baby-tini - Slut 💜
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Heyyy!! Ily GURL I Love Your Contents So Much. It's A Shame Now Requests Are Closed. But When Requests

Heyyy!! Ily GURL 💗 I love your contents so much. It's a shame now requests are closed. But when requests will be open can you please answer this?

How'd all time line Mikey would react to their darling getting pregnant accidentally? What kind of father they might be?

My inbox isn't open yet, but I had this idea in my drafts for a while and my baby fever with Mikey is baddd. OG\Timeline- He wouldn't hate it but, he'd be pretty distant for a couple days, he would need time too come to terms with the news and how he feels about it. When he does come too terms with it though, he actually would be a pretty decent father, his only big problem is he'd be quite absent, because of his.. job. He'd take the next couple days, after you told him, too sit you down and talk about it, how you wanted everything too go, if you even wanted too keep it. Dating him obviously comes with dangers, for you, but even more so with a child involved. He'd let you know everything that could happen, with carrying his child but he'd leave it up to you on whether or not, you'd wanna keep it. He'd definitely step up and be a father, taking care of you and the child, protecting you both with his life. The child obviously can't have a normal childhood but this version of Mikey would do the best he can in order too make his child feel normal. Manila- He'd have a mixed reaction, he'd be pretty silent at first, maybe leaving the apartment for a couple days then he'd come back, feeling a little better after taking some time too process everything, he'd be pretty excited about having a kid. After loosing all his friends, by his own hands, he'd be pretty scared that he'd hurt his child but with a lot of reassurance, he would be a good dad. He'd do lot of the work as well, when you're tired, he'd change the baby, if the baby is taking formula or is bottle ready, he'd feed the baby as he held them, starring down into their little eyes as the baby grabs at him. He did start tearing up when the babies first words were dada, Mikey had the biggest, cockiest smirk on his face and he bragged about it for days on end. He would also absolutely teach his child martial arts, all the Mikey timelines would, but with Manila Mikey it'd be a fun little activity. Kanto- When you tell him you're pregnant, he'd just stare at you for a bit, his eyes dark and blank as he reads the pregnancy test over and over again. He really didn't want you too keep the baby at first but as your stomach grew and your pregnancy moved further along, he started too like the idea of having a child with you. This version of Mikey takes a while too become attached to the child, not wanting too build a bond with the baby, knowing something could go wrong or they might get hurt, but evidently when you find Mikey holding the sleeping baby in his arms, telling them that he'd protect the baby with his life at three in the morning, you know he loves his child even if he can be a little cold. He can't be super active in his babies life but he does always carry a picture of the baby on him. He does let the baby sit on his lap when he's in meetings, he dares someone too say something about it. To be honest, he surprisingly has the baby more then you do, scared that if the baby leaves his sight something bad will happen.

Bonten- He'd stare blankly before asking you too repeat yourself too make sure he heard you right the first time. When you do, multiple times at that, repeat yourself and show him the test, he goes quiet and just sits there, starring at your stomach. He's not very helpful through-out the pregnancy, being that, he is constantly busy so he'll have, mainly, Kakucho help you, getting you anything you, whenever you need it. All of the executives are made aware of your pregnancy and are told too do as you ask. They are also expected too protect you with their lives, meaning you're under security constantly, you don't really have much privacy, if any at all. Mikey expects constant update through-out the day, he doesn't care if it's meaningless, he wants too know about it. He will spend more time with you though but it takes a couple days for him too even hold the baby after they're born, scared that he'll drop them or hurt them. I will say however that your child is the safest human being in the world, there's constantly very armed security around you and the baby. That child will be so spoiled, anything they want, whenever they want, whatever they want. Street Racer- The best father out of all the Mikey timelines. He'd be very happy if you got pregnant, accidently or not. He is cannonly a very family-oriented person, so he'd be so happy too have his own little family. As soon as you tell him, he's calling everyone, all his friends, his family and he's so excited. As he's talking too Draken and telling him the wonderful new, he does start crying, he's so scared about what kind of father he''' be and that something could still go wrong in this timeline. Meaning that something could still happen to his family but when Draken explains that, while his worries are valid, Mikey would make an amazing father and that this timeline is safe and he has nothing too worry about. With the reassurance from his friends and family, but most importantly, you. He calms down a lot, this version of Mikey would be and is the most active in his child life. Going too all their school functions, their sports games, attending every graduation. He is literally the perfect father. Just a cute little HC of mine but I picture all Mikeys too be a girl dad, but I think it would be so fucking cute if Mikey had a son named Tanjiro (not because of demon slayer but because it's similar to Manjiro.) that looked exactly like him, the black eyes, the blonde hair and the love for Dorayaki. It would just be so cute, too have a little mini Mikey running around.

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More Posts from Baby-tini

7 months ago

I love your writing so much please don’t let a piano fall on you

I'll try not too 😭😭😭 I'll stay away from all falling pianos indefinitely, thank you so much though, I'm glad you enjoy my silly little content, it really does mean a lot. ❤️❤️❤️

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8 months ago

I'm mostly here for Mikey tbh

As a writer, I wanna check if the TRV fandom is alive or not

Reblog if you are a part of the Tokyo revengers fandom and consume TR content

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8 months ago


Please click this link and sign the petition in order for the release of Tokyo Revengers season 3 dubbed from disney. If the petition gets signed it'll get put into the works, thank you. You can either donate or share to allow others too tip and donate.


- Please share and reblog, thank you.

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8 months ago

Hello, I’ve been following you for a long time and I like the way you write!! How do you think Mikey on the Toman/Canto/Manila/Motorcycle Racer scale would react to his girlfriend being possessive of him, jealous of everyone, and demanding a lot of attention? something like if she wrote “I don’t care where you are or what you are doing, come to me,” how would he react to this? thank you in advance!

TW- Implied Abuse, possessive behaviour on both sides.

Toman\OG Timeline- It pisses him off, greatly. He's a very busy man, meaning he can't give you constant attention and the sooner you get that through your pretty head, the easier it'll be for him too get home quicker. When he has too consistently stop meetings because you're constantly blowing up his phone, it makes everything go a lot slower. So he just started turning off his phone and he dares you too start an argument about it when he gets home so he can teach you the manners and patience that you were never clearly taught. Also the insecurity of constantly being jealous pisses him off even more, he obviously loves you if he's putting up with your bullshit. Does he have too fuck you in front of all his men? Because he will, if it'll stop your constant calls and texts, don't tempt him. Manila- He thinks it's cute, and by it, I mean your audacity too constantly blow up his phone. He's with you constantly, so there's no one too get jealous of because you're the only person he has interactions with. He's fine with your need for constant attention because he gets bored and would rather fuck you and have a good time rather then argue about or over pointless shit. If you guys are out, which is pretty rare, and you get possessive? Not gonna lie, he thinks that shit is pretty hot and he'll go as far as too egg you on. But if you wanna shove your tongue down his throat anytime someone tries too flirt with him, he's all go with it, he'll even let you run your hands up his shirt as you guys make-out. Kanto- He does not like that, at all. Who do you think you are too be blowing up his phone when he's busy? He has stuff too do, you are not his main priority and he makes that known, so.. if he has too get a little physical with you, he will. If you try and start pointless arguments because he missed your call, you won't be hearing from him for a while. He'll have his phone turned off and you won't have anyway of getting in contact with him. When you ask his men, they tell you they don't know where he is or who he's with, as instructed by Mikey himself. If your need for attention starts too show while he's in a meeting and you decide too just slip your hand up his thigh, he's slapping it away and taking you to your room, leaving you their so he can finish the meeting with no problem, then he'll come back and discipline you. Bonten- He doesn't really care, he's with you most of the time anyway. If he's in an important meeting and you pull some shit like that though? He's not gonna be too happy with you, and since your so worried about where he is all the time, he might purposely stay away for days. He doesn't really care for your jealousy issues, and by that I mean, he gets sick of that shit, it doesn't really make sense to him because if he wanted too be with someone else, he would be. He can be pretty hypocritical though, because he wants you too constantly send him update, he just gets annoyed when you do it. Street Racer- He thinks it's sweet that you're so possessive. It just shows him how much you love, in his head anyway. Because to him, you wouldn't constantly wanna be with him if you didn't love him, right? He does ensure you that, you have nothing too worry about, he would never leave you. He does pick up your constant calls and reply to your texts as quickly as possible, simply for the fact that he doesn't see it as a big deal and really doesn't wanna argue over a missed call. So, if he's really busy or thinks he might be occupied for a bit, he'll text you before-hand, letting you know he'll be out for a bit. He'll even send you updates, like he's getting food with friends or spending time with family.

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7 months ago

Hellloo:33 so i was thinking dazai and chuuya just sharing reader like how would that go?? :3

I'm not doing bsd requests right now but this has been in my inbox for a while, so... also More poly!SKK. TW- very small hint of implied abuse in paragraph two. Dazai and Chuuya sharing someone would be so chaotic, they would have arguments out the ass about who gets too spend time with you and who gets too have you for the day. Because their schedules are so chaotic, you are alone for a bit, but on average you're with Dazai more often then not because his job isn't as demanding as Chuuyas. Being in this.. relationship does have a multitude of factors though, which are as follows. Whether Dazai is still in the port mafia, if the relationship is poly or if it's just sex and how attached they both are to you. If Dazai is still in the port mafia, the relationship between the three of you would be extremely toxic. There would be constant arguments between them about literally everything. Dazai, in the port mafia, is a lot more sadistic and open with his behaviour, whether that be hitting you or saying the meanest shit, he doesn't care. With Chuuya there though, he'd keep Dazai in line and isn't afraid too get physical with Dazai when he needs too, especially if Dazai puts his hands on you. I personally don't see Chuuya ever laying a hand on you, it doesn't matter if he's pissed or not. if Dazai was in the ADA though, it'd be chaotic but not super toxic. Sure, there'd be arguments but it's mostly just funny banter, they also aren't as likely too get into fights together with Dazai being in the ADA, especially if you're there. Dazai in the agency has calmed down quite significantly and isn't as prone to violence, whether that be towards you or people in general, although he does still instigate things, especially with Chuuya, but it's mostly a healthy, fun relationship. If this is a poly relationship, let me just say, you are the safest person in the world and they'd love you deeply, making sure you're safe, because you are the most important person in the world to them and they put you before everything and everyone. I think a poly relationship with them would be so fun and sweet, there's never a dull moment with Dazai and Chuuya is cannonly the best boyfriend in all of BSD, the definition of dream a man. I feel like you'd live with Chuuya and Dazai would also live there or he'd be at Chuuyas house so much that he basically lives there. It would make more sense too live with Chuuya because his house is definitely bigger and more secure. Also the sex with them would be so fucking good with either of them but both at the same time? It's like euphoria. If it's just for sex, Chuuya would still care about you and would most likely develop a deeper connection with you but Dazai wouldn't really care that much for you, also they would be very reluctant too share you with the other, but if you ask nicely, they'd begrudgingly agree. If they are both attached then they're never letting you go, like, ever. They'd want too constantly spend time you, always buying you gifts and taking you out. They would take such good care of you, especially Chuuya, he'd help make dinner, help with the house work and so on. While Dazai would plan spontaneous dates and coddle you constantly, he's also the one you'd spend the most time with because Chuuyas job is very high maintenance. If it's just Dazai that's attached to you, Chuuya would still wanna spend time with you, but he wouldn't be around as often. If Chuuya was the only one attache to you, which is the most likely case, Dazai would wanna be around mostly too spite Chuuya. Overall, a relationship between you and SKK would be a one and only experience. They would both make amazing boyfriends, despite their individual trauma and problems. They care very deeply about you and are willing too kill or die for you, tear the world down with their bare hands for you. They're both very loyal towards you and keep you spoiled and happy.

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