beaus-museum - As Pretty As A Doll
As Pretty As A Doll

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Do You Do Comfort Fics

do you do comfort fics…

Comfort fics

Do You Do Comfort Fics

I absolutely do comfort fics, whether it’s the character comforting the reader or the other way around

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7 months ago

“Gentle with me

with Jade Leech”

Non-detailed NSFW

Gentle With Me

It shocks you, quite a bit. How every ask of confirmation has no hidden tease behind it. As he asks you if he can touch you here, or kiss you there. He is sincere and gentle with your body.

How amusing and sweet it is, to witness your beloved boyfriend offer you a blanket to hide your face if you find it necessary. He’s so attentive to your body’s reactions and the sounds you make. Trying to ensure you aren’t in too much pain, or discomfort.

He’s unfamiliar with this act, so he allows you to guide him. Telling him what you like or dislike. It’s all so soft, the way murmurs praises into your shoulder when it’s all said and done.

Although he isn’t accustomed to the heat of the ordeal, he can handle it if it means you’re okay. Unless, of course, you’d like to be cleaned. He can run a nice bath for the two of you.

He can save any chaotic thoughts or energy for another time, but all that’s important to him, is ensuring you are okay. You are his priority.

Gentle With Me

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5 months ago

"She might let you stay

with Kinich"

"She Might Let You Stay

Walking into your home for something more than just a friendly hangout was an experience Kinich never dreamt of encountering. He never really dreamt of hanging out with anyone. In his head, there wasn't much use for dreaming of others. At least, that was the case before you.

In your comfortable attire, you smiled at him from your couch. "I'm so glad you were able to come, Kinich." It wasn''t his first time in your abode, but it was the first time you asked him on a date. Granted, it wasn't anything special. Just a dinner at home with maybe a kiss at the end.

"I wouldn't leave you hanging. You should know that by now if we are going to date." So upfront, as always. He took his seat beside you and was a bit taken aback as you leaned against him. His left shoulder was made into a pillow as you relaxed into his stiff figure.

It wasn't something he ever prepared himself for. The feeling of another person making home in his heart before he could prepare for any cautionary measures.

"She Might Let You Stay

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7 months ago

comfort fic…hu tao comforting reader who lost a family member please..

“In my time of need

with Hu Tao”

Comfort Fichu Tao Comforting Reader Who Lost A Family Member Please..

With her arms around your waist, she allows you to rest your body into her own. Her grip is firm, and the atmosphere feels heavy. Unlike the director’s usual behavior, she was silent while embracing you.

Not because she didn’t want to speak. She just didn’t know how. Hu Tao has never been confident or sure of her abilities to comfort or be there for someone emotionally,

But for you, she makes an exception to her rule of keeping her distance. She wants to try to help. And not by trying to make you laugh with her, at times, poor humor.

But by trying to show you she cares. And she’s there.

Loss is a scary thing. She knows that. So if she can help you grieve in any healthy manner, she’ll be there. As both a friend and a lover. If you need her, you have her.

Comfort Fichu Tao Comforting Reader Who Lost A Family Member Please..

Losing someone is one of the hardest things someone can experience. The world can be so unfair to the most undeserving people. Try to keep your head up. I’m here if you need anything <3

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7 months ago

“I forget if I ever loved anyone else

with Lynette”

I Forget If I Ever Loved Anyone Else

When asked the question of if she’s loved another person like she’s loved you, her answer is immediate. Denying the existence of feelings for anyone else. “How could I love someone who isn’t you?”

You were her first relationship. The first and only one outside her family who has been able to succeed in making her feel comfortable. It was you, who made her feel ready to open her heart.

To you, she wasn’t like some robot, or object. She was your partner. You’d announce that to the world if you were able to. Because you’re proud of her. Proud of exactly who she is.

Offering to help her pick plants to add to her tea, or incorporate into her and Lyney’s magic performances. None of it was silly or unnecessary to you.

If she wanted or needed anything, you’d be there. You’ve never said those words aloud, but you didn’t have to. Because your actions spoke volumes your vocal cords could never achieve.

So, no. She’s never loved anyone the way she loves you. Because no one has loved her the way you do.

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6 months ago

“Commercial break

with Riddle Rosehearts”

with Trans! reader + Transphobic Riddle

(Takes place before his overblot)

Commercial Break

“You don’t get it, do you?” He despised the dejected expression on your face. Still, he nodded with your blunt inquiry. “I’m not who I used to be, Riddle.”

He wanted to be understanding, and he was trying so hard to. It was taking everything in him not to push you away in angry confusion.

You were you.

Why were you saying that you were someone else, someone aside from who he grew up with? Was this some stupid prank Ace and Deuce put you up to? Why are you going against all it is he was raised to believe? Did you hate him?

“Why are you being delusional?” He slipped up in his thoughts.

“Huh?” He knows you’d heard that reaction from others within your classes, but not him. And even though he could see the pain in your eyes, he chose to continue.

“You’re selfisb, pulling the rug out from everyone just because you want to be different. I will not support your actions and behavior. And the only ones who will stand by your stupidity is those who see you’re a pitiful fool. Remember that.”

Commercial Break

I do not believe Riddle would be discriminating against any minority after his overblot, however this is a short drabble containing my speculation for how it could be. Transphobia will not be tolerated.

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