Dazai X Reader X Chuuya - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Ok ok more dark skk poly with their little pet PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need more, how would they treat them when they behave? Are they ever nice to their little pet and treat em good? Is gentle petting or are they continuously rough?

Of course of course babes

- They absolutely can be nice, they love their little pet, you're prettiest when you're mentally intact after all

- As long as you behave you're gonna be fine, Chuuya makes loads of cash, and who better to spend it on then his pretty pet? Dazai doesn't make much but he has surprisingly good taste when it comes to clothes. He picks out the prettiest collars too.

- You sit pretty on the couch while Chuuya makes you dinner and Dazai cuddles you, calling you his pretty kitty. Brushing your hair and petting your (faux) ears. Laying little kisses on your cheek.

- While Chuuya is the stricter one, he's not nearly as mean as Dazai can be. He makes sure you're well taken care of, waiting on you patently. Chuuya's the more responsible one, he cooks and cleans. Cleaning your collar, polishing the diamonds because only the best for his pet.

- Chuuya usually picks out your clothes because he has an eye for what looks good on you. The prettiest lingerie, the softest ears, cutest tails and even prettier collars.

- Soft sex is common as long as you behave and play nice, they'll rub your little clit, prep your pretty cunt and softly slide down your throat. Dazai will rub you over your panties and make you cum. You're so pretty when you cum, and he'll give you praise-filled kisses on your neck and head. Brushing away your tears and cooing at you to "be quiet before you wake Slug."

- They're the sweetest when they bath you, Chuuya rubbing you down with the best smelling lotions as Dazai washes your hair. Throwing in a couple bath bombs and bath salts. They'll even carry you out if you're sleepy.

- They'll dry you down and put you in the softest, comfortable clothes they find before cuddling you too sleep.

- Individually their aftercare is good but together!?!? It's amazing, their soft and will make you drink atleast two cups of water and get you a snack. Showering you in praises worthy of importance. Together, cuddles are the best. I picture Dazai to be cold and Chuuya as someone warm. So it's the best of both.

- Chuuya sleeps closest to the door because his ability is combat ready... but Dazai keeps a loaded gun under his pillow. They know being around you puts you in danger and they'll lay down their life for you and each other.

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8 months ago

Hellloo:33 so i was thinking dazai and chuuya just sharing reader like how would that go?? :3

I'm not doing bsd requests right now but this has been in my inbox for a while, so... also More poly!SKK. TW- very small hint of implied abuse in paragraph two. Dazai and Chuuya sharing someone would be so chaotic, they would have arguments out the ass about who gets too spend time with you and who gets too have you for the day. Because their schedules are so chaotic, you are alone for a bit, but on average you're with Dazai more often then not because his job isn't as demanding as Chuuyas. Being in this.. relationship does have a multitude of factors though, which are as follows. Whether Dazai is still in the port mafia, if the relationship is poly or if it's just sex and how attached they both are to you. If Dazai is still in the port mafia, the relationship between the three of you would be extremely toxic. There would be constant arguments between them about literally everything. Dazai, in the port mafia, is a lot more sadistic and open with his behaviour, whether that be hitting you or saying the meanest shit, he doesn't care. With Chuuya there though, he'd keep Dazai in line and isn't afraid too get physical with Dazai when he needs too, especially if Dazai puts his hands on you. I personally don't see Chuuya ever laying a hand on you, it doesn't matter if he's pissed or not. if Dazai was in the ADA though, it'd be chaotic but not super toxic. Sure, there'd be arguments but it's mostly just funny banter, they also aren't as likely too get into fights together with Dazai being in the ADA, especially if you're there. Dazai in the agency has calmed down quite significantly and isn't as prone to violence, whether that be towards you or people in general, although he does still instigate things, especially with Chuuya, but it's mostly a healthy, fun relationship. If this is a poly relationship, let me just say, you are the safest person in the world and they'd love you deeply, making sure you're safe, because you are the most important person in the world to them and they put you before everything and everyone. I think a poly relationship with them would be so fun and sweet, there's never a dull moment with Dazai and Chuuya is cannonly the best boyfriend in all of BSD, the definition of dream a man. I feel like you'd live with Chuuya and Dazai would also live there or he'd be at Chuuyas house so much that he basically lives there. It would make more sense too live with Chuuya because his house is definitely bigger and more secure. Also the sex with them would be so fucking good with either of them but both at the same time? It's like euphoria. If it's just for sex, Chuuya would still care about you and would most likely develop a deeper connection with you but Dazai wouldn't really care that much for you, also they would be very reluctant too share you with the other, but if you ask nicely, they'd begrudgingly agree. If they are both attached then they're never letting you go, like, ever. They'd want too constantly spend time you, always buying you gifts and taking you out. They would take such good care of you, especially Chuuya, he'd help make dinner, help with the house work and so on. While Dazai would plan spontaneous dates and coddle you constantly, he's also the one you'd spend the most time with because Chuuyas job is very high maintenance. If it's just Dazai that's attached to you, Chuuya would still wanna spend time with you, but he wouldn't be around as often. If Chuuya was the only one attache to you, which is the most likely case, Dazai would wanna be around mostly too spite Chuuya. Overall, a relationship between you and SKK would be a one and only experience. They would both make amazing boyfriends, despite their individual trauma and problems. They care very deeply about you and are willing too kill or die for you, tear the world down with their bare hands for you. They're both very loyal towards you and keep you spoiled and happy.

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7 months ago

I can't get the thought of Dazai fucking y/n after she went on a whole tangent about how pretty Chuuya is, so Dazai decides that ok, I've had enough. So, he decides too fuck you as he face times Chuuya and makes you tell him how pretty you think he is... oh what? You can't talk... but Chuuya was all you were yapping about earlier.. so go on, tell him.

AHHHH!!!! YES!!! This is canon, because Chuuya is so fucking pretty and obviously anyone with eyes can see that, so when Dazai finds you spaced out at your desk, your head off in space, he's intrigued, but obviously Dazai has too be an asshole about it, so he decides too scare you and you let out a cute little squeal from fright, it has him laughing his ass off, but he's still so interested as too why you're spaced out, so he asks and when you tell him, Dazai, that the short guy with the hat is just oh so pretty, Dazais soft little grin drops as his lips curl in a scowl, because of course he knows who you're talking about. Chuuya Nakahara, and you're nodding, "yeah, yeah him, he's so pretty." And Dazai just scoffs at you, you think that slug is pretty? Are you blind love? He can take you too get your eyes checked if he needs too, but you're not backing down and now Dazai's annoyed and he continues too sulk as the two of you get home. You're still talking about Chuuya as if he's some model and it's irking him, you think he's so pretty, huh? Ok, how about you tell him, and you try too but you're all shy as Dazai holds the phone in front of your face, Chuuya watching you through the camera as tears drip down your cheeks from Dazai fucking into your leaking cunt and there's choked up sobs leaving your lips as Dazai makes you hold the phone, his free hand moving down too play with your clit as he snarks out little taunts in your ear. Come on pretty girl, tell Chuuya how pretty you think he is... oh you can't, why not? That's right because you're being fucked.. and by who? Whos cock has you crying like this?... That's right Dazais cock has you crying and whining, not Chuuyas.

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7 months ago

you writing about SKK makes no sense, they literally hate each other!!!

People that say Dazai and Chuuya hate each other, I have a question. Are you guys saying this as rage-bait or you just choose too ignore the obvious? Genuine question. Dazai and Chuuya do not hate each other and it's pretty obvious. Now, I'll give you the benefit of doubt and assume you haven't watched the show or you just don't understand it. I'll give you canon examples too help.

When Dazai and Chuuya were fighting Lovecraft, and Chuuya had too use corruption, Dazai could've let Chuuya die, Dazai had no obligation too save Chuuya, but he did anyway. In fact, Chuuyas death would be a big loss for the port mafia and therefore a gain for the agency, if the port mafia and agency were too ever fight because of how powerful Chuuyas ability is. Also, when Chuuya passed out, Dazai said, "don't worry buddy.. I've got you." Then Dazai proceeded too find Chuuyas hat, gloves and jacket, before folding them and sitting them next too Chuuya, he went out of his way too do that.

In BSD Wan, Chuuya had asked Dazai, while he was still in the port mafia, why he wore a bandage around/over his eye, and Dazai proceeded too say that he had a sty because he rubbed his eye with dirty hands, too which Chuuya countered and asked if the rest of the bandages on his body were also covering some larger injury, too which Dazai proceeded too say, being the ultimate drama queen that he is, said that it was too keep his "powers" at bay and Chuuyas inner monologue was, "silly me for actually feeling worried." He literally was worried for Dazai!!!

Another example being when Dazai got stabbed by Shibusawa, and Chuuya was sent out too fight that dragon. Ango himself told Chuuya that Dazai could possibly be dead and that mission was basically suicide for Chuuya. Now, lets say, for example, that Dazai did die from being stabbed. Chuuya was literally willing too die for him, that is the ultimate form of loyalty, that he was willing too put himself at risk for Dazai, too die for Dazai. What screams, "I hate you" about that? Also, everytime Chuuya uses corruption, he has too put an insane amount of trust in Dazai that he is able too save Chuuya and nullify his corruption.

Whether you ship Dazai and Chuuya romantically doesn't matter to me, I don't care, but you'd have too be blind if you genuinely think Dazai and Chuuya hate each other.

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6 months ago

Hi!!! Not a request, just a question if you don't mind. Ever since I found your account and read your SSK poly work, I've been thinking about this for a while, what would happen if Chuuya and Dazai found out you killed someone?

I like this question, simply because I've thought about it a lot, but context is needed for this situation. Although I will say, despite the context, Dazai and Chuuya would still protect you, whether this murder were too be premeditated or not. You mean more to them then the law, especially if it's PM!Dazai and Chuuya. But I'll give a premeditated and accidental murder scenario for them.

TW- Murder, Manslaughter, Implication of Assault.


If the murder was premeditated, PM!Dazai and Chuuya would surely have contradicting reactions, especially if you were also working for the Port Mafia at the time. If you are working for the Port Mafia, it isn't gonna be a big deal, and while Chuuya isn't too big on killing, he does it because it's his job. PM!Dazai on the other hand, really doesn't care, you're in the mafia, murder is apart of the job. Now, if you're not apart of the Port Mafia then you're gonna get a different reaction from both of them. From PM!Dazai, instead of nonchalance, you'll get interest. He knows people have a plethora if reasons why someone would commit murder, but he wants too know yours. What brought you to that point, of taking the life of another, were you angry? Vengeful maybe? Perhaps you were owed something and came too collect, he's not sure but he wants too know. With Chuuya, he'll be sad about it, you're not involved in their job and he doesn't want you too be, and this is one of the reasons why. Although Chuuya has a strong sense of loyalty, he also has a pretty strong moral code. Although this won't make him dislike- or even hate you, depending on the reason and who you killed, but he may look at you a little differently for a while.

But when it's ADA!Dazai in the situation of you premeditatedly killing someone, I think that he would give you a different reaction, as opposed to PM!Dazai, again depending on whether you work for the Port Mafia or not, would vary ADA!Dazais reaction. Simply because, and this is assuming you met ADA!Dazai after he left the Port Mafia, and Chuuya depending on if this a poly or not. But if you did meet him after he left the Port Mafia and you committed this murder, he'd use his position too protect you, but he'd also want too know why you did it. He'd feel a bit melancholic, mostly for you. Merely because he understands what it feels like too take someones life, especially with him trying too do better, become a good man if you will. He doesn't want you too live with the potential guilt, but because it is premeditated, I don't doubt that he'd have an inkling that you were up to something. He'd try too convince you not too, and too just let the police deal with it, but even he knows that people don't always get the justice that they deserve. So, if it was something that you felt you had too do; a last resort of sorts, he'd help you out, he'd be more efficient at getting away with it, given his experience. If you did work for the Port Mafia, which he'd do his best too get you too leave, he's not too thrown off, that's apart of being in the Mafia; committing murder.


If you accidentally murdered somebody though, PM!Dazai, in my opinion, wouldn't care and I say that simply because, he, himself, has stated that he's not a virtuous person; meaning that he is someone who habitually does wrong to his own detriment and takes pleasure in it and he also, very obviously, lacks a moral compass. I think he'd be more intrigued about what about lead up to the murder, instead of the murder itself. If it were too be because they were trying too hurt you, or assault you, he'd give evenless of a fuck, because realistically, if he found out that someone was trying too hurt you, he would've killed them himself. So you doing it, actually prevented hours of torture for that person, especially if it was quick, they should thank you in the afterlife. PM!Dazai would just simply have the body gotten rid of, disposed of, like trash as he brings you back to his, cannonic, shipping container. Chuuya though, he'd have a more extreme reaction, depending on the context and circumstances. If it was someone trying too hurt you, he'd be pissed, gently taking you away from the scene as he barked orders at his men too get rid of it, hushing you as he let you cling to him in either shock or tears as he pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head. He'd get you counselling if you need it, obviously under the guise of the Port Mafia, he doesn't need this being reported. But if it were more of a recklessness on your part and you were playing around, Chuuya would be a little pissed at you. Scolding you for a while, but he knows things accidents happen, so he'd just have his men get rid of it and you're forbidden from doing the thing that led to that accident in the first place.

The reaction you would get from ADA!Dazai, really wouldn't differ from PM!Dazai in this specific scenario, because it was an accident, he'd want it too be taken to the police, seeing as you've done no wrong. Especially if that person was trying too harm you, you had every right too defend yourself and although he's proud of you for being able too handle your own, the chances of you being out of his sight are very low now. Now, if it was a reckless mistake on your part, he wouldn't let it get out, because that is no longer self-defense, but is now Manslaughter. Which you could go to jail for, he wouldn't be happy with you but he's not mad either, and I say not mad because accidents do happen, but also not happy because you've essentially put yourself in a situation that he now has too get you out of, while he'll still protect you with everything he has, he'd like you too refrain from having anymore of these types of... accidents.

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1 year ago

Me rn :

Me Rn :
Me Rn :

HEAR ME OUT.. SCENARIO ABOUT PM!DAZAI,CHUUYA AND GN!READER WITH THE SONG ANIMAL IMPULSES BY IAMX or if it's too much you can do PM!dazai,chuuya and gn!reader Where reader is like the harbinger of death and has the personality of arlecchino from genshin (if u can do polyamorous)

i love this oh my word. i looked up the meaning to the song, and i feel like it’s very fitting for arlecchino and this scenario. for the arlecchino bit i also referenced the one show from the itallian theater since not a lot is known about arlecchino from genshin. also, i hope you don’t mind that i threw in some headcanons! thank you for requesting <3


With a S/o Like Arlecchino from Genshin; PM!Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara

Format: Headcanons and Scenario

Potential Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence

Here’s a link to the song mentioned.


First things first, you’d be the backbone of your relationship. You’d make sure that the two of them stay in line, and you’d make sure that they don’t try to kill each other over the littlest things.

The two of them would obviously know about your distain towards the Port Mafia. You have made it very clear that you would betray the mafia in a heartbeat if it was beneficial to you.

Now, since Arlecchino is a harbinger, let’s say that you’re an executive for the Port Mafia. You’d be known for leading a squad that specialized in vigilante-like work. This is what originally what drew Dazai in because he’s never seen someone try to do some good while being in the mafia.

You attracted Chuuya by being stern with your underlings, and how strong you seemed on the battlefield. One day he was assigned to work with you, and he was pleasantly surprised by your physical strength.

How all of you got in a relationship was quite tricky. Originally it was Dazai that confessed to you first, but Chuuya ended up overhearing and decided to interrupt the conversation by confessing his feelings as well.

You had to calm the two down, then lectured them about getting all worked up over something as idiotic as this. Eventually you made the two apologize to each other and made them make an agreement.

The relationship wouldn’t be as bad as it may seem. Dazai and Chuuya both put in effort to not fight while they’re in your presence. Every now and then you’d find them arguing over you in private, but once you gave them a cold glare they’d immediately stop talking.


“But (Name)..!” Dazai whined. “You already spent a lot of time with Chuuya! Do you love him more than me?”

You let out a prolonged sigh. You then pinched the bridge of your nose. “Osamu, I already told you. We were sent on a mission together. He didn’t take me on a date or anything of the sort. Do you understand me?”

On this particular day Mori had sent you and Chuuya out on a search and eliminate mission. Chuuya’s ability allowed him to cause a lot of collateral damage, so it was perfect for this particular mission. You only sat down somewhere behind him and watched as he tore through the enemies defenses.

The mission went well, and the two of you returned home without any injuries. As of now Chuuya was in the shower cleaning off some blood while you sat in the living room with Dazai holding onto your shoulders like it’s his lifeline. You almost felt as if he was going to crush your bones from how hard he was holding onto you.

“It’s not fair! You’re always sent on missions with Chuuya instead of me!” He continued to whine.

You put your hand on Dazais face and pushed him away from me. “It’s the bosses orders. There is nothing I can do about it.”

Dazai sighed as he flopped down onto the couch. He started to pout as you picked up your phone. You then started to scroll through some books that you wanted to purchase.

The man let out another sigh, this time louder than the last. You directed your gaze back at him, glaring daggers.

“If you’re so unhappy about the arrangements that Mori have made, then I highly suggest talking to him about it. I absolutely hate it when you act like this,” you said with an unamused expression.

Eventually Chuuya emerged from the bathroom, wearing comfortable pajamas. You glanced up at him then looked back down at your phone. He didn’t seem happy in the slightest.

“I could hear you whining from across the god damn house!” Chuuya raised his voice as he pointed at Dazai. “Do you know how fucking annoying you are?! I was just trying to take a nice and relaxing shower, but you just had to ruin it!”

You glanced up at Chuuya once more. He immediately stopped his yelling.

“Are you done? I dislike it when you engage in fights while I’m around; you know that,” you stated. You then looked at Dazai. “And you need to stop whining whenever something doesn’t go your way. It annoys the both of us. Are we done here? Good!”

You stood up and then grabbed Dazai and Chuuya. You immediately gave them a soft hug.

“You two will be the death of me,” you said contently.

Chuuya hummed as he wrapped his arms around the two of you. Dazai followed suit, squeezing the both of you rather harshly.

“You’re gonna break my bones!” Chuuya exclaimed.

“No I won’t!”

You only sighed. Tonight was going to be a long night of meaningless bickering.


requests are open <3

also i do apologize if this is short. writing more than 2 characters dialogue is something i just mildly struggle with BDBDB

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