beuniq - Be Uniq , Be Cinematic
Be Uniq , Be Cinematic

Movies, Music and TV (long posts)

39 posts

My Problem With All Female Remakes

My Problem with All Female Remakes

I'm a believer in representation and I think that's incredible important that people can see themselves portrayed in the media however I disagree with seperating the different types of people to thier own specific media.

All female remakes are the prime example of this as insted of making it so that men and women are on the stage they create the same inbalance just reversing the genders who have power. This isn't setting a positive example for the future of film but the complete opposite.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

I have more of a problem with the remake aspect then the all female part, this is because it shows Hollywoods like of originality and lack of faith in actresses. Lack of originality is shown as writers can't think of new original characters which could be female that insted they have too just use other peoples. The lack of faith is shown by the belief that these films would only be successful if they have a previous brand name attached to it. The problem is we already know this is not true as we've had Bridesmaids, Bad Moms and Girls Trip which all disprove this ideology.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

When we hear all female remake we think of the newest incarnation of Ghostbusters and Oceans Eight. My biggest problem with these two films is they are of films which didn't need a remake or sequel. Insted of using this fresh idea to improve a C rated movie they apply it to A rated movies with large fanbases. This only feuls hate to the films and make people go in with a biased mindset as they have expectations and prejudices set up by the original movies.

My Problem With All Female Remakes

Rather then undercutting all these incredible actresses and properties Hollywood should make original properties which can showcase the women in thier glory whilst not making them the enemy to men.

  • platypieispresent
    platypieispresent liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Beuniq

7 years ago
Call Me By Your Name (2017) Alternative Posters
Call Me By Your Name (2017) Alternative Posters
Call Me By Your Name (2017) Alternative Posters
Call Me By Your Name (2017) Alternative Posters

Call Me By Your Name (2017) alternative posters

7 years ago

me waiting for all the awards that call me by your name and the cast deserve

Me Waiting For All The Awards That Call Me By Your Name And The Cast Deserve
7 years ago

Solo's Suffering

Solo is the newest movie comimg out from the star wars/disney system whilst it isn't the first non episode movie for the franchise it is breaking a lot of new ground.

Solo's Suffering

Solo is focusing on one titular character which we have come to know so well throughout the episodes. Han Solo is alot of people's favourite character and to reinterpret him will naturally upset and offended some people because he won't be portrayed the way everyone wants him to be.

Not only is their a problem with fans reactions but also Alden Ehrenreich has both the honour and burden of the character cemented in Harrison Fords legacy. We have become so use to associating the character with Harrison that to see a new face take over will take a lot of great acting and script writing to convince us this younger actor is the same Han Solo from episodes 4,5 & 6.

Solo's Suffering

Then there is an issue of release date Solo abandons a now tradition for Star Wars which is having a December release. By ditching this month for May Solo faces more competition as May is in the mayhem which is the summer movie season. Of course diehard fans will still go regardless of a date but the average movie goer can often only afford one movie a month in the cinema. In May you have Avengers: Infinity War , Deadpool 2 and then there's Solo.

Solo's Suffering

Lastly you have the problem with directors, now an infamous issue in which Kathleen Kennedy fired Phil Lord and Chris Miller and insted instated Ron Howard to take over the project. This will naturally give the film two different feelings as we are seeing the film through two (or shall I say three) people's eyes. Obviously there is the example of Josh Trank being fired from Rouge One and Garreth Edwards taking over however the difference in that situation is that Rouge One was a story already told just without the visuals, it was building on something pre-established whilst Solo is doing something new. This change naturally brings out trepidation as we have seen directors taking over projects from other directors fail before. We've seen this in Justice League, A.I and Bad Girls each has it's own set of circumstances but some would say the same outcome.

Solo's Suffering

All of these points have definitely hurt Solo in some form in the end they might have just enhanced the film but to see that we will have to wait till May.

Solo's Suffering

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5 years ago

Why I already love the joker movie

This is based on the trailer alone and I am well aware of the fact that the real movie could be garbage.

Why I Already Love The Joker Movie

The movie is so clearly inspired by iconic films of the 70s like all of Martin Scorsese work (Taxi driver) which is interesting because at one point he was in talks to direct this movie. The directing and cinematography looks absolutely beautiful. The way the music swelled when the joker was running down the tunnel was beyond beautiful. The pilled up trash by the dinner showing how disgusting Gotham is but also a reflection of the jokers inner mind and feelings. I was truely surprised when I recalled that Todd Philips us directing considering his previous body of work (Hangover, Due Date, War Dogs) this comes right out of left field and does so in the greatest way.

Why I Already Love The Joker Movie

All the lines said in the trailer were so powerful particular what the joker writes in his notebook "The worst thing about having mental health is having to pretend that you don't" which speaks to a discrimination that still exists in society today. Joaquin Phoenix truly comes across as someone who has zero control because of his own illness and the world's treatment of him, as shown by him getting beaten up numerous of times. Gotham makes joker into a villian just how it made Batman in the hero it deserves it got the villian it deserves with the joker. Also I hope that little boy is Bruce Wayne.

Why I Already Love The Joker Movie

I was very much reminded of movies like American Pyscho, Nightcrawler not from a stylistic perspective but when it comes to analysing these horrible evil people and seeing inside their minds, thier perspective. This idea of hearing a mask, forcing a smile because the joker cannot smile himself is an incredible idea and what makes the arc of the trailer alone where in the final shot he finally smiles.

Why I Already Love The Joker Movie

The tragedy of the everyman as popularized by Death of A salesmen is taken to the full extreme here and I cannot wait to see how it plays out. Especially is they do the infamous talk show scene from the dark knight returns plus it was a good nod to the 70s by having Robert de niro be the host. I have many many thoughts on this trailer that I could spend hours typing away but all in all I am very excited for this film and cannot wait to see it opening night.

Ps - Heath Ledger did an amazing performance as the joker as did Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill and there can be many actors who give different performances so don't just not like this movie because Heath Ledgers joker is the only joker because that is simply not true and you could be missing out on another great joker performance.

Why I Already Love The Joker Movie

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7 years ago

Why Call Me By Your Name is my favourite movie of 2017

A bit late I know but any excuse to gush about this movie I will take. It was upon my second viewing of the film when I realised that this movie had become my number one. For some this my not be a hard fleet but for me, who watches nearly all the movies released from indie to blockbuster, comic book to Oscar bait, this is a massive feet especially since I watched it so late in the year. Typically my favourite movies are those which move me so deeply or ones which question my belief system. Whilst Call Me By Your Name didn't overly push my beliefs it did help me come to terms with myself but it did also shake me to my very core.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

The film isn't a GAY love story it's just a love story which happens to be between two men. In reality it could be anyone in Elios or Olivers shoes and that's part of the films beauty. The fact that it's a relationship which we all long for, such a heart warming and passionate love.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

Whilst the film could have easily been cinematic porn Luca Guadagnino directing makes it so every sexual encounter is tender, endearing and captivating. A clear example of this is when the two have sex for the first time rather then showing the act we pan to a beautiful elegant tree. This single tree for me symbolizes Elios and Olivers relationship so perfectly.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

The only really sexual scene we get is the 'infamous' peach scene. An simplistic way to describe the scene would be, a horny teen masturbates with a peach and then his boyfriend eats it. Such a simple description can cause such a massive misunderstanding leading people to believe it is a lewd scene when in fact it's incredible artistic and well done. It would have been incredibly easy to ruin the entire film if this one scene was done wrong by the impeccable directing and acting gives it a gravitas. Through this moment we are given the chance to see Elio explore himself and his desires but after all is done and Oliver enters we seen an escalation plus an in sight into how Elios mind works. It evloves from lust, comedy, disgust, humiliation, fear and sadness.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

This movie is able to reach its glory through its soundtrack, instantly after I watched it I bought the album because the music was not only that good but that instrumental to the film. Obviously the two songs that are thought of are Sufjan Stevens "Mystery of Love" and "Visions of Gideon". Both the melody and the lyrics of the songs fit the film so perfectly and if "Visions of Gideon" doesn't haunt you after watching that ending then I do not understand you as a person. It perfectly captures all of the saddness and sorrow that Elio is feeling while "Mystery of Love" captures the journey of discovery he is on.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

We can't talk about this film and not mention the acting, the star Timothée Chalamet. This movie has put him on the map and on a very long and prosperous road to stardom. The character of Elio could have come across as unsympathetic due to his vast intellect and stand offish nature however both Timothée and the screenplay writer James Ivory make us see his vulnerabilities and relatability through nuances and his teen tendencies. Timothée was incredible through out the movie but my part of his acting was at the end during that phone call and fireplace sequence where we see him start to digest what he has learnt causing him to break. When he repeats "Elio" to Oliver on the phone the way he changes his voice with each utter of the word is able to broadcast his emotions but invoke yours as well. Then at the fireplace he does something completely different by saying nothing which says everything. Simply using his body language and his tears to convey such pain was absolutely incredible but heart breaking to watch.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

Armie Hammer. Oliver. This man is not getting enough credit for his performance sure he doesn't have as much screen time as Elio but that doesn't mean he isn't as important and that his role should be overlooked. Armie had a very tough job of portraying someone who we had to be charmed by but also not know very much about. Whilst on the surface it may seem like an easy role the layers of this character are plentiful and Armie peels away at them all. It's slight moments like him crying when he looks at Elio that give us in sight into the depth of his love. There is also his guarded side which we see by him not making an obvious first move and constantly fearing for Elio. Then there is insecurity we see after there first time at the lake. By we get to the end we are still completely charmed by him we don't hate him for leaving and not staying with Elio because there is hope, then all that hope is destroyed making us and Elio simultaneously realise how little we knew Oliver. Despite this bombshell we still can't hate Oliver as even in this moment of pain we can understand his reasoning.

Why Call Me By Your Name Is My Favourite Movie Of 2017

My final point (surprisingly) is the cinematography which gives such an aesthetic. It makes you want to fly to Italy right away because it's that beautiful. The imagery reflects there relationship and enhances the films enchanting aesthetic. This is also why Call Me By Your Name is one of the most eye pleasing films.

All in all I am completely enamoured by this film and believe it deserves all the acclaim and love in the world. Thank you for reading ♡

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