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334 posts

Lets Talk About Money & Energy!

Let’s talk about money & energy!

So many people think you need to work long hours, do more, or over extend yourself to make more money. As women we are paid less for the same job men do and given less venture capital and business loans than male-owned businesses, but expected to compete with them. God forbid we take another route like sugaring or escorting (the only field we can out earn our male counterparts) then we’re looked down upon. The narrative society has created when it comes to women obtaining and keeping wealth is a negative one, and it’s not by accident. It’s why we have unconscious negative beliefs about money that could be holding us back from earning it. With that being said, let’s get into some ways to remove any negative energy and limiting beliefs around money.

Lets Talk About Money & Energy!

Write down every memory you have with money. Every single memory, from a bully taking your lunch money in the 3rd grade to watching your mother get evicted because she didn’t have enough to pay the rent that month. Just get a journal, pen, and write down every memory that comes to mind - no matter how big or small it may seem. You’ll start to notice a pattern with the memories. It could be that people are always TAKING money from you, or that you’re always ASKING people for money, or maybe you just never have ENOUGH. This is the most powerful tool I’ve used to go from being homeless to earning six figures and thats no joke y’all. This tactic brings up sooo many negative experiences I’ve had with money that I forgot even happened.

Once you’ve reconciled with your memories, make a list of the emotions you felt during those memories. It could be feelings of guilt, shame, or pride. But it’s important to identify these emotions because this will help you understand the underlying emotions you carry with you when it comes to money. Go through the list of emotions and memories, and say out loud “I release the feeling of [emotion] when it comes to money. I forgive myself and I forgive money for making me feel this way. These emotions no longer resonate with me.” Say this until you no longer have to. Memories and emotions repeat itself until your fully heal from them. Be prepared to do exercise more than once.

Lets Talk About Money & Energy!

Knowing your beliefs. Now that we know the underlying negative emotions with money & where it came from, let’s get down to the self talk. What do you tell yourself about money? Do you think you can only make money from hard work? Do you think money is too complicated? Are you so scared of taxes that you don’t want to earn a lot of money due to your fear of it being taken away? Determine the negative self talk so you can shift those beliefs.

Affirmations . I swear by affirmations! Yes, they really work. They just require time and consistency. In order to shift those negative beliefs, you need to tell yourself a new story about money. Instead of focusing only on removing the bad beliefs, REPLACE them with positive ones. Affirmations require some realness. Don’t say shit like “money is my friend” if you’d never say that to yourself foreal. Talk about money like you’d talk about a guy you like, “money is perfect for me. Money was meant for me. Abundance and wealth is all mine”. No matter what you tell yourself, make it authentic. If you really want to see results, record your affirmations and listen to them when you first wake up or when you’re going to bed. This is when your subconscious mind is most receptive.

Hypnotherapy. I love a good hypnosis. Hypnotherapy alters the state of the mind and then tells your subconscious mind a series of suggestions and affirmations. I used to have a fear of driving (like you couldn’t pay me to get behind the wheel) until I did hypnotherapy. My practitioner put me in a trance then told my subconscious mind a series of affirmations about driving so that when I woke up I had a new belief. Even after the appointment (which she recorded) I listened to the session every night. Just like affirmations, this takes consistency. And guess what? Ya girl is a licensed driver now! I recommend using a licensed hypnotherapist instead of DIYing this. Your subconscious mind is too precious to just be winging it on yourself.

Lets Talk About Money & Energy!

Just remember that you can change your circumstance at any time! You do not have to settle a life of mediocrity or lack. You have the power within you to change your life at any given time. ✨

Follow me for more money, accounting and finance tips. 🦋

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More Posts from Beauteaful

9 months ago
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.
7 Steps To Creating Your Higher Self Persona.

7 Steps to Creating Your Higher Self Persona.

Whether you want to create a sugar baby persona, a more confident version of yourself, or are just bored and want to revamp your life, these are the essential steps to doing so. I would recommend being as detailed as I was in my “ideal high-value man” list.

IG @glo.guidance

Apply for the 7-Day Reinvent Yourself Program & Private Membership Here

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9 months ago

Your network is your networth!

Your Network Is Your Networth!

Who you know greatly affects your net worth. You’ve probably heard the saying “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. This is real! Who we spend our time with is a reflection of who we are and where our life is going. Hang around 4 broke people, you’ll be the 5th one. Or you can hang around 4 wealthy people, and become the 5th one.

You may be thinking “ok girl I know, but how do I meet high networth individuals?” That’s what I’ll be sharing with you today. I was in your shoes years ago. I went from only hanging around my high school friends to having corporate CEOs, financiers, and 6 figure entrepreneurs on speed dial. This was a very slow process and I was intentional with my behavior. I was in the corporate and finance space, and wanted to be around people that helped my career and business grow. If you’re someone like me that had the desire to level up their circle, but wasn’t sure on where to start then take notes of the below:

Your Network Is Your Networth!

Determine the type of friend(s) you want to have. Are you like me, in the finance industry? Then you’ll want to associate yourself with financiers, accountants, investors and business owners. Maybe you’re an inspiring real estate agent and want to associate yourself with realtors, brokers, investors and contractors. Maybe you’re in law school, and want to be associated with top notch lawyers, other law students, and potential clients that’ll need a lawyer in the future. Before you start the journey of leveling up your circle, determine who it is you want around you. If not, you could attract all types of people that may not benefit your life. For example, if you focus only on having wealthy friends, you could attract the “New Money” tech guys or spoiled rich heirs that just want to party and drink. Be intentional with who you want around you.

Start small. I know we all want friends that make millions & billions of dollars, own a private jet, and spend $5k just on sleepwear. But if you’re only making $50-60k/year, that just won’t happen (yet). And that’s okay! I don’t know about y’all, but I’d feel uncomfortable having a friend THAT MUCH richer than me lol. You’ll feel left out or worse they may (unconsciously) look down on you and not treat you as their equal. It’s important to start small, and work your way up as you level up. For example, if you make $50-60k/year, look for friends that make $100k-$150k/year. If you’re already making $100k, look for friends that make $300k-$450k/year and so on. Sidenote: This has nothing to do with the men you date or mentors, always go for the wealthiest one😂 but when it comes to friends it’s important that you can relate to your friend group and be treated as an equal, even if you’re not as wealthy as them yet. Imagine going shopping with them, and you can only afford Forever21 while they’re at Gucci and LV. You never want to be in a postion where you’re uncomfortable or looked down upon. Start where you are and work your way up.

Your Network Is Your Networth!

Be where they are. Now that you know who you want around you, ask yourself “where would my ideal friend(s) be? Stop going to Walmart and Dollar Tree, and start shopping at Whole Foods, Mariano’s, and the farmers market. If you want to increase the chances of running into a potential high value friend, go where high value people go. This doesn’t only mean 5 star restaurants and hotels, but think about what your ideal wealthy friend would do on a daily basis. Coffee shops, farmers market, high end gyms, luxury nail salons! All these are all places wealthy individuals may spend time during their day. Show up there consistently and be friendly! High end clubs, hotels, and restaurants are good to find men, but when it comes to friends it may be hard because most ladies go to these places WITH their friend group so they aren’t looking to make friends. But when you show up to their yoga class daily, always run into them at the gym, or bump into each other in the aisle at Whole Foods, you’re more likely to spark a conversation that can lead to a friendship.

Join clubs or sport groups. You may not be able to afford the six figure membership at the golf course right now or get invited to join elite social groups, but don’t let that discourage you. You can join paid book clubs and mastermind groups. If you’re good at tennis or badminton, join an adult league in a wealthy part of town. I started by going to business and finance networking groups in my city. Sometimes I met indivuals who were wealthy, sometimes I didn’t. But either way, I increased my chances by being there. Wealthy people tend to do sports like golf, tennis, skiing, horse racing, etc. If you’re good at those or willing to take lessons, then join an adult league. This is the easiest way to be around high value individuals and actually get the chance to build relationships with them. Remember: always stay in your budget, and don’t overspend just to fit into a group. If you can only afford to spend $100/month then find clubs within that budget. I promise you’ll find at least ONE friend that’ll be worth it.

Your Network Is Your Networth!

Always look presentable. Unlike a lot of people on here, I won’t tell you that you need to leave the house in a designer purse and silk dress just to attract wealthy friends because that’s not true. Most of my wealthy friends only wear designer when we go out, and if they do I can’t tell because they’re not big on logos. Looking presentable simply means looking clean and polished. You can make a Fabletics outfit look like Lulu Lemon if you know what you’re doing. If you can’t afford an birkin, just buy a nice purse and take good care of it. Keep the colors you wear to a minimum, keep your outfits clean and clear of lint, and keep your hair and nails maintained. Never go out the house wearing PJs, yesterday’s sweat pants, and clothes that are too big/little for your body!

Be friendly! Stop walking around with a resting BITCH face all the time. This doesn’t mean you have to walk around smiling🤣 but just relax your face. If you need help with this, practice your resting “nice” face in the mirror. When you’re standing or walking around, get off your phone. You can’t expect to be open and friendly, if you’re always strolling on your phone. This gives off a vibe that you’re not in the mood to talk to those around you. When you’re in public places like the airport, grocery store or gym, spark a conversation! Compliment a girl’s outfit (only if you’re genuine) or chat about the weather with the guy behind you line. You’ll notice that some people are friendly, some are not. But the important thing is that you practice being friendly and you’ll open yourself up to new opportunities for friendships. I used to be shy, and NEVER did this. However, my brother was always the outgoing type and always spoke to people and made friends when we’d go out. I asked him how he was so good at sparking conversation he said “don’t over think it. Just talk!” I started to look up conversation starters on the internet and practiced his technique with everyone I came across. And eventually my shyness went away. This will take time and consistency. You can’t just be friendly one time and say “well I didn’t make friends today so this is pointless” because that’s not how it works. You’ll see results when you make it a HABIT of being friendly and of course being genuine. Trust me, people can tell when you’re fake.

Your Network Is Your Networth!

Be a good friend. This is a no brainer, but most posts that talk about gaining high value friends sometimes miss this. It’s nice to want friends who are wealthy, but you also have to be an asset to them. They don’t need another person who just wants to use them because rich people get used all the time. They know when someone is only in their life for superficial reasons so add value. Be a good friend that’s always there when they need you, be a good listener, be compassionate, remember their birthday. It’s not enough to just want to be friends with someone because of what they have. Luckily, I’m a funny person and love hosting gatherings/parties. I know how to make my friends laugh so they always want to be around me because of the positive energy I bring. Ask yourself, why would someone want to be friends with me? How am I an asset to someone’s life? Weather it’s your loyalty, trustworthiness, or you just know how to make a friend laugh when they’re down, understand your assets. You can be honest with yourself and say “I don’t have any of those traits”. That’s okay! Some of us weren’t raised to be a good friend. Maybe your mom didnt have many friends or you grew up a loner so you’re not sure what it means to be a good friend. If that’s the case, do something about it. Read books on what it means to be a good person, a great friend, and how to care about people. Once you have these traits, you’ll attract people with similar qualities into your life. ❤️

Your Network Is Your Networth!

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9 months ago
The Love Of Learning, The Sequestered Nooks,And All The Sweet Serenity Of Books - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books” -  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Learning is one of the greatest accomplishments of our mind. And even if many associate it with school and studying, there are so many skills and knowledge you can acquire in your free time! Here is just a little “masterpost” of some of the options on the internet.

Languages (you have always wanted to learn a new language?)

How to choose a language



French Masterpost by @studenting

German Masterpost by @languageoclock

Mandarin Chinese Masterpost by @floernce

Danish Masterpost by @baernat

Dutch Masterpost by @languagesordie

Finnish Masterpost by @hardluckbones

Greek Masterpost by @katlearnslanguages

Hindi Masterpost by @wonderful-language-sounds

Hebrew Masterpost by @wonderful-language-sounds

Italian Masterpost by @languagegirl

Japanese Masterpost by @somestudy

Korean Masterpost by @somestudy

Latin Masterpost by @learnal

Portuguese Masterpost by @educaution

Spanish Masterpost by @funwithlanguages

Swahili Masterpost by @spraakhexe

Free Courses!!! (you want to educate yourself on subjects you are passionate about? or find something that you love?)







Stanford Online

Harvard Online Learning

MIT Open Courseware


Khan Academy

Coding (you have always wanted to learn how to code?)


Khan Academy Computer Programming





Dash (+ learning how to create a tumblr theme!)






Creative (you always wanted to paint pretty pictures, take beautiful photographs, start a fashion blog or practice your calligraphy skills?)

Learn How To Draw

Color Theory

Graphic Design Basics

Fashion Blogging

Beginners Acrylic Paint Course

Acrylic Paint Strategies

Calligraphy Beginner

A Beginner’s Guide To Modern Calligraphy

Learn Calligraphy

The Ultimate Graffiti Guide

Photography Basics

How To Keep A Diary And Stick To It

Scrapbooking For Beginners

Writing Apps Extensions And Websites by @uglystudies

Writing Resources by @wordsnstuff

Miscellaneous (the suns, solar systems, stars and moons? playing the guitar, the piano?)

Space And Astronomy Masterpost by @thescholarlysquad

Microsoft Excel Tutorial

Absolute First Beginner Acoustic Guitar Lesson

Piano 101


How To Create Music In Minutes (Fruity Loops Free)

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9 months ago

Could you please give a list of the harshest things that you think we (general population of women trying to improve on themselves) need to hear

This post is part of my Tough Love Tuesdays series where followers send me their problems and receive a stern kick in the butt. They specifically asked for extremely harsh answers, so if you take offence to this or it makes you feel sensitive, then you need to keep scrolling because it is not directed at you, nor are you the target audience. They don’t want to be coddled, they don’t want sugar coating, they don’t want beating around the bush. They want painfully tough love.

The absolute overwhelming majority of men prefer women who are at a healthy weight.

Hypersexuality does not solve your problems, it's actually probably causing many of them.

A lot of you got useless degrees (from a financial standpoint) that put you several thousands of dollars into debt and got you a job that hardly lets you live a comfortable middle class life. Is that really something to flex?

A lot of you are extremely insecure and need constant validation, but you hide behind a facade of “I’m a bad bitch” as a protective mask.

If you want marriage and children, then spending years and years and years of your fertility window and most desired ages of attractiveness (in the eyes of men) not prioritizing marriage and children is an odd choice, wouldn’t you say?

Adding on to that, if you want marriage and children, there’s no need to pretend that you would be 100% perfectly fine and happy if it doesn’t happen for you. It’s okay to admit that you want it.

Your inability to take accountability for your bad choices in life is leading you down a path of destruction.

Far too many of you have placed yourself in an echo chamber that only promotes the idea that because you are a woman, you are 100% perfect exactly the way you are and you never need to change or grow or improve or better yourself in any way. They are lying to you <3

Not everyone suits the insta baddie look and there are other ways to level up physically besides going for that look.

A lot of the “men ain’t shit” crowd are women who ain’t shit and allow their terrible personalities and behavior to attract men who are mirrors of them.

Your mother caused you a lot of mental health problems. I can see that you are gearing up to keep that cycle going with your own daughters. Stop it. Get some help.

Your son is not your husband. Your daughter is not the second mom of the house.

Being a young single mother/baby mama actually is a big deal and you can’t be upset that it impacts you on the dating market.

Many people nowadays will not be financially secure enough to retire when the time comes. You NEED to start putting your money to the side now, before it’s too late.

Some of you need to finally admit that your weight is where it’s at solely because of you and your diet.

You claim that you don’t have time to do helpful self-improvement things for your life, but if I were to monitor you for a week, it’d be obvious that it’s a lie. You just don’t want to make the time for it.

At some point, you’re gonna have to ditch the vices you use to cope and finally start the healing process.

Many of the things on your list of requirements for what you want from a man point to the sum of a man who doesn’t exist. Your desires are fictitious.

Yes, your looks matter. A lot. Always have, always will.

Your inability to practice long term self-discipline is why your life is the way it is.

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9 months ago

Stripper Tutorial Masterpost

The links are in order from beginner to advanced. Most of this is aimed towards dancers-to-be or baby strippers, so there aren’t many complicated moves on here. Also, please note that this list is incomplete. I will be adding to the Bootywork and Lapdance sections in given time and as I find better videos/tutorials. FLOORWORK: Sexy Worm (with Spin Sity)  The Dive (with Spin Sity)  The Clock (with Spin Sity)   Crawl (with Pole 2go) Goddess Rising (with Pole2go) Outside Tick-tock Clock Variation (with Pole2go) Leg Peels (with Pole2go) Floor Fan Kick (with Pole2go) Backwards Shoulder Roll (with Melonie) Four Ways to Get Up From the Floor (with Dirdy Birdy)  Twisted Grip Floor Roll Down (with Dirdy Birdy)  Intermediate Drop & Roll (with Cleo the Hurricane) Advanced Pole Press Handstand (with Cleo the Hurricane) POLEWORK: Basic Walk (with Pole2go) Eternal Pole Walk (with Pole2go) Figure 8 Walk (with Pole2go) Hip Circles (with Pole2go) Booty Dips (with Pole2go) Pole Plie (with Pole2go) Beginner Fireman Variations (with Dirdy Birdy) Beginner Sunwheel/Ankle Hook (with Dirdy Birdy Beginner Pole Climb (with Dirdy Birdy) Beginner Pole Sit (with Dirdy Birdy)  Beginner Pole Plank/Layback (with Dirdy Birdy)  Beginner Angel Spin (with Dirdy Birdy)  Beginner Fan Kick (with Dirdy Birdy)  Beginner Cradle/Cradle V Spin (with Dirdy Birdy) Beginner Pirouette Variations Inner and Outer Grip (with Dirdy Birdy)  Beginner Bodyrolls (with Dirdy Birdy) Beginner Invert and Exercises Before (with Dirdy Birdy)  Intermediate Gemini Aka Outside Leg Hang (with Dirdy Birdy) Intermediate Scorpio Aka Inside Leg Hang (with Dirdy Birdy) Tips for Using a Spinning Pole (with Veena)  Static Pole Spins (with Veena)  Back Arch Slide (with Pole2go) The Wrist Seat (with Pole2go)  Corkscrew Spin (with Pole2go) How to Shoulder Mount (with Blush Dance) Jade (with Muse Fitness) Jade Split (with Cleo the Hurricane) BOOTYWORK: How to Twerk For Non-Twerkers (with Firestarter)  How to Twerk Tutorial and Leg/Booty Workout (with Keaira Lashae) Ass Clap 101 (with Imani Rose)  Booty Pop on Floor (with Amy Shi)  Booty Flexing Exercise (with Empre$$)

STRENGTH/FLEXIBILITY/STRETCHING Beginner Pole Strengthening Exercises (with Dakota Foxx) Back Stretches/Flexibility Training (with Dirdy Birdy)  Four Exercises Every Pole Dancer Should Know (with Veena)  Tips For Splits and Hips (with Veena)  Stretching for the Splits (with Veena)

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