Diabolik Lovers X Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts
Diabolik Lovers_Masterlist

Rules and other masterlists
Shu Sakamaki
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn)
"Repayment" (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Reiji Sakamaki
"How to confess; for dummies" (gn, crack)
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Ayato Sakamaki
"Yours truly's generosity" (male)
Headcanon: with a s/o who is soft & shy (male)
"Witch vs Vampire" (male)
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Kanato Sakamaki
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Laito Sakamaki
Headcanon: with a dominant and masculine s/o (male)
"Kiss the nightmares away" (male)
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Subaru Sakamaki
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Ruki Mukami
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Kou Mukami
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Yuma Mukami
Headcanon: with a chubby s/o (gn)
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
Azusa Mukami
"Passionately Nervous" (gn)
"The Angel's Return" (male, pt.2 of "Angel")
Headcanon: with a s/o who is a musician (classical) (gn) Headcanon: does he like PDA? (gn)
"Angel" (male)
hey son,
you know ily.
anyways can you do
diabolik lovers reiji sakamaki x nonbinary reader?
plot :
reiji is chilling in his private living room from the rest of his brothers and enjoying some alone time with his tea.
but something is weird and smelly about his tea. he starts yelling at his brothers who touched his tea but no one seems to care and to have touched his tea either.
reiji feels betrayed. he starts tearing up and going to the roof from his school the next day.
ruki comes in and calls him pathetic at that moment reader hears this and starts attacking ruki and throwing some hands.
reiji looks at them in awe. reader belated ruki and he gets up quickly and sees that his suit is gone. he is naked but doesn't feel in any way shame.
ruki left.
reader goes to reiji and pats his head. reiji smiles at us, the stranger who is also a student from the school.
reader starts slowly smiling back but like a creep and says "i touched your tea yesterday and i have stalked you for a long while. I know what you are and where you live. let's get married and drink your love poisoned tea next time".
reiji doesn't know what to say at what she just confessed and falls from the roof and starts panickly running.
Hey mom owo
I was just about to go to sleep, but then it started thundering outside and I'm so fcking scared of thunder storms so----AHH- I made it more cracky than I originally planned to make myself laugh xkxkfkf
Diabolik Lovers_Masterlist
TW: This is a crack fic, "adult jokes"?
Reiji Sakamaki x gn! reader

How to confess; for dummies
What did Reiji do to deserve this? Just a few minutes ago, he sat comfortably in his armchair, his favorite book "How to have sex; for dummies" in hand.
He didn't have to play mom for his brothers for that day, so he decided to not let the opportunity to relax go to waste.
He already had his hair curlers in his hair and wore his long nightgown and pink, plush crocs as he reached for his tea. Only to smell that something was off about it. It smelled weird.
Reiji scoffed loudly, "Herr Gott nochmal! Diese Burschen!*"
(*A very old-school German way to say: "God damnit! These guys!" I just found it funny kfkfkf & he speaks German fluently so-)
The black-haired gracefully waddled into the living room were all of his brothers, conveniently, played uno together.
"Fullhouse!", Ayato yelled as he layed down his cards, making the others moan in defeat. Reiji gasped at this, pulled his spatula out of his pants and walked over to the group.
"NO YELLING!!", Reiji hit Shu right across the face. Shu fainted. Or pretended to faint. No one knows.
Subaru slammed his hands on the table, making it break in the process before pulling out an uno reversed card. Everyone in the room gasped, everyone, except Reiji, getting all riled up. The albino refused to use Reiji's spatula, so he used Kanato instead. He smacked his older brother with his younger older brother in the face.
Ayato, Laito and Teddy cheered Subaru on, but Subaru carefully laid Kanato on the floor, saying, "No. No more. I already paid him back."
Reiji was full on crying by then, face red from being slapped with Kanato. The vampire wiped his tears away, "Which one of you touched my tea!?"
"Huh? What are you talking about Bitch-niisan?", Laito asked as he dealt the uno cards for the next round on the broken table. Everyone went back to their previous places, ready to win the privilege of the last pizza slice.
Reiji tried to scoff and ask again, but what came out was a whine as he stamped his foot and ran away.
"They don't even care!", he yelled in his pillow and then cried himself to sleep.
A few hours later, the black-haired found himself ontop of the roof of his school. He didn't want anyone to see how miserable he looked like. How defeated he was.
Ruki opened the door to the roof and took a few steps forward, making Reiji turn around slightly at the sound.
The half blood stared into Reiji's pink eyes for solid 4.44 seconds, and proceeded to hit the most gorgeous whip, ever whipped, "Pathetic.", he says. The pigeon tried his best to hold back his tears, but it was hard.
Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Ruki, kicking him in the balls, "You forgot to 'nae nae', you faker!", they screeched at him.
The pink-eyed watched the stranger punching the Mukami so hard he lost all of his clothes. They were just gone. Ruki stared at the (Y/HC)-haired, terrified. He quickly stood up and dusted off his naked body before leaving the rooftop, without speaking another word.
Reiji was left there, awestruck, as (Y/N) was approaching him with a skip in their step. They slowly raised their hand and petted him on the head.
A large smile spread across Reiji's face. There was still someone who cared for him!
(Y/N)'s expressionless stare turned slowly into a smile as well, that kind of smile only our yandere waifus can pull off. "I was the one who messed with your tea.", they admitted, turning Reiji into the shocked pikachu meme.
(Y/N) ignored his face as they continued, "I openly stalked you for a while. I know everything about you. What you are. Where you live...", their gaze drifted to Reiji's crotch. Reiji took in a sharp breath, "...what color your underwear is. Hm? What were you thinking? Ah, yes I know that too."
They pinched the vampire's cheek, "Anyways, let's marry and drink your love poisoned tea together."
You could see sparks and smoke coming from the black-haired's head, shocked from that proposal, while (Y/N) smiled at him expectantly. Suddenly, Reiji's legs gave in under him and he fell from the roof.
Now with torn clothes and scratches all over his skin, he ran away.
In the end, he found a boar and meerkat in a pretty cool forest where he lived until...he woke up from his dream.
He quickly sat up, his skin covered in sweat and his breath heavy.
"Good morning, bby boi~"
Reiji slowly turned his head to the side where (Y/N) laid, smiling at him like they did when they first met.
Wtf did I just write
Diabolik lover character with a musician s/o mainly marimba,piano,violin,etc pls thank you😄
Pls be more specific with which characters you want shdfshfi I wasn't too sure about what you meant so I wrote something for every character I write for from DL
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
X gn! reader
Headcanon: Shu Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki, Ayato Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Ruki Mukami, Kou Mukami, Yuma Mukami, Azusa Mukami with a s/o who's a musician (classical)

Shu really enjoys listening to you play which is why he never misses the opportunity to do so
So whenever he sees you walk into the music room, he follows you, getting comfortable somewhere in the room as he waits for you to start
He especially enjoys when you play the violin
And if you ask nicely, and he feels like it, he grabs his violin and joins you

Reiji pays your hobby, or whatever you might call it, not too much attention actually
He makes a mental note, but he isn't all about it
Still appreciates it if you want to play something for him
And he will totally talk about how much better you play than Laito and Shu
But don't let that go to your head

Ayato find it pretty boring
Why not try something more lively? Something that makes you want to tap your feet along with the music
Really, he doesn't care
He likes watching you get in your zone when you play though. It's really cute

Kanato makes you play for him to sing along all the time
There is no escape
You don't feel like playing? Stfu, it's what you do best so do it
It's always kind of worth it cause Kanato's singing is nice
And he compliments you about it sometimes as well

Laito makes you sit on his lap while he sits on the piano chair, wanting to play together, but in a more "intimate" way as he calls it
He do be kissing your neck while you two play which makes you mess up sometimes- and he loves it
Cause then he has a reason to start all over again

Subaru pretends not to care much, he did express his shock that you play those instruments though
He just didn't expect you to like stuff like that
And even tho he pretends not to care, it actually calms him a lot when he gets to listen to you play
The marimba is his favorite since he rarely hears people play it, so it's kind of new to him

Ruki asks you to play for him whenever he's exhausted. With that I mean emotionally exhausted
He loves sitting in an armchair and closing his eyes while you play the violin
Sometimes he'd lean his head against you thigh when you stand next to him while playing

Kou isn't really interested, he's more into pop and all that
So he tries to convince you to learn an instrument from another music genre, something with a catchy beat
Whether he succeeds or not is up to you, but he do be really consistent, pushy even

Yuma isn't really into classical music
He prefers something like rock and similar genres
So if you ask for him to listen to you play he's like "meh", give into your wishes anyways
He focuses more on your movements and expressions than listening to your playing. You're just so captivating while in your zone
Even though he's not really into the music, he does give you a compliment every now and then

Azusa doesn't really have a music preference, he'd enjoy pretty much everything you have him listen to
You often notice him standing in the doorway while you're either playing or getting ready to play
He only steps into the room when you invite him to do so
He fell asleep standing up, listening to you playing once or twice before
Sakamaki+Mukami x gn! reader
Self-indulgent shit for the sake of my mental health
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
Headcanon: does he like PDA?

Let's just say: Shu doesn't mind it
It's rather amusing to him whenever you reach for his hand, hug him, try to kiss him and so on
It really is just an opening for teasing you about it
He rarely anitiates PDA himself, maybe when you're feeling down or it's a special occasion
Shu prefers laying down to cuddle, but since that's not that possible when you're out he has to wait until you're home
And in 8/10 times, you won't be able to escape your boyfriend's grasp

Reiji isn't really a fan of PDA
He doesn't mind touching you while others can see it, he actually finds it exciting in a way, but he finds it rather inaproppriate in many cases
Hooking arms and holding hands is absolutely okay tho
But for everything else, you better wait for him to initiate it or ask him. He doesn't like being touched out of a sudden

Ayato will get pissed if you push him away, PDA is a way of showing off who you belong to. So pushing him away is a way of saying you don't want others to know or worse- not wanting to be with him
Either way, Ayato will make sure he gets what he wants, so you better change your mind about PDA quick if you don't like it
He doesn't mind any form of affection in public. Bruh, he'd do anything with you in public, as long as he's the only one who sees you- that being your body and expression

Kanato doesn't mind PDA, he ignores everyone around
So there is no difference in his way of showing you his love when you're in public or not
And that means he doesn't care who sees or hears you, if you fuck up in any type of way everyone will know
But really, as long as you don't make him jealous or something, you'll be fine
He really likes holding onto your arm

Oh, boy, Laito doesn't give a shit
If anything, being out in public while getting handsy or kissing makes it even more exciting for him
He'll be blushing while looking at you with half lidded eyes before diving in for a smooch or hug
Will not care if your uncomfortable or embarrassed, would kind of love it if you don't mind people watching. But in any case, he actively seeks out a blush on your face or a stutter in your words

Subaru is kind of okay with it
Will never initiate PDA though, only exception is when he's emotional or protective. But even in that case, he'd be a flustered mess, so don't point it out and just roll with it
Otherwise, or if anyone else says something about it, he'll get mad and let go of you or stop giving you kisses for the rest of the day
Unless you ask nicely and not in a teasing way
He'd still be grumpy though

Ruki doesn't mind it as long as it's not getting in his way of doing things
It's unlikely he initiates it though, it's not like he doesn't want people to see it, he just doesn't think about holding your hand or anything along those lines
Would gladly do it if that's what you want though
He actually really likes it when you wrap your arms around him or give him a kiss in public

Your hands exist for Kou to hold, your waist exists for Kou to wrap his arm around
He really doesn't want any paparazi or fangirls to stress about your relationship if they ever found out, but at the same time he doesn't want to cut off his affection for you
You don't like it? :( Awe, now he's all pouty, maybe even a bit irritated. Now he wants kisses as an apology

Yuma is pretty casual when it comes to PDA
When he initiates it, then he initiates it
If you initiate it, then you initiate it
And that's about it
Sometimes it's chill and he just wraps an arm around you or dips down for a peck, but sometimes it's not so chill and he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while laughing at your squirming
One of the more sweet guys, if I may say so, but is still not above making out with you out in the open just to embarrass you

Precious boy Azusa loves PDA, not because it's PDA, but because it's affection
He doesn't know when or how to initiate it, and really, he prefers you taking the lead in that regard either way
Every little touch of you is enough to make him the happiest vamp in the world, honestly
There is no preffered form of PDA because, again, he loves everything
He might get emotional at the end of the day, just overflowed with the little hints of love you showed him throughout the day, but damn, please don't stop doing it, give him one more kiss, please?