NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at https://ko-fi.com/betweenthelines.
49 posts
Short Story: Distilled Strength
Short Story: Distilled Strength
Keith was livid. Brett, a wannabe fitness model, had humiliated him by stealing the smoking hot chick that he had been chasing for months. Brett had followed Keith around the gym for his entire workout, smashing all of Keith's mediocre lifts, proving how much more of a man he was. Keith’s slim yet toned body proved to be no match for Brett's more muscular physique. It wasn’t long before his crush was hanging off Brett's muscular figure, stroking his pecs and reaching her slender hands into his shorts.
Keith had had enough. He stormed into his apartment and pulled an almost full vial of clear liquid from the back of his kitchen cupboard. He had planned to consume the liquid slowly over many months, so the changes would be gradual and less suspicious, but in his rage, he removed the cap and drank what was left in the vial. The taste of raw sweat filled his mouth as he swallowed the potent liquid. A horrible pain filled his entire body, as his veins began to pulse angrily.
After several agonising moments, waves of pleasure began to cut through the pain, causing Keith to moan in ecstasy. His feet burst from his trainers as they doubled in size providing a solid foundation to his calves which swelled bigger than most men's arms. His quads grew thick slabs of muscle, forcing him into a wide stance as they fought for space. His growing quads forced his package forward as it surged past its previous fully erect size. His balls swelled in size and began pumping an intoxicating cocktail of hormones throughout his body as his previously flat ass grew into a perky muscle shelf.
His back grew wider, pushing his arms away from his sides as his lats flared larger. His core tightened into a series of deep ridges and valleys. His chest grew outwards, forming two huge mounds of muscle that heaved with power as they pumped oxygen through his growing frame. His hands balled into tight fists as his arms exploded, the muscle bodies of his biceps growing full and hard. His shoulders swelled with size, and huge traps soared upwards causing his frame to grow wider to accommodate all the layers of thick muscle. His high-pitched moans turned into a rumbling roar as his neck grew thicker and his voice adopted a rich bass.
The bones on his face began to rearrange, causing his baby fat to give way to a strong jaw and high cheekbones that gave him model good looks. All the blemishes and scars on his skin began to fade as it adopted a healthy natural glow. The hair on his head thickened and took on a sun-kissed shine, as his pores began to emit a pheromone-filled mix that smelled of musk and coffee.
As the changes began to subside, Kieth reached one of his saucer-sized hands into his pants to feel his new cock. With one hand Keith stroked the length of his erection, while his other squeezed his nuts, precum lubing the length of his shaft. His new cock had to be at least double the length and girth of the pathetic dick that he had felt this morning. He roared as he reached orgasm, every muscle pulsing bigger one last time, as a light dusting of hair spouted across his body.
Keith explored his new hulking physique, noting that he now easily outsized Brett. In fact, he must be the biggest guy in the entire gym now. And if someone managed to surpass him, he could always just distill their essence into another vial, just like he had done with the previous top dog at the gym.
Keith pulled on a 3XL singlet and a pair of workout shorts that he had been saving for later in the year, relishing in how he filled out fabric that previously billowed off his body. Returning his attention to the vial, he noticed there was a small amount of liquid left in the vial's dropper, perfect for giving him a pre-workout boost. He squirted what was left in the dropper into his mouth, before leaving to take his rightful place as the gym alpha.

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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf
Short Story: Stuffing Your Face
The waiter places yet another tray of grease-laden food in front of him. A huge double bacon cheeseburger, with mountains of chips, and a double serving of fried chicken. The giant across from me rubs his strong hands together with glee. “Great, I’m starving!” he says excitedly as he picks up the burger in his big mitts. “You sure I can’t interest you in a bite?” he asks as he waves the greasy burger in my face. The smell of it is nauseating. I feel so incredibly full that just the thought of taking a bite of that fatty abomination makes my stomach churn. Before today I never would have put such poison into my body. “Oh well, all the more for me then”, he smiles as he takes a huge bite of the burger. As he chews, meat juice drips down his chiseled chin onto his mammoth pecs.
I want to run away but I’m my fat ass is stuck in this booth. As he swallows the masticated mix of fat and salt, the grease drip soaks into his chest and disappears. I look down and see another grease stain appear on the white t-shirt that is struggling to contain my saggy man tits. He smiles as he notices the stain before taking another massive bite.
The beast opposite me wolfs down the food in front of him in minutes, licking his thick fingers clean before leaning back in his chair stuffed. I can see his bloated stomach straining against his USA flag muscle singlet. “Fuck that was good!” he says, rubbing his swollen gut. Even though it’s so full of food, you can still clearly see the powerful ridges of abs through the fabric.
“Your turn,” he says mischievously as he continues to rub his stomach. Suddenly my feeling of fullness begins to grow as if I was having a second thanksgiving dinner straight after my first. My gut swells further past the waistband of my pants, spilling over the sides of the elastic. My man boobs sag further, and my arms become flabbier. I can feel myself become weaker and weaker as my back slides down the back of the booth. If I could even still see it, I’d notice my cock was shriveling in on itself inside my pants. What little definition I have left in my face gives way to a softer, rounder appearance.
While this is happening, the man opposite me groans as his bloated stomach begins to recede. The veins across his body pulse as if the mass in his stomach is being pumped directly into his colossal muscles. He breathes deeply as his pecs swell bigger, jutting out further and further with each breath. Pencil thick veins appear over his biceps as their muscle bellies grow thicker and stronger. The chords of muscle in his forearm appear to ripple and dance as they take on an even meatier appearance. His growing quads make it harder to fit into the small booth while his feet grow so large they spill over the sides of his too-small flip flops. His balls swell bigger sending waves of testosterone throughout his body, while his rock-hard cock begins to snake down one of the legs of his shorts.
A ripping sound can be heard as his wide back and obliques can no longer be contained by the fabric of the singlet, causing a tear to appear under his armpits. Finally, his face becomes more angular and handsome, his hair thicker and more lustrous. With a sigh, he rubs his stomach again, the bloated gut having completely given way to a rock-hard core. Each of his abs are on display as the singlet has ridden up so much that his entire midsection is exposed.
“Ahhh that was so good”, he rumbles in a voice so deep, I swear I can feel the air in my lungs vibrate. “But I’m still hungry”.

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Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 2)
Click here to read part 1.
Present day
Clint was making his way home after a long day at work, his body sore from the day's labour. He longed for the days where his job as a tradesman was just a front that had been set up for him by the Man in Black. After the procedure, the man dressed in black gave him a new backstory with a fit wife who had been through a similar procedure. He would laze around all day, working out, posting queer bait pictures to instagram, and most importantly spouting on about conspiracy theories and quotes about being a real man any chance he got. And in return for his work, regular checks arrived keeping him flush with cash.
But after the election, the checks stopped coming. He kept up his usual posting routine, but soon he had to turn back to tiling to pay the bills. As Clint gripped the steering wheel, he inspected his muscular forearm. His enhanced body required so much protein to maintain his mass that he was afraid he’d begin to lose his physique if he couldn’t find some cash. His posts had become more and more nonsensical as his situation worsened and he turned to shady deals selling videos of him wrestling other men on the internet.

Clint pulled his truck up to his local gym, hoping a solid workout would perk him up a bit. The gym was the only real place where he felt in control these days. As he made his way across the gym floor, he felt numerous pairs of eyes taking in his hulking form. The high-cut gym shorts and muscle tank that he was wearing did little to hide his godly physique. Buoyed by the attention, Clint made an effort to stand up straight and puff his chest out to give his admirers a better show as he strutted towards the free weights. To Clint's annoyance, some twink was already there, struggling with the lightest weights in the gym, his clothes draped off his unnaturally skinny body.
“I think you’re done here kid,” Clint said as he grabbed two of the heaviest dumbbells in the gym, shoving the much smaller man out of the way. The smaller man fell to the floor, but Clint didn’t pay him a second thought. He was far too engrossed in his workout. Despite having this body for several years now, it was still such a rush to workout. It was like his body craved being put under the stress of a heavy lifting session. Clint was transfixed at the way his hulking body moved as he curled the heavy dumbbells. It was almost orgasmic for him. He felt his member begin to chub up slightly in his shorts.
For the next hour, Clint pushed his body through a grueling workout. Upon finishing his last set, he dropped his weights back on the rack, and closed his eyes, his head tilted towards the ceiling. He loved the feeling of post-workout bliss. The feeling of his sweat-soaked shirt hugging his body. The feeling of his pumped muscles twitching under his skin. The feeling of blood coursing through his swollen veins. He felt his cock harden further down the leg of his shorts. He peeled off his sweat-soaked shirt, revealing his incredible torso, pumped and swollen from the workout. He began inspecting his flawless form in the gym mirror. “Could I be any more perfect,” he muttered to himself.

He felt a cool breeze as his dick approached full hardness, the tip beginning to surge past the leg of his shorts. “Down boy,” he laughed to himself, “just wait till we get home to the wifey”. He made his way across the gym floor, making sure to give his fellow gym-goers a good show of his sweaty, swollen form before tossing his gear in his truck and starting his journey home. The workout had helped take his mind off things, but the feeling of doubt that lingered on the periphery of his mind began to ebb once more.
As Clint pulled onto his street, he realised that a familiar black SUV was parked in his driveway. A wave of relief washed over him. The man in black must be finally reaching out to him! He parked his car and heaved his huge frame out of his truck. With his wide stride, it only took him a few steps to reach the car. Clint paused as he approached. Something was wrong. The door to the SUV opened revealing a man dressed in white. “Hello Clint” he said chillingly. Fear and panic sent adrenaline coursing through Clint’s veins. He turned and bolted away from the man, only to be grabbed by a dozen other men in suits and dark sunglasses. Clint’s muscles bulged as he wrestled for his life against the men, but he was simply outnumbered. “Take him inside” the Man Dressed in White ordered. The men bundled Clint inside as he howled and struggled.
Once inside, the men pushed Clint to his knees and bound his hands behind his back. “What are you going to do to me?” Clint asked. “Why we’re going to right what has been wronged Clint,” the man dressed in white said, “Do you ever think about the two men you cheated to get that body?. “Why would I?” Clint spat. “Well one of the men was tragically beaten to death by a homophobe after the agency released him while the other man was sold as a sex slave” the Man Dressed in White explained. “So, the queers deserved it” Clint spat again, his voice thick with malice.
The man dressed in white gestured to someone behind Clint. In walked the slender twink from the gym, his head and shoulders hunched. The twink looked at Clint with a mixture of lust and hate. ”Don’t you recognise him Clint?” the Man Dressed in White exclaimed as he pulled a small silver ring out of his pocket, “This is Shayne. We managed to rescue him off a drug lord in Mexico and tonight, we are going to balance the scales”.
“No, you can’t take my muscles”, panicked Clint. “Oh no Clint, we will be taking much more than that” explained the man in white. “You see, you have such a following on social media, your disappearance or sudden loss of size would fuel the fires of conspiracy”. “I’ll do anything, please don’t change me back,” begged Clint “I was nothing before!”. “Ohh Clint, you will be doing more than you know to right the wrongs of the agency”. “Place your hands on his temples Shayne” said the Man in Dressed in White. Shayne came and kneeled in front of Clint before reaching out and placing his small hands on Clint’s temples. He licked his lips as he felt the heat radiating off Clint's golden skin.
The Man Dressed in White placed the silver ring on Shayne’s finger. Suddenly Shayne’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. He sighed as his head slumped forward and a cloud of smoke escaped his mouth. The cloud began to float towards Clint. Panicked, Clint held his breath and thrashed against his bindings. “Ohh Clint, even with all your godly muscles, you’re still human so you’ll need to breathe eventually”.
Clint’s vision began to blur as the lack of oxygen began to take a toll on him. His veins began to pop as his muscles demanded he take a breath. A thin layer of sweat began to form on his skin. He couldn’t go any longer, and he was forced to take a long deep breath, pulling the smoke into his lungs. The last thing Clint remembered was a wave of weakness washing over him before everything went black.
Clint woke up a few minutes later with his face on the floor. His whole body ached. He went to push himself up off the ground when he noticed small, slender hands instead of his usual calloused mitts. Panicked, looked down and saw a pale and impossibly thin body. He began to go into shock. “Looking for these” said a deep voice rumbled. Clint looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a naked version of his former body looking back at him, flexing his huge biceps, and proudly showing his rock hard 10 inch cock as precum oozed from its tip. “This is such a rush,” the man exclaimed as his hands explored whis swollen new form, “I never had this insane size before”. The man's hands came to rest at the base of his throbbing cock. He shuddered as he ran his hands along the length of his thick shaft to his sensitive tip. “Let’s see what this monster can do,” the imposter said, his voice thick with lust as he walked slowly towards Clint.

The Man in White watched on, pleased with his work. But this was just one of the many wrongs that the agency and the man in black had made. He had more work to do.
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Short Story: Always read the contract

How are you holding up man? Daniel said, not taking his eyes off his phone. “I’m feeling a little woozy bro,” Geoff replied, swaying slightly on his stool. Daniel chuckled to himself as he put his phone down and inspected the gradual changes occurring in his body. His pecs were beginning to jut out from his chest and his arms were beginning to take on some definition again. “Having your muscle drained out of your body will do that” Daniel replied as he massaged his growing muscle tits. Shit, his pecs were already bigger than from his previous procedures and Goeff had so much more to give. Anxious to see the final results, he flicked the iv bag a few times, speeding up the flow of potent liquid into his veins.
He leaned back and closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of his body growing larger, taller, and more muscular with each passing second. “But it’s only for three months right?” Geoff asked, concern in his voice as his physique drained through the iv line in his arm. He had agreed to loan his mass to Daniel for a handsome fee, but seeing the last few years of gains vanish down the line in his arm suddenly made everything very real.
“Sure, mostly,” Daniel said with a smirk on his face as he palmed the growing bulge in his shorts. Geoff was correct that Daniel would only have his size for a few months, but after Geoff's size faded from Daniel's body, it was lost to Geoff forever. And any gains that Daniel managed to make with his temporary size and strength boost would be permanent. And with Geoff’s physique, Daniel was sure he would be able to make some insane gains before his borrowed strength faded.
He opened his eyes to find his lower half obscured by his new huge pec shelf. Daniel chuckled to himself as he realised he had now surpassed his doner in height and mass. And this was only the first bag. Daniel was grinning from ear to ear. He only needed to convince a few more gullible bodybuilders to let him ‘borrow’ their hard-earned gains until he would permanently have the godly physique that he craved.
“Hey man, I don’t want to do this anymore,” Geoff said as he pawed feebly at the line in his arm. “Ohh I think you’ll be staying for the whole procedure,” Daniel said getting out of his chair to stand over his helpless doner, his body swelling with every step he took. Daniel towered over Geoff, his meaty hands placed on his hips to show off his swollen pecs and biceps. “You see we have a contract, and I have every intention to enforce it.”

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Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 1)
In celebration of hitting 250 followers, I'm exploring a new series/universe with multiple parts. Enjoy!
High-ranking members of the incoming government have learned of a number of top-secret military programs commissioned under the former conservative administration. These programs sought to dominate the social media narrative by creating large numbers of influencers to sway potential voters. The most successful of these programs was Operation Alpha - which used a potent combination of technology and ancient magics to turn large numbers of gay men into submissive twinks while creating an army of alpha males who sought to dominate social media channels with their powerful physiques and handsome looks, all while promoting conservative messages to the masses.
Upon discovering the project, the new administration sought to undo the damage caused, but they soon realised having dozens of fitness influencers suddenly losing their godly bodies would cause havoc. Instead, they decided to rebalance the scales. These are the stories of those involved.
Subject #1 - The Pendant - Part 1
Things had taken a turn for Clint. He had been riding the high that was the former presidency and trolling all the betas on Instagram with his insane body and even more insane conspiracy theories. Then the liberals won the election and suddenly his handler had stopped all contact.
He remembered the day he had been approached by the man dressed in black all those years ago. Back in those days, Clint wasn't much more than an internet troll with an axe to grind against a world he viewed as unfair. Clint had drawn the genetic short straw of being short and pudgy with soft facial features and a tiny 3-inch penis. During his school days he was an easy target for bullies who constantly mocked him for his unfortunate appearance. Girls hardly took one look at him and if they did, it was to point and laugh.
Malice brewed inside Clint until he found his true calling, the internet. On the internet, it didn't matter that he was a pale nobody that puberty had seemed to pass by. He could do anything he wanted. And what he wanted was to ruin the lives of others. He spent hours being the worst kind of internet troll, eventually learning that this twisted hobby turned him on.
That's when the man dressed in black took notice. He offered Clint a chance to troll on a far grander scale. Clint couldn’t resist. The man dressed in black took him in a dark SUV to a warehouse on the outskirts of town.
“What are we doing here?” huffed Clint as he climbed the stairs into the warehouse. He hardly left his computer these days, so the small amount of exercise was causing his lungs to burn. The man dressed in black remained staunchly silent. The pair rounded a corner to be greeted by the sight of dozens of muscular men, bound and gagged. ”This is where you choose the body of your dreams,” said the man dressed in black with a flourish, “All you have to do is agree to spread our message to the masses''.
The thought of upgrading from his pathetic excuse for a body was appealing for Clint, but he was skeptical. “So you give me lipo and a bunch of plastic surgery so I look like one of these queers?” he asked. “No dear boy, we have more delicate ways than that”, smirked the man dressed in black. “You see, all of these men are members of the liberal agenda. Gay men who are threatening our ideal of a muscular alpha conservative. To advance our agenda, they must be dealt with. But why let all that masculinity go to waste when we can put it to good use?”. The man dressed in black pulled out an ornate pendant with a series of wires and microchips attached to it. “Aztec kings across the ages used this necklace to humiliate their adversaries by robbing them of the very essence that made them men. With our technology, we can harness that essence and redirect it”.
Clint’s eyes lit up as he realised the potential of the situation. “All you have to do is sign this contract agreeing to advance the conservative agenda”, explained the man dressed in black as he showed Clint a document on a tablet. Clint was thrilled at the prospect as he saw it as a win win win, an incredible body, getting paid to troll online, and one less queer in the world. He immediately signed. “Wise choice, now go and choose your donor. Feel free to inspect the meat as long and as thoroughly as you like. When you’ve made your selection, simply prick your finger and smear a drop of your blood on the pendent and grab the balls of the man you desire”. “Will it hurt?” Clint asked. “In a way” smiled the man dressed in black.
Clint began to walk between the rows of men. Each man was a prime physical specimen in their own way, some slender and ripped like male models, others tall and hulking like powerlifters. Despite their impressive physiques, each had a true look of fear in their eyes. “Pussys,” Clint thought, “these queers don’t even deserve their bodies”. He came across a man with the tight athletic physique of a fitness model. Although he wasn’t the biggest man in the room, Clint admired the fine symmetrical curves of his physique, his boy next door looks, and his golden tan. Clint reached out and felt the hardness of the man’s muscles. “Shit there isn’t an ounce of fat on you!” Clint exclaimed.

The next man also caught Clint’s eye. This was a hulking beast of a man, with huge cords of muscle adorning his 6'4" frame. The man's tree trunk arms were pushed out by his insane lats and his barrel chest jutted out so far that he wouldn’t even be able to see the cobblestone bricks that made up his thick core. All of this was topped off by a huge uncut cock that was thicker than Clint’s wrist with balls the size of oranges. Clint was taken aback by the heavy stench of pure testosterone that the beast was putting off. “Hard to believe a beast like you is a faggot” Clint said as he pinched the beast's biceps. While they weren’t as hard as the fitness models, they were definitely full and powerful. While the fitness model was built for aesthetics, this man was pure strength incarnate.

“How are you getting on?” the man dressed in black asked as he came alongside Clint. “It’s between these two. The feeling of going from this to being a ripped fitness model has a bit of poetic justice to it. But the idea of dominating as a hulking brute sounds hot as fuck” Clint explained. “Well don’t take too long,” said the man dressed in black as he left Clint alone once more. Clint sat and pondered as he watched the two queers thrash and struggle as they realised what could happen to them. The beast was showing such a display of strength that Clint was scared he might be able to break free and break every bone in his pathetic body.
Clint pricked his hand and wiped a drop of his blood on the pendant which instantly turned red. He hesitantly approached the thrashing beast and hefted one of his huge nuts in his hands. Both men threw their heads back and roared as the necklace emitted a blinding light.
Clint was also good at finding loopholes. As the light faded, Clint was revealed to be standing between the two men, his arms outstretched clutching both men’s sacks. Clint began to smirk and each man screamed in pain as they began to shink, losing their muscles and strength. Suddenly Clint felt pain course through every fiber of his being. “What’s happening to me?” he whimpered. After a few moments, the pain turned into ecstasy as his system was flooded with power. He roared as his balls swelled to the size of oranges sending testosterone coursing throughout his body. His bones snapped and cracked as they thickened and lengthened. His shoulders broadened and his feet grew to a monstrous size. Slabs of muscle began to fill out his frame, the size of which matched that of the Viking, but with the hardness and symmetry of the fitness model. He moaned as his face rearranged itself into something masculine yet boy next door and his skin took on a golden tan.
Clint looked at the two men's new twink-like physiques. He squeezed their significantly smaller packages in his hands, wringing the last drop of masculinity out of their bodies. His muscles grew more vascular and his chest and arms sprouted a fine dusting of hair. Finally, his dick grew to a full 10 inches long and so thick that he couldn’t fit his new manly mitts the whole way around its girth.

Clint let go of his two donors, and using both hands began furiously rubbing the length of his throbbing shaft until he neared climax. He marveled at his new powerful physique as he approached orgasm, veins popping all over his arms as something feral took over him. As bursts of thick ropes of cum began to erupt from his cock, he pulled a most muscular pose and roared in sheer power. This is what he was born to be. A god among men. An alpha.

The man dressed in black smiled. It was always fun when someone found a loophole.
Part 2 available here
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Short Story: Come on babe
Calm down babe. What do you mean you saw a skinny guy break into the apartment on the door cam? Does it look like anyone else is here? Besides, if someone did break in, do you really think they’d be able to get past a guy as big as me? Just look at how big my arms are, I’d like to see anyone try and take me on.
Why are there candles on the floor? Ignore them, I was just tidying up. I swear babe, there’s no one else here, no need to check. And the handcuffs on the bed? They’re a gift from a friend, in case we want to do a little role-play.
So what if I’m rubbing my chest? It’s my chest, I can do what I want with it. I just love how my pecs fill out this t shirt. Just forget about it babe. I know it’s just you showing how much you care but I don’t need my twink boyfriend to protect me. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, come on, give me a hug. I know how much you like it when I wrap my arms around you like this, pulling you close to my chest, protecting you from the outside world. Yeah, I’m a bit sweaty, I had a bit of a workout just before you came home. But I know my BO drives you wild.
It feels so good when you grind against my crotch like that. The thought of ploughing your perky little ass is making me so hard babe. I love how my huge hands are so big that cover both of your perky ass cheeks. Fuck your hole looks so good. Just relax babe, I’m going to go in slow. Damn, your ass is so tight. I can’t believe you can take this monster balls deep. It's like your ass was made for my cock. Shit, you're close already? I feel like I can keep going for hours. Knowing I can give someone so much pleasure is such a turn-on. Fuck, you're cumming already, and haven't even touched your dick. I knew you’d forget about that skinny guy once I gave you something else to moan about. I know I have.

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.