Jax: Bayrn's Gonna Cry!
Jax: Bayrn's gonna cry!
Omega: So is everyone else.
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More Posts from Bananasugarwarrior
He has made no demands, his only response to police respondents is screaming and hissing something that if you listen really hard reassembles something like “WHERE. OMEGA?!”
We're seriously worried. Please send help.
-News Guy

Feral knife man strikes again
Omega said ‘Keep an eye on Wrecker and Crosshair…” not “keep an eye on Wrecker, Crosshair and Echo”
If my guessing is correct, the time when the Rebellion needs pilots in Rebels is after Old Man Rex is recruited which means the Clone Rebellion is over. Which means Echo never came home.
Echo who deserved rest and peace but chose to help, is the one who didn't make it.
I’d hope that I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
Note this was originally a comment but it got too long, this is just my opinion about Hunter & I know fan-fics are interpretations not reality but I have problems accepting that… anyway.
Take it slow, Hunter has a LOT of things to deal with, he wouldn't be pursuing a relationship, she would have to be pursuing HIM likely. Like Phee and Tech.
Additionally, Hunter doesn't seem that affectionate like in a touchy way, he never hugs Omega directly(S1 & 2) he just lets her hug him. The most we really get as ‘touchy affection’ is him tucking her hair behind her ear in S2. Therefore, again, the female would have to take the lead on—ahem. kissing.
I only have 2 more things to add, it might be difficult for the romantic relationship if she’s introduced as someone he needs to protect like Omega. Because yeah he feels the need to protect the squad but if she’s folded in, it might be difficult to see her as anything more.
Finally emotions, Hunter clearly bottles up emotions so he can appear strong as the leader, it's kinda hard to read him. This could potentially cause problems for a future suitor.
Sorry if I got too preachy like I said it's my interpretation and I like the idea of writing the characters as if you copy and paste them from the show and drop them in a new and strange situation and simulate how they'd act. I don't see him act as he is a lot and this^ is just what I'd like to see explored. Thanks for reading my ramble.
Oh and I don’t know anything abt advertising a fanfic so all I can recommend is see what others do and copy them. Like maybe posting promotions on your Tumblr account and posting the fan-fic on multiple platforms, like Fanfiction.net and A03.
Hope this helps!
Gonna try to start up a Bad Batch fic but i have no idea how to promote it in any way when I get it written
It’s gonna be a Hunter x OC and it’s gonna hopefully cover all 3 seasons
Any tips?
PLEASE BE THE ZILLO BEAST munching on Hemlock or something..

Bones crunching
Now this cure is very simple, all you have to do, is bait them, with children. This works especially well on Mandalorians and has only been proven wrong by Aurra Sing.
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