will most definitely throw you some savage remark in hopes of protecting his image.
"Here, take this. You look better in my clothes, anyway."

He isn't as soft for you in his hoodies as Chan, rather he's just a softie in general uwu. Will probably make a face when he sees you in one of his long-lost hoodies, but he can't help but smile slightly when he sees you give him your famous puppy eyes. Low-key thinks you look cute af, and he's a bit proud seeing you, protected and cherished in his clothes. (Finally someone can wear his clothes without it being too small lol). So with all his scolding, he will still let you take another hoodie at the end of your date, even if he knows that it won't return to him.
"Aish, you're lucky you look cute in my clothes..."

This flustered baby uwu. He becomes a blushing mess whenever he sees you with his hoodies. Because you're so much shorter than him, his clothes are practically curtains on you, especially his sweaters and sweatshirts, which hang on your body like dresses. Really likes seeing you in his hoodies, but is too shy to ask you to wear them because he's afraid you'll think he's weird, so instead he "forgets" his hoodies at your place, and continues to forget them even when you remind him lol. Has to gather all his confidence to compliment you on how you look, and then it's just the two of you blushing all over the place and avoiding each other's eyes uwu.
"M-my hoodie looks nice on you- I mean- you look cute-"

He probably dreamed about the day that you'll be comfortable enough with him to steal his hoodies. It just always seemed so domestic and adorable to him, and he wanted to be the one person you could always trust to provide you and take care of you. The day he'll see you in one of his hoodies, he won't even try to hide his excitement. He'll straight up put a hand on his heart and start shouting about how cute you look and how you're giving him a heart attack lol. From then on, he'll just be giving you all of his clothes lmfao. He won't even try to hide the fact that he leaves piles of his clothes in your house every day, and he'll be super offended if you won't wear at least one piece of his clothing every time you meet.

This cuddle bug uwu. The first time he saw you wearing his hoodie, he probably got a little shy. He tried to hide how much he loved it by covering his flaming cheeks with his hands, but it was still obvious with the way he was stuttering compliments at you. Pretty soon, he became more open when it came to expressing how much he likes you in his clothes, and he'd be very straightforward about it, always suggesting you take his clothes and throwing you his hoodies whenever possible. To be honest, he'd probably buy himself clothes just so you could wear them lol. Also, he becomes super cuddly and kissy when he sees you with his soft sweaters and shirts, so it's basically a win for both of you lol.
"Here, take this, it's getting chilly outside."

Pretends not to like it smh. Always making faces, scrunching his nose and huffing dramatically whenever he sees you wearing one of his huge hoodies. On top of his constant complaining, he also teases you whenever you ask him if you can take one of his biggest sweaters, saying you like him too much and that you like to feel small, which you can't really deny, but still gets you all shy and flustered. Despite everything, Seungmin will always give you his hoodies when you ask for them, and he'll even get a bit cuddly, pecking your lips gently and hugging you more than usual.
"You're so small, I can barely see you in my hoodie."

Doesn't react too much on the outside, but on the inside he's straight up having a disco party lmao. Thinks you look adorable in your clothes, even cuter than how you usually are. He blushes whenever you ask for one of his large sweaters, and blushes even more after he accidentally says 'of course!' with too much enthusiasm. Hands you specific hoodies which he thinks will look the best on you (he definitely spent time looking at them and thinking which one will look the prettiest uwu) and bursts the biggest uwu after seeing you changed to the soft material, just barely brushing your knees. Can't help but smile widely and hug you more than usual, pressing kisses all over your face.
"This one will look great on you! I mean, I think it will..."

BTS during "locking arms with strangers" prank:
So I've been seeing a lot of pranks from the The Daily Dropout (they're a YouTube channel who does mostly pranks and they're hilarious, I definitely recommend checking them out). And the different reactions of people made me think: how would BTS react if they were the random people being pranked? Specifically, if some stranger came to them and held their hand for no apparent reason lmao. So this is it. -Avishag
Kim Seokjin:
Stares at you for a few seconds
"What the fuck" smile
Recovers after a few seconds tho (u won't catch Jin slipping lmao)
Proceeds to pretend like this happens every day
Makes small talk with you during the walk
You have to try really hard to keep a straight face because of his funny comments
"I hope you don't mind crossing half of the campus for Starbucks"
Doesn't seem really surprised when he hears it's a prank
Agrees to be in the video without second thought
"Of course my handsome face can be in your video"
His reaction basically makes the whole video
All the viewers want his Instagram lmao
Min Yoongi:
Has his earphones on
Doesn't even notice you until your arm is locked with his
Almost karate chops your arm off lmao
Thinks you mistook him for your friend
"I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong person"
Looks even more confused when you continue walking with him
Doesn't even make a move to release his hand from the surprise
Tries to get your attention without being too rude
"Excuse me, do I know you?"
Tells you he's going to his studio when you ask where he's headed
Straight up gapes when you ask him if you can come as well
He looks too cute so you decide to tell him the truth
Activate gummy smile and blushing cheeks uwu
Looks a bit embarrassed when he understands that it was all prank and how awkward he was
Still lets you use the footage
His reaction is nothing like his dark aura and it makes viewers uwu
Soft bad boy mode
Jung Hoseok:
Walks down the street with his million dollar smile and swaggy fashion
Too busy lighting up the university to notice you
Jumps two feet in the air when you slide your arm in his and places a hand on his heart dramatically
"Woah, you surprised me!"
Before he can recover from the previous surprise you lock arms with him again
Surprised Pikachu face uwu
Looks completely clueless and lets you drag him along the street
It takes him a few seconds to decide what to say
"Umm... What's your name?"
Talks with you rather comfortably but still looks constantly confused throughout your conversation
Tries to understand your motive
"So... Do you lock arms with random dudes all the time?"
Looks relieved when you tell him it's a prank
Laughs for thirty seconds
"You're such a good actor!"
His reaction and facial expressions are too priceless
Kim Namjoon:
Is walking to his lecture when you catch him
Looks nerdy hot with his glasses, dyed hair and semi formal outfit
Shocked when you lock arms with him
Probably almost drops his phone and catches it in the last second
Doesn't know what to say and scratches his head awkwardly
Clears his throat in an attempt to get your attention
"Umm... Hello"
Too smart and suspects you almost immediately
"This is a prank, isn't it?"
Feels bad when you pretend to be hurt by his question and says sorry
Turns 50 shades of red when you say he caught your eye from afar and smiles at the ground
"Well... I guess you can come with me to my lecture if you want. Just, don't blame me if you die of boredom"
Proud of himself when you admit that it's prank
"I knew it! I can't believe you made me believe you!"
Pretty chill afterwards and jokes around with you
"You sure you don't want to come learn micro-physics?"
All of the viewers falls in love with his dimples and cute awkwardness
Park Jimin:
The flirty one
He's on his phone, probably texting, when you catch him
Looks surprised for a second when you come up to him but then shoots you a smile
"Hi there"
Goes along with the flow and even suggests switching arms to make it more comfortable for you
Talks with you the whole way and giggles every few seconds because the situation is so weird
"I'm Jimin. What's you name?"
Tells you he's going to the dance studio
Laughs when you ask him to come along but he still promises to teach you
When you finally tell him it's a prank he laughs and gets all shy
"Wow, you got me so good! I didn't know what to do."
Waves to the camera cutely and hugs you when you part ways
Viewers immediately fall for him lmao
Kim Taehyung
You probably chose him because he's super handsome and looks like a chill person with his interesting fashion and thoughtful expression
He's deep in thought when you grab his arm
Turns to look at you, probably expecting it to be a friend
His eyebrows furrow cutely when he sees you and his mouth open slightly
Tries to remember if he somehow knows you
"Have we met before?"
Looks relieved when you say you haven't lmao
Then he's just back to normal after that
Doesn't make a big deal out of it
Talks with you naturally as if you know each other for years (my social butterfly<3)
"You ever think how weird it is that the sky is blue? Like, why not lavender?"
Tells you he's going to a friend's house and looks amused when you ask if you can come along
"Are you serious?" *Laughs*
But still takes it in a stride
Probably the coolest reaction
Smiles when you say it's a prank
Seems to like the idea and already think of ways to do it as well lmfao
Asks you where the camera is and seems really excited to know he was filmed for a YouTube video uwu
"So you're not coming with me to my friend, right?"
Jeon Jungkook:
The emo guy
Walks with earphones and a hoodie covering his head
Notices you coming up to him and moves slightly to let you pass
Doesn't expect you to grab his arm at all
Snatches his arm from yours and turns firetruck red
Stutters when you try to do it again and backs away
"Wh-What are you doing?"
Looks completely dumbfounded when you say you want to lock arms with him
"But you don't even know me..."
Still lets you do it, even if his hands are clammy and his face is burning
Answers you shyly when you talk to him and doesn't look in your direction
Even more shook when he hears you want to come with him to the gym
"I- Okay, I guess..."
Loses it when he hears it's a prank
Laughs and buries his face in his hands
"I should've known!"
Feels more comfortable after that and talks with you for a bit more
Hesitates when you ask if he can be in the video
But agrees when you say his reaction was too cute to be left out
BTS' favorite place to kiss you:
Kim Seokjin:
Your forehead
It's such a dad kiss you know lol
He probably thinks it's cute
Is he wrong though?
Kisses you there whenever you're pissed at him
Which usually happens after you make him food
And he laughs for an hour at the way you cut the veggies
Also kisses your forehead when you're sad
Like if you're just really emo because you got your period
He'll leave this sweet kiss on your forehead while you cuddle to make you feel better
It works most of the time
Also kisses whenever he comes back from practice and you're already asleep
So basically he does it all the time
Min Yoongi:
Doesn't like PDA
But loves holding your hand so
He's the softest little bean on earth
You're hands are always interlocked so it only makes sense that he'll kiss it every now and then, right?
Kisses the back of your hand or your knuckles when he's working and he feels like he's losing it
Kisses your palm because it tickles and he loves hearing you giggle
Sometimes he playfully bites your fingers only to soothe the 'pain' with these small butterfly kisses
He's just so uwu I can't even
Jung Hoseok:
This baby
Kisses your nose 24/7
Will probably do it even when you have a runny nose jxkckcdl
Lmao just kidding
But yeah he loves it
Thinks your nose is the cutest thing because you're the cutest human
Kisses it whenever you do something remotely cute in his eyes
Like breathing
Also when he wants to comfort you
Like if you're tired after exams or just in a bad moon in general
Cups your cheeks in the palms of his hands and pecks your nose until you're giggling
Kim Namjoon:
Loves to kiss your head
Because he's much taller than you, he's always pecking you on the top of your head
Loves wrapping his arms around your waist when he comes back home after a long day and just nuzzle into your hair, occasionally leaving small kisses in it
I made myself uwu istg
When you're tired, he cuddle you close like the caring bf he is
Wraps his strong arms around you tightly and leaves these comforting kisses on your temple
Rubs you back until you fall asleep
He can always make your stress or sadness go away with his soft touches
Park Jimin:
Kisses on the neck is Park Jimin's euphoria in life
He is so sly omg kfkfkd
You'll just be cuddling innocently or something and then he'll start kissing your neck
Just these really cute ticklish butterfly kisses at the start
You'll start giggling and he'll just stare at you with these huge heart eyes
If he's feeling needy he'll start sucking the skin and leaving these open mouthed kisses until you'll be needy as well
I'll leave the rest to your imagination lol
But if he's just feeling bratty which is a lot of the time as well
He'll lick your neck or bite it teasingly
He'll hold you tightly so you won't be able to run away as you whine and try to push him off
But when you'll try to hit him he'll be jumping off of you like a tiny puppy and running off smh
Kim Taehyung:
He's totally the kind to love kisses on the lips the most
Kim Taehyung is a simple guy you know?
Kisses you on the lips everywhere anytime of the day
Doesn't mind doing it in front of the whole band or the staff
Winks at you when you get embarrassed and says: "I'm addicted to your lips, what can I do?"
Is into any type of kissing
Passionate, lazy, french, Brazilian, whatever
But has a massive soft spot for these chaste, gentle kisses uwu
Puckers his lips out whenever he wants a kiss from you cause he's a whole baby
Likes to cup your jaw when you kiss to make sure you won't run away
Has a weird habit of kissing you unexpectedly when you're talking or studying or just minding your own business and then pretending nothing happened while you turn 50 shades of red
Jeon Jungkook:
Loves your soft cheeks
Always kissing your cheeks, especially when you smile and they pop out even more
Despite his shyness of PDA, he lets himself kiss you on the cheeks in public or with the members
Kisses on the cheek every morning and whenever he leaves for practice
Cups one side of your neck and places the other hand on your shoulder when he leans in to kiss you
His kisses are always really simple and short but they make you feel warm all over
Kisses you softly as if you're the most precious thing in the world
Also likes to leave a kiss on your cheek before you fall asleep
When you're in bed and he's spooning you with his hands wrapped around your lower stomach
It's almost a tradition every night by now
Adds a whisper of "good night baby" uwu