banzaitaka - fanfiction, drawings & shitposts
fanfiction, drawings & shitposts

adult-he/him Commision me!

314 posts

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Sakamaki+Mukami x gn! reader

Self-indulgent shit for the sake of my mental health

Diabolik Lovers Masterlist

Headcanon: does he like PDA?

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Let's just say: Shu doesn't mind it

It's rather amusing to him whenever you reach for his hand, hug him, try to kiss him and so on

It really is just an opening for teasing you about it

He rarely anitiates PDA himself, maybe when you're feeling down or it's a special occasion

Shu prefers laying down to cuddle, but since that's not that possible when you're out he has to wait until you're home

And in 8/10 times, you won't be able to escape your boyfriend's grasp

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Reiji isn't really a fan of PDA

He doesn't mind touching you while others can see it, he actually finds it exciting in a way, but he finds it rather inaproppriate in many cases

Hooking arms and holding hands is absolutely okay tho

But for everything else, you better wait for him to initiate it or ask him. He doesn't like being touched out of a sudden

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Ayato will get pissed if you push him away, PDA is a way of showing off who you belong to. So pushing him away is a way of saying you don't want others to know or worse- not wanting to be with him

Either way, Ayato will make sure he gets what he wants, so you better change your mind about PDA quick if you don't like it

He doesn't mind any form of affection in public. Bruh, he'd do anything with you in public, as long as he's the only one who sees you- that being your body and expression

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Kanato doesn't mind PDA, he ignores everyone around

So there is no difference in his way of showing you his love when you're in public or not

And that means he doesn't care who sees or hears you, if you fuck up in any type of way everyone will know

But really, as long as you don't make him jealous or something, you'll be fine

He really likes holding onto your arm

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Oh, boy, Laito doesn't give a shit

If anything, being out in public while getting handsy or kissing makes it even more exciting for him

He'll be blushing while looking at you with half lidded eyes before diving in for a smooch or hug

Will not care if your uncomfortable or embarrassed, would kind of love it if you don't mind people watching. But in any case, he actively seeks out a blush on your face or a stutter in your words

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Subaru is kind of okay with it

Will never initiate PDA though, only exception is when he's emotional or protective. But even in that case, he'd be a flustered mess, so don't point it out and just roll with it

Otherwise, or if anyone else says something about it, he'll get mad and let go of you or stop giving you kisses for the rest of the day

Unless you ask nicely and not in a teasing way

He'd still be grumpy though

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Ruki doesn't mind it as long as it's not getting in his way of doing things

It's unlikely he initiates it though, it's not like he doesn't want people to see it, he just doesn't think about holding your hand or anything along those lines

Would gladly do it if that's what you want though

He actually really likes it when you wrap your arms around him or give him a kiss in public

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Your hands exist for Kou to hold, your waist exists for Kou to wrap his arm around

He really doesn't want any paparazi or fangirls to stress about your relationship if they ever found out, but at the same time he doesn't want to cut off his affection for you

You don't like it? :( Awe, now he's all pouty, maybe even a bit irritated. Now he wants kisses as an apology

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Yuma is pretty casual when it comes to PDA

When he initiates it, then he initiates it

If you initiate it, then you initiate it

And that's about it

Sometimes it's chill and he just wraps an arm around you or dips down for a peck, but sometimes it's not so chill and he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while laughing at your squirming

One of the more sweet guys, if I may say so, but is still not above making out with you out in the open just to embarrass you

Sakamaki+Mukami X Gn! Reader

Precious boy Azusa loves PDA, not because it's PDA, but because it's affection

He doesn't know when or how to initiate it, and really, he prefers you taking the lead in that regard either way

Every little touch of you is enough to make him the happiest vamp in the world, honestly

There is no preffered form of PDA because, again, he loves everything

He might get emotional at the end of the day, just overflowed with the little hints of love you showed him throughout the day, but damn, please don't stop doing it, give him one more kiss, please?

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More Posts from Banzaitaka

2 years ago

Hola prince Rukia, think of yourself first! It's possible to have the brothers Saiki and Aren with a self-deprecating O/N male (''man, do you love me? I'm trash????''), every time when told that he is handsome, he grimaces. What will they do?


O o f

Been there, are there

As I was typing the last section of this request, I got a YTTD request and I'm literally so happy

Saiki K Masterlist

I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!

X male! reader

Headcanon+Scenario: Aren Kuboyasu, Kusuke Saiki, Kusuo Saiki with a s/o who is self deprivating

Hola Prince Rukia, Think Of Yourself First! It's Possible To Have The Brothers Saiki And Aren With A

Aren does not understand why (Y/N) would talk about himself like that, not in the slightest

And he has no idea how to deal with it either, so he just repeats his comment in a louder and harsher way -If he scares (Y/N) accidentaly, he'd panic, apologizing for his tone and repeating it again, softer

But aggressive love-talk, as I like to call it, is a standard thing when it comes to beeing his lover -He keeps slipping up in his old way of talking when he's excited or serious about something that involves you. And that includes him being loud and using certain terms that would be censored on the internet

"Why are you staring at me?", (Y/N) asked, catching Aren red handed. "Huh-?", Aren snapped back into reality, he got lost in thought as he admired his boyfriend's side profile for maybe the 6th time that day. He just couldn't help it.

The (Y/HC)-haired looked at Aren, expecting an answer to his question, as the other just stared back with wide eyes and a blush adoring his cheeks. "Ehehehe...", Aren chuckled as he rubbed his head sheepishly, looking to the side, "Well..."

(Y/N) rose a brow, "Well what?", he kinda felt nervous from this situation, not so positive thoughts already flooting his mind. Even though they did not match the purple-haired's embarrassed face at all.

"You're so...handsome...I- I couldn't help it.", Aren finally confessed, "Kinda got lost there, ehehe.", he bashfully smiled, looking back at his boyfriend. His smile quickly left his face though, as he saw the skeptical look on the other's face. The grimace made Aren's heart stop for a second.

"Hmmm, meh.", the teen averted his attention back to his phone as he scrolled through cursed Tumblr posts.

Aren frowned, "You're handsome!", his sudden outburst made (Y/N) flinch, turning his head to look at the purple-haired once again, "Huh?" Aren grabbed one of the other male's hands, looking him in the eyes with a serious expression, "You are handsome."

(Y/N) could feel Aren's hands starting to sweat, indicating that he was nervous. He was certain the former delinquent was not the type to lie about things like that just to make him feel better, no matter how much he cannot believe his words to be true.

"You're handsom-" "Yeah, yeah, I heard you-" "You're really really handsome!"

Hola Prince Rukia, Think Of Yourself First! It's Possible To Have The Brothers Saiki And Aren With A

Kusuke comes prepared -This man has a whole powerpoint presentation, listing every thing about (Y/N) and why those things make him not only the most good looking, but also the best boyfriend to him

He goes over it like it's a school project he was eager to present the class -He really is eager to go over it, no matter how many times -He also updates it whenever there is something new to add

Kusuke doesn't show it, unless he feels really really soft, but it hurts him whenever his boyfriend talks himself down -It hurts both his heart and his brain -Heart because he loves him and just wants him to be comfident about himself -Brain because the mere fact (Y/N) doesn't think of himself as a king is just too inlogical for his brain to comprehend

Tapping his eraser on the table in frustration, (Y/N) tried to make sense of all the numbers and letters on the sheet infront of him. Even with Kusuke sitting beside him to help, he just couldn't get it in his head. And exams were in a few days! How was he supposed to pass?

"Your frustrated thinking face is cute.", the blonde stated matter of factly out of nowhere, a dreamy smile on his face as he took in the sight a little longer, "I should add it to the other things I love about you."

(Y/N) stared at him with a frown, "I'm sorry what? You have peculiar taste.", he looked back at his sheet, "Besides, how are you still even sane when your boyfriend his too stupid to solve a single one of these problems?"

"Even if your IQ level was way under average, that wouldn't cease my adoration for you. If anything, it would give me more reason to spend time with you.", Kusuke said, almost Prince Charming like. He gave his statement even more of a romantic vibe by giving his boyfriend a kiss on his cheek.

(Y/N) grimaced, not at the kiss, but at the other's words. He just couldn't believe it.

Kusuke's smile never left his face, actually widening when the two of them locked eyes again, "I know that expression." (Y/N) sighed, "Well, I can't help it."

The blonde jumped to his feet and clapped his hands twice. The lights dimmed and a projector started booting up, revealing a title screen that said "Reasons why (Y/N) (Y/LN) is perfection! Presented by Kusuke Saiki". This all took the (Y/HC)-haired off guard which is why he couldn't muster up a single word.

"Now then,", Kusuke began with an innocent looking smile,"I shall now present to you "Reasons why (Y/N) (Y/LN) is perfection!"!"

Hola Prince Rukia, Think Of Yourself First! It's Possible To Have The Brothers Saiki And Aren With A

Kusuo can't relate, though he understands why his boyfriend has certain doubts and a negative perspective on himself -Not because he agrees, cause he definitely doesn't, but instead because he knows the world is filled with darkness and horrible people

That being said, he is another one who does not know how to comfort someone or how to make someone realize how much they're actually worth -The best he can do is reassure (Y/N) of his feelings for him, no matter how embarressing it might get for himself

His mind reading ability comes in very handy in this, since it makes it easier for him to determine how to approach a situation without making anything worse

(Y/N) stared at himself in the mirror, a frown planted on his facial features. Hairbrush in hand, he desperately tried to make his hair look good, at least acceptional. But minute after minute passed by without the male having a single positive thought about it.

Frustration was building up inside of him which led to more negative thoughts, by now, directed towards his face as well, slowly capturing his whole body. Everything he was insecure about.

Kusuo was quickly fed up with hearing all of that from his boyfriend, so he walked towards the open bathroom door and peaked his head inside, "Do you want me to help?", he offered after a few seconds of contemplating.

The (Y/EC)-eyed sighed, "Not even you can fix what is my face. Actually, my entire being." He turned around to look at the pink-haired, waving around with the hand he held the hairbrush in, "How could you even love garbage like me?"

Face indifferent, Kusuo looked at his boyfriend, //This again...I can't stand it when he says stuff like this.//, he watched (Y/N) turn around again with a sigh, waiting, //Come on, (Y/N)...Give me a hint. How can I make you feel better right now?//

//Please just hug me...Gah that's so selfish of me to even think that.//

There it was. A rather clear hint this time which Kusuo was really grateful for.

Reluctantly, since he himself was not used to physical affection, Kusuo walked up behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arm around his waist. Silent. Just standing there. All he could do is what (Y/N) wished for to comfort him. Until he figured out how to do it without depending on his powers at least.

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2 years ago

I Hate How I Love

I Hate How I Love

Chapter 2: Replay


Chapter 1: Dotted Scarf

Chapter 3: coming soon!

"Hi, Reko.", (Y/N) practically whined out, dragging out the 'o' in his neighbor's name as he sat down in the passenger seat. "Hey.", she greeted casually, watching the other close the door and buckle up. Her eyes landed on the strange scarf that was wrapped around the grey bird in (Y/N)'s arms, "What's this?", she asked, tugging a bit at it, "Haven't seen you with this before. Is this from Nao?" (Y/N) shook his head.

She had an eyebrow raised, if it's not Nao's then who's is it? (Y/N) wouldn't wear clothing with such eye catching colors. The thought made her crack up a bit, actually, she had to think back to when her, her brother and (Y/N) went clothes shopping together. Alice, the mentioned brother, thought it was a good idea to switch up the (Y/HC)-haired's clothes color pallet a bit. A bit too much maybe.

It wasn't the clothing that made this a funny memory, but rather the male himself as he exited the changing cabin. He walked like a cat put in a sweater and judging by his expression, he looked like he just gulped down some citric acid. A situation you had to be in in order to find it funny like the siblings did.

Reko watched (Y/N) fidget with the scarf nervously as she herself let go of it to start the car. "I'm listening?", she urged him to tell the story. But as the male beside her began to laugh as he tried to talk, she got a bad feeling, "(Y/N)...What happened?"

(Y/N) had anxiety, a strong fear of people and, in addition, tended to dissociate a lot outside on some days. And thus got nervous and/or overwhelmed easily. It makes (Y/N) an easy target for a lot of bad people. And even if it's not bad people, (Y/N) can easily get in uncomfortable situations he still thinks about weeks after it happened. Sometimes resulting in him not being able to sleep.

And whenever anything along those lines happened, the male would laugh like he did in that moment, trying to comprehend what actually happened himself before he could put it into words to explain it. Reko and Alice had helped him out of multiple situations already, which they didn't mind per say, they were close friends after all, but the amount of times started to get a tad bit overwhelming. Good thing (Y/N) preferred staying inside and didn't like to run off somewhere instead, otherwise the numbers would probably be more than doubled, actually.

The (Y/EC) eyes of the male darted back and forth between his fingers and Reko's concerned face. She already had her hand on the car key, but stopped her movement to look at him. "Well...haha- The thing is..." He then fully averted his gaze to look outside the window instead. The longer he thought about what the hell just happened to him, the more sketchy it seemed. Sure, ordenary human beings cannot summon rain to make people fall into their traps, but the stranger just seemed to be talking a bit too smoothly. As if rehearsed for days. And actually, the dullness of his eyes could be a clue of how he wasn't human at all! Then the rain summoning could actually make sense.

No, (Y/N) threw out that ridiculous thought as soon as it came. He was just trying to explain the situation to himself. The fact that kind humans outside of his own bubble might exist is an idea he couldn't quite grasp, so he tended to come up with villain stories for people. There had to be some kind of ulterior motive, right? Wrong, but it was true that he had a fair share of people in his life that were only there to use, abuse and scar him, left to bleed and people to gawk at him.

"It's fine.", Reko turned her head to the road up ahead, "You don't have to tell me right away. Try to relax a bit, I'm sure you had a long day." (Y/N) nodded. He was grateful to have such an understanding friend, she was always so patient with him and never pressured him to do anything against his will.

The black-haired offered her friend a quick smile before finally starting up the car to drive home. She tried not to worry too much and trust that (Y/N) won't let anything bubble up inside of him again. That was a disaster rather to be avoided.

The pitter patter of the rain against the car windows weren't as relaxing to (Y/N) as they might be for others. It was more of an invite to dissociate and not being able to focus. Like in that moment when he tried to reflect on what happened mere moments ago. He began to tap a hand on his leg once he felt himself drifting off, trying to stay in reality. "Argh, please not now...", he muttered.

Reko quickly caught on, "5 things you can see." "Uh-", (Y/N) lifted his head from the glass he barely noticed leaning against, "Car door,, uh- steering wheel, dotted scarf, Zazu." Reko nodded, smiling, "Good, now 4 things you can hear." (Y/N) frowned, trying to concentrate on the surrounding sounds, "Rain, car, my voice..." "One more." "And your voice." "Great!", she patted his knee with her right hand, "Now three things you can feel." "Your hand on my leg, the heat in my hoodie and...Zazu biting my fingers-"

He looked down in his lap, deadpanning at his bird who was trying to get his attention by devouring his fingers. "Nom nom nom." The black-haired threw a quick glance at Zazu and stiffled a laugh, "Are you back?" (Y/N) shook his head a few times before answering with a laugh-filled "I think". Reko removed her hand from his leg again, "Nice."

There was just a moment of silence between the two. But Reko, an angel for sure, was quick to turn on the radio to make it a more comfortable pause of conversation for the male next to him.

"This was just...weird.", he changed the topic back to the previous one without a clear transition, but Reko knew him well enough to notice things like that by now. "Are you ready to try and word it out for me to understand?", she wasn't being pushy at all which the male really appreciated.

"Gimme a few minutes to put it into grammatically correct sentences." They laughed and Reko nodded, understanding, "Take your time, bro."

They drove in silence with the only noises being the rain outside, the radio playing the newest top 10 singles and Zazu's occasional "Scratch scratch scratch" while his owner scratched his head. Instead of actually trying to find out how to word it grammatically correct like he said he would, he began to think that, maybe, he was reading too much into this. That it was just the usual paranoia gnawing at him and that telling Reko the story would be simply a waste of time they could spent to talk about something more cheery instead. But he knew to better be safe than sorry, being the one to check his pockets a few dozen times to check if he really had his phone on him.

(Y/N) bit his inner lip, "Okay, I think I should just tell you. It might not be that big of a deal." He turned a bit to the left to face Reko a bit more, so he doesn't have to turn his head so far in order for Reko to hear him properly over the suddenly busy traffic. "Go on ahead, (Y/N).", Reko encouraged.

"Right...", (Y/N) nodded to himself, "So basically- When Zazu and I arrived under that porch, this guy came outta nowhere- Like- I didn't even notice him. He was behind some post thing." "And what about that guy?", the black-haired stopped the car at a red traffic light and took that as a chance to look her friend in the eyes, "Better drop a description too before you forget. I mean, I don't know what happened, but you know...", she trailed off. (Y/N) nodded knowingly, "He was acting pretty nice actually, but yeah, let's see...His hair was green, long-ish, I think...uh...and he wore a black suit and this scarf.", he motioned to the dotted scarf that was still comfortably wrapped around the parrot.

Reko frowned at that, "Why the heck to you have his scarf?", "It's green!", Zazu interrupted. "Ah, yeah, thanks.", she started driving again, "Alright, green-haired dude in a suit. Please continue."

(Y/N) readjusted his bird in his lap and got back to scratching his head as he continued, "So he came outta nowhere and- after talking back and forth maybe 3 sentences each, he gave us his scarf 'cause Zazu was freezing." "Oh, that really was rather nice of him." "Yeah...", the male began to fidget with the scarf again. And, again, his neighbor noticed, "There's more to it, I just know it. Keep going."

Muttering something unintelligible to Reko under his breath, he started to sink into his hoodie like a turtle would into its shell. She urged him to repeat himself a little louder and more clearly. (Y/N)'s cheeks burned into a rose color from just saying it once, "He said I looked stunning...and like- he was so handsome- I- HHMMMMM!" The young man shook his head with force, not wanting to repeat it again or add anything to it.

"Gay panic! Gay panic!", Zazu bobbed his head from side to side while repeating that phrase over and over again, practically driving his owner mad with embarrassment, "Shut it, Zazu!", he whined out, covering his red face with his hand.

Reko blinked, the other's words slowly sinking in, "So you're simping over a sane and nice person for once.", she concluded jokingly, trying to hold back her laugh. Failing miserably, she started giggling, only increasing in volume when (Y/N) tells her to shut the fuck up. "I know my taste in fictional men are questionable. That doesn't mean I'm attracted to homocidal maniacs in reallife too.", the male pouted.

He felt her nudge his side with her ellebow, "Yeah, yeah, I'm just kiddin'. Hah, well, I'm glad it ain't anything bad this time." (Y/N) nodded slowly, remembering the stranger's words, "He wants to meet up at that cafe I was waiting at in two days at 2 pm to get his scarf back."

"Ah, will you be able to do that on your own? I don't think I'm free that day, should ask Alice if he could accompany you. I'd suggest you to stay home and just let someone else drop it off, but I think this could be good for you. Seeing how you haven't said you never wanna see that dude again 'cause the interaction with him was embarrassing for you. Like with that one lady in the supermarket?"

(Y/N) shivered as memories came back up, a disgusted look on his face, "Argh, please don't remind me..." Reko let out another short laugh and apologized. "But yeah, asking Alice would be nice."

"Alright, I'll do that once I see him back home."

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2 years ago

I swear, if one more of you dms me for something and then leaves me on read- I WILL CRY

2 years ago



Rules and other masterlists

Hajime Sugoroku


"Two peas in a pod" (male)




Hitoshi Sugoroku


















Kenshirou Yozakura






Kiji Mitsuba




"Blessed" (gn)








Mitsuru Hitokoe














"Overwhelmed" (male)






„Child-like“ (male)










Samon Gokuu


„Gremlin“ (male)




Seitarou Tanabata


























"Human shield" (male)










Yamato Godai





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2 years ago

Finished Midori<3

Finished Midori

Pls, I'm in a Your turn to die amino, but no one in my gc is there fkckfn I need someone to talk to about this new obsession of mine

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