Jax: Bayrn's Gonna Cry!
Jax: Bayrn's gonna cry!
Omega: So is everyone else.
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That's a bit weak Omega. Take the batteries out first then throw so he’ll have to get up to fetch more batteries like a peasant. >:)

Perfect family
Exactly my thoughts

Hunter in the finale.
Omega said ‘Keep an eye on Wrecker and Crosshair…” not “keep an eye on Wrecker, Crosshair and Echo”
If my guessing is correct, the time when the Rebellion needs pilots in Rebels is after Old Man Rex is recruited which means the Clone Rebellion is over. Which means Echo never came home.
Echo who deserved rest and peace but chose to help, is the one who didn't make it.
I’d hope that I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
Ha! This reminds me of like a Shakespeare AU where they'd definitely be like,
“Sir, you must visit the Commander of The Coruscant Guard!”
“No thanks,”
*Fox strides into the party puffed up on passive-aggressiveness
GOD HELP YOU if you're a CC planetside on Coruscant and you DON'T go and visit Fox because he WILL be insufferable about itin the gc and he's doing it in a way where its clearly a joke - ("aw....little brother too cool to hang out with his boring old ancient, crumbling to dust, near death ori'vod-" "Fox i'm older than you" "I understand......it's just been 87 years since i last got a nice visit from my sweet little baby brothers-" "You saw Bly literally one tenday ago" "AND IT GETS SO LONELY HERE ON CORUSCANT, BUT I UNDERSTAND-") - but he's also not going to stop until you feel guilty enough to show your face at his workplace or he hunts you down on your night out at 79's and embarrasses you in front of all of your friends
Been wondering this for a while now too. I'm really excited for next week's episode because we don't know what's happening next. Probably more Tantiss content maybe Hunter’s mission with Rampart but ultimately, will CX-2 return? And when will Crosshair finally open up?
I've been thinking about the whole Crosshair and CX-2 situation, and I am beginning to wonder if, should CX-2 prove to be Tech, Crosshair didn't, in fact, know.
In an interview before the premiere, Michelle Ang mentioned Crosshair getting to see forgiveness and real love in the face of a great betrayal. Now, Crosshair's great betrayals are long past. So, is this some NEW betrayal? Is it someone ELSE betraying and being forgiven? CX-Tech fits the later very neatly, however, there might be another option: that Crosshair DOES know CX-2 is Tech, and has been not telling everyone because he blames himself for it happening and is sure they'll all turn him out the second they discover it (Omega included).
I'm of two minds here.
Crosshair didn't know, because Tech was put straight into conversion from medical care, and so Crosshair never saw him.
Crosshair DOES know, and feels black-hole sized guilt about it to the point where he can't bring himself to tell anyone.
In the #2 bucket goes a few things:
We see, repeatedly, that Crosshair isn't saying everything about Tantiss. This is as true for Hunter (the person always mentioning this) as it is for us, as our POV on Tantiss was almost exclusively Omega. Hunter knows Crosshair hasn't told them everything, and isn't going to push him except in specific instances where it really woulda been nice to know.
We do know that the CX conditioning is bad. Like, really bad, bad enough that wiping out your identity--not just the chip but like, you, yourself--is part of it. Or, so Crosshair says (and Tech in S2), though of course the truth of that might be more complex. This is reason enough for him to not talk about things. Except...
When Rex and Howzer explain they have a CX in custody Crosshair is immediately spooked. Then he's even MORE upset when he sees who it is. Or is it because of who it isn't?
If he knew CX-2 was Tech, and sees CX-1, he knows there is only one other CX they're sending after them, and the absolute last thing he would want is for them to have to kill Tech to get away. Or worse, kill the person who used to be Tech and can't be reclaimed (from his POV). Either way, from his POV, it is all bad news that CX-2 is inbound.
And as much as I feel Cross just isn't a hand to hand badass, at the end of his one on one with CX-2, he is clearly giving up. Everything CX-2 is saying is battering him emotionally and dousing the fight in him. Which makes a lot of sense, if he knows it's Tech.
For #1, well, the explanation is much simpler: we, and Omega and Crosshair, never see Tech in CX conditioning because he was in a bacta tank for part of it and then into a pod for the rest. He might have even converted quickly if we're to assume he had amnesia from the fall. (I suspect, should he prove to be CX-2, we won't get an explanation for this.) This actually would give Omega AND Crosshair some severe guilt, realizing when they escaped they left Tech on Tantiss in Hemlock's not-so-stellar care. It makes sense Crosshair would never want to go back--the conditioning sounds pretty awful. But then his reaction to CX-1 is a little less clear; we know there aren't very many CXes at this point, so why is THIS one such a concern to him? He just appears to be a reg. And CX-1's use of 'brother' is also very pointed. Which would make sense if CX-2 is Tech, who would have referred to Crosshair as his brother...
Anyways. We'll see if this pans out. I'd considered this might be the case even as I was like 'are we really doing that', and while I'm not a fan of this plot in the overall, like a cat being dragged outside on a harness for some enrichment I can grudgingly accept it. Mostly.