betweenthelinesmtf - BetweenTheLines - Male Transformation Fiction
BetweenTheLines - Male Transformation Fiction

NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at 

49 posts

Short Story: Tourist Trap

Short Story: Tourist Trap

I knew I had to be aware of scams while I was visiting South-East Asia. But when a fellow Aussie approached me, I trusted him immediately. You just feel a special bond when you meet someone from back home while traveling in a foreign country.

He told me he had seen me on Instagram, and that he had a great photo op for me. Being recognised was all in a day's work for famous bodybuilders like myself. He explained that he had been staying in this city for a few weeks, and he had found an orphanage that needed book donations. I had heard of a scam that sounded familiar to this, but I trusted my fellow countryman. Plus I could do with a few shots for the gram that painted me as a giant with a heart of gold, rather than just another influencer taking advantage of the cheap booze and tropical weather.

The scooter groaned under my 125kg of prime bodybuilder beef, as we sped through the crowded streets, dodging between cars and alleyways. I should have realised it was strange for him to know these streets so well, but I foolishly thought nothing of it at the time.

Eventually we arrived at a rundown-looking building on the edge of the city. I followed my guide inside, noticing that there didn’t appear to be any kids in sight, just skinny local guys milling around the place. We made our way to a courtyard with a small dark pond in the center of the building. I asked my guide where the kids were and he just smiled at me.

One of the skinny local guys appeared with a mischievous grin on his face. He looked like he was in his late teens, his exposed torso thin and hairless like the rest of his body. He seemed to be undressing me with his eyes as he took in my huge hulking form. He said something excitedly in his native language and dropping his pants. What the fuck! This guy’s tiny prick was rock hard! Still smiling, the man winked at me before he dived headfirst into the murky pond between us.

I felt someone shove me from behind, causing me to crash into the pool face first. My powerful limbs tried to fight the water, but a strange current seemed to be pulling me deeper and deeper into the pool’s dark depths. Through the darkness, I could make out the local guy from before, smiling maniacally as my vision turned back.

I woke to the sound of voices yelling in the distance. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I could tell they were Aussie accents and I needed to get out of this hellhole. I ran out of the small room I had awoken in and made my way towards the voices.

Everything seemed strangely larger as I sprinted down the hallway towards the entrance. A few of the locals tried to stop me but I somehow evaded their grasp. I burst out onto the street to see my two men starting up a couple of scooters. One was the man who brought me here, but the other was my exact doppelganger!

The man laughed as he said something in a language that I couldn’t understand before flexing one of his massive biceps. As he continued talking, he ran both his huge calloused hands down his ripped torso before palming the obscene bulge at the front of his pink gym shorts. After playing with himself for a few moments, he looked back at me, his face plastered with a mischievous grin as he gave me a wink.

Suddenly a bunch of locals grabbed me from behind and dragged me back towards the building. I thrashed about, trying to break their grip before realising in horror that my body was now small and slender with a tanned skin colour that matched theirs. I watched in terror as my body sped off into the distance.

I should have been more careful.

Short Story: Tourist Trap

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf

3 years ago

Short Story: Distilled Strength

Keith was livid. Brett, a wannabe fitness model, had humiliated him by stealing the smoking hot chick that he had been chasing for months. Brett had followed Keith around the gym for his entire workout, smashing all of Keith's mediocre lifts, proving how much more of a man he was. Keith’s slim yet toned body proved to be no match for Brett's more muscular physique. It wasn’t long before his crush was hanging off Brett's muscular figure, stroking his pecs and reaching her slender hands into his shorts.

Keith had had enough. He stormed into his apartment and pulled an almost full vial of clear liquid from the back of his kitchen cupboard. He had planned to consume the liquid slowly over many months, so the changes would be gradual and less suspicious, but in his rage, he removed the cap and drank what was left in the vial. The taste of raw sweat filled his mouth as he swallowed the potent liquid. A horrible pain filled his entire body, as his veins began to pulse angrily.

After several agonising moments, waves of pleasure began to cut through the pain, causing Keith to moan in ecstasy. His feet burst from his trainers as they doubled in size providing a solid foundation to his calves which swelled bigger than most men's arms. His quads grew thick slabs of muscle, forcing him into a wide stance as they fought for space. His growing quads forced his package forward as it surged past its previous fully erect size. His balls swelled in size and began pumping an intoxicating cocktail of hormones throughout his body as his previously flat ass grew into a perky muscle shelf.

His back grew wider, pushing his arms away from his sides as his lats flared larger. His core tightened into a series of deep ridges and valleys. His chest grew outwards, forming two huge mounds of muscle that heaved with power as they pumped oxygen through his growing frame. His hands balled into tight fists as his arms exploded, the muscle bodies of his biceps growing full and hard. His shoulders swelled with size, and huge traps soared upwards causing his frame to grow wider to accommodate all the layers of thick muscle. His high-pitched moans turned into a rumbling roar as his neck grew thicker and his voice adopted a rich bass.

The bones on his face began to rearrange, causing his baby fat to give way to a strong jaw and high cheekbones that gave him model good looks. All the blemishes and scars on his skin began to fade as it adopted a healthy natural glow. The hair on his head thickened and took on a sun-kissed shine, as his pores began to emit a pheromone-filled mix that smelled of musk and coffee.

As the changes began to subside, Kieth reached one of his saucer-sized hands into his pants to feel his new cock. With one hand Keith stroked the length of his erection, while his other squeezed his nuts, precum lubing the length of his shaft. His new cock had to be at least double the length and girth of the pathetic dick that he had felt this morning. He roared as he reached orgasm, every muscle pulsing bigger one last time, as a light dusting of hair spouted across his body.

Keith explored his new hulking physique, noting that he now easily outsized Brett. In fact, he must be the biggest guy in the entire gym now. And if someone managed to surpass him, he could always just distill their essence into another vial, just like he had done with the previous top dog at the gym.

Keith pulled on a 3XL singlet and a pair of workout shorts that he had been saving for later in the year, relishing in how he filled out fabric that previously billowed off his body. Returning his attention to the vial, he noticed there was a small amount of liquid left in the vial's dropper, perfect for giving him a pre-workout boost. He squirted what was left in the dropper into his mouth, before leaving to take his rightful place as the gym alpha.

Short Story: Distilled Strength

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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2 years ago

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

Here's the next entry in my Balancing The Scales series. You don't have to read the other parts to enjoy this one, but if you want to read them in order of release, the links are below.

Teaser short stories:

What's got into you?

The Power of Three


Main Entries:

Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 1)

Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 2)

High-ranking members of the incoming government have learned of a number of top-secret military programs commissioned under the former conservative administration. These programs sought to dominate the social media narrative by creating large numbers of influencers to sway potential voters. The most successful of these programs was Operation Alpha - which used a potent combination of technology and ancient magics to turn large numbers of gay men into submissive twinks while creating an army of alpha males who sought to dominate social media channels with their powerful physiques and handsome looks, all while promoting conservative messages to the masses. 

Upon discovering the project, the new administration sought to undo the damage caused, but they soon realised having dozens of fitness influencers suddenly losing their godly bodies would cause havoc. Instead, they decided to rebalance the scales. These are the stories of those involved.  

Subject #2 - The Ring - Part 1

Ohhhhh fuuuuuuucccccckkkk! Mike smirked, this chick was practically orgasming and his cock wasn’t even halfway in yet. “You ain’t seen nothing yet babe” teased Mike and he began to slide the rest of his incredible cock into the woman’s waiting pussy, causing her to scream in ecstasy. “Fuck, so tight” he grunts as he slowly forces his cock in inch by inch. With such a massive member, Mike was used to having to take it slow while chicks got used to his size. And it’s not just Mike’s dick, everything about Mike was huge. 

Standing at an imposing 6,3, and 260 pounds of solid muscle, Mike was quite the sight to behold. Layers of thick muscle wove their way across his imposing physique, covered by a thin layer of tan skin. His powerful arms easily lifted the woman off the ground while he further impaled her on his huge dick. She squealed and moaned at the top of her lungs as he reached the base of his cock. He shuddered as the stretched pussy tightly gripped his cock, sending pleasure coursing through his veins. He paused briefly, savouring the moment. His former self could never have imagined the changes that would come to his life. The man that he would become.

Mike remembered the day he met Drew. Mike was a starry-eyed freshman moving into his new dorm room before the start of the school year. He was on the smaller side but had spent his last year of high school trying to bulk and add some mass to his small frame. The result was a decently athletic, yet slim figure. Even with his enhanced muscle tone, Mike was struggling with the bulk of his bag, its sheer size making it difficult to maneuver with his short 5 foot 3 stature.

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

After clearing the first few flights, he stopped on a landing, his t-shirt drenched in sweat. It was frankly embarrassing how much he was struggling. To his dismay he realised that he was a little over halfway up and collapsed on a nearby bench, his eyes closed. “Need a hand man?” rumbled a deep voice. Mike opened his eyes and was greeted by one of the biggest men he had ever seen. The man looked to be about his age, but he must have been a good foot taller than him. Mike’s sister would have said the man had handsome boy next door looks, but Mike was more focused on the man's wide shoulders. 

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

His round biceps flexed as they lifted a heavy box of clothing, while a bulky chest pushed the fabric on the front of his singlet forward. The black shorts that the man was wearing were struggling to contain the bulk of his legs and bubble butt. While it was clear this man was genetically gifted, he didn’t have the definition or size of a serious lifter. “I said, did you need a hand?” the guy asked again, reaching his large hand out to Mike. “Yeah sure,” Mike said, taking the man's hand and noticing how large and powerful it was compared to his own. “I’m Drew,” the man said as he effortlessly picked up Mike’s bags, flinging one over his shoulder while carrying the other under his arm. Mike was in awe of how easily the man handled the weight as if it was nothing. “I’m Mike,” Mike said as he followed Drew up the stairs, struggling to keep up with the bigger man's stride. 

“So what are you here to study man?” Drew asked as he charged up the stairs. “Business and politics,” Mike replied, short of breath. He had always felt that the combination would make him a powerful man that demanded respect one day. “Nice, I’m studying agriculture and social work myself”, Drew said, “Dad wants me to take over the farm but I want to be a youth worker helping underprivileged kids”. Mike was surprised, he thought such an imposing man like Drew would be studying business or finance, not a touchy/feely subject like social work. 

“Looks like this is me, number 56” Mike panted after they had cleared the remaining half dozen flights of stairs and stopped outside one of the rooms. “No way dude!” Drew exclaimed as he slapped Mike on the back, causing the smaller man to stumble forward, “You must be my roomie!”. 

From that day, Mike and Drew became close friends. Mike was astonished to find that Drew had never set foot in a gym before, his solid physique the result of years of hard labour on the farm. But when Mike introduced him to pumping iron, he took to it like a duck to water. With his natural strength, he began to make great strides in his physique. Not wanting to be outdone, Mike pushed himself hard in the gym to try and keep pace with the bigger man. But try as he might, he couldn’t do anything about his genetics so his efforts were mostly in vain. He would always be the smaller man.

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

Shortly after moving into the dorm, Mike was woken in the early hours of the morning to a panting sound coming from Drew’s side of the room. As his eyes adjusted to the low level of light, Mike noticed Drew’s hulking form breathing deeply, the bulging muscles in his arms tensing and flexing while an obscene tent rose in his sheets. The cock contained within the confines of those sheets must have been truly colossal to make such a huge dent in the fabric. Absent-mindedly, Mike’s hands roamed to his own dick, feeling its small thin form. Mike never had much going for him downstairs. At that moment, Drew moaned in his sleep, and a large wet spot formed at the tip of the tent. Mike’s gaze lingered on the virile man in front of him. A throb of jealousy grew inside him before he drifted off to sleep.

As the months passed by, Drew’s physique became more and more refined. His formally modest pecs began to jut further out from his chest. The chords of muscle in his forearms became more and more pronounced while his mighty biceps and triceps stretched his sleeves to breaking point. As a result of his grueling workout schedule, his body fat began to steadily decrease, accentuating his already handsome features. His core was becoming so tight that you could see the ridges of his abs through the fabric of his shirts. Throughout this incredible transformation, Drew maintained the same natural humbleness and warmth that made him popular across the campus. Combined with his godly physique he became the center of attention in every room he walked into. 

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

All this time, Mike remained by Drew's side. Whether they were at the campus gym or hanging out at one of the many campus parties, they were almost constantly in each other's presence. 

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

But as Drew’s shadow grew bigger, Mike began to become frustrated with being second fiddle. It started small at first. He told Drew he was taking up powerlifting to try and push himself, but in reality, he knew that smaller guys had an advantage in the sport, and he hoped it would be something that he had that Drew couldn't match. He also began to put on more of a macho persona. At parties, he became loud and boisterous, to the point of being obnoxious in an effort to compensate for his smaller stature. Finally, he began taking doses of steroids and hormones in an attempt to catch up with the unbelievable gains that Drew had been making. This cocktail of drugs wreaked havoc on his system, making him even more irritable and envious. Drew picked up on Mike’s gradual change in personality, but as a true friend, he made a concerted effort to perk his roommate up by encouraging him to enter a powerlifting competition. With a target to channel his angst, Mike threw himself into prep for the contest and the mood in the doom room improved. 

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

Before the boys knew it, they were nearing the end of their junior year in college. Drew’s physique had further matured and he had begun to build up a sizable following on social media. Companies were even starting to reach out to explore sponsorship deals. And for Mike, he had begun to make promising inroads into his lifts, and his performance at the state powerlifting contest looked promising. 

So promising in fact that the smaller man managed to take out the top spot for the 65kg weight class. Mike was on cloud 9. After accepting his medal he threw up his hands in triumph. He reveled in the applause. He finally had something he could be proud of. Something that he was the best at. From the crowd, Drew was the one hollering and cheering the loudest. “I’m telling you dude, you’re going to go pro” Drew said as the two posed for photos after the ceremony had ended. Mike puffed his chest out a little more than usual to try and out-angle his larger friend.

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

“Great work today boy”, the owner of the powerlifting gym said as he came over to greet the two young men. “You’ve got a bright future ahead of you”. “Thanks coach”, Mike said beaming. “Say why don’t the two of you help me pack up and I’ll take you out for a beer”, the owner said. Mike made his way over to one of the bars and began removing plates to pack them back onto the stand. A loud grunt caught his attention. He looked up to see Drew walking across the gym, carrying a fully laden barbell in each arm. Mike’s heart sank when he realised that one of those barbells was the one he had just used to break his former personal best lift, and Drew was carrying it one hand like it was nothing. “Geez big guy” explained the coach “you’ve got some freaky strength in you. Have you ever thought of trying powerlifting? You could do great things in the sport”. Mike went red with rage. In his moment of triumph, his roommate had outshone him once again. “I’ve never really thought about it,” shrugged Drew, causing the weights in his arms to effortlessly rise and fall. “Well if you ever decide to use that body to its full potential, you know where to find me,” the coach said as he slapped the larger boy on the back. Mike had heard enough, he grabbed his gym bag and stormed out of the gym.

Mike was fuming and his mind was in a dark place. His body was on autopilot as he roamed the city streets towards the campus. After walking for hours, he slumped into a park bench. It wasn’t fair. Drew had everything, the body, the looks, the whole package. And now he had to take powerlifting as well, the one thing that Mike had. The cocktail of artificial hormones and steroids coursing through his body was doing weird things to his mind. What had he done to deserve this? Why was the world so unfair? His thoughts continued to spiral.

“Tough day friend?” a voice said, snapping Mike back to reality. Mike looked up to find a man dressed in an immaculate black suit sitting next to him on the park bench. “You don’t know the half of it,” Mike said, cracking his knuckles. “Ohh I understand more than you know Mr. Jacobs” the man smiled. “How do you know my name?” Mike asked, edging away from the man nervously. “That’s not important Mr. Jacobs,” the man said very matter-of-factly. “What’s important is I have the opportunity of a lifetime for you to become so much more than you are now”. Mike listened intently.

Later that evening Mike returned to the apartment to find Drew waiting for him. “There he is, the champion himself,” Drew said standing up from his desk to welcome his buddy home. “Thanks man,” Mike said with a grin as his flatmate slapped him on the back a little too hard. “I know I’m on a diet, but I brought us some beers to celebrate,” Mike said, turning his back to Drew before handing him a freshly opened beer. “Cheers man, to the future state champ!” Drew said, holding his beer up to toast. Mike smiled as he clinked his bottle against his larger flatmates before the two men took deep swigs from their beers.

The two talked for a few minutes before Drew slumped into a chair. “Wow, that beer’s gone straight to my head,” the larger man said, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. “Yeah, that stuff works quickly and gave you triple what I usually give people to account for your size”, Mike said, the smile on his face twisting into an evil smirk. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Drew said, trying to keep focus. “That doesn’t concern you now Drew, just relax,” Mike said, quietly sipping on his beer. “What did you do to me?” Drew asked, staring helplessly at his flatmate as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “Nothing nearly as bad as you’ve done to me you queer” Mike spat. “What, how do you…” Drew started before his words failed him. “That’s right, I know you’re gay,” Mike said with venom, “What I don’t understand is how the universe decided to give a queer like you a body like that”. “You could have had any girl on this campus, but instead you’ve wasted your gift ” Mike explained. “But that’s about to change, because tonight, I’ll finally take what’s rightfully mine”. 

“Mike, no matter what you’ve done we can talk about this!” Drew said, vision still blurry. “We can talk once I’m a god”, Mike said as he approached Drew who was slumped helplessly in the chair. Mike proceeded to pull a small silver band out of his pocket. Strange etchings and a series of small microchips and wires were dotted across its surface. As he placed it on his finger, he could have sworn he felt a tingling feeling shoot through his body. “Now is the time for both of us to get what we truly deserve,” he said as he placed his hands on Drew’s temples. 

Instantly Mike felt his vision turn black and an overwhelming feeling of weightlessness overcame him as his consciousness was pulled from his body in a cloud of smoke. The smoke lingered in the air for a second before it began to enter Drew’s immobilised body. As the smoke poured into Drew, Mike began to feel the larger man’s consciousness, confused and alarmed at the sudden intruder in his mind. “Pathetic” Mike thought, as his consciousness expanded to engulf Drew’s increasingly panicked presence. After a brief struggle, Mike’s dominant consciousness forced Drew from his body. 

Victorious, Mike felt his consciousness expand to begin to fill its new host. A wave of new sensations washed over him as he took control of the larger body. He felt strong. He felt powerful. He felt complete. Mike’s eyes shot open as he sprang up from the chair where Drew had previously been sitting. His vision spun momentarily with vertigo as he struggled to adjust to his new 6 foot 3 height. His face contorted into a smug smirk that looked foreign on Drew’s formerly playful face. He looked down at his new colossal form to find his view obscured by his huge peck shelf that was straining against the fabric of his athletic hoodie. He felt hormones course through his veins, but unlike synthetic chemicals present in his old body, these felt more natural, almost primal. The feeling of strength was so fundamental to his being that he felt like he was invincible. He brought his new larger calloused hands up to the neck of the hoodie, and in a frightening display of power, ripped the thick fabric clean off, exposing his new torso in all its muscular glory.

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

Thick veins snaked up from his forearms over his swollen biceps. His colossal pecs jutted several inches away from his chest, covered in a light dusting of hair. Huge shoulders and wide lats gave his body a phenomenal presence, forcing his arms away from his torso. He traced his fingers along his new abs. While some men had thin, tight cores, his was somehow solid, powerful, and cut all at the same time. His thick fingers came to rest on the waistband of his athletic shorts which were strained in all directions by his sizable quads, perky butt, and raging hard-on. 

He gingerly peeled his shorts down exposing his new cock. Mike gasped. From that first night, he knew that Drew was packing some impressive length but he wasn’t prepared for the sheer girth of his new monster. It was easily as thick as a beer can with a huge angry vein running the length of the shaft. He gingerly placed his hands on his engorged member, mesmerised by how his much larger hands still couldn’t reach the whole way around. Having been circumcised in his former body, he marveled at the foreign sensation of pulling back his new foreskin revealing a huge mushroom head. A strong musky smell filled his nostrils. The toes of his huge feet gripped the floor as a small breeze on the head of his cock sent pleasure from his sensitive exposed glands, up his shaft, and out across his entire body. A deep moan escaped his mouth.

“What did you do to me?” Drew, now in Mike's former body, moaned as he tried to push himself off the floor. Mike smirked and swaggered over to his pathetic former body, his raging hard-on smacking against his quads as he walked, sending globs of pre-cum across the room. “I took what’s rightfully mine,” Mike taunted. “I’ll tell everyone what you did, someone will find a way to fix this” Drew said, fear in his voice as he stared up at his hulking former form. “Ohh I don’t think anyone will listen to a word you say when you’re locked up in prison” Mike said, as he placed one of his huge feet on Drew’s chest and pushed him to the ground. “You see, before I came back to the apartment I rang the police and confessed to spiking all those girls' drinks at the campus bars this year”. “You did what?”, Drew said in disbelief. “How do you think I knew how to take you down big guy”, Mike laughed, “but a queer like you deserved it”. 

Mike then began to flex his huge new biceps. “To think you wasted this”, Mike said as he watched the split peak rise and fall with each flex of his powerful arm. “You could have had any girl you wanted but you chose to be a homo,” Mike said, locking eyes with Drew, “Well there’s a new Drew Mcneil in town, and he’s never going to waste the gifts he has”. 

Mike reached down and began to stroke his raging boner with one hand while his other explored his huge new form. His breathing began to hasten, and his muscles took on a slight pink hue as they began to pump with blood. His strokes became faster and faster and a slight sheen of sweat appeared on his body. Finally, his panting turned into primal groans of pleasure as ecstasy coursed through his veins and cum spewed from the tip of his cock. Volley after volley sprayed all over Drew, who was now just a reminder of the sad life he used to lead. He had won. He was the alpha male now. And all the other pathetic men would cower before him.

Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 1)

Across town, the man dressed in black watched on intently through a series of cameras hidden throughout the apartment. Yet another successful operation. He was one step closer to his goal.

Part 2 coming soon...

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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3 years ago

Short Story: Wasted Potential

Ding! Asher paused his video game to check his phone. It was an alert from Instagram saying that one of the hulking bodybuilders he followed had a new post. Asher clicked on the notification and greeted a photo of Lukas, a European fitness influencer, trying to hawk some vegan protein powder. Asher sighed. He should have unfollowed Lukas years ago. The handsome Norseman had started out promisingly, building a solid amateur bodybuilder physique. But that all changed after his first competition when he got a new girlfriend and adopted a vegan lifestyle. In the following years, his physique diminished from one of a promising young bodybuilder to that of a toned model. Sure he was attractive, but in Asher’s eyes, Lukas had squandered the gift that he had been given by not living up to his potential.

Asher hastily typed out a Reddit post lamenting the Lukas of old and how veganism was ruining bodybuilding. Satisfied with his work, he passed out on his bed watching Netflix.

Asher awoke the next morning to a feeling of heaviness as the sun shone through a crack in the curtains. As his eyes adjusted, he realised his surroundings didn’t match those of his bedroom. From the little light in the room, he could see a bedroom in disarray. The walls were plastered with images of classic bodybuilders and workout routines. Dirty gym attire and empty protein shakers littered the floor. In the corner sat a stack of hex dumbbells and empty containers of whey protein powder. “Where the hell am I?” Asher said, the foreign tilt to his voice surprising him and he instinctively grabbed his throat. He looked down and noticed a meaty forearm where his previous flabby one used to be. As he slowly lowered his arm from his throat, his gaze followed the muscular forearm, up to a sizable bicep, with a single prominent vein running its length. “What the fuck?” he said, marveling how the arm flexed as he moved it.

He heaved himself up out of the bed and was momentarily caught off guard by a sense of vertigo. Walking slightly shakily, he crossed the room to where a large mirror hung, his foot steps heavier than normal. He gasped as he saw his reflection. Staring back at him was Lukas. But not the Lucas he was used to, Lucas at his prime in 2016. He lifted the white singlet that was hugging his body, revealing a solid six-pack followed by two square pecs.

While taking in the physique in front of him, he noticed the tip of a fat cock poking out the bottom of the gym shorts. He hastily dropped pants, his new rock cock smacking against his abs with a thud. As one hand explored his new physique, the other reached for his new package. His strokes were short and furious at first, his hands accustomed to working with a significantly smaller tool. But he slowly got used to the length of his new monster, and the strokes became longer and more sensual, his body temperature increasing in his aroused state. Precum leaked from the tip of his pulsing member as his body began to glisten with sweat. He loved the way his muscles rippled as he used both hands to pump his new cock. He marveled at the man he know was now, and dreamed of the man he would become. With one last pump, his dick erupted all over his reflection in the mirror.

Short Story: Wasted Potential


Asher had just finished his workout. His huge pecs were so pumped that the bands of his singlet were straining to contain the bulk of his chest. He pumped his arms, relishing at the feeling of blood rushing to his huge cannons. 6 years of pumping iron and fueling his body with huge amounts of protein and hormones had turned his body from an amateur bodybuilder to a hulking heavyweight.

He surveyed the gym looking for a plaything to take back to the showers. Man or woman, he wasn’t picky. When you have this much testosterone coursing through your veins, you just had to get your rocks off.

He spied a cute twink over at the reception desk. He strutted over, making sure his massive quads forced his package to strain against the front of his shorts, the outline of his cock clearly visible as it swung side to side with each step.

As Asher approached the counter, he saw the twink's nostrils flare as he was hit by the stench of Asher’s own manly scent. The twink's eyes showed a mixture of fear and lust as they darted across Asher’s hulking form, trying to sear as much of the adonis into his memory as he could.

“Protein shake?” the twink croaked as he shakily handed Asher a shaker, “on the house!”. “That’s sir to you boy”, Asher rumbled in his deep baritone. “He took a long dreg of the brown liquid before spitting in on the floor. “What is this shit?” the hulk demanded. “The latest pea protein on the market sir,” the twink said shakily, trying to avoid incurring anymore of the titan's wrath. “I don’t want none of that vegan hipster shit” Asher spat. “It’s specially formulated to promote clean muscle growth” the twink replied remembering the tagline of the product.

Asher smiled. “Do you think plants built this?” he said as he flexed one of his colossal arms, the peak swelling larger than the twink’s head. “What about these?” he said as he bounced each of his swollen pecs. “Or these?” he said as he lifted his singlet exposing his powerful core. The twink moaned as climaxed from the display of raw power in front of him. Knowing he had caused this twink to cream himself without touching him was a massive turn-on for Asher. He adjusted his stance to make room for the rapidly hardening monster between his legs. ”Meet me in the showers in 2 minutes,” Asher smirked as he turned his back on the embarrassed clerk. “It’s just too easy” he chuckled to himself as he strutted towards the locker room.

Short Story: Wasted Potential

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3 years ago

Short Story: Regifting

“Thanks so much for the shorts bro, they’re easily the best present I’ve ever received”, Doug said, as he relaxed his body by the pool. Cory couldn’t believe he had been so stupid.

Earlier in the day, his dorky flatmate Doug had surprised him with a container of expensive protein as a Christmas gift. Cory didn’t really think they were close enough to be on gift-giving terms, but not wanting to appear ungrateful, he quickly rummaged through his bag to find something to give to his skinny flatmate. Folded in the bottom of his bag was the pair of gaudy pink shorts that his father had given him for Christmas the day earlier.

Cory was the youngest of a family of hulking athletic men. He assumed that one day, his superior genetics would kick in and turn his body from a toned, athletic physique into one that was absolutely massive. It was Christmas day, and to Cory’s horror, his father had gifted him a pair of skimpy pink gym shorts. His hulking brothers acted as if it was the best present in the world, cheering and slapping him on the back with their huge hands to congratulate him on his present. But it was all lost on Cory. Why would he want some gross pair of pink shorts? Cory pulled out the shorts and threw them at Doug “Merry Christmas man, sorry I didn’t get round to wrapping them”.

“These are great!” beamed Doug as he admired the shorts, “I’ll throw them on and we can go for a swim”. Cory was relieved his deception had gone unnoticed. As Doug went to his room to get changed, Cory pulled out his phone and noticed there were dozens of confusing messages in his family group chat. Did you try them on yet? How did it feel bro? I remember when Dad gave me my stringer, it was sick! Make sure you send us an after picture big guy! “What are they on about?“ he said to himself as he scrolled through the chat.

The sound of heavy footsteps pulled his attention away from his phone. Had someone broken into the apartment? He rounded the corner to smack face-first into a pair of meaty pecs. Dazed, he looked up to find a smirk on Doug’s goofy face. Wait, why was he looking up? His view shifted down to see that Doug’s head was attached to a wide neck, flanked by impossibly thick traps and shoulders. Moving down, a huge chest and lats forced massive arms away from a ripped torso, each brick hard and clearly defined. Meaty thighs tightly filled out the pink pair of gym shorts, exposing the outline of a sizable bulge, the tip of which poked out one of the leg holes. Thick calves and huge feet rounded out the colossal figure in front of him.

“Cory, Cory!”. Doug snapped back to the present, greeted by the sight of Doug flexing his traps on the side of the pool. “As I was saying, it turns out that chick from the apartment across from ours is a real size queen, just seeing my package made her so wet, she practically slipped over as she dragged me into the pool shed!” Doug laughed, causing his pecs to bounce and flex. Cory still couldn't believe what happened. “Hey bro, I think I’m going to need that protein back”, Doug rumbled in his deep baritone “it was a gift from my sister, and it feels bad to regift a present from family!”

Short Story: Regifting

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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3 years ago

Short Story: Break In

Heath was pissed. He was driving home from a Tinder fling’s house when he saw a dark figure outside the door to his home gym. “Someone's trying to rob me,” he thought as he pulled his pickup truck into the driveway. The dark figure seemed unperturbed by the disturbance and continued to work at the lock of the heavy door. “Let’s treat this guy fucker a lesson,” Heath groaned as he hauled his muscular frame out of his truck. Any sane man would know not to mess with Heath. Heath had dedicated most of his life to the gym, resulting in a strong, powerful physique, part bodybuilder, part strongman. “Oi you!” he yelled as he charged towards the dark figure.

As Heath closed in, the door popped open, bathing the figure in light from inside. Heath barely managed to make out a slender teen, with boyish, delicate features before he disappeared inside his home gym, slamming the door behind him. “What’s he after?” Heath thought to himself as he tore open the door and charged into his gym.

Heath's eyes took a few moments to adjust to the light before he managed to make out the slender teen rounding the corner to the shelves where he kept his numerous bodybuilding and power-lifting trophies. “I’ve got you now runt!” Heath roared. The boy had cornered himself with nowhere to go. A subtle golden glow and the smell of black pepper appeared from the corner that the boy had just disappeared behind. “What the fuck?” Heath cursed.

As he crossed the gym floor, Heath felt a wave of weakness overcome him. With each step, his footsteps became lighter as the muscles he had worked so hard to craft melted away. He slouched as he lost inches of height and his bones thinned. He unknowingly stepped out of his enormous flip-flops as his feet shrank, their petite size no longer able to deal with the large footwear. His thick body hair fell from his body while his hefty balls shrank and pulled themselves up closer to his body. Finally, his sizable bulge shrank to what could only be described as an embarrassment that would never please a woman again.

As Heath rounded the corner, he was hit with the powerful aroma of musk and black pepper. The mountain of a man that stood before him tore the remains of a tattered hoodie off his torso, revealing a powerful hair-covered physique. “Who are you and what are you doing in my gym?” Heath squeaked, surprised by his higher voice. “I think you mean my gym runt,” the giant smirked as he clenched his fists and watched the veins in his meaty forearms swell with power. Heath gulped as a weird feeling overcame him. It was a feeling that he had never felt before. The feeling of being completely inferior to another man.

Short Story: Break In

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