Stray Kids When You Wear Their Hoodie:
Stray Kids when you wear their hoodie:
Bang Chan:
He loves it too much lol. To the point where he leaves his hoodies in your apartment to increase the chances of you wearing them next time he comes over. Thinks seeing you with his oversized wool sweater, hair in a messy bun and cute sweater paws is some sort of heaven on earth. Has such an obvious soft spot for it it's not a joke anymore lmao. Like he'll just be so smiley and touchy. Whenever he stops gushing over you, he'll look at you again and he won't be able not to smile uwu. Cuddles you for hours on hours on end, pressing sweet kisses to your shoulders and cheeks. Pouts if you merely consider taking off his hoodie around him, even if it's a 100 degrees outside.
"You look so cute in my hoodie, baby! You should wear it more."

Lee Know:
Low-key loves it. Will tease the hell out of you and chastise you jokingly whenever you wear his hoodie, complaining that he doesn't have any clothes left and that he doesn't trust you to take care of his designer clothes smh. But he does it mostly to see you blush and cover your face with your cute af sweater paws. Smiles to himself secretly when he sees you drowning in his clothes, looking completely his. With all his complaints, he will straight up get grumpy if he sees you taking off one of his hoodies, and he will jump on the opportunity to throw you one of his sweaters, although he will most definitely throw you some savage remark in hopes of protecting his image.
"Here, take this. You look better in my clothes, anyway."

He isn't as soft for you in his hoodies as Chan, rather he's just a softie in general uwu. Will probably make a face when he sees you in one of his long-lost hoodies, but he can't help but smile slightly when he sees you give him your famous puppy eyes. Low-key thinks you look cute af, and he's a bit proud seeing you, protected and cherished in his clothes. (Finally someone can wear his clothes without it being too small lol). So with all his scolding, he will still let you take another hoodie at the end of your date, even if he knows that it won't return to him.
"Aish, you're lucky you look cute in my clothes..."

This flustered baby uwu. He becomes a blushing mess whenever he sees you with his hoodies. Because you're so much shorter than him, his clothes are practically curtains on you, especially his sweaters and sweatshirts, which hang on your body like dresses. Really likes seeing you in his hoodies, but is too shy to ask you to wear them because he's afraid you'll think he's weird, so instead he "forgets" his hoodies at your place, and continues to forget them even when you remind him lol. Has to gather all his confidence to compliment you on how you look, and then it's just the two of you blushing all over the place and avoiding each other's eyes uwu.
"M-my hoodie looks nice on you- I mean- you look cute-"

He probably dreamed about the day that you'll be comfortable enough with him to steal his hoodies. It just always seemed so domestic and adorable to him, and he wanted to be the one person you could always trust to provide you and take care of you. The day he'll see you in one of his hoodies, he won't even try to hide his excitement. He'll straight up put a hand on his heart and start shouting about how cute you look and how you're giving him a heart attack lol. From then on, he'll just be giving you all of his clothes lmfao. He won't even try to hide the fact that he leaves piles of his clothes in your house every day, and he'll be super offended if you won't wear at least one piece of his clothing every time you meet.

This cuddle bug uwu. The first time he saw you wearing his hoodie, he probably got a little shy. He tried to hide how much he loved it by covering his flaming cheeks with his hands, but it was still obvious with the way he was stuttering compliments at you. Pretty soon, he became more open when it came to expressing how much he likes you in his clothes, and he'd be very straightforward about it, always suggesting you take his clothes and throwing you his hoodies whenever possible. To be honest, he'd probably buy himself clothes just so you could wear them lol. Also, he becomes super cuddly and kissy when he sees you with his soft sweaters and shirts, so it's basically a win for both of you lol.
"Here, take this, it's getting chilly outside."

Pretends not to like it smh. Always making faces, scrunching his nose and huffing dramatically whenever he sees you wearing one of his huge hoodies. On top of his constant complaining, he also teases you whenever you ask him if you can take one of his biggest sweaters, saying you like him too much and that you like to feel small, which you can't really deny, but still gets you all shy and flustered. Despite everything, Seungmin will always give you his hoodies when you ask for them, and he'll even get a bit cuddly, pecking your lips gently and hugging you more than usual.
"You're so small, I can barely see you in my hoodie."

Doesn't react too much on the outside, but on the inside he's straight up having a disco party lmao. Thinks you look adorable in your clothes, even cuter than how you usually are. He blushes whenever you ask for one of his large sweaters, and blushes even more after he accidentally says 'of course!' with too much enthusiasm. Hands you specific hoodies which he thinks will look the best on you (he definitely spent time looking at them and thinking which one will look the prettiest uwu) and bursts the biggest uwu after seeing you changed to the soft material, just barely brushing your knees. Can't help but smile widely and hug you more than usual, pressing kisses all over your face.
"This one will look great on you! I mean, I think it will..."

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More Posts from Avmisworld
Lee Mark- "All that you are is all I'll ever need"
It's pretty cold outside at 10 p.m, and you wrap your black sweater a bit tighter around you as another gust of wind passes by, chilling you to the bone.
It's still enjoyable, though, somehow.
You close your eyes, listening to the chirp of the birds and the howl of the wind, persistent and angry.
Your fingers run through the grass you're currently lying on, admiring the way the green bands bow under your touch.
It's calming, and it somehow makes your heart warm even though you're starting to lose feeling in your face due to the harsh wind.
"You're unbelievable".
You blink your eyes open at the familiar voice, not surprised in the slightest to see your boyfriend standing above you with an exasperated expression on his face, holding a thermos in his left hand and a furry blanket in the other.
He looks soft, wearing an oversized olive green sweater and black joggers, and he's shivering slightly due to the low temperature outside.
You smile at him teasingly, rolling on your stomach to look at him clearly. "And yet you don't look surprised at all".
Mark huffs dramatically at your response, glaring at you momentarily before sitting next to you on the grass, wincing when his bottom touches the ground.
"You don't have to be here and suffer because of me, you know", you say softly when he spreads the blanket over the both of you, the soft material immediately warming you up.
Mark doesn't answer for a second, handing you the thermos in silence, which you already know contains your favorite peppermint tea.
"I know", he says simply, taking a sip out of his own cup of tea, his face momentarily covering in steam. "But if you insist on coming here, the least I can do is make sure you don't freeze to death".
You roll your eyes at that, but you feel warm all over, and you think it might be because of Mark Lee and not just because of the blanket covering you and the hot beverage in your hands.
"I'll be fine", you smile at him gently, shifting so you're sitting in front of him, almost on top of him, your thighs placed on his legs and your feet on the sides of his hips. "I'm a big girl"
"Maybe, but you're my girl as well."
You feel your face turn red at your boyfriend's words, and, judging by the blush dusting his cheeks, he's just as surprised by his comment as you are.
"Anyways...", He looks down, playing with his cup awkwardly, "I'm staying".
You stare at him for a second, considering all the possibilities before sighing deeply, "Okay".
You lean forward, wrapping your arms around Mark's torso, laying your head against his chest so you can feel the beat of his heart against your ear.
He sighs as well, a sigh of satisfaction mixed with annoyance, before wrapping his own arms around your waist, kissing your temple gently.
The two of you stay like that, with Mark rubbing his thumbs gently against your hipbones, his cheek pressed to the top of your head so you can feel the warmth of his breath against you.
"Why do you come here anyway?", He asks after a few minutes of silence, one of his hands carding through your hair gently as he speaks.
You shrug against him, your words muffled by the material of Mark's shirt when you answer. "Helps me think".
"You can't think inside our apartment?", Mark asks sarcastically, yelping when you bite his bicep as a punishment.
You change your position after that, so Mark's lying on his back now with you held tightly against his chest, legs tangled together and your head placed right under his chin.
You stare at the sky. It's so dark outside, especially where you live, so far away from the city and detached from the rest of the people.
But thanks to the darkness, you get to see the stars.
You move your eyes from the stars in the sky to the stars in your boyfriend's eyes. He's already looking at you, a small smile on his face, and you giggle, curling closer to him.
"See what I mean?", You whisper, returning your attention to the universe above you. "It's beautiful", you say, tone hushed and small, afraid to ruin the peacefulness of the moment
"Yeah, it is", you don't even need to turn your head to know Mark's looking at you, and you feel your cheeks darken once again.
Slim fingers tilt your head gently, and then your mouth is pressed against Mark's soft one, sliding over each other with ease that comes with familiarity.
You clutch at the soft fabric of your boyfriend's sweater, pulling him even closer till your nose bump against each other, causing you to laugh silently into each other's mouths, soft and loving.
Mark pulls away slightly, keeping his forehead pressed against yours, staring into your eyes with what can only be described as love.
"You bring me peace, baby. Which is why I'll go outside in the freezing weather, in the middle of the night, just to be with you".
You smile, leaning forward to kiss Mark once more, a soft peck that makes something bloom deep in your heart.
"I love you."

BTS during "locking arms with strangers" prank:
So I've been seeing a lot of pranks from the The Daily Dropout (they're a YouTube channel who does mostly pranks and they're hilarious, I definitely recommend checking them out). And the different reactions of people made me think: how would BTS react if they were the random people being pranked? Specifically, if some stranger came to them and held their hand for no apparent reason lmao. So this is it. -Avishag
Kim Seokjin:
Stares at you for a few seconds
"What the fuck" smile
Recovers after a few seconds tho (u won't catch Jin slipping lmao)
Proceeds to pretend like this happens every day
Makes small talk with you during the walk
You have to try really hard to keep a straight face because of his funny comments
"I hope you don't mind crossing half of the campus for Starbucks"
Doesn't seem really surprised when he hears it's a prank
Agrees to be in the video without second thought
"Of course my handsome face can be in your video"
His reaction basically makes the whole video
All the viewers want his Instagram lmao
Min Yoongi:
Has his earphones on
Doesn't even notice you until your arm is locked with his
Almost karate chops your arm off lmao
Thinks you mistook him for your friend
"I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong person"
Looks even more confused when you continue walking with him
Doesn't even make a move to release his hand from the surprise
Tries to get your attention without being too rude
"Excuse me, do I know you?"
Tells you he's going to his studio when you ask where he's headed
Straight up gapes when you ask him if you can come as well
He looks too cute so you decide to tell him the truth
Activate gummy smile and blushing cheeks uwu
Looks a bit embarrassed when he understands that it was all prank and how awkward he was
Still lets you use the footage
His reaction is nothing like his dark aura and it makes viewers uwu
Soft bad boy mode
Jung Hoseok:
Walks down the street with his million dollar smile and swaggy fashion
Too busy lighting up the university to notice you
Jumps two feet in the air when you slide your arm in his and places a hand on his heart dramatically
"Woah, you surprised me!"
Before he can recover from the previous surprise you lock arms with him again
Surprised Pikachu face uwu
Looks completely clueless and lets you drag him along the street
It takes him a few seconds to decide what to say
"Umm... What's your name?"
Talks with you rather comfortably but still looks constantly confused throughout your conversation
Tries to understand your motive
"So... Do you lock arms with random dudes all the time?"
Looks relieved when you tell him it's a prank
Laughs for thirty seconds
"You're such a good actor!"
His reaction and facial expressions are too priceless
Kim Namjoon:
Is walking to his lecture when you catch him
Looks nerdy hot with his glasses, dyed hair and semi formal outfit
Shocked when you lock arms with him
Probably almost drops his phone and catches it in the last second
Doesn't know what to say and scratches his head awkwardly
Clears his throat in an attempt to get your attention
"Umm... Hello"
Too smart and suspects you almost immediately
"This is a prank, isn't it?"
Feels bad when you pretend to be hurt by his question and says sorry
Turns 50 shades of red when you say he caught your eye from afar and smiles at the ground
"Well... I guess you can come with me to my lecture if you want. Just, don't blame me if you die of boredom"
Proud of himself when you admit that it's prank
"I knew it! I can't believe you made me believe you!"
Pretty chill afterwards and jokes around with you
"You sure you don't want to come learn micro-physics?"
All of the viewers falls in love with his dimples and cute awkwardness
Park Jimin:
The flirty one
He's on his phone, probably texting, when you catch him
Looks surprised for a second when you come up to him but then shoots you a smile
"Hi there"
Goes along with the flow and even suggests switching arms to make it more comfortable for you
Talks with you the whole way and giggles every few seconds because the situation is so weird
"I'm Jimin. What's you name?"
Tells you he's going to the dance studio
Laughs when you ask him to come along but he still promises to teach you
When you finally tell him it's a prank he laughs and gets all shy
"Wow, you got me so good! I didn't know what to do."
Waves to the camera cutely and hugs you when you part ways
Viewers immediately fall for him lmao
Kim Taehyung
You probably chose him because he's super handsome and looks like a chill person with his interesting fashion and thoughtful expression
He's deep in thought when you grab his arm
Turns to look at you, probably expecting it to be a friend
His eyebrows furrow cutely when he sees you and his mouth open slightly
Tries to remember if he somehow knows you
"Have we met before?"
Looks relieved when you say you haven't lmao
Then he's just back to normal after that
Doesn't make a big deal out of it
Talks with you naturally as if you know each other for years (my social butterfly<3)
"You ever think how weird it is that the sky is blue? Like, why not lavender?"
Tells you he's going to a friend's house and looks amused when you ask if you can come along
"Are you serious?" *Laughs*
But still takes it in a stride
Probably the coolest reaction
Smiles when you say it's a prank
Seems to like the idea and already think of ways to do it as well lmfao
Asks you where the camera is and seems really excited to know he was filmed for a YouTube video uwu
"So you're not coming with me to my friend, right?"
Jeon Jungkook:
The emo guy
Walks with earphones and a hoodie covering his head
Notices you coming up to him and moves slightly to let you pass
Doesn't expect you to grab his arm at all
Snatches his arm from yours and turns firetruck red
Stutters when you try to do it again and backs away
"Wh-What are you doing?"
Looks completely dumbfounded when you say you want to lock arms with him
"But you don't even know me..."
Still lets you do it, even if his hands are clammy and his face is burning
Answers you shyly when you talk to him and doesn't look in your direction
Even more shook when he hears you want to come with him to the gym
"I- Okay, I guess..."
Loses it when he hears it's a prank
Laughs and buries his face in his hands
"I should've known!"
Feels more comfortable after that and talks with you for a bit more
Hesitates when you ask if he can be in the video
But agrees when you say his reaction was too cute to be left out
BTS reaction to you being drunk:
Kim Seokjin:
You never really liked alcohol, it always tasted bitter to you and you weren't really interested in being completely unfiltered in front of other people. Yet, here you were, in a bar in Seoul with three of your best friends, after they had literally dragged you out of your house.
The reason you had agreed to drink was because the outing was planned as a celebration for one of your friends' birthday, and you couldn't really say no to her puppy eyes and pleads.
The problem here was that you hardly ever drink, which resulted in you being very lightweight. Like, comically lightweight. So after one bottle of suju you were already fairly tipsy.
At the end of the night, you find yourself standing outside of the bar with the rest of your friends, teeth chattering due to the late night cold and dialing the number you knew by heart.
"Hey, sweetheart", you smile automatically at the sound of Jin's sweet voice, your hazy mind screaming with happiness at the thought of your boyfriend staying up until you get home. "Where are you?"
"I'm here", you slur into the phone, "And I want to cuddle, so come get me.", you demand in a whiny voice, pouting into the cellphone as if Jin can see your face.
"Ohhh... "Here" you say?", Jin sounds amused despite your seriousness, and your pout grows even more. "Mind sending me the address, love?", He asks ever so patiently, and you can already hear the dangling of the car keys in Jin's hand as he gets ready to leave.
"Okay", you mumble, hugging yourself tightly as you rock on your heels, regretting not bringing a jacket with you for this weather. "Just get here fast", you beg, already missing your boyfriend's soft hoodies and warm hugs.
"I'm on my way, cutie."
"Seokjinnie~~~~", you jump on your boyfriend as he opens the driver's car door and walks towards you, looking cute as ever in a soft pink sweater and black Adidas joggers, his dark blue slippers making a soft slapping sound against the sidewalk when he stumbles back from the force of your jump, wrapping his arms around your waist with a huff of surprise.
"Y/N", he laughs, setting you down gently, and pushing a strand of hair away from your eyes. His cap is pulled low over his eyes to avoid being recognized, but you can still see his full pink lips, and the need to kiss him overcomes you suddenly.
"Jinnieee~~~ You're so handsome, you know?", You mumble when Jin intertwines your hands, leading you to your car after thanking your friends for staying with you.
Jin smiles, opening the passenger door for you and pushing you in gently, before leaning forward to put on your seat belt for you. "I know", he replies, winking at you cheekily.
You stare at your boyfriend with heart eyes as he straps you in your seat and then fixes the strap of your blue glittery dress from where it slipped down your shoulder.
"You're so sexy", you continue, making your boyfriend chuckle as you continue to praise him, "And your lips are so prettyyyy. I wanna kiss them all the timeeee.", You say, reaching your hands to squeeze Jin's cheeks between the palms of your hands, causing his lips to pucker, and making you giggle.
Jin shakes his head, releasing your hands from his face gently and moving backwards to close your door.
"Let's get home, and then you'll kiss them as much as you want, okay?", He says when he starts the car ignition, shooting you a fond look before starting to drive.
You yawn, the warm air from the AC and the soft music playing on the radio causing you to fall into a dreamlike state. "Okay, sexy", you mumble, eyes drooping as you lean your head back on the car seat.
You can hear Jin's windshield wiper laugh in the back of your mind, but you don't really acknowledge it, eyes falling closed and breathing steadying as you fall asleep.

This day had been a pain in the ass, to be honest. Your boyfriend, Yoongi, had completely dissapeared from your shared apartment lately, due to BTS's upcoming comeback, and he had been practicing and recording all month long, which usually resulted in him sleeping at the boys' shared dorm instead of coming back home (if he even got any sleep).
Usually, you knew how to deal with being alone. But today, even your most trusted friend couldn't hang out, and your apartment never felt so lonely.
All this resulted in you opening your boyfriend's favorite cabinet, and grabbing a bottle of his expensive vodkas.
Only after downing half of the bottle, did you start to realize that a) your boyfriend is not going to be happy about his favorite vodka missing, and b) you were tipsy.
Rocking your body slightly, you stare at your phone beside you with a frown. It seemed as if it was taunting you, encouraging you to call Suga even when you knew you definitely shouldn't disturb him.
Sighing heavily, you decide that indeed, calling Yoongi wasn't acceptable. But bombarding your Kakao Talk chat with pictures of you, glossy eyed and blurry, surely was.
You: I missdsdss uuuu
You: Come bac homefkf
You: Plzzzz
You: Meowewww
Suga💞: What are you doing????
Suga💞: Why are you drinking in the middle of the day
Forgetting your agreement with yourself, you pick up the phone, clicking on your boyfriend's number on speed dial and pressing the device to your ear, taking another sip of the golden liquid in your cup with a sigh.
"Y/N, I'm in the middle of recording", Yoongi says the second he picks up, and you pout, mad at the lack of attention you're getting.
"I'm sowwyy", you mumble in aeygo, "But I miss you lots", you pause before adding, "And I'm a bit drunk".
You hear Suga sigh on the other side of the line, exasperated yet undeniably fond. "Look, I can't talk right now, but I promise I'll come back home tonight, okay?"
You smile widely at the news, tapping your feet on the ground with excitement, your tears long forgotten. "Okay", you agree.
"Good. Now stop drinking and go take a shower or something. I'll talk to you later.", Suga says, ever the caring boyfriend, even when you constantly pester him.
"I love you", you say into the phone, softly, because you really do, and even your drunk self thinks that Yoongi deserves to know it.
"Me too, baby".

You stumble through the door, kicking your shoes off the second you cross the welcome mat and stretching your hands over you head as you let out a yawn, your black sweater riding up to reveal a flash your tummy.
You're drunk. And tired. You had went to hang out with a friend at her house and somehow you ended up finishing three bottles of soju and dancing on the rooftop of her house barefoot.
It was fun, but you were completely drained right now and the fact that you walked from your friend's house to your own apartment in your state, only made you more exhausted.
"Y/N?? Is that you?", You hear a cautious voice before the sound of bare feet against your carpeted floor reaches your ears, and you raise you red eyes to stare at your boyfriend, who looks somewhere between amused and worried at the sight of you.
Hoseok looks good, even at this ungodly hour, caramel brown hair tussled and chocolate eyes shining. He's wearing one of his silk pyjamas, dark blue and complementing his golden skin as he stands under the warm lights of your apartment.
"Hoseokieeee", you smile, reaching your hands out to your boyfriend as you stumble towards him, almost tripping from your own shoes you had kicked off seconds earlier.
Your boyfriend smiles back at you, catching you when you lean against him, hands wrapped lightly around his upper back, head tilted up to look at him.
Jhope's nose scrunches cutely when he smells your soju reeking breath, but he doesn't release you, moving his head back to avoid the bitter odor of the alcohol.
"Well, you've definitely had something to drink", he says sarcastically, wrapping his own arms around your waist to pick you up in his arms, bridal style, and carrying you to the kitchen.
"Wowwwww", you slur when your boyfriend places you in the counter, "You're so strong and manlyy".
Hoseok snorts from his place inside the refrigerator, taking out a large bottle of water and two painkillers from the medicine supply cabinet.
"Here", he says, handing you a cup with ice cold water. "Now open your mouth", he commands, placing the painkillers on your tongue before moving back and watching as you down the water, making a face at the feeling of the pills sliding down your throat.
"Good job", he says with a smile, leaning down to peck your nose briefly and making you giggle quietly. "Now let's go sleep, hmm? It's pretty late".
You consider this for a moment, hands wrapped around your boyfriend's neck and legs wound around his waist as you hum thoughtfully, not noticing the soft, yet exasperated look, he sends you as you pretend to think.
"Okay", you agree finally, "But only if we cuddle", you say childishly, crossing your arms over your chest in a pose that delivered your will to fight for your word.
Laughing, Hoseok leans to peck your lips gently, before pulling back, nose crinkled. "Of course, baby. But you really have to wash your teeth first."

Going out with a bunch of co-workers to dinner, as a celebration of the year ending, not surprisingly led to a bunch of drinks being passed out.
You liked the people you worked with, to be honest, so you didn't really mind getting drunk next to them, especially when they were all in the same state you were.
By the end of the night, you barely stumbled into a waiting taxi, which you might've have invited, you can't really remember.
Leaning your cheek against the cold surface of the car window, you stare at the scenery passing by as you hum an unknown song, ignoring the weird looks sent by the taxi driver towards you.
"Excuse me, miss. We reached the address."
Your blink blearily at the sound of the driver's voice, shaking your head as you yawn loudly. Drinking always makes you tired.
You hand the driver a wad of cash way too big for the 10 minute drive from the restaurant to wherever you are, opening the passenger door and almost closing it before the driver hands you back a handful of bills with a small smile.
You thank him quickly, closing the door behind you and walking towards the tall building in front of you, and you remember hazily that this is where you live, with your boyfriend, Kim Namjoon.
You stand in the elevator with your black heels in your hand, bouncing slightly on the soles of your feet at the thought of seeing Joon in a few moments.
When the elevator finally open with a ding, you stumble out of it, knocking on the door of your apartment. Luckily, it was the only one on the whole floor, so you didn't have to worry about intruding some stranger's sleep.
"Who is it?", You hear the confused voice of your lovely boyfriend, and only then does it occur to you that you have a key in the pocket of your jeans, and this is your own house, so you don't really need to knock.
"It's meeee", you say into the door, smiling when your boyfriend opens it with a small dimpled smile. "Surprise!!"
Namjoon chuckles, pulling you forward with a hand wrapped around your wrist before closing the door behind you, locking it afterwards. "You scared me for a second", he says with a grin. "How was the dinner?"
He's wearing his favorite gold-rimmed glasses, perched on the bottom of his nose cutely. His currently caramel hair is softly strewn across his forehead, and the soft olive color of the robe he's wearing compliments his skin nicely.
Judging by the thick book in his hand, he's been reading before you arrived, but knowing your boyfriend, it was just an excuse to stay awake and make sure you come back home safely.
"It was funnnnn", you slur, wrapping your arms around his broad chest. "But I missed youuu".
Namjoon laughs, pressing a quick kiss to you forehead. "So did I", he assures you as he hugs you back tightly, running a comforting hand down your back.
"Now let's get you out of these clothes", he says gently, and you raise an eyebrow with a smirk, "Ohhhh, I like the sound of that".
Your boyfriend blushes deeply before shaking his head with a smile, the holes on his cheeks making something inside you melt at the thought of being the reason for this display of cuteness.
He takes you to your shared room and grabs one of your PJ's from your closet, as you sit on the edge of the bed, swinging your legs and singing "Persona" off key.
Namjoon helps you out of your skinny black jeans and white buttoned up shirt, taking your black sandals off your feet carefully.
When you're finally changed into your striped light pink pajamas with the cute strawberry illustrations, you let RM tuck you into the bed, covering you with a blanket and pecking your lips briefly. "Go to sleep, love", he whispers, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
"What about you?", you mumble, eyes already half closed as you struggle to stay awake.
"I'm just going to brush my teeth and bring you some water and painkillers for tomorrow", he assures you sweetly, pressing another peck to your chin. "I'll be back in a second."
"T'ank you, Joonie.", you whisper, feeling your boyfriend get up from the bed, and a hand stroking your cheek.
"Anything for you, baby".

You and Jimin had went on a date to one the best bars in Seoul, and now you were on the dance floor in your boyfriend's arms, swaying to the song playing loudly in the background.
Jimin looked amazing as always, his brown hair parted in the middle, glimmering against the bright lights, wearing a simple black tshirt with black skinny jeans and a matching belt. If looks could kill, you would be buried by now.
You were also wearing an all black outfit, a black mini dress with cuts on the upper thigh, matched with knee high boots, black as well.
Judging by the possessive way Jimin was holding your waist, he didn't really appreciate the people close to you, guys and girls as one.
You were already tipsy, since you and Jimin had both downed a few shots of alcohol before going to dance, and Jimin was way too handsome today, even more so when he was dancing, sweat trailing down the side of his neck, his hands wrapped around your lower back, pulling you even closer to him.
You pressed your forehead to Jimin's, smiling at him when you noticed the soft smile he was sending you. His eyes were dark, filled with lust and want, but also love and softness, and it was making your head dizzy.
Throwing all your self restraint out the window, you pressed yourself to your boyfriend's body completely, wrapping your arms securely around his neck as you leaned forward to capture his lips with your own.
Jimin tasted like alcohol, unsurprisingly, but also like the mint toothpaste he was addicted to and the watermelon gum you were chewing before you got here.
Your boyfriend let out a soft noise of surprise, but kissed you back immediately, making you smile against his lips.
The kiss was soft yet passionate, but you didn't want soft, you wanted Jimin. One of your hands on Jimin's neck trailed up to his hair, tugging on it softly as you bit on his lower lip, making him growl lowly.
Your tongues met with fiery passion, curling against each other as you both let the need consume you, ignoring the people bumping into you. You let out a soft sigh when Jimin's hand run down the curve of your ass and the top of your thigh before coming back to your waist.
"Babe", Jimin pulled away first, breathing heavily, lips red and swollen as he leaned in to place a sweet kiss on your neck. "We should go home", he mumbled against your skin, hands playing with the fabric of your dress absentmindedly.
You sighed at the feeling of your boyfriend's soft butterfly kisses and nod silently, hugging him tightly as you both sway left and right slowly, not minding the fast tempo of the song playing.
Jimin releases you after sometime, leaving one last peck to your puffy lips before intertwining your fingers tightly and leading you through the crowd, occasionally balancing you when you stumbled.
You walk outside the bar with your boyfriend, and he laughs when you start skipping down the street, still holding his hand as you drag him with you, hair flying behind you due to the wind.
"You're so drunk, baby", he laughs, shaking his head with a smile when you turn around, eyes wide and shining with mischief.
"Skip with me", you demand, and Jimin tilts his head back, laughing.
"I'm serious", you whine, pouting at Jimin and shaking your interlocked hands. "Come on".
Jimin sighs, unable to resist your puppy eyes. "I'm not drunk enough for this", he mumbles, but starts skipping with you down the street, thankful for the absence of people due to the late hour.
"You're lucky you're cute".

You and Taehyung had went out for dinner with some of his many friends, at a fancy restaurant in Seoul.
Despite not knowing said friends very well, and being quite shy, Taehyung managed to convince you to come with his cursed puppy eyes and pouty lips, so here you were.
It actually was fun, and you got familiar with Tae's friends surprisingly quickly. The conversation was fluid and the food was tasty, and you were enjoying yourself. Maybe too much, judging by how your head was spinning.
Taehyung was completely sober next to you, since he hates drinking, his hand interlocked with yours under the table, rubbing circles on the back of your palm with his thumb gently as he conversed animatedly with his friends.
You were talking as well, a little too loud, laughing at the most random moments and just being lively in general. Any other time, you would be utterly embarrassed with how you were acting, but the nice buzz in your head prevented you from thinking clearly.
Taehyung was looking at you fondly, an amused smirk on his lips as he watched your drunk behaviour. To him, it was adorable and silly, but knowing you, you would be super embarrassed tommorow with the way you acted, so he decided to save you from yourself.
"Well, I think we'll get going", he announced, ignoring your pout as he helped you stand up, wrapping a hand around your waist loosely.
"I don't want tooooo", you whined slightly, making Taehyung's friends chuckle and your boyfriend roll his eyes in fond exasperation.
"It's late, Y/N, and I'm tired. You have work tomorrow as well", Taehyung reminds you patiently, and you huff in annoyance, your drunk state not allowing you to care in the least about something as trivial as work.
Still, you can't say no to Taehyung's pleading eyes, so you say goodbye to his friends before exiting the restaurant, leaning on your boyfriend's side.
It was cold outside, and the thin pink blouse you were wearing and short black skirt wasn't helping you warm up in the slightest.
You shivered against Taehyung, tucking your face a bit more into the side of his neck as you waddled along, and he noticed, frowning momentarily before taking off the long white coat he was wearing and slinging it over your shoulders.
"You'll never listen to me telling you to take a coat, will you?", He sighs as you cuddle into the warm fabric, the heat the wool let out making you feel drowsy.
You didn't answer, knowing your boyfriend was right, instead turning to backhug him gently, arms wrapped around his stomach as he continues walking with you attached to him.
"Don't need to", you say, pressing your smile into the back of Taehyung's gray knit sweater, "You always take care of me".
"Yeah, I should really stop doing that", Taehyung responds teasingly, covering your hands with his own as you reach the car.
You giggle, breathing in the scent of Taehyung's sweater: his original scent that can't be taken away. "But you won't", you mumbled, eyes closed, "Because you love me".
Taehyung hums, detaching you from him gently and spinning you around as he opens the passenger door for you, covering your head with his hand so you won't hit the ceiling of the car when you get in.
"I love you, too", you say, smiling at him goofily and making him smile softly at you- his automatic response whenever he sees you smile.
"I'm sorry I'm such a burden", you say, making Taehyung frown from where he was putting on your seatbelt, clearly not expecting the sudden sad tone of your voice.
"Hey", he tilts your chin up, forcing you to look him in the eye, "I wish all my burdens were like you", he says gently, making you let out a wet chuckle as he places a soft kiss on your lips.
You let your eyes fall closed as your boyfriend starts the engine of the car, Taehyung's soft humming lulling you to a peaceful sleep.

Jungkook places the now empty bottle of red wine on the table with a satisfied sigh, before leaning back to place his head in your lap.
The two of you are sitting on the couch in your apartment, where you were having movie night, aka another excuse to drink together in the middle of the week.
You were sitting on one end of the couch, all the pillows supporting your body as you lean to the side, while Jungkook was spread on the rest of the space, legs dangling on the other end.
The movie you two were watching was long forgotten, and you were now both giggling drunkenly as Jungkook made weird faces from his place on your lap.
Despite being a bit tipsy, Jungkook wasn't as lightweight as you were, so he was still a bit surprised when you got up suddenly, grabbing his arm to pull him up with you.
"Kookie", you say with a smile as he stares at you in fond confusion, "Let's dance".
Jungkook smiles at you, raising an eyebrow. "There's no music, babe", he says, placing his hands on your waist as you wrap yours around his shoulders.
"Oh", your smile fades for a second, while Jungkook's grows, finding your drunk behaviour too adorable. But then your grin comes back again, in full force. "You can sing, Jungkookie!"
Jungkook laughs at that, throwing his head back, before looking at you again. "What do you want me to sing, cupcake?", He asks gently, pushing a strand of hair from your face as you continue swaying slowly to an imaginary beat.
"Hmm...", You think for a moment before your face light up again. "Maybe... Euphoria?"
Jungkook smiles softly, eyes crinkling. You were probably the biggest fan of Euphoria there was, and you continusally proved your love for the song, even so long after it was released.
"You are the sunlight that rose again in my life, A reincarnation of my childhood dreams...", Jungkook starts gently, his honey voice making you smile as you lean your cheek against his broad shoulder, hugging him tightly.
"Take my hands now", Jungkook pulls away to kiss your intertwined hands sweetly, his soft black curls tickling the skin of your palm.
"You are the cause of my euphoria", his doe eyes shine as he stares at you, the look in his eyes so loving and pure that it melts you from inside, making you weak in the knees.
When your lips meet Jungkook's, everything fades away, the kiss so delicate and beautiful that you let out an unintentional sigh, melting into your boyfriend as his hand reaches up to cradle your face, the other curling on the hem of the oversized blue hoodie you were wearing, one of his hoodies you always "borrowed".
Jungkook pulls away after you both run out of air, pressing his lips to your forehead as you both regain your breathing.
"I love you", you whisper, your tipsy state of mind allowing you to say things you were usually too shy to say so freely.
"And I love you", Jungkook says back without hesitation, eyes honest.
"Good. Now give me a piggyback to our room. I'm tired", you command, making Jungkook gape at the sudden change of your demeanor.
"Aish, you're such a brat", he whines playfully, yet still crouches in front of you slightly, allowing you to clamber on his back, arms slung around his neck loosely as he gets up, tightening his hold on your thighs.
You place your head on Jungkook's firm back as he climbs up the stairs carefully, still singing Euphoria quiety.
"When I'm with you I'm in Eutopia".

NCT 127 reaction to you doing aeygo:
You don't do it a lot, so just let him gush over you for a few seconds lol. No matter the reason you did it, he'll just fall in love with you a bit more seeing you act all adorable for him, and he'll probably remember it for a while, constantly asking you to do it again. Also can't help but throw himself at you whenever you act cute, hugging you and cooing at you.
"Oh my God, so cute, please do it again".
Is probably shook for a second, surprised at the sudden act of cuteness. After you get embarrassed because of his reaction, he laughs at you slightly, comforting you that you were cute and that he was just surprised lol. Doesn't dwell on it too much, but secretly thinks you're adorable and low-key loves when you do aeygo.
"That was so random lol. You're still cute though"
Melts into a puddle no matter what you do to be honest, so you should really watch yourself with the aeygo, because Taeyong might not survive it. Whenever you do anything cute, when you want something from your boyfriend or when you're just in the mood, Taeyong collapses of laughter for two minutes straight, because you're so freaking adorable and he just can't handle it. Probably gets super red too, and you'll need to give him some space for a few minutes to recollect himself. Won't say anything after that, but his reaction is so obvious that words are completely useless lol.
"HahAHahahAhaha" *no words needed*
Loves when you do aeygo. He finds it adorable and will must likely join you as well, because he's such a small bean. That usually leads to a weird aegyo battle between you two, which ends with both of you dying of laughter, and Yuta hugging you close and peppering kisses you all over your face, making you laugh even harder. Is not afraid to ask you to do aeygo, knowing how shy you are, and jumps on any and every opportunity to see your cute side.
"Oh you want a kiss? You know what to do then".
Loves when you do aeygo but hides that fact religiously to protect his image. Will probably pretend to be embarrassed when you act cute, but you know he's just a huge marshmallow in disguise. He's completely soft for you, and honestly, with enough aeygo you can get whatever you want from him.
"Aish, why are you doing this to me?"
To keep it simple, Jaehyun is a sucker for you. Honestly, he waits all the time for you to finally unleash your fatal cuteness, since he finds you so adorable on daily basis. Internally screams whenever you act like the baby you are, but tries to play it cool on the outside, giggling at you or kissing you sweetly in response. If he's in the mood he might respond with his own aeygo.
"You're so cute baby"
A baby. Reacts to your aeygo as if it's some Oscar worthy movie, no matter how weird it is. He'll compliment you every time you act cute, and will innocently ask you to do it more often (and how can you say no to that?). You're his biggest weakness, so adding the extra softness is the final blow for him, he'll give you whatever you want.
"You're so cute. Can you do that more often?"
AKA Junguwu, a whole baby. Can't help but burst out laughing from your cuteness. Everytime you act cute, Jungwoo immediately clings to you, hugging you and kissing you. He can't help it, you're just too much for his heart. Begs you to do aeygo on daily basis, to the point where you have full conversations of aeygo.
"UWU, So ADoRabLe"
He's so weak for your aeygo lol. Literally stares at you like you hung all the stars in the sky everytime you act cute. Is constantly talking about how sweet and adorable you are, so whenever you do aeygo he just goes on and on about how precious you are, sometimes not even realizing how long he's been talking about you. Always touching you when you act cute, hugging you or ruffling your hair. Is the kind to remember your aeygo an hour after it happened and start laughing randomly and blushing.
"You're so precious, seriously."
He's so used to being the one with the aeygo in your relationship, that he's always a bit surprised when your babyish side suddenly comes out. Obviously, being the huge tease he is, he loves to make it purposely awkward just to see how you blush and hide your face in his neck. Still, he secretly loves your aeygo and melts everytime you do it, but for the sake of keeping his dignity, doesn't tell you that, resulting to forcing you to do it whenever you want something from him.
"Are you trying to be cute?"
9:54 P.M:
You tap your foot impatiently against the wooden floor, staring at the watch above your head.
Jisung said he'd be out of practice in five minutes, but either it's the longest five minutes in history or it's been like half an hour already.
You raise your head, smiling a bit when your boyfriend finally appears in the doorway, an apolegetic smile on his face.
"Hey", he mutters sheepishly, running a hand through his currently brownish-pinkish hair. His hands are shoved into his oversized black hoodie as he rocks back and forth on his heels, making him look like a giant guilty teddy bear.
You don't answer, simply raising an eyebrow at your boyfriend, your hands crossed across your chest, leaning slightly on your left hip.
"I'm sorry, I got carried away with this one move I had to perfect... You know how I am when it comes to dancing-" Jisung says quickly, beating you before you can even open your mouth. He's standing in front of you now, so close you can smell him- a mixture of sweat and Jisung's natural smell, an addicting aroma of pine woods and caramel.
He has this super cute pout on his lips, the one he always has when he knows he did something wrong, and you can't help but smile slightly, rolling your eyes before giving in, ruffling his hair gently.
"I know, and I forgive you", Jisung lets out a sigh of relief and you raise your eyebrow, a small smirk playing on your lips, "but as a punishment, you're paying for dinner today".
Jisung laughs at that, interwining your fingers with a smile. "Don't I always though?", He teases, laughing even more when you shove him gently with your shoulder, glaring at him.
"Don't make me regret forgiving you, Park Jisung", you threaten, only to break into giggles when Jisung immediately panicks, backhugging you frantically.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"